Terrell Owens' beef with Steve Mariucci set the tone for T.O.'s entire career

  • 3 months ago
Forget everything you know about Terrell Owens - his on-field absurdity, his off-field… well, absurdity fits there too. But forget all that. This is an origin story, an account of how Owens became the T.O. we remember today.

And it’s basically thanks to beef. This is the story of Terrell Owens and Steve Mariucci failing to get along in a way that helped nobody but T.O.

Couple little errors: at 1:53 I said Jeff Garcia a 28-year-old rookie, he was in fact 29! And then at 10:39 that was actually their second game since being together in SF. That's my bad. Taking my flogging in private.
