Strawberry Shortcake Moonlight Mysteries Strawberry Shortcake Moonlight Mysteries E021 Baby Takes the Cake

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 *musique*
00:02 *musique*
00:04 *musique*
00:06 ♪ And there is no one sweeter She's got that special touch ♪
00:10 ♪ Best friend in the world And when you get to meet her ♪
00:15 ♪ You'll love her very much ♪
00:17 ♪ Goodbye, don't mention the touch ♪
00:19 ♪ She's cool, she's fun She'll lead the way ♪
00:22 ♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪
00:25 ♪ That girl's so sweet Just like her name ♪
00:29 ♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪
00:35 ♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪
00:38 ♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪
00:42 ♪ That girl's so sweet Just like her name ♪
00:46 ♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪
00:50 [musique douce]
01:03 [rugissement]
01:05 Patience, Pupcake, patience.
01:07 They'll drop some food sooner or later.
01:08 When they do, it's ours.
01:11 On your right, coming through.
01:13 Watch your back.
01:14 Strawberry, strawberry.
01:16 Oh, whoa!
01:19 [cries]
01:20 [soupir]
01:21 Whoa, think you got enough boxes of cookies there,
01:24 Strawberry Shortcake?
01:25 Well, yeah, I think so.
01:26 All fresh and home-baked.
01:28 Strawberry!
01:29 Whoa!
01:30 Oh, no!
01:32 Bravo!
01:33 Again!
01:34 [rire]
01:36 Oh, Apple Dumplin'.
01:38 Sorry.
01:39 Now some of these cookies are ruined.
01:42 What do you want, Apple Dumplin'?
01:44 I want to help Strawberry.
01:45 Oh, well, no, I don't think so, Apple Dumplin'.
01:49 Oh, please.
01:51 You're a little too little, you know.
01:58 Why don't you sit and watch us cook, okay?
02:01 Okay.
02:03 [grunts]
02:06 [inhales]
02:08 We can show you all about cooking.
02:10 How's that sound?
02:11 All right, Strawberry.
02:14 First, we'll start with some very important
02:16 kitchen safety rules.
02:17 Number one, and most very important of all,
02:20 always ask a grown-up before you do anything in the kitchen.
02:24 Next, be sure to read through the whole recipe
02:27 before you start, so you can make sure
02:29 you have all the ingredients and all the supplies
02:31 you need.
02:32 And be sure to wash your hands with soap and water
02:34 before you touch the food.
02:36 When you measure the ingredients,
02:37 be sure to do it very carefully.
02:39 Always follow each and every step of the recipe.
02:43 Wash all fruits and vegetables before you use them.
02:46 Be careful, 'cause some foods, like meat and chicken and eggs,
02:50 can have germs on them.
02:52 Use different knives and cutting boards
02:53 when you're fixing these.
02:55 And wash your hands when you're done fixing them.
02:57 You gotta remember to keep cold foods cold
03:00 and hot foods hot.
03:02 That keeps germs from growing.
03:04 If there's leftover food, cover it
03:06 and store it in the refrigerator or freezer.
03:09 Always wear the right clothes, like shoes and an apron.
03:13 If you have on long sleeves, push 'em up.
03:16 Oh, and make sure your hair's out of the way.
03:19 Never try to put anything in the oven
03:21 without an adult's help.
03:23 Hot food in the oven and the stove
03:25 can cause very painful burns,
03:27 so we use oven mitts or pot holders to protect our hands.
03:31 Turn the handles of pots and pans away from you
03:33 so you don't accidentally knock 'em over.
03:36 And make sure those handles aren't over a burner.
03:38 They can get very hot!
03:41 And clean up as you go.
03:43 It's much easier and much safer that way.
03:47 And now, if everybody's ready...
03:50 Ready!
03:50 Let's wash our hands and get going!
03:56 Qu'est-ce qu'on fait, Starby Sharky?
03:58 Qu'est-ce qu'on fait d'abord?
03:59 Eh bien, on...
04:01 Maintenant, je vous aide!
04:02 Je ne pense pas que vous êtes prête.
04:05 Appledumpen veut apprendre!
04:07 Eh bien, peut-être que vous pouvez aider un peu.
04:12 Vous pouvez aider...
04:14 Je sais, vous pouvez aider
04:16 en prenant le papier de verre, OK?
04:19 Il nous faut juste assez pour couvrir ce bol.
04:24 - Uh-oh! - Je l'ai, je l'ai!
04:27 - Pas ça! - Attention!
04:29 - Prends-le! - Ouais!
04:30 - J'ai presque eu le bol! - Je l'ai!
04:33 - Là, c'est bon! - Oups!
04:35 C'est assez?
04:39 Oui, je pense que c'est assez, Appledumpen.
04:42 Oh, Dumplen, regarde ce boulot que tu as fait!
04:45 - Toi! - Quoi?
04:49 Oh...
04:50 Désolée.
04:51 Je pense que c'est assez, Starby Sharky.
04:54 Mais je...
04:55 Peut-être que c'est mieux si tu regardais, Appledumpen.
04:58 Je veux aider!
04:59 Pourquoi ne pas trouver un endroit où tu ne t'en tromperas pas?
05:02 Mais...
05:03 Oui, peut-être que tu devrais te reposer, hein?
05:04 Ce n'est pas à l'heure du repos?
05:05 Mais je ne suis pas douce!
05:07 Peut-être que tu devrais t'attendre là-bas, Appledumpen.
05:09 Tu sais, travailler dans la cuisine peut être dangereux.
05:12 Oui, ce n'est pas un travail pour les bébés.
05:15 Angel Cake?
05:16 Appledumpen, pas un bébé!
05:21 [Gémissements]
05:24 Il y a beaucoup de choses que je peux faire.
05:25 Si ils m'ont laissé faire...
05:27 Je ne suis pas...
05:29 [Soupir]
05:31 Oh, bébé...
05:33 [Musique]
05:36 [Musique]
05:38 ♪ I'm not too little ♪
05:40 ♪ I'm not, I'm not ♪
05:42 ♪ They think I'm little ♪
05:43 ♪ Just a tiny tot ♪
05:45 ♪ But I'll show them that I'm not too small ♪
05:47 ♪ And I can do any, any, anything at all ♪
05:49 ♪ 'Cause I'm not little, not too little ♪
05:51 ♪ Oh no, I'm not ♪
05:53 ♪ Watch how I can tie my shoes ♪
05:55 ♪ Wait, I'll try again ♪
05:57 ♪ I know how to count to ten ♪
05:58 ♪ One, five, nine, six, ten ♪
06:00 ♪ I do lots of big girl things ♪
06:02 ♪ Like run and jump and play ♪
06:04 ♪ It's plain to see ♪
06:05 ♪ I'm practically grown up in every way ♪
06:08 ♪ I'm not too little ♪
06:09 ♪ I'm not, I'm not ♪
06:11 ♪ I wish they'd trust me to stir the pot ♪
06:14 ♪ 'Cause I'd show them that I'm not too small ♪
06:16 ♪ And I can do any, any, anything at all ♪
06:19 ♪ 'Cause I'm not little, not too little ♪
06:21 ♪ Oh no, I'm not ♪
06:23 ♪ Watch how I can tie my shoes ♪
06:25 ♪ Wait, I'll try again ♪
06:26 ♪ I'm not too small ♪
06:28 ♪ And I can do any, any, anything at all ♪
06:30 ♪ 'Cause I'm not little, not too little ♪
06:32 ♪ Oh no, I'm not ♪
06:34 ♪ Watch how I can tie my shoes ♪
06:36 ♪ Wait, I'll try again ♪
06:37 ♪ I'm not too small ♪
06:39 ♪ I'm not, I'm not ♪
06:40 ♪ Watch how I can tie my shoes ♪
06:42 ♪ Wait, I'll try again ♪
06:44 ♪ I'm not too small ♪
06:46 ♪ I'm not, I'm not ♪
06:47 ♪ Watch how I can tie my shoes ♪
06:49 ♪ Wait, I'll try again ♪
06:51 ♪ I'm not too small ♪
06:53 ♪ I'm not too little ♪
06:54 ♪ Oh no, I'm not ♪
06:56 ♪ I can pick out my own clothes myself ♪
06:58 ♪ I can wiggle my own toes myself ♪
07:00 ♪ I can climb up on the couch myself ♪
07:02 ♪ Make the pillows like a kangaroo's pouch myself ♪
07:04 ♪ Then I can crawl inside myself ♪
07:06 ♪ And close my eyes and hide myself ♪
07:08 ♪ And dream of things to be tried myself ♪
07:10 ♪ I'm not too little ♪
07:11 ♪ Not too little ♪
07:13 ♪ Oh no, I'm not ♪
07:16 ♪ ♪
07:19 (soupir)
07:21 (soupir)
07:23 (gémissement)
07:25 (soupir)
07:27 (soupir)
07:29 (soupir)
07:31 (clic)
07:33 - Look, Strawberry!
07:35 I'm a big girl too!
07:37 (enchanté chants)
07:38 (rires)
07:40 (enchanté chants)
07:42 - Where did these babies come from?
07:45 Strawberry!
07:47 Come look!
07:48 (enchanté chants)
07:51 Oh, little baby!
07:53 Are you Strawberry?
07:54 (rires)
07:56 (enchanté chants)
07:58 Oh, Strawberry, it is you!
08:00 (enchanté chants)
08:01 What am I gonna do?
08:03 Who will take care of these babies?
08:05 Gotta think, gotta think, gotta think.
08:09 Well, I guess Apple Dumpling will take care of the babies.
08:13 Apple Dumpling's big now!
08:15 (soupir)
08:16 That's right! Apple Dumpling's the big kid now!
08:19 And you babies are little!
08:21 (enchanté chants)
08:23 Now, you do like Dumpling says, okay, Orange Blossom?
08:26 (rires)
08:28 And Dumpling does not need a nap.
08:31 Isn't that right, Ginger Snap?
08:33 (enchanté chants)
08:35 And now we will bake a cake, okay?
08:38 (enchanté chants)
08:41 Okay, we'll bake a cake.
08:43 First, we need...
08:45 Mmm, berries!
08:47 (sniff)
08:48 That smells good, hmm!
08:49 Eww!
08:51 No, that doesn't smell good.
08:53 That doesn't smell good at all!
08:55 (enchanté chants)
08:57 Baby Ginger Snap, is that you?
09:00 (sniff)
09:01 Oh! Baby Ginger Snap!
09:04 Yuck!
09:05 Baby Ginger Snap, you go change that diaper right now!
09:09 (enchanté chants)
09:13 Oh, Baby Ginger Snap, Apple Dumpling will help you.
09:16 (enchanté chants)
09:18 Please, Baby Ginger Snap, don't ever do that again!
09:21 Okay, now we'll bake a cake!
09:23 (enchanté chants)
09:24 Oh no! The babies!
09:26 (enchanté chants)
09:28 (enchanté chants)
09:31 (enchanté chants)
09:32 (enchanté chants)
09:35 (enchanté chants)
09:37 (enchanté chants)
09:39 (enchanté chants)
09:41 Baby! You stop that right now!
09:44 (enchanté chants)
09:45 Put that down, Baby Strawberry!
09:47 (enchanté chants)
09:49 (enchanté chants)
09:51 Messy Baby Angel Cake!
09:53 (enchanté chants)
09:55 (enchanté chants)
09:57 No, no, Baby Orange Blossom!
09:58 (enchanté chants)
10:00 Oh, that's not very helpful, Baby Ginger Snap!
10:02 Come on, time to cook!
10:04 Now, very first of all...
10:07 (enchanté chants)
10:09 Baby Strawberry, don't eat off the floor!
10:12 (enchanté chants)
10:14 (enchanté chants)
10:16 (enchanté chants)
10:18 (enchanté chants)
10:20 It's all right, Baby Angel Cake!
10:22 (enchanté chants)
10:24 Baby Ginger, where's Baby Orange Blossom?
10:27 (enchanté chants)
10:29 (enchanté chants)
10:30 Oh no! Baby Orange Blossom, where are you?
10:35 Baby Orange Blossom!
10:37 (enchanté chants)
10:39 Baby Orange Blossom, put down that hose!
10:41 (enchanté chants)
10:43 No, Baby Orange Blossom, do not turn that on!
10:46 No, Baby Orange Blossom!
10:48 (enchanté chants)
10:49 Okay, okay, okay!
10:51 The flowers have plenty of water now!
10:53 (enchanté chants)
10:55 (enchanté chants)
10:57 (enchanté chants)
10:59 (enchanté chants)
11:01 (enchanté chants)
11:03 (enchanté chants)
11:05 What is going on in here?
11:07 (coup de feu)
11:09 (cri)
11:10 (cri)
11:12 (cri)
11:13 Uh-oh!
11:14 Uh-oh!
11:16 That's it!
11:17 No more, no more, no more!
11:20 You babies cannot help Apple Tumplin!
11:23 (sanglots)
11:25 (sanglots)
11:27 (sanglots)
11:29 (sanglots)
11:31 (sanglots)
11:33 (sanglots)
11:34 Babies, stop it now!
11:36 (cris)
11:37 (cris)
11:39 (cris)
11:41 Please, no more!
11:43 Babies, please!
11:45 (cris)
11:47 (cris)
11:49 (cris)
11:51 (cris)
11:53 (musique douce)
11:54 Thank you, babies!
11:56 How about you watch Apple Tumplin cook?
11:58 (chimes)
12:00 That's much, much better!
12:01 Someday you can cook too,
12:03 when you're big, like me!
12:04 (musique douce)
12:07 You're a little too little,
12:08 not big like me!
12:10 Just a little bit little,
12:11 but I guarantee
12:12 that one day you'll be big and tall!
12:15 And you'll have no cares at all!
12:17 Like me!
12:19 Like me!
12:20 When you're big like me!
12:22 (chimes)
12:24 You're just an itty-too-bitty,
12:25 don't reach too high!
12:27 But it isn't a pity,
12:28 and I'll tell you why!
12:29 Soon you'll reach the tallest shelf,
12:31 just like I do now by myself!
12:35 You'll see!
12:36 You'll see!
12:38 When you're big like me!
12:40 And won't that be a lovely day to see?
12:45 That day when you're all big and tall like me!
12:50 When no one will tell you what to do!
12:55 'Cause you'll be the only boss of you!
13:01 (chimes)
13:02 So one day you'll be grown up,
13:04 yes sirree!
13:04 Until then you must wait very patiently!
13:07 When you'll run and jump and play!
13:09 A grown up girl in every way!
13:12 Like me!
13:13 Like me!
13:15 You'll be just like me!
13:19 When you're big like me!
13:21 (chimes)
13:23 Now I put in baking powder.
13:25 Baking powder will make the cake get big!
13:27 Ooopsie!
13:29 Baby strawberries!
13:31 (squeals)
13:33 Please be careful!
13:34 Okay.
13:36 Hmm, where was I?
13:38 Oh yes!
13:39 Put in baking powder to make the cake get big!
13:43 Baby orange blossom!
13:45 Oh, please be careful!
13:47 Okay!
13:49 Now, where was apple dumpling?
13:51 Oh!
13:52 Baking powder to make the cake get big!
13:55 (spray)
13:57 I put in a little more, to be sure.
13:59 There, that will do it!
14:00 I've got my oven mitts on.
14:02 In goes the cake!
14:03 There!
14:04 (slurp)
14:05 (baby talk)
14:08 (baby cries)
14:12 Oh, babies!
14:14 (baby cries)
14:18 You babies must be very tired!
14:21 You need a nap!
14:23 (chimes)
14:25 Okay babies, go to sleep now!
14:28 Uh-uh!
14:29 No way!
14:30 Uh-uh!
14:31 Forget it!
14:32 Oh!
14:33 Will you babies sleep if I read you a story?
14:36 (chimes)
14:37 (chimes)
14:38 (chimes)
14:41 Okay!
14:42 Now, once upon a time...
14:45 (snoring)
14:51 Reading a story always works for babies!
14:53 (snoring)
14:58 (yawn)
15:00 Once upon a time...
15:02 (yawn)
15:03 (snoring)
15:10 (crash)
15:11 (sizzling)
15:18 What's wrong, baby strawberry?
15:21 (snoring)
15:26 (gasp)
15:27 Are you okay, baby ginger snap?
15:30 (snoring)
15:35 Go to sleep, baby...
15:37 Oh no!
15:39 Babies, wake up!
15:40 Babies!
15:41 (chimes)
15:43 Hurry! Hurry!
15:44 We gotta go!
15:45 (chimes)
15:47 (chimes)
15:51 Every baby okay?
15:53 Huh?
15:54 Yeah?
15:55 (chimes)
15:59 (cris)
16:03 This way, babies!
16:05 (cris)
16:09 Apple Duckling will save you!
16:11 Apple Duckling could...
16:14 Yes! Apple Duckling knows just what to do!
16:17 Apple Duckling will yell for...
16:19 Help!
16:23 Help!
16:25 Oh, this is terrible!
16:28 This is awful! This is...
16:30 (sniff)
16:31 What is that stinky smell?
16:33 (sniff)
16:35 (sniff)
16:36 Oh, baby ginger snap, not again!
16:40 Help!
16:41 Apple Duckling! Apple Duckling, what is it?
16:44 What's the matter?
16:46 Strawberry!
16:48 Strawberry pickle!
16:50 What's going on? Huh? Strawberry shortcake?
16:52 We heard a scream!
16:53 Is everything alright?
16:54 Did you have a bad dream, Apple Duckling?
16:56 Apple Duckling, you're not okay!
16:58 You're not okay!
16:59 I'm not okay!
17:00 You're not okay!
17:01 You're not okay!
17:02 You're not okay!
17:03 You're not okay!
17:04 You're not okay!
17:05 You're not okay!
17:06 You're not okay!
17:07 You're not okay!
17:08 You're not okay!
17:09 You're not okay!
17:10 You're not okay!
17:11 You're not okay!
17:12 You're not okay!
17:13 You're not okay!
17:14 You're not okay!
17:15 You're not okay!
17:16 You're not okay!
17:17 You're not okay!
17:18 You're not okay!
17:19 You're not okay!
17:20 You're not okay!
17:21 You're not okay!
17:22 You're not okay!
17:23 You're not okay!
17:24 You're not okay!
17:25 You're not okay!
17:26 You're not okay!
17:27 You're not okay!
17:28 You're not okay!
17:29 You're not okay!
17:30 You're not okay!
17:31 You're not okay!
17:32 You're not okay!
17:33 You're not okay!
17:34 You're not okay!
17:35 You're not okay!
17:36 You're not okay!
17:37 You're not okay!
17:38 You're not okay!
17:39 You're not okay!
17:40 You're not okay!
17:41 You're not okay!
17:42 You're not okay!
17:43 You're not okay!
17:44 You're not okay!
17:45 You're not okay!
17:46 You're not okay!
17:47 You're not okay!
17:48 You're not okay!
17:49 You're not okay!
17:50 You're not okay!
17:51 You're not okay!
17:52 You're not okay!
17:53 You're not okay!
17:54 You're not okay!
17:55 Maintenant, on utilise de l'acier.
17:57 On l'a laissé seuls un moment, donc il est un peu moche.
17:59 On ajoute une pincée sur chaque pâtisserie.
18:01 Comme ça.
18:02 Ensuite, on ajoute une autre pâtisserie.
18:04 De l'avant à l'arrière, sur chaque pâtisserie.
18:06 Et on les presse ensemble.
18:07 Ensuite, on couvre tout avec du papier en plastique.
18:10 Et on les met au réfrigérateur jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient bons et froids de nouveau.
18:13 Environ deux heures.
18:14 Voici des que nous avons déjà faites.
18:16 Maintenant, qu'est-ce qu'on fait ?
18:19 Eh bien, maintenant...
18:21 On les mange !
18:22 Miam !
18:23 Voici un gâteau d'apple.
18:25 Miam, miam, miam, miam, miam, miam.
18:27 Merci, merci, je n'ai pas besoin de le faire.
18:28 Mmh, ça a l'air délicieux.
18:30 Mon préféré.
18:31 Je ne peux pas croire que ça ne s'est pas cassé.
18:33 Oh, non.
18:35 Non, mais j'ai trouvé un petit déjeuner spécial pour toi.
18:39 Je savais que tu n'oublierais pas une strawberry.
18:41 [Rire]
18:44 [Rire]
18:45 *musique*
