Two teens convicted over death of 15-year-old sentenced for second time

  • 7 months ago
Two teenagers convicted over the stabbing death of a 15-year-old southeast Queensland boy have been sentenced for a second time after a re-trial. The grieving mother of the victim watched as the now 18-year-olds were handed their punishments and hit out at the state's current youth justice system.


00:00 For the second time, Angus Beaumont's devastated mother came face to face with her son's killers.
00:07 "We're traumatised. My family is traumatised."
00:13 Her 15-year-old was stabbed in the chest during a fight instigated by two boys who weren't
00:18 known to him in a Redcliffe park. Those responsible, two 14-year-olds, were retried for his murder
00:25 last year after winning an appeal. A year earlier, they'd been found guilty by a jury.
00:30 But this time, only the one who inflicted the 14cm knife wound faced the same conviction.
00:37 His co-accused instead found culpable of manslaughter.
00:41 The court heard both teens had violent criminal histories and the murderer had been on bail
00:47 at the time of the stabbing. The other teen had been on probation and had a shocking list
00:53 of previous crimes starting at just age 11. Prosecutors told the court the teens had also
00:59 been granted bail after their arrest for the stabbing and went on to commit further offences
01:05 while awaiting their first trial. Both boys were sentenced in the Supreme Court today
01:09 with the now 18-year-old receiving the same jail term as last time - nine years. He'll
01:16 only have to serve 60 per cent just over five years, but he could face deportation to New
01:21 Zealand once that's done. The other teen received five and a half years, but was only required
01:27 to spend half of that in custody, which he's already done. These punishments leaving an
01:33 anguished mother calling for changes to the juvenile justice system.
01:38 The legislation needs to change. It doesn't work. It doesn't protect us. It just sees
01:45 the bodies piling up. Both boys have indicated they will appeal
01:49 their latest verdicts.
01:50 I'm not very much.
