Educazione sessuale, Durex e il Comune di Milano presentano il progetto ‘A luci accese’

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - A Palazzo Marino a Milano è stato presentato l’accordo formale tra il Comune di Milano e Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare, con Durex Italia, per la realizzazione del programma ‘A luci accese’, che mira a portare l’educazione sessuale nelle scuole superiori della città. Oltre all’accordo, nel corso dell’evento è stata presentata l’edizione milanese dell’Osservatorio “Giovani e Sessualità” di Durex.


00:00The Municipality of Milan and Reckitt Benckiser Health Care, with Durex Italy, have signed
00:09at Palazzo Marino the formal agreement for the realization of the program A Luce Accese,
00:14which aims to bring sexual and affective education in the higher schools of the city.
00:19Milan thus becomes the first Italian city to adapt to European standards in this regard.
00:24The aim is to spread sexual and affective education in the schools of Milan.
00:30I think there is an element more of information that the boys need, but there is also a more valuable aspect.
00:40The idea is that with this agreement we can somehow inspire other realities to follow us.
00:49Italy, together with Bulgaria, Lithuania, Romania, Poland and Cyprus, is among the six European nations
00:55that has not yet arranged formal interventions of sexual and affective education in the schools.
01:01A void that the Municipality of Milan has decided to fill.
01:05It is something that is still missing in our country and that we can no longer wait for.
01:12We must bring with us an organic, structured and based project on information collected in a serious and scientific way
01:20to improve the affective life of our boys and our society.
01:28It is always too late to be scandalized when you read bad articles of the newspaper due to the fact that,
01:36among other reasons, it reflects too little on what is a healthy relationship based on consensus,
01:42freedom and mutual respect.
01:45During the event, the Milanese edition of the Durex Youth and Sexuality Observatory was also presented.
01:52One in ten boys declares having had their first sexual intercourse before the age of 13.
01:58This is a shocking fact for us.
02:01It makes us understand why there is a perception of the risk associated with unaware choices in the sexual field so low.
02:09In fact, even the choice to use the condom to protect oneself from sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies is increasingly rare.
02:17Less than half of young people choose to use it.
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