Midi infos - 16/02/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Midi infos - 16/02/2024


00:00 [Music]
00:13 You are watching MedianoTV Africa. Thank you for joining us for this round of news. Here are the headlines.
00:19 Presidential in Senegal, the Constitutional Council invalidates the report of the election of February 25 to December 15.
00:26 The legal institution declares contrary to the Constitution the law adopted on February 5 by the National Assembly
00:32 which postpones the presidential election for 10 months and maintains President Soltan Magistral in his post.
00:37 Details to follow in this news.
00:39 Bravo of the 44th ordinary session of the Executive Council of the African Union in Addis Ababa, in prelude to the summit of the IAEA.
00:48 Morocco recalls the link between terrorism, separatism, armed militias and the existence of non-state armed groups.
00:56 Conflict in the Middle East, the Israeli army carried out an operation in a large hospital in the south of the Gaza Strip,
01:05 killing four people according to the Palestinian Ministry of Defense, which speaks of 28,775 people killed,
01:12 mostly women and minors, since the beginning of the war. We meet again right now for the news.
01:18 Welcome ladies and gentlemen. Let's talk about the political crisis in Senegal.
01:24 The Constitutional Council invalidated yesterday the report of the presidential election of February 25 to December 15,
01:31 at the origin of one of the most serious crises crossed by the country.
01:35 The Council declares contrary to the Constitution the law adopted by the National Assembly,
01:43 repealing the election of 10 months and which maintains President Soltan Magistral in his post.
01:49 The legal body in Paris canceled the decree of President Sall,
01:53 who in fact changed the electoral calendar three weeks only before the deadline,
01:59 worried about the risk of violence. Several important Senegalese partners
02:05 called on the government to hold the election as soon as possible.
02:09 Let's take a look at the direction of Dakar, where our guest, Mr. Moubarak Lho, President of the Emergence Institute, is waiting for us.
02:22 Hello and thank you for accepting our invitation, Mr. Lho.
02:27 We said it at the moment, the Constitutional Council has invalidated the report of the presidential election.
02:33 What is your view on this unprecedented situation in the country?
02:37 First of all, I would like to make a clarification. The Council has not given a date.
02:43 The Constitutional Law, which was voted at the Assembly, spoke of December 15.
02:50 The Council has invalidated the law, so we can say that today the date is open.
02:57 The Council has asked the authorities to organize the election in the best possible time,
03:06 while clarifying that the president's mandate ended on April 3.
03:14 We can think that the Council has given guidelines.
03:21 Now it will all depend on the guidance of the President of the Republic on the Council's decision.
03:32 Does that mean that the election must be organized before April 2?
03:37 Or does he have a much more important mandate?
03:40 We are waiting for the whole nation to listen to what the President has to say about this.
03:46 The Constitutional Council has also called on the Senegalese authorities to hold the presidential election in the best possible time.
03:55 What are the different scenarios that may arise in the coming days?
04:02 If we want to stay within what the electoral code says,
04:10 the first round must be organized 30 days before the election and 45 days before the end of the mandate.
04:21 The end of the mandate is April 3.
04:24 So it would mean that the election should be organized before March 3.
04:29 If we go beyond March 3, we can say that we are no longer within the electoral code.
04:34 Because we have exceeded the deadline.
04:38 So that's the first scenario.
04:40 The second scenario is that the President of the Republic decides to call the voters after March 3.
04:50 In an unknown period, so it could be the month of April, the month of May or later.
04:58 So we have these two scenarios.
05:03 Now for the second scenario, the question that arises is what will happen if we arrive on April 3,
05:12 knowing that the mandate ends on April 3 and if the election must be held after that date.
05:17 We will have to wait for the President to decide and then see the reaction of the Constitutional Council and political actors,
05:27 especially candidates who are engaged.
05:29 Mbanglo, thank you. I remind you that you are the President of the Emergence Institute.
05:35 Thank you very much.
05:37 Yesterday, Addis Abeba Nasir Burita said the importance of putting education,
05:43 youth and cultural diversity at the forefront of priorities in Africa.
05:47 The Minister of Foreign Affairs of African Cooperation and Moroccans living abroad
05:52 stressed the need to invest in the education of young people,
05:56 their professional training and the creation of job opportunities,
05:59 while involving them in the decision-making process.
06:03 Nasir Burita added that African countries will be called to promote a culture of responsibility and commitment
06:10 that is essential to the construction of a stable society.
06:14 Rita Bissounout, Director of the UNESCO Liaison Office,
06:21 also took part in these exchanges. I suggest you listen to her.
06:26 We are absolutely delighted to be here, to be invited as UNESCO
06:32 to this event organized by the Kingdom of Morocco on the very important theme of the year, education.
06:40 How can education and culture contribute to peace?
06:44 And we, as UNESCO, it is our mandate, it is our job.
06:48 Peace begins in the minds of men and peace will end in the minds of men.
06:54 As UNESCO, our mandate is of course education, culture, social sciences,
07:00 artificial intelligence, gender equality.
07:04 So we are here today to talk about this link between education and culture.
07:10 How can we work together to develop a culture of peace?
07:15 So we are absolutely delighted today to be invited to this panel in August with the Ministers
07:21 to talk about work, because UNESCO is the only agency in the United Nations
07:28 that has worked on culture and education.
07:32 And we have just finished a big international conference in Abu Dhabi
07:37 on education and the arts.
07:39 How to develop critical thinking, how to develop reflective thinking,
07:45 how can we ensure that our young people can be armed tomorrow
07:50 for sustainable development, for an Africa that is at peace.
07:56 During this time, in Rabat, representatives of the Arab parliaments
08:00 have stressed that the parliamentary conference on South-South cooperation
08:04 is an important platform for dialogue and exchange of ideas.
08:08 Organized by the Chamber of Counsellors and placed under the patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI,
08:14 this conference allows to examine the possible means of strengthening cooperation
08:19 between the countries of the South, to promote their economic interests
08:22 and to facilitate their integration into the global economy,
08:26 as highlighted during this two-day event.
08:28 As a reminder, the South-South Cooperation Parliamentary Conference
08:32 brings together more than 260 participants from 40 countries,
08:36 including 30 presidents of national parliaments and regional and continental parliaments
08:41 of Africa, the Arab world, Latin America and the Caribbean.
08:48 This parliamentary conference was the occasion for the President of the Chamber of Counsellors
08:53 to call yesterday evening the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Cooperation
08:57 on solid foundations at the political, economic, cultural and social level
09:02 in the service of the future of the region and its peoples
09:05 and their right to security, peace and global development.
09:10 Enam Mahera spoke at the opening of the Summit of the Presidents of the Member Parliaments
09:15 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean
09:19 during the 17th plenary session of the UPM Peace.
09:24 He made it known that the challenges that threaten our Euro-Mediterranean region are numerous,
09:29 including climate change, health security, immigration, organized crime and terrorism,
09:38 which requires, in his opinion, the combination of the efforts of all
09:42 in favor of a strong and capable Union for the Mediterranean
09:46 to face all these risks.
09:49 We stay in Morocco, in accordance with the Royal High Instructions,
09:53 the General of the Army Corps, Inspector General of the FARC
09:57 and Commander of the South Zone received yesterday,
10:00 at the headquarters of the State Major of the South Zone in Agadir,
10:03 the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations
10:06 and Chief of the UNHCR.
10:08 The two parties expressed yesterday their desire to strengthen their cooperation
10:12 in the service of peace and stability in the region.
10:15 Inspector General of the FARC and Alexander Ivanko
10:19 mentioned the different aspects of cooperation between the FARC and the forces of the South Zone.
10:25 The Government Council met yesterday.
10:32 The Council therefore examined and adopted several decree projects,
10:36 the first of which is the modification and completion of the decree
10:40 relating to the application of the law instituting a regime of coverage
10:44 of the consequences of catastrophic events.
10:47 The second decree project concerns the status of the officials
10:51 of the Ministry of National Education.
10:53 The third, however, promulgates various measures
10:57 related to the entitlements allocated to these officials,
11:00 while the fourth text modifies the decree, however,
11:03 creating an additional entitlement for inspection
11:06 in the interest of the inspectors of the Ministry of National Education.
11:10 And on the adoption of the decree project and dictating various measures
11:14 relating to the entitlements allocated to the personnel of the Ministry of National Education,
11:20 I propose to listen to the government spokesman, Mustafa Baytassa.
11:24 In a variety of procedures related to the compensation of employees,
11:30 this project aims to revise the amounts of additional benefits
11:34 awarded to the teachers of education and training.
11:37 This decree project aims to review the monthly amounts
11:40 intended to compensate the administrative charges assigned to the administrative staff
11:44 working in public education and public education establishments.
11:48 The legal text also aims to entrust an additional benefit
11:52 to certain categories of officials of the Ministry
11:55 and to increase the amount of benefits
11:57 on additional hours allocated to the personnel of education.
12:00 All categories are mixed.
12:02 By the Health Department, the Higher Institute of Nursing Professions
12:13 and Health Technologies of the City of Gelmini finally sees the light of day.
12:18 An initiative that is part of the National System of Rehabilitation and Equipment
12:22 of Public Health Establishments.
12:25 Dr. Mahmoud Ainin and Dr. Naoufal Majdoubi
12:28 tell us more about this in this story from the Mafikri.
12:31 The Higher Institute of Nursing Professions and Health Technologies of Gelmini
12:36 has begun to welcome the first student promotion for the current academic season.
12:41 Responding to the needs of the Gelmini-Muadenoun region
12:44 in the field of nursing and health technologies
12:47 and raising the level of health training in the region
12:50 is among the primary objectives of this institute.
12:53 The number of students increased after the opening of this institute.
12:59 Several branches in different specialties have been added
13:02 to meet the needs of the inhabitants and to fill the lack that this region knows.
13:06 The objective behind this initiative is to raise the quality of medical services in this region.
13:11 The Spitz offers a range of new specialties at the regional level
13:17 such as anesthesia, resuscitation, nephrology,
13:20 modialises, emergency care, intensive care and family health.
13:24 I am honoured to be a student at the Spitz
13:32 because they offer us quality training, both at the theoretical and practical level.
13:36 We have attended today the practical work to prepare us for the field
13:47 during our internships within the hospitals.
13:49 We have had the opportunity to learn a lot.
13:51 The institute has a capacity to accommodate 456 students
13:55 and has a wide range of educational equipment
13:58 to provide an appropriate educational environment
14:00 facilitating the integration process of students in the field of health
14:05 after obtaining their diplomas.
14:07 This time in the Middle East, the Israeli army announced yesterday
14:11 that it was conducting an operation in a large hospital
14:14 located in the south of the Gaza Strip.
14:16 The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced four deaths after oxygen was cut off.
14:21 After Hanounes, Israel is preparing a land offensive in the overpopulated city of Lafarge
14:26 which has become the last refuge of the hundreds of thousands of civilians who fled the fighting.
14:31 The figure has now reached 28,775 people killed,
14:35 mostly women and minors, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health
14:39 which also has a total of 112 deaths in the last 24 hours
14:44 and 68,552 injured since the beginning of the war.
14:48 The fear and the fear of a terrestrial operation by the Israeli army
14:56 is the daily life of the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip.
14:59 In the region of Lafarge, a border town with Egypt,
15:02 the majority of the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip are now displaced.
15:06 Correspondent from Mediante Verhoutse, Valérie Ferron, will tell us more.
15:10 Well, we are witnessing an intense diplomatic pressure game at the moment
15:15 with the most urgent center, at least for the Palestinians,
15:19 an agreement on a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip
15:22 and an exchange of prisoners as a first step
15:25 to allow the reconstruction of this Palestinian territory
15:30 and more broadly the full and complete recognition of the State of Palestine.
15:36 On the Israeli side, all these files are the subject of strong opposition,
15:40 both at the internal level, especially between the government and the army,
15:44 and external, with a total rejection of a State of Palestine.
15:49 A rejection, without surprise, from supremacist ministers
15:53 like B'Tsetzel Smotrich, but also from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
15:59 who has always been opposed to the creation of a State of Palestine,
16:03 even if in the last 20 years he has been sometimes forced to play the game in public.
16:10 Benjamin Netanyahu is also opposed to most of the clauses
16:14 proposed by Hamas for the ceasefire agreement
16:19 and he believes that the number of prisoners to be released would be too large.
16:25 We also note that Washington, which supports the government of Benjamin Netanyahu,
16:32 also believes that the position of Hamas on Jerusalem is not acceptable.
16:38 However, Hamas simply proposes to return to the respect of the traditional status quo
16:46 on the espionage of mosques, which has been totally violated by Israel since the 2000s
16:51 and has been the target, we know, for years of daily coups de force
16:56 by Jewish extremists who want to take over to rebuild the Jewish Temple
17:03 with, of course, the total support of the current government.
17:07 On its part, the Palestinian president has launched a general appeal to all parties concerned,
17:12 as well as to the United States and the Arab world,
17:15 to work to put an end to the situation, which is called untenable in the Gaza strip.
17:20 He called more particularly yesterday Hamas to conclude as soon as possible
17:26 an agreement on an exchange of prisoners and a ceasefire
17:29 to avoid, he said, a new catastrophe with consequences even more dangerous than the 1948 Nakba.
17:37 Finally, concerning the various European and American statements
17:41 on a Palestinian state recognized on the borders of 1967,
17:48 the Palestinian administration has specified several times that what it expected
17:54 was the full and complete recognition of this state by all,
17:58 via its membership as a full member of the United Nations.
18:03 The time for the Palestinians is therefore more than ever to take action and not to promise a wave.
18:09 Music takes us to Bamako with the Echang festival,
18:15 initiated three years ago in Senegal by the artist Kumba Gaoulosek.
18:20 The event takes place in the Mali Valley,
18:22 the first step in a long journey across 12 countries on the continent.
18:26 This is a report by Mohamed Anyoko.
18:28 Ambassador of the Feminine Cause for several international organizations,
18:33 the festival, the Echang, the Kumba Gaoulosek,
18:37 is a continuity of its fight for the well-being of women.
18:41 We want, through this program, our will, in any case,
18:46 and our ambitions are to bring together all the living forces of the nation
18:50 around this program to lead the conversation
18:54 on the themes of demographic dividend,
18:58 the autonomization of women in the Sahel.
19:00 Autonomization of women, schooling and maintenance of girls at school,
19:05 fight against gender-based violence,
19:07 are among other themes discussed at this festival and forums.
19:12 The gender-based discrimination for the cause is on the menu of this festival.
19:18 You know, in Africa, African women are so humble,
19:21 they do extraordinary things,
19:23 but with the education we were given at home,
19:26 by our parents, to tell us, "Stand behind, leave men in front,
19:30 listen to your husband, listen to everything he says,
19:32 do not answer everything, accept everything he says."
19:35 So, in the end, it leads us to go deeper into things
19:39 and always put us behind, even if we are careful.
19:42 And so, for all these reasons,
19:45 we want to make women understand and show them
19:49 that they too have the right to be in front of the stage.
19:53 Chosen as the first country to host this festival after Senegal,
19:58 the Malian authorities salute and support this initiative.
20:03 The Ministry of Women, Children and Families Promotion
20:06 could not stay out of this beautiful initiative,
20:10 which is inclusive and participatory,
20:13 marked by moments of communion, meetings, reflections,
20:18 through a series of activities,
20:21 including the press conference held yesterday,
20:24 here at the CICB, these forums, but also panels.
20:30 From February 14 to 17, the Malian capital will vibrate
20:34 with the rhythm of music, but also with messages
20:38 committed to the empowerment of women.
20:41 And that's what I have for this edition.
20:43 Thank you for following the Reviéra news on BNR-TV.
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