Philea Forum, Mango (Cariplo Factory): “Filantropia mediatrice culturale tra mondi che non comunicano”

  • 6 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “La filantropia può giocare un ruolo da mediatore culturale tra mondi che non si parlano, come le relazioni tra il non profit e il profit.Come Fondazione Cariplo e come Cariplo Factory stiamo lavorando moltissimo in questo senso”. Sono le parole di Carlo Mango, direttore dell'Area scientifica e tecnologica di Fondazione Cariplo e Ceo di Cariplo Factory, l’innovation hub che fa da cornice a ‘Breaking bad (habits) - How can foundations move from silos to shaping future innovation ecosystems?’ la due giorni del Research Forum 2024 promossa da Philea, l’ente con sede a Bruxelles a cui aderiscono le fondazioni del continente, compresa Fondazione Cariplo.


00:00 What are the role of the innovation ecosystem?
00:03 We are increasingly talking about innovation ecosystems.
00:08 Innovation ecosystems are realities in which different sensitivities, different actors, different skills converge.
00:21 In this area, collaboration models in the field of philanthropy and the world of profit have generated extremely significant value chains.
00:35 What we are going to face today in the context of an event involving many participants at the European level
00:45 is the need to focus on innovation and understand what the role of philanthropy can be as an activating subject.
00:54 This role, which in many cases, being played by a private actor but without profit,
01:03 can be fully played, trying to make a system including actors with different sensitivities and skills.
01:13 Philanthropy can play a role as a cultural mediator between worlds that are not spoken about.
01:19 We think of the relationship between profit and non-profit.
01:24 In this sense, creating value, creating a specific connection with communities.
01:31 One of the aspects we are working on a lot as the Cariplo Foundation and therefore also as Cariplo Factory,
01:40 the environmental organization that does this type of activity,
01:43 is to create an active dialogue with communities that allows us to innovate not only in the most traditional sectors,
01:52 technology for example, but also in the field of social.
01:56 In this sense, we are reflecting a lot on a key role we want to play in the field of community innovation,
02:04 but also in a key role of development and social well-being, which is one of the purposes for which we do these things.
