Midi infos - 17/04/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Midi infos - 17/04/2024


00:00We are still together on Mediantv. Thank you for staying loyal to us. Here are the titles
00:16of your newspaper.
00:17The special envoy of the UN Secretary-General for the Sahel, Stéphane de Mistura, presented
00:23his state report to Antonio Guterres. It was yesterday before a meeting in Bucleu of the
00:27UN Security Council on the question of the Moroccan Sahel.
00:31At the moment, there is Iran and Israel, which are facing threats in a region already under
00:39tension with the war in Gaza. And then there is Merkur, which refuses to go down in Guinea.
00:46Several cities are currently experiencing intense heat. We will know in a few moments
00:51in the capital, Conakry.
00:52We are still together on Mediantv. Thank you for staying loyal to us. Here are the titles
00:59of your newspaper.
01:00The special envoy of the UN Secretary-General for the Sahel, Stéphane de Mistura, presented
01:05his state report to Antonio Guterres. It was yesterday before a meeting in Bucleu of
01:10the UN Security Council on the question of the Moroccan Sahel.
01:15Stéphane de Mistura made the point on the latest developments concerning this file.
01:20He also mentioned the results of his exchanges with the parties concerned by this different
01:27At the moment, many investors continue to fall under the charm of the southern provinces.
01:34The opportunities for investment in these pearls of the kingdom were yesterday in Madrid,
01:40at the heart of an economic forum during which participants exchanged on the assets of
01:46the region.
01:47It was the presence of a hundred businessmen, representatives of large Spanish companies,
01:53as well as accredited diplomats in Spain.
01:57Let's listen together to the ambassador of Morocco in Spain, Karim Ben Yaich, just after
02:03you will have the reaction of the president of the council of the region.
02:09This forum allows businessmen and Spanish companies to seize the opportunities for investment
02:18offered by the region of Akhlaoua de Teheb, which has a promising potential for the future.
02:25Thanks to the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the region has experienced increased
02:31development in recent years.
02:34This forum is of particular importance because its work takes place in Madrid.
02:40Its objective is to highlight the assets of the region of Akhlaoua de Teheb and its investment
02:48The event was marked by a strong presence of Spanish businessmen, representatives of
02:54large Spanish companies.
02:57According to FMI forecasts, Morocco should see an increase of 3.1% this year and 3.3% in
03:05The figures of the International Monetary Fund made public during these spring meetings
03:12in Washington with the World Bank.
03:15The International Financial Institution also plans for Morocco to increase its investment
03:23by 2.2% in 2024, which should reach 2.5% next year.
03:28As for the unemployment rate, it should reach 12% this year before slightly dropping to
03:3511.5% in 2025.
03:37When the Belgian and Moroccan bosses meet, it is to reflect together and forge partnerships
03:45in order to instill a new dynamic in the cooperation between Morocco and Belgium, and this is what
03:52we witnessed yesterday in Rabat, Benin.
03:55A high-level meeting between the representatives of the International Monetary Fund and a large
04:01delegation of Belgian economic operators operating in the energy and infrastructure sectors
04:07took place this Tuesday at the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund.
04:13This meeting aims to present the climate of business in Morocco and Belgium, as well
04:18as the opportunities for investment in the aforementioned sectors, in order to establish
04:23new partnerships and strengthen economic cooperation between the two kingdoms.
04:27Today, the Moroccan-Belgian forum is an important forum and I think it is the start of a great
04:35collaboration between the Moroccan private sector and the Belgian private sector.
04:40We have identified a number of sectors, including renewable energies and, of course, infrastructure.
04:47Morocco has shown that it is an economic leader in the region, thanks to its important investments
04:57made in recent years, and also thanks to the Royal Vision, which means that we are a leader
05:06in the production of energy in the region.
05:09Renewable energy is six to ten times cheaper than production in Europe.
05:13Belgian operators proposed to the International Monetary Fund partnerships, which will take
05:18place in September, during a visit of a delegation of the International Monetary Fund in Belgium.
05:23Both parties also intend to work on structuring projects for the two kingdoms,
05:28notably on renewable energies, the judicial cooperation between Morocco and Belgium,
05:33and the fight against drug trafficking.
05:35There were 25 Belgian companies here, which see a huge potential for development between
05:42the two countries.
05:44We really see that there is a new wind in Morocco.
05:47There is a huge potential for industrial development.
05:51I think that Belgium has a lot of things to put on the table, but we also see that Morocco
05:57also has a lot of things to put on the table.
06:00The offer of development in Morocco is huge.
06:04We hope to be able to work together, and we felt the desire in all the exchanges to work
06:12together, the companies of our two countries.
06:17The two countries reaffirmed their shared desire to establish a strategic partnership
06:23in the future.
06:25The Belgian delegation did not fail to highlight the advantages of Morocco, notably in terms
06:30of industrial development, the development of renewable energies, and sporting infrastructure.
06:38Abdelatif Kemet is the dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at the University
06:44of Casablanca.
06:45He made the point about the third meeting of the High Commission of Morocco-Belgium,
06:50and the expected return of the economic partnership.
06:53Let's listen to him.
06:55What should be kept in mind is, first of all, that it is part of the consolidation or
07:01construction of a strategic partnership.
07:04We are making great strides, because there is a dynamic in terms of relations on the
07:10political, cultural, and economic levels.
07:14But the goal is to achieve a real strategic partnership.
07:20What should also be kept in mind is the diversity of fields of cooperation.
07:26Of course, there is the economic area, which is important, because the Prime Minister is
07:31accompanied by a delegation of business leaders who held a forum yesterday with the CGEM
07:39and several economic and political figures in Morocco on major issues of economic partnership.
07:46But of course, there is also the political area, which is being put in place and consolidated.
07:52There is also the cultural dimension.
07:54You know that there are very strong cultural relations between Morocco and Belgium.
07:59And of course, there is also the judicial and legal dimension.
08:05The Minister of Justice, with his counterpart, is working on a number of collaborative files
08:12on the judicial aspect.
08:15And of course, there is the security dimension, which is also fundamental.
08:19We know that Morocco today is considered as a pillar partner by several European countries,
08:24especially on these security issues.
08:26So, it must be said that it is a partnership that is making great strides.
08:33We remain in the Kingdom, where the Criminal Chamber of the First Instance,
08:38after the Casablanca Court of Appeal, has sentenced Ashraf to death.
08:42Ashraf, the main accused in the case of the young fighter,
08:46was assassinated in a parking lot on the coast of Indiab.
08:50He was sentenced to capital punishment.
08:52He was found guilty of premeditated murder.
08:56One of his four co-accused was sentenced to life imprisonment.
09:01The other three have been sentenced to 25 to 50 years in prison.
09:07In the rest of the news, there is the Israeli head of state who calls, I quote,
09:13the whole world to counter the threat posed by the regime of Tehran.
09:18It was today during an interview with the heads of diplomacy of the United Kingdom and Germany in Jerusalem.
09:26Meanwhile, the two rival parties of threat, Tel Aviv wants to make Iran pay for its attack.
09:32In Tehran, President Ibrahim Raisi warns that any action of Israel against the interests of Iran
09:39would provoke a severe, extensive and painful response in a region already under tension with the war in the Gaza Strip.
09:51And in this context, the UN Security Council will speak tomorrow on the request of the Palestinians
09:56to become a full member state of the United Nations.
10:00An initiative that, to our surprise, seems doomed to failure due to the opposition of the United States,
10:06which has veto rights.
10:11It will not have succeeded in reconciling the Libyans.
10:14So, the UN emissary for Libya has thrown the sponge.
10:18Abdullahi Batcheli estimates that the UN can not act successfully against, I quote,
10:24leaders who place their interests above the needs of the country.
10:29His letter of resignation was accepted by the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres,
10:33who said he was grateful to the Senegalese diplomats.
10:41For his first official visit abroad, the new Senegalese president has chosen Mauritania.
10:47He is expected in Nouakchott today, where he will meet with his counterpart, Mohamed Oude Razouani,
10:54a former president of the African Union.
10:57Several topics will be discussed by the two men.
11:00Let us remember that Senegal and Mauritania, two neighboring countries, share very strong links of cooperation.
11:08And to talk about it, we are with Bashir Chiam, journalist and specialist in public relations.
11:13Bashir Chiam, hello and thank you for accepting our invitation.
11:17Hello, thank you for the invitation too.
11:20So, for his first official visit abroad, the Senegalese president has chosen Mauritania.
11:26How do you explain this choice? Is it a surprise for you?
11:30No, for me, no. Certainly not for the commentators too, because Mauritania, we are waiting for it, we are waiting for it all the time.
11:38His predecessor, President Soltan Makhissal, also made his first official visit to Mauritania,
11:46for economic reasons, so it is not surprising at all.
11:50In addition to the policy of good neighborhood between Dakar and Nouakchott,
11:54what are today the economic issues related to this official visit of the Senegalese president to Mauritania?
12:02Well, today the issues are necessarily, when we talk about economic and commercial issues between Mauritania and Senegal,
12:10we immediately think of gas, hydrocarbons, which is true,
12:13but before that, first of all, the economic issues are around fishing, farming too,
12:19and then there are security issues that have also been established since 1989 and are progressing in both countries.
12:26But indeed, today it is gas, oil, when we talk about economic issues between these two countries.
12:33You just said it, the partnership between the two neighboring countries is essentially marked by the common exploitation
12:39of the last few years of the large gas deposit in Tortu-Ahmeim.
12:44Bashir Cham, will the energy issue be at the heart of the discussions between the two men?
12:51Yes, certainly, because first of all, it is a project that has been going on since 2015.
12:55I think the first discoveries date back to that date.
13:00And since then, COVID has passed through there, some economic crises, including wars in the Middle East and Ukraine.
13:09It's a bit delayed, so I think the first barrels are expected around September 2024, so at the end of September.
13:18But the economic and financial setbacks are not expected before 2035.
13:24So it's a long-term project, because first of all, it's big investments,
13:29and I think the first benefits will come from the investors,
13:33which are BP, British Petroleum, the British company, and then Cosmos Energy.
13:41Senegal and Mauritania are also shareholders in this capital group,
13:48but it's for 5% each, so it's very small.
13:51So the setbacks, we'll have to wait a long time, I think.
13:55But the stakes are huge, because it's a very, very important economic issue.
14:00The smell of gas, as you said, in this meeting, but also the smell of fish,
14:06since, let's remember, Senegal and Mauritania have very good relations,
14:12especially in terms of alliative cooperation.
14:15It will also be an opportunity to instill a new dynamic in this cooperation,
14:20especially to allow Senegalese fishermen to fish along the Mauritanian coasts.
14:30Yes, absolutely, because the northern region of Senegal, the great region of Saint-Louis,
14:35which is a fishing region, by the way, all these fishermen,
14:38their destination is the Mauritanian coast, towards Nouadhibou,
14:43on the border with Morocco.
14:46So it has always been the case, it was artisanal.
14:49The agreements date back to the early 1980s,
14:53and since then, all the fishermen in Saint-Louis, in the northern region of Senegal,
14:57have thrown their catch on the Mauritanian fishing coasts,
15:01but on the side of Nouadhibou, between Nouakchott and Nouadhibou,
15:05towards the Moroccan borders.
15:08Very often, we have had a lot of problems between fishermen and Mauritanian coast guards,
15:14and the deal, if you allow me to use the term, was not well established.
15:20So there is always this conflict of neighborhood between fishermen and coast guards,
15:24between fishermen and peasants, and then farmers on the other side.
15:27Each peasant who comes, then each election,
15:30after each election, the issue of fishing is brought up,
15:33in any case, the fishing agreements between Mauritania and Senegal are on the table.
15:36And it's a top priority issue, I think,
15:39even before all this, before the hydrocarbons appeared,
15:43it's not only fishing, globally, but also some relations around breeding,
15:49because Mauritania is also the first supplier, I think,
15:53of cattle for the big Aïd festivals,
15:56in general, in Senegal, for sheep in particular.
16:02Bachir Thiam, thank you for all these details,
16:05thank you for answering our questions.
16:07Thank you.
16:10As for the predecessor of Bachir Thiam, Makisal,
16:13he has already begun a new stage of his international career,
16:17as a special envoy of the Paris Pact for Peoples and the Planet.
16:21His new mission places him at the heart of global efforts
16:24for sustainable development and environmental protection.
16:28Shortly after his nomination, the former president of Senegal met in New York,
16:32Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations,
16:35to whom he exposed his new responsibilities
16:38and discussed the prospects of joint action with the UN.
16:50And since its creation, the member countries of the Alliance of the States of the Sahel,
16:54Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger have not hidden their will to work together against terrorism.
17:00They recently carried out joint operations in the so-called three-border area,
17:04Mohamed Danyoko.
17:06According to a Malian army statement, a Nigerian strike on April 10
17:11destroyed an important logistics and neutralized several terrorists
17:15in the area of Amalaoulaou, in the Abizanga sector.
17:19In the vicinity of the village of Hourara,
17:21a large amount of war equipment was destroyed
17:25and several terrorists were neutralized on April 13.
17:29This same April 13, in the sector of Douna,
17:32on the border between Mali and Burkina Faso,
17:35a joint action involving Malian and Burkina Faso vectors
17:39allowed them to dismantle an important logistical base,
17:43indicates the same statement.
17:45The joint operations of these three countries have shown for several months
17:50that a frank collaboration can, over a certain period of time,
17:54make terrorism in the Sahel a bad memory.
17:58As stated in the headlines,
18:00mercury refuses to descend in Guinea.
18:02It is not hot, it is excessively hot.
18:05What is the origin of this wave of heat?
18:07How can we protect ourselves?
18:09The answer in this report in Conakry,
18:11from our correspondent Idrissa Sissé.
18:15In some localities, the thermometer sometimes shows up to 42 degrees.
18:20Meteorologists have been talking about intense heat
18:23that has been falling on the country for a few months.
18:25A report was already issued that an El Nino is in progress.
18:29El Nino is the increase in the ocean surface temperature
18:34at the Pacific level.
18:36Once the temperature reaches a certain level,
18:39it will heat the ocean to a certain level.
18:44So once the ocean is heated,
18:47the heat that will be released will heat up the atmosphere,
18:51the ambient air.
18:52These very high and unusual temperatures worry some citizens.
18:57They denounce anthropological activities on plant cover.
19:01We have just finished the month of Ramadan,
19:05in pain because there was too much heat.
19:08The sun is very hot.
19:10You know that Guinea is a mining country.
19:13There is mining exploitation,
19:15because when you go inside the country,
19:17it is excessively hot compared to Conakry.
19:20Beyond climate change,
19:23there is also the effect of man.
19:25Conakry is a coastal city.
19:29Unfortunately, mangroves are cut excessively.
19:32Today, there is no protection from the heat of the forest.
19:38This increase in heat is a threat to human health.
19:43It can aggravate certain diseases.
19:45This wave of heat that we are currently experiencing
19:48has many consequences for human health.
19:52One of the first consequences is dehydration.
19:56This will be accompanied by certain skin pathologies.
20:02The WHO recommends drinking enough water,
20:06taking cold baths,
20:08taking a lot of fruits,
20:13and avoiding foods with a very slow absorption,
20:18especially proteins.
20:20Guinea is committed to providing each citizen
20:24with an alert by 2027,
20:26in accordance with the recommendations of the United Nations.
20:30The National Direction of Meteorology,
20:32in charge of setting up this alert system,
20:34assures that everything is in place to achieve this.
20:37This mechanism will allow decision-makers
20:40to avoid unpleasant surprises
20:42related to climate change,
20:44according to Guinea's Meteorology Service.
20:48United Arab Emirates,
20:50under the water,
20:51on these impressive images that you will see,
20:54images that have become viral on our social networks,
20:57there is the collapse of a road in Al Ain
21:00due to strong floods
21:02never recorded in the country.
21:10Al Ain, Al Ain, Al Ain
21:34And despite the return of the sun,
21:36the giant Dubai authorities,
21:38the giant Dubai highways were still flooded,
21:41schools were closed,
21:42and air traffic was disrupted
21:44in the most recent days
21:46that fell on the region.
21:51Due to torrential rains,
21:53several Gulf countries have experienced major floods.
21:56Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and the United Arab Emirates
21:59have been the most affected,
22:01according to the authorities.
22:03In Oman, at least 18 people have been lost since Sunday
22:06due to heavy floods.
22:08Nine schoolchildren and three adults died
22:10when their vehicles were taken by sudden cranes
22:13reported by the Presona agency on Sunday.
22:16Direction Dubai,
22:17where the equivalent of two years of rainfall
22:20fell in 24 hours on Tuesday,
22:22flooding streets, shopping malls and the airport.
22:25The city has been paralyzed due to these floods.
22:28Dubai International Airport,
22:30one of the most frequented in the world,
22:32overturned part of the flights on Tuesday.
22:34Several roads have collapsed.
22:36Residential neighborhoods have been affected
22:38by major floods,
22:40and many residents have reported
22:42leaks in their homes.
22:44Schools have closed their doors to the Emirates
22:46and should remain closed this Wednesday,
22:48while new heavy rains are expected.
22:50The government of Dubai
22:52has also extended teleworking for its employees.
22:55The semi-final of the Asian Champions League
22:57between Emirati club Al Ain
22:59and Saudi club Al Hilal,
23:01which was supposed to take place on Tuesday at Al Ain,
23:03has been postponed by 24 hours.
