محافظ البنك المركزي المصري: وجود سعري صرف في أي اقتصاد مرض لا تستقيم معه الأمور

  • 6 months ago


00:00 "The ministry of finance and the central bank and the entire state came to the conclusion
00:07 that any economy is a disease, a disease that is not aligned with the currency.
00:14 And then they say that the dollar was at 30 or 50, although it was not outside at 70,
00:21 and they saw it go, I don't know how much, or 1000%, or any number.
00:25 They saw it go, and they heard numbers that were not logical.
00:30 All of this was based on the fact that there is no confidence in the economy,
00:33 and there is no confidence in the future.
00:36 There is no confidence in the ability to pay the existing interest rates.
00:40 Because they come and say, "This is a disaster, and this is another disaster."
00:44 Thank God, today I stand before you and tell you that we have,
00:48 thank God, enough to fulfill our commitments, and we have.
00:52 Especially with the unification of the exchange rate.
00:56 The danger of the existence of the exchange rate is a danger that affects each one of us.
01:01 We can use it simply, but it is a matter of...
01:06 Why am I saying this? Because there were voices calling for the state to go with the exchange rate.
01:12 So I am interested in being clear that if there is an exchange rate,
01:18 this market will be in everything, and all goods in the future.
01:23 You will find that any goods that comes will have two prices.
01:28 And in the end, in the past period, we had the possibility
01:34 to manage the dollar for the main goods, and the strategy that most of it is supported.
01:43 Buda.
