Cameron urges Israel to ‘think with head as well as heart’ after Iran attacks

  • 5 months ago
Cameron urges Israel to 'think with head as well as heart' after Iran attacksBreakfast, BBC


00:00 I think they're perfectly justified to think they should respond, because they have been
00:05 attacked. But we are urging them, as friends, to think with head as well as heart, to be
00:13 smart as well as tough, and to recognize Iran suffered this defeat because the attack was
00:18 a failure. The world can see what a malign influence they are.
00:22 And I think that the right thing to do is not to escalate, but, as President Biden has
00:27 put it, to sort of take the win, as it were, and then let's focus the world's attention
00:32 onto Hamas, who are still holding those hostages, including British nationals. They have been
00:37 offered a deal by Israel to release many, many prisoners out of Israeli prisons and
00:43 to have a pause in the fighting in Gaza.
00:46 And Hamas should take that deal. They're the only reason why this fighting continues. So
00:50 de-escalation, trying to calm the situation, is what we're trying to do. But I totally
00:55 understand ordinary Israelis waking up this morning and thinking, we should respond because
01:00 we've been attacked, but we've got to be smart as well as tough.
