Nelly & Nora Nelly & Nora E051 Lunar Eclipzzz

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 [musique]
00:03 [rire]
00:04 Lily! Oh, Nora!
00:06 [rire]
00:07 Tada!
00:08 [musique]
00:12 Ok, come on, come on! Everyone ready to go!
00:14 Where's Nora?
00:15 Nora! Nora! Nora!
00:19 [rire]
00:21 We're gonna need lots of blankets waiting for the...
00:24 Lunary Cliff!
00:26 Ha ha! You sound just like me!
00:29 The Lunary Cliff is when the moon passes through the Earth's shadow
00:34 and looks very dark and unusual for a short time.
00:38 Ha ha! Dad's been talking about this a lot, hasn't he?
00:41 Well then, let's go and see it!
00:44 Yay!
00:45 Wow!
00:49 [rire]
00:53 [rire]
00:57 Hi, Mrs B! Hello!
00:59 Hello Tom! Hello Farmer Joe! Hello Mr and Mrs Flurry!
01:04 Hey Gareth! Hi Katie! Hi Oliver!
01:07 Oh, exciting this, isn't it?
01:10 Oh yes!
01:12 Ha ha ha!
01:15 Bonne chance, Nelly!
01:17 Now we just have to wait.
01:21 [rire]
01:25 [rire]
01:26 [yawn]
01:29 It's way past my bedtime, Nelly. Normally I'm asleep by now.
01:42 Us too. Isn't that right, Nora?
01:45 Nora!
01:47 It's beautiful! I love it!
01:50 Hey! I don't see the eclipse!
01:54 You were falling asleep, Nora!
01:57 No I wasn't. I was just blinking very slowly.
02:01 I'm okay, Nelly. Let's just keep watching the moon.
02:06 Nora!
02:17 Ah! Nelly! I am falling asleep!
02:20 I have to stay awake to see the eclipse!
02:23 I'll help you!
02:25 When I don't want to go to sleep, I sing silly songs.
02:29 Hmm...
02:31 Sleep, sleep, not yet, no way! I want to stay up, stay up and play!
02:35 [snoring]
02:36 Shh! Oh! Oh! No way! I'm not done with today!
02:40 [giggle]
02:41 Shh! Uh-uh! No way! Shh! Hey!
02:45 Shh! No way, no way! I'm not done with today!
02:49 Okay?
02:51 [gasp]
02:52 This isn't working! Come on! Let's run around! That'll keep you awake!
02:56 Yes, Nelly! Come on!
02:58 [giggle]
02:59 Yay!
03:00 [giggle]
03:03 I don't know where they get their energy from!
03:06 Yay!
03:08 Whee!
03:10 [giggle]
03:13 [snoring]
03:15 Yay!
03:17 Whee!
03:19 [snoring]
03:26 [giggle]
03:27 Noah!
03:32 Oh!
03:33 [snoring]
03:37 [giggle]
03:38 [giggle]
03:39 [giggle]
03:40 Shh!
03:42 [giggle]
03:43 pour ce qui vous interesse, ce serait bien !
03:44 Bonjour madame Fleury, je lui ai dit que vous aimiez faire du nage, mais elle ne me croyait pas.
03:48 Je l'adore !
03:50 Quand la pluie s'effondre du sud et le soleil se fait briller au matin...
03:53 Oh ! Le nage est déjà sec avant que vous ne le sachiez !
03:55 Ça marche, Nelly !
03:57 Et tout sent comme... le soleil !
03:59 Mais vous savez quoi ?
04:01 J'en ai jamais prouvé, vous n'avez pas entendu "nage".
04:05 Ça sent peut-être comme la lune !
04:08 Jean-Pau !
04:10 Oh !
04:11 Qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire ?
04:16 Splash water in your face !
04:23 Je ne me sens plus douce !
04:28 Vraiment ?
04:29 Douce, douce, nage, nage, non pas encore !
04:32 Vraiment !
04:34 Ouais !
04:35 C'est parti pour les nages !
04:38 Hum...
04:39 Ha !
04:41 Ha !
04:43 Ha !
04:46 Ha !
04:49 Non, Nelly !
04:52 Reste éveillée !
04:54 Tu restes éveillée aussi !
04:59 Je ne pense pas...
05:05 que... tout... nous... peut... nous... garder... éveillée...
05:10 Nelly !
05:16 Regarde !
05:17 Hein ? Hein ?
05:18 L'éclipse !
05:21 Oh !
05:23 Oh !
05:24 Oh !
05:25 Oh non !
05:29 Oh !
05:30 Oh !
05:32 Oh !
05:34 Oh !
05:37 Oh !
05:39 Oh !
05:41 Dormir, dormir...
05:48 Pas encore, pas de façon...
05:51 Je veux rester éveillée, rester éveillée et jouer...
05:58 Allons jouer demain...
06:00 Ok...
06:01 Bonne nuit, Nelly...
06:03 Bonne nuit, Nora...
06:05 Sous-titres par Nelly
06:08 Abonne-toi !
