موازنة لبنان 2024 تصدم الشعب وتحملهم أعباءً إضافية

  • 7 months ago


00:00 The Lebanese will receive 308 billion pounds of money exclusively after the Parliament
00:07 approved the 2024 budget, which imposed huge taxes and fees.
00:13 According to the director of the Finance Ministry, Dr Amin Saleh, the Lebanese government,
00:19 which has not put forward a reformist vision to deal with inflation, once again went to
00:24 the citizens to load additional burdens to run public facilities and cover the money
00:30 spent contrary to the law.
00:32 The state forgot all these financial resources that require payment.
00:39 The state forgot the tax evasion, the tax evasion, the tax exemptions that are in the law.
00:46 They forgot them and went directly to cover the losses, the losses of the central bank
00:55 and the losses of the banks through inflation.
00:59 In the 2022 budget, we have now increased taxes by an average of eight times, 800%.
01:09 I will give you an example, the tax on the added value was increased by 1600%.
01:16 This is a tax on all people, a tax on consumption.
01:21 The poor, the needy, the low income and the rich are not affected by it except a little.
01:29 The increase in the way the new budget was implemented directly reflected on the administrative
01:35 and official costs, which are supposed to be a public service available to everyone,
01:40 where it increased by a percentage that is between 10 and 50 times, which reflected on
01:45 the citizens as well as the concerns that threatened to stop their duties.
01:50 We call on all concerns of the northern region to stop immediately from this moment
01:57 on any deal that comes out of the budget until the error is corrected.
02:03 I hope that those who issued this decision will go back to the interests of the citizens
02:12 and the interests of the voters, the relationship between them and the citizens.
02:19 For this reason, there is a turmoil, and this turmoil creates a big problem that the citizens
02:28 and the voters cannot handle.
02:33 According to Article 66 of the 2024 budget, the benefits are listed on financial documents
02:40 that are attached to the list of data and documents issued from the personnel of the
02:45 individual circumstances, including personal and family records, marriage, birth, death
02:50 and divorce, up to 20 times.
02:54 In order to correct this, the issue of the individual and family records was replaced
02:59 by a 400,000 Lira value instead of 20,000 Lira.
03:03 With the absence of financial documents and their sale in the black market, the cost of
03:08 the record statement has become more than 1 million Lira, or equivalent to 11 dollars,
03:13 which includes the difficulties of employees in the public and private sectors or the elements
03:18 that affect their salaries between 150 and 300 dollars from the payment of their value.
03:24 In light of these circumstances, there are no corrective steps or increases in wages and
03:29 salaries that have decreased their value by more than 90%.
03:33 Experts say that in the coming days, the decrease in purchasing power of Lebanese people
03:38 will appear, and the decline in demand for consumption, which means a collapse in the economy,
03:43 will lead to a fear of increasing demand for dollars and entering a new cycle of
03:49 bankruptcy.
03:51 Elena Mrat, CNBC Arabia, Beirut.
