Man jumps out of car just before it got hit by train

  • 4 months ago
Police are investigating after a Tasmanian man jumped out of his car at a level crossing, narrowly avoiding being hit by a train.


00:00 This morning a very, very close escape. A man was on the train tracks in his car, managed
00:08 to jump out of the car just before a train came and pushed it 60 metres along the train
00:15 tracks. Police are saying the man had tried to avoid an obstacle in the road and got stuck
00:21 on the tracks but managed to escape in time. There was two people in the cab of the train
00:27 and it being Tasmania and very dark at 6 o'clock in the morning, they of course weren't sure
00:32 if the person had got out or not. But the good news is he did escape. Those two people
00:39 are at the end of their shift and have gone home and are being supported. And Tasrail
00:44 is pushing a safety message to motorists around the place. Please stay alert and pay attention
00:52 to the signs and the level crossing signs in Tasmania. We have a lot of level crossings
00:56 here. Police are also saying however the line markings on the road are fairly faint and
01:03 it is something that happens fairly frequently in this region, although thankfully no tragic
01:09 incidents as yet on this crossing.
