The Revealing Truth About Filming Nude Scenes

  • 7 months ago
If you think watching an unexpected sex scene is awkward, just imagine how it must've felt to make it. Actually, you don't have to imagine at all — we'll tell you exactly what goes on behind the scenes when the clothes come off.


00:00 If you think watching an unexpected sex scene is awkward, just imagine how it must've felt
00:05 to make it.
00:06 Actually, you don't have to imagine at all.
00:08 We'll tell you exactly what goes on behind the scenes when the clothes come off.
00:13 First off, it's worth noting that nude scenes are not necessarily the same as sex scenes.
00:18 After all, nudity isn't inherently sexual.
00:21 There are plenty of movie moments where characters are naked for reasons that have nothing to
00:25 do with sex, such as the scene with the showering soldiers in Starship Troopers.
00:29 Conversely, there are plenty of sexually charged scenes in movies featuring characters who
00:34 are fully closed.
00:35 The association of nudity and sex in film is largely thanks to the Hays Code, a set
00:40 of strict regulations that censored what could be shown on the big screen between 1934 and
00:45 1968.
00:46 Under the Hays Code, any nudity, regardless of sexual intent, was a big no-no.
00:52 Even after the Hays Code was dissolved, the public attitude towards nudity stuck.
00:56 In more recent years, plenty of films have found ways to utilize nudity that decouple
01:01 it from sexuality.
01:02 Take the raunchy 2023 comedy No Hard Feelings, for example.
01:06 We don't see anything particularly risque during the sex scenes themselves, but Jennifer
01:10 Lawrence ends up bearing it all during a fight with some teenagers who stole her clothes.
01:15 Nevertheless, the most notorious nude scenes in cinematic history — and the ones that
01:19 end up being the most complicated, awkward, and hilarious to film — involve sex in some
01:24 way.
01:26 Let's clear this up right away.
01:27 The Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, more commonly
01:32 known as SAG-AFTRA, make it explicitly clear that actors cannot have actual sex while filming
01:37 a sexually explicit scene.
01:40 Actors should never be expected to film a scene of that nature without some kind of
01:43 physical barrier.
01:45 This means that any time you see movie characters involved in hanky-panky, it's not for real.
01:50 These sequences are typically supervised by an intimacy coordinator.
01:53 He was responsible for communicating the needs of the actors during scenes that involve sex
01:58 and nudity, as well as organizing the shooting of these scenes so they don't violate an actor's
02:02 boundaries.
02:03 An actor will outline those boundaries in a section of their contract called a "nudity
02:07 rider."
02:08 To maximize protection during sex scenes, an intimacy coordinator will often provide
02:12 performers with an object they can place between them as a barrier.
02:16 As Bridgerton actor Jonathan Bailey told Radio Times,
02:19 "It's amazing what you can do with a half-inflated netball."
02:22 If actors start to become agilely turned on, the crew needs to stop filming right away.
02:27 Intimacy coordinator David Thackeray told Backstage,
02:30 "The worst thing you can do is carry on.
02:33 Give them five minutes, then we come back into it when they're ready."
02:36 "Sometimes there's real chemistry between two people and you start feeling like it's
02:43 real."
02:45 Intimacy coordinators are a Hollywood staple now, but before they became commonplace, many
02:49 performers were expected to violate their boundaries for nude scenes.
02:53 In one particularly infamous example, Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider's sex scene from
02:58 Last Tango in Paris was not consensual.
03:01 Although Brando and Schneider didn't have sex for real, director Bernardo Bertolucci
03:05 deliberately withheld from Schneider that he wanted Brando to smear butter all over
03:10 her, claiming that he wanted to capture her genuine, humiliated reaction on camera.
03:15 Another actor who chose to remain anonymous told Variety Australia that she was pressured
03:19 into doing uncomfortable things because she didn't have an intimacy coordinator protecting
03:23 her.
03:24 She recalled being asked to remove her panties during a shower scene, even though the camera
03:28 would only show her from the waist up.
03:30 What's more, in the past, Hollywood has placed a burden on actors to stop the spread of sexually
03:34 transmitted diseases.
03:36 For instance, Rock Hudson wanted to tell his Dynasty co-star Linda Evans that he had HIV,
03:41 but he was concerned that he might be fired if he announced his diagnosis.
03:45 It was the 1980s, after all.
03:47 At the time, doctors were still figuring out how HIV was spread, so Hudson feared that
03:52 he might transmit the disease to Evans during their kissing scene and felt incredibly guilty.
03:57 Hoping to protect Evans, Hudson gargled mouthwash beforehand, and Evans didn't find out until
04:02 later why he seemed so reluctant to kiss her.
04:06 When it's time to film a nude scene, intimacy coordinators will bring a whole toolbox of
04:10 garments that actors can use to cover themselves.
04:13 For one, performers can use pasties to conceal their nipples.
04:16 Actors may also put on a shabu, or hibou, a patch of adhesive fabric worn as a strapless
04:22 thong.
04:23 Intimacy coordinator Alicia Rodas told Backstage,
04:26 "We take a shabu, open it up, and put a silicone guard underneath so everyone becomes like
04:31 a Barbie doll."
04:32 "I do not have a vagina.
04:36 And he does not have a penis.
04:38 We don't have genitals."
04:39 "That's okay, yeah."
04:41 Sometimes actors will also wear elbow pads or knee pads.
04:44 This is never particularly sexy, but it is sometimes necessary if an actor needs to remain
04:49 in awkward positions for multiple takes.
04:51 Naturally, these garments are artfully omitted from the shot.
04:54 Intimacy coordinators may provide a performer with a merkin, which is essentially a wig
04:59 for pubic hair.
05:00 Alternatively, filmmakers might add the hair digitally in post-production, as cinematographer
05:05 Seamus McGarvey did for Fifty Shades of Grey.
05:07 In an interview with The New York Times, McGarvey shared,
05:10 "I wouldn't say it was one of the highlights of my career, but it certainly was one of
05:14 the most surreal scenarios."
05:17 When it comes to shooting sex scenes, it's easy to imagine that actors just wing it.
05:21 The truth is that this already happens.
05:23 With such delicate matters, nothing should be left to chance.
05:26 Jake Gyllenhaal once compared shooting sex scenes to filming a fight sequence.
05:30 Both needed to be choreographed beat by beat to make sure they ran smoothly.
05:34 Intimacy coordinators need to talk with the actors to determine exactly what each of them
05:38 feels comfortable doing.
05:40 Actors always feel more at ease before a sex scene, or any scene for that matter, if they
05:44 know that there will be no surprises.
05:46 Sometimes actors will practice first with their clothes on.
05:49 Director John Krokides explained to Vulture,
05:51 "If we rehearsed it enough times with clothes on, there would be less time having to put
05:55 two naked men in awkward positions.
05:57 That would make the actors feel self-conscious."
05:59 "He's in his underwear, you're in your underwear, and you're, um, you're sort of, you know,
06:04 dry-humping on a bed."
06:05 The camera crew also needs to rehearse, carefully planning the framing and motion of each shot
06:10 before they begin shooting.
06:12 Intimacy coordinators will occasionally use neon green tape on actors' bodies to mark
06:16 exactly where the camera is not allowed to go.
06:19 Sarah Treme, a writer on the show The Affair, summed it up for The New York Times by saying,
06:24 "We had to create sex scenes that looked like we weren't trying to cover body parts when
06:28 we were."
06:29 Sometimes actors can film sex scenes without even touching their partners.
06:33 For instance, Lars von Trier's Nymphomaniac hired porn performers as body doubles for
06:37 the actors, and used CGI to combine their bodies.
06:40 Producer Louise Vette told The Hollywood Reporter,
06:43 "So above the waist it will be the star, and below the waist it will be the doubles."
06:47 Actor Stacey Martin explained to MTV that her movements were carefully choreographed
06:52 and tracked, saying,
06:53 "We would get little black dots on our bodies."
06:55 Other filmmakers have found more low-tech solutions.
06:58 John Turturro recalled on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert that a sex scene between Kate
07:02 Winslet and James Gandolfini for his movie Romance and Cigarettes had to be done in a
07:07 particular way.
07:09 Winslet had sprained her ankle, and Turturro realized that the scene simply wasn't working
07:13 with Winslet trying to straddle Gandolfini, so instead he had each of them film their
07:17 parts separately.
07:19 Gandolfini had to pretend that Winslet was on top of him, while Winslet bounced on an
07:22 exercise ball.
07:23 Apparently, Winslet bounced so hard that she fell off the ball at the end of the shot.
07:27 Still, Turturro wanted audiences to believe the pair were actually in the same room.
07:32 "So I took Kate's wig, and as James was having sex, I threw Kate's wig in front of the camera."
07:40 Of course, there are still countless actors who choose not to film nude scenes for various
07:44 reasons.
07:45 Megan Fox has insisted that she won't film nude scenes anymore now that she's a mother,
07:49 since she doesn't want her children to see her in those films.
07:52 Jessica Albers says she has avoided full nudity to avoid having an awkward conversation with
07:56 her grandparents.
07:57 Penn Badgley made it a point to limit his sex scenes in the Netflix series You.
08:01 He explained that he didn't want to be typecast as a romantic lead.
08:05 He also felt that it would be more respectful to his wife if he wasn't constantly expected
08:09 to film sex scenes.
08:10 According to Entertainment Weekly, Isla Fisher pushed for her character to not appear nude
08:14 in Wedding Crashers, insisting,
08:16 "If you see a character's breast, she's no longer funny."
08:19 Unfortunately, the film's producers wouldn't listen to her.
08:23 All Fisher could do was arrange to have body doubles for the film's nude scenes.
08:26 Meanwhile, Mandy Moore shared in the DVD commentary for Chasing Liberty that she got a body double
08:31 for the skinny-dipping scene because the river looked "unsanitary."
08:35 Even Sex and the City star Sarah Jessica Parker had a clause in her contract stating that
08:39 she'd never appear nude on the show, which goes to show that you can star in a series
08:43 of lots of sex without necessarily needing to strip down.
08:47 It's no secret that the Motion Picture Association, or MPA, is notoriously inconsistent when it
08:53 comes to rating movies.
08:55 However, it can be truly astonishing how wildly their policy toward nudity varies from film
09:00 to film.
09:01 For one, male nudity is treated as more shocking than female nudity.
09:04 While Kate Winslet's body was on full display in the PG-13 Titanic, Michael Fassbender's
09:09 full-frontal nudity in Shame earned the film an NC-17 rating.
09:14 In fact, the MPA began including the content warning of "male nudity" to accompany its
09:18 ratings, even though all instances of female nudity have been categorized as just "nudity"
09:24 without any gender-specific labels.
09:26 Aside from revealing a clear double standard and undermining the purported purpose of the
09:30 rating, the policy also suggests a bias against queer couples.
09:34 In one of the few ways that MPA has actually behaved consistently, the organization has
09:39 shown a tendency to give stricter ratings to movies with LGBTQ+ characters regardless
09:45 of the film's actual content.
09:47 The film Love is Strange, which features a middle-aged gay couple, received an R rating
09:51 despite having no sex or nudity at all.
09:54 COVID-19 changed the film industry forever, so filmmakers obviously needed to change the
10:00 way they filmed nude scenes and sex scenes going forward.
10:03 Some studios used editing tricks to make it seem like two actors were embracing, even
10:08 if they weren't in the same room together.
10:10 Others quarantined and used bare-bones crews to accomplish their visions.
10:14 For actors who felt comfortable being within six feet of their co-star but were wary of
10:18 kissing them on the lips, intimacy coordinators had to find other creative ways of evoking
10:23 the same feeling.
10:24 The scenes where it wouldn't have been safe for two actors to have such close contact,
10:27 the show The Bold and the Beautiful replaced them with lifelike inflatable dolls.
10:32 Pia Zwenger from BBC Drama even proposed the idea that actors would kiss each other with
10:36 a sheet of Perspex between them.
10:39 Even before COVID times, when all else fails, filmmakers and showrunners sometimes just
10:43 need to make do without any sex or nudity.
10:46 To compensate for this, the creators of shows like Riverdale have substituted more graphic
10:50 material with flirty dialogue loaded with innuendos.
10:54 "There's always room for one more kitty in my litter box."
10:57 Dynasty showrunner Josh Reams told The New York Times,
11:00 "The joke among the writers is that we will watch two characters say they want to have
11:04 sex and then cut to them saying, 'That was some great sex.'"
11:08 the show.
11:09 (upbeat music)
11:11 you
