Kyle Shanahan's Shift in Strategy and Perceptions for Big Games

  • 7 months ago
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 Now, if I would have known earlier this morning, Joe,
00:06 that Kyle Shanahan was gonna chop Steve Wilkes today,
00:11 I would have got the clip of him at his press conference yesterday saying that
00:15 he didn't anticipate any changes to his coaching staff.
00:18 I would have got him saying that.
00:20 Instead, though, Joe, I do have him talking about, of course,
00:25 not winning big games.
00:27 We've been through it time and time again.
00:28 He's lost another Super Bowl here.
00:31 Kyle Shanahan doesn't really wanna hear any of that, Joe.
00:34 >> I mean, you'd love to fix perception cuz I would love to win one for
00:39 what I know about football and stuff.
00:40 And I know if I fix perception, that means I did everything I wanted to do,
00:43 which isn't fix perception, it's win a damn Super Bowl.
00:46 >> [LAUGH] >> But I also know when you say big games,
00:49 we've gotta win a bunch of big games to get to the Super Bowls.
00:53 We've won a lot of big games here.
00:55 We've won a lot of big games to get into playoffs.
00:58 >> A lot of big games.
00:59 >> I can't get in there and show you guys how much we've been games,
01:01 win games, or big games.
01:02 And I think you guys are aware of that.
01:04 >> Yeah.
01:05 >> But it's, these two Super Bowls have been tough, losing to Kansas City.
01:10 But to think that if we win that, that means I can win a big game.
01:16 No, that means our team won the Super Bowl.
01:18 That's what I understand.
01:21 You guys can have any narrative you want, but the success or the failure,
01:25 it comes down to one game.
01:26 And I hope that I can be a part of a team that wins a game at the end of the year.
01:30 But to say that the Niners can't win a big game would be
01:33 an extremely inaccurate statement.
01:36 >> Inaccurate statement, Joe, he says.
01:38 That's an extremely inaccurate statement.
01:41 I guess, look, I mean, I guess beating the Lions was a big game.
01:46 Beating the Packers was a big game.
01:48 I don't think they're the biggest games, but
01:50 I guess they do constitute big games, right, Joe?
01:52 All playoff games are big games.
01:55 Then what do we need to, I guess, call the Super Bowl something else?
01:58 It's a Super Bowl, right?
02:00 It's more than a big game.
02:01 It's the game.
02:02 And it's the game that you're judged on.
02:04 When you win one as much as he has, you get judged by winning that game.
02:08 That's how it goes.
02:10 >> And if it wasn't such a big game, why did Kyle Shanahan look like he ate
02:14 a bad plate of eel after he came off the sidelines?
02:18 He looked green.
02:21 That's how bad, he looked like he was gonna throw up.
02:24 That's how bad Kyle Shanahan looked after that.
02:26 If it wasn't that big of a game, why did he come off with a smile on his face?
02:30 He's still getting paid.
02:33 How much does he get paid?
02:34 10 million, 11 million?
02:36 He should have changed the press conference hat.
02:38 That hat was atrocious.
02:40 I'll tell you that.
02:41 Maybe that's a start.
02:42 Let's change the wardrobe a little bit.
02:45 >> All over the lid, huh?
02:46 You don't like his lid that he wore out there to the press conference.
02:50 >> Not a fan of the lid.
02:50 >> Joe, not a fan?
02:51 >> Not a fan.
02:51 [MUSIC]
