Melbourne city council voted down a motion for ceasefire in Gaza

  • 7 months ago
Fiery protests have erupted in Melbourne's CBD, after the city council narrowly voted down a motion calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza war.


00:00 Melbourne City Councillors debated a motion calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.
00:06 And after more than three hours and 900 submissions, the Deputy Lord Mayor cast the deciding vote.
00:12 Ultimately, my view was that it was going to do more to divide Melbournians than unite them.
00:18 Councillor Jamal Hakim, who brought forward the motion, denies the move was divisive.
00:23 Our community right here in Melbourne is feeling unheard.
00:26 They are in pain. They are feeling the atrocities that are happening in Israel and Palestine.
00:31 Seven Victorian councils have passed their own motions calling for a ceasefire.
00:35 We know that after councils pass motions like this, it enables and it emboldens the community to attack the Jewish community.
00:44 Some people perhaps should be working in Canberra in the Foreign Affairs Office.
00:48 We can chew gum and walk at the same time.
00:50 We are absolutely peaceful and we are parents and health care workers who are concerned about the slaughter of Palestinian people.
00:59 My focus and the government's focus and it really should be the focus of all Victorians is not to drive further division.
01:08 A conflict overseas that's continuing to hit close to home.
