Mort sur le grill Bande-annonce (EN)

  • il y a 5 mois
00:00 [Musique]
00:10 Detroit.
00:11 [Musique]
00:16 Land of Opportunity.
00:18 [Explosion]
00:19 Would you like to have some lunch, some evening?
00:22 No, really.
00:24 I haven't seen you here before.
00:25 Where people are friendly.
00:28 [Musique]
00:30 I like that woman.
00:31 You're cute.
00:33 Love is everywhere.
00:35 [Musique]
00:36 And everyone seems to be frying, flying and dying.
00:41 [Explosion]
00:42 CrimeWay.
00:43 A fiendish plan to turn citizens into shock absorbers.
00:47 [Musique]
00:49 And only one man is bold enough to try and stop it.
00:53 [Musique]
00:54 Lady, you ain't seen nothing.
00:57 [Musique]
01:18 Can Vic save Nancy or anyone?
01:21 You're under state's arrest, fella.
01:24 [Musique]
01:26 You've done some bad things and I'm gonna deal out some swift justice.
01:30 [Explosion]
01:33 And here's one for all the folks everywhere.
01:37 [Tir]
01:38 Well, it looks like we should move along with you, Vic.
01:41 [Scream]
01:42 [Musique]
01:44 CrimeWay.
01:45 The comedy that gets down to nuts.
01:47 Mrs. Tran.
01:48 You better get back in your apartment.
01:50 There are a couple of maniacs running around the building.
01:52 [Groan]
01:53 And bolts.
01:55 Nancy!
01:56 [Explosion]
01:57 [Scream]
01:58 [Musique]
02:01 CrimeWay.
02:02 [Musique]
02:04 Some night, huh?
02:05 It couldn't possibly have been worse.
02:07 [Musique]
02:17 *Bruit de tonnerre*