Leeds headlines 1 February: Burmontofts dealer given suspended sentence

  • 7 months ago
Leeds Headlines 1 February 2024.


00:00 Three stories in brief, and a teenager who was found with nearly £4,000 worth of drugs
00:06 tried to lie his way out of trouble, with a story about them being for personal use.
00:11 Nicholas Lee, who was originally based in Bermontoffs, has been given a two-year sentence,
00:16 suspended for two years, and must complete 200 hours of unpaid work.
00:20 Next, a shop where illicit goods were seized, and an undercover 16-year-old was allowed
00:26 to buy alcohol, has had its premises licence revoked. Officers found no evidence that duty
00:31 had been paid on cans of beer and bottles of wine and spirits at BK's store in Hare Hills
00:36 last year.
00:39 And finally, West Yorkshire MPs have come together to pledge support for a major road
00:42 safety campaign. Vision Zero is aiming to eradicate all deaths and serious injuries
00:48 on West Yorkshire's roads by 2040.
