61 milliards de dollars - 23/04/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : 61 milliards de dollars - 23/04/2024


00:00 [Music]
00:11 The allocation of 61 billion dollars to Ukraine is almost done,
00:15 it remains to pass before the US Senate
00:19 to present a credible use plan of the resources allocated to the Ukrainian army
00:24 in difficulty in the face of the military pressure of the Russians.
00:26 Then it will be the final step, namely the signature of the US President,
00:30 but here for once, formality, Ukraine owes a lot to the White House tenants,
00:34 it is he and his administration who have led an intense lobbying work
00:38 to convince the Republican camp, the Donald Trump camp,
00:41 that Ukraine must not be left behind.
00:43 These forces are retreating, lack of ammunition, long-range missiles,
00:48 anti-aircraft defense missiles.
00:50 These are the equipment supplies that will be made.
00:53 Also, a help to the Ukrainian state, a direct help, because these boxes are empty.
00:58 Ukraine has been waiting for this massive help for six months.
01:01 Is it not too late?
01:03 It is certain that the Russian army will take advantage of the next few weeks,
01:07 next few days, to exert pressure on the ground,
01:11 to try to conquer as much territory as possible
01:14 before the American aid arrives and rebalances the forces present
01:18 along the endless front line of 1,200 kilometers.
01:22 A race against the clock, a race against death,
01:25 a race against threatening defense.
01:28 It would be exaggerated to say that defeat is imminent,
01:31 but still, the country is in a disastrous situation.
01:34 Europe alone cannot support such an effort of war.
01:38 How to explain this return of American positions?
01:41 Certainly because the Republican camp has ended up admitting
01:45 that isolationism, this American political temptation that has always existed,
01:50 isolationism, in fact, risked in the long run
01:53 the status of the first world military power.
01:56 Not moving is not only letting Russia take the lead,
02:00 but also to strengthen the Moscow-Beijing-Tehran axis,
02:03 a pattern that no one wants to see emerge in the United States,
02:06 neither the Democratic camp nor the Republican camp.
02:08 And then there is this idea, also in its own country, in the country of Uncle Sam,
02:12 that democracy is a model to promote, to defend everywhere in the world,
02:16 in Ukraine as elsewhere.
02:18 This is the messianic vision of the hard American right,
02:21 the idea that we must save the world from the axis of evil,
02:24 to fight for good, for democracy.
02:29 But when we analyze this, we understand that these $61 billion
02:34 will be subsidies more or less disguised to American companies
02:38 that will produce the military equipment intended for Ukraine.
02:41 In the end, it is not so expensive to defend
02:44 what is called in the middle of the radical American right,
02:47 what is called "holy democracy".
02:51 World Economic Forum
02:55 World Economic Forum