Heathcliff & The Catillac Cats - Mad Dog Catcher - 1984

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
00:30Avec le soutien de
01:00Avec le soutien de
01:03Avec le soutien de
01:06Avec le soutien de
01:09Avec le soutien de
01:22Heathcliff, veux-tu monter dans mon canapé bébé?
01:26Il n'y a pas de temps pour ça aujourd'hui.
01:27Je dois aller au Pound et chercher ce chien à l'éveil.
01:34Et peut-être que je pourrais m'occuper d'un tour.
01:46Attends, Heathcliff! Heathcliff! Heath!
01:56Il est là, mon chausson!
02:01Aïe! Heathcliff! Sors de mon vélo!
02:06Hey! Assieds-toi! Je ne peux pas voir! Je ne peux pas voir!
02:15Il est encore en retard!
02:19Julie, tu n'as touché qu'un chien tout le mois et c'était la police!
02:26Si tu n'aimes pas ton boulot ici, mon fils aimerait l'avoir!
02:31Encore une blague et il va l'avoir!
02:36Oui, monsieur.
02:38Sors de là!
02:41Oui, monsieur.
02:49Je ne me sens pas du tout comme pour chercher des chiens aujourd'hui.
02:56Un an plus tard
03:04Hey! On a touché le jackpot!
03:06Un an plus tard
03:23Regarde, Heathcliff, je ne vais pas prendre ces chiens.
03:26Leur leader est le chien du maire.
03:36Un an plus tard
03:40Oh non!
03:47Regarde, si nous travaillons ensemble, nous pourrons éliminer Heathcliff en peu de temps.
04:06Un an plus tard
04:11C'est ce que j'appelle l'unité.
04:20C'est un bon coup, Heathcliff. Le capitaine va adorer ça.
04:29C'est à ce moment-là que vous commencez à faire votre travail correct, Julie.
04:36Un an plus tard
04:38César, je suis le maire d'Ogleville!
04:45Oui, monsieur.
04:52C'est tout! Tu es éliminé!
04:54Mets ton badge et ton sac!
04:58Et sors de la voiture avant de partir!
05:02Maintenant, je peux emprunter mon fils junior!
05:06Un an plus tard
05:10Je vais emprunter un petit chien.
05:13Oh mon dieu, il y en a un maintenant!
05:17Oh mon dieu, ça va être plus facile que je pensais!
05:29Ce junior pourrait fonctionner.
05:36Bonjour, Sonia.
05:38Bonjour, Heathcliff.
06:14Hey, c'est pas un enfant! C'est un chien!
06:21Un autre chien! Mon père va être fier de moi!
06:26Oui, tu es un vrai prix, Junior.
06:30Bonjour, les gars.
06:36Comment va-t-il avec ce Heathcliff?
06:42Tout va bien.
06:47Junior doit être arrêté et comme d'habitude, c'est à moi!
06:52Phase 1. Montrez à tout le monde à quel point Junior est intelligent.
07:05Ouf, ouf!
07:07Plus de chiens!
07:13Allez, vous, sortez de là!
07:15J'espère que personne ne me voit faire ça.
07:17Ça pourrait détruire ma réputation.
07:19Pas toi, Caesar!
07:26Ouf, ouf!
07:35Boy, this is the biggest doggy yet!
07:41I'll take this, thank you.
07:44And wait a minute, there isn't a dog among you who can catch me.
07:47And I'll prove it.
08:04Allons-y, les gars!
08:35Time to go!
08:39Let me talk to Mayor Bogwell!
08:42Mayor Bogwell, what is going on?
08:45There is a wild gang of dogs destroying the whole town!
08:55Well, the truck is clean.
08:58I guess I should return it to Captain Kelly.
09:01I assure you, Mr. Mayor, we have the situation under control.
09:05My boy, Junior, is bringing in a truckload of animals right now, sir.
09:11Well, it better include that pack of renegade dogs and their leader.
09:18Quiet, daddy! I got a whole truck full of doggies!
09:23You see, Mayor, I told you we wouldn't get away with this.
09:28You see, Mayor, I told you we would straighten this out.
09:37Oh, Caesar! How did you get in with all those animals?
09:45All right, you mutts, single file.
09:51Togetherness, what a pretty sight.
09:54Fine job, Dooley. Keep up the good work.
09:58Well, thank you, Mayor Bogwell, but I don't work here anymore.
10:02What? Kelly, what's he talking about?
10:06Well, you see, Mayor Bogwell...
10:10Listen to me, Kelly. You get rid of that blubber-headed son of yours
10:14and put Dooley here back on the job, or I'll have you cleaning kennels!
10:19Yes, sir, Mayor Bogwell.
10:24I'd get you guys out of there, but you're a bunch of losers, see?
10:32You know, Caesar, you guys really ought to work together.
10:48Never a dull moment.
10:53Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
11:24Oh, no!
11:26No, no, no, no, no!
11:31Like that car was our home, now we're all alone!
11:34We're all alone!
11:36We're all alone!
11:38We're all alone!
11:40We're all alone!
11:42We're all alone!
11:44We're all alone!
11:46We're all alone!
11:48We're all alone!
11:50We're all alone!
11:52Now we're all alone!
11:54Somebody stole our house!
11:58Where am I gonna sleep?
12:00Where am I gonna put my bucket and spade?
12:09Say, what's going on down there, anyway?
12:15Hey, what's going on, guys? What happened to the car?
12:20Somebody came and took it away!
12:25Don't worry, Mongo. We'll find you another place to live.
12:35Not bad on the spirit of moment, huh, Mongo?
12:39Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
13:09Good night, fellas!
13:18Who? What? Huh?
13:21Riff-raff, I can't sleep.
13:25Can I stay here with you just for tonight?
13:29Okay, just for tonight.
13:39The things a guy'll do for his pals
13:53I've gotta find something to take their minds off their missing car.
13:57Hey, here's something.
13:59The circus is in town.
14:01Hey, guys, look! We're going to the circus!
14:04I don't wanna go to the circus.
14:08I'm too sad to have fun.
14:11I said we're going to the circus and we're gonna have fun whether you guys like it or not.
14:18We'll go, but we're not gonna have fun.
14:25I don't wanna go to the circus.
14:28I want my home back.
14:32Shh! You gotta be quiet, Mongo.
14:35Someone might hear us trying to sneak in the circus.
14:45If you wanna see the show, buy a ticket.
14:58Okay, there's no sign of that dog anywhere. Let's go.
15:07Like I told you before, if you wanna see the show, buy a ticket.
15:11Are we having fun yet?
15:17Okay, you guys know what to do.
15:20Don't sweat it, my man. We got the plan.
15:26Okay, so we're inside. Now what?
15:31Now we play it cool and we wait for that fool.
15:43Hey! Let me out of here! Hey! Help! Let me go!
15:53Looks like that dog's all washed up around here.
15:57Ladies and gentlemen, introducing for your entertainment,
16:03the world famous Bellini Brothers Circus Clowns!
16:13Oh boy, the clowns! This is your favorite part of the circus.
16:17I guess you'll enjoy this, right?
16:22Isn't this great? Our car!
16:26There it is!
16:32Oh joy!
16:34Oh joy!
16:36Oh joy!
16:38Oh joy!
16:40Oh joy!
16:42Oh joy!
16:44Oh joy!
16:46Oh joy!
16:48Oh joy!
16:50Oh joy! It's our home!
16:53Get it back for us, Rip-Rap!
16:55Please! Please!
17:01I got it!
17:05Okay, fellas. Now the plan is simply to go out there,
17:09and when no one is looking, we snatch the old bus and take her home with us.
17:13That's a neat plan, Rip-Rap. Thanks a lot.
17:50Help! Help! My baby! Save my baby!
17:54Help! Help! Get her down!
18:04Jump! Jump! Come on! We'll catch you!
18:12Say, that new little clown is pretty funny.
18:17That ain't no clown. It's one of them no-good cats.
18:25Uh-oh. Gotta think fast.
18:31Come on, fellas. Mumko needs our help.
18:37This ought to slow him down.
18:41Yeah! Whoa!
18:43Yeah! Whoa!
18:47Now to catch that flying circus dog.
18:53Now that I got him, how do I get rid of him?
19:07I hope this dog gets a bang out of this.
19:10Oh, no!
19:17We snagged the auto, Rip-Rap. Let's beat it.
19:20Hop on in and we'll take a spin.
19:26Now to get Mumko and get out of here.
19:30Come on, Mumko. Jump!
19:35If you don't jump now, we're gonna leave without you.
19:38Can we go home now, Rip-Rap?
19:50Hit the brakes, Hector.
19:53This car doesn't have any brakes.
19:56Well, it looks like you guys finally got the old top back to normal.
20:01Yes, Rip-Rap. Everything is back the way it was.
20:07Oh, no!
20:09Oh, no!
20:11Oh, no!
20:13Oh, no!
20:15Oh, no!
20:17Oh, no!
20:19Oh, no!
20:21Oh, no!
20:23Oh, no!
20:24Oh, no!
20:27Oh, no!
20:29Oh, no!
20:31Oh, no!
20:33Oh, no!
20:35Oh, no!
20:37Oh, no!
20:39Oh, no!
20:41Oh, no!
20:43Oh, no!
20:45Oh, no!
20:47Oh, no!
20:49Oh, no!
20:51Oh, no!
20:53Oh, no!
20:55Oh, no!
20:57Oh, no!
20:59Oh, no!
21:01Oh, no!
21:03Oh, no!
21:05Oh, no!
21:07Oh, no!
21:09Oh, no!
21:11Oh, no!
21:13Oh, no!
21:15Oh, no!
21:17Oh, no!
21:19Oh, no!
21:21Oh, no!
21:23Oh, no!
21:25Oh, no!
21:27Oh, no!
