Mobilità, Casiraghi (Arval): “Prossimità sul territorio è per noi elemento chiave”

  • 7 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “La prossimità sul territorio per noi è fondamentale. Abbiamo un approccio multidimensionale in termini distributivo, che ci vede presenti su diversi segmenti di vendita, ma è per noi molto importante essere vicini al cliente finale, soprattutto nei segmenti retail. Per questo motivo la territorialità per noi è un punto chiave”. Lo ha detto Dario Casiraghi, direttore generale di Arval Italia, a margine dell’evento stampa ‘Arval media day: risultati, connessioni e percorsi di mobilità’, svoltosi presso la ‘Torre Diamante’, sede milanese di Bnp Paribas. In questa occasione Arval Italia ha fatto il punto sui risultati del 2023, ha approfondito l’andamento del noleggio auto ed ha condiviso il piano strategico del 2024.


00:00 [Music]
00:04 We are closing 2023 in a positive way,
00:07 also in relation to the complexity of the market
00:09 that has characterized the last 12 months.
00:12 But 2023 for us has been a positive year
00:15 in terms of growth,
00:17 but also in terms of structure and process efficiency,
00:21 which we did to start stronger and more aware in 2024
00:26 and to carry on our sustainable growth
00:29 both in the fleet and in the commercial proposition
00:33 of innovative and digital products and services.
00:36 Proximity on the territory is fundamental for us.
00:39 We have a multidimensional approach in terms of distribution
00:44 that sees us present on different sales segments,
00:47 but it is very important for us to be close to the end customer,
00:51 especially in retail segments,
00:53 and with that, territoriality is key for us.
00:56 So, finding the right way to approach the customer,
01:00 to interact in the right way where the customer is present.
01:04 For this reason, we have indirect channels
01:07 that allow us, in addition to the partnerships,
01:10 to have this presence spread throughout the Italian territory.
01:13 The theme of white labels is a lever of growth for us.
01:17 To date, we have seven active white labels.
01:20 We work with car companies
01:22 to create a solution of proximity
01:26 and a value recognized by the end customer
01:29 in the connection between car companies and rental companies,
01:33 in this case Arval,
01:35 rather than the companies of the BNP Paribas group,
01:38 in providing a sustainable mobility proposition
01:41 and products that can be easily accessible
01:44 by customers of these brands.
