Virginia vs Carolina - Challenge Cup (2024) Sun, Jan 28, 2024 9:32 AM to 11:19 AM

  • 8 months ago
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00:07:39 I agree.
00:07:51 Have a good time.
00:07:52 All right.
00:07:53 I'm out.
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00:08:49 All right, we are ready to get game number 35
00:09:03 in your bracket underway.
00:09:06 Carolina facing off against Team Virginia.
00:09:10 Carolina will--
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00:10:23 Second game of the day as we are watching Virginia
00:10:31 taking on North Carolina.
00:10:34 First pitch swing and it's Kyle Center deep out
00:10:36 into left field.
00:10:37 And he's got to get her going on the grassy Nolan left.
00:10:41 1-0 Virginia.
00:10:44 I'm big boy J-Wro from Bring It Podcast.
00:10:46 I have Mike Lacey alongside me for a championship Sunday.
00:10:50 I believe Kyle started off the game last night with home run.
00:10:55 Sure did.
00:10:56 Tell you what, just like the first game,
00:10:59 the away team on the board early as Chris Anenios
00:11:04 coming to the plate.
00:11:05 Anenios has had a good weekend.
00:11:07 Very good weekend.
00:11:10 Brandon Jonas now pitching for North Carolina
00:11:12 after we saw sport in the first game against Alabama.
00:11:18 I've enjoyed watching Jonas pitch this weekend.
00:11:22 First base side.
00:11:23 Trying to sneak that one in there,
00:11:24 but Steve had time up still.
00:11:28 Now everybody's ready.
00:11:33 Jonas delivers.
00:11:34 Roll on over to Ty Cobb for one down.
00:11:38 First down of the inning.
00:11:41 Haven't seen that much from Chris Anenios
00:11:43 this weekend as an out.
00:11:45 No, Chris, hey, maybe he's just getting wake up, get going.
00:11:51 You never have to worry about him.
00:11:53 It's a guy you're going to take on your team
00:11:55 every day of the week.
00:11:57 Twice on Sunday.
00:12:00 That's what he's looking to do.
00:12:02 Be here at least twice on Sunday.
00:12:03 For sure.
00:12:04 As Jacob Clifton, as we're in the loser bracket final,
00:12:06 Jacob Clifton rips that one down the left field line,
00:12:09 fouling out of play.
00:12:11 You know, we was talking about teams and states
00:12:13 last night that have the power.
00:12:14 Virginia's one of those.
00:12:16 Virginia has enough power to play this ballpark as a Challenge
00:12:22 Cup team, and we'll look to see if they can--
00:12:26 wind's shifted a little bit.
00:12:27 Looks like it may be trying to drift out to left field.
00:12:30 So you may see numbers go up.
00:12:33 I'd like to see that.
00:12:34 Just see an old-fashioned shootout.
00:12:36 Big old shootout.
00:12:38 That one's heavy there.
00:12:39 Full count.
00:12:40 Last pitch of the day out back coming up.
00:12:42 Jonas working from the first base side delivers.
00:12:45 Jacob Clifton with a seed back through the middle,
00:12:48 with one down here in the top of the first inning.
00:12:52 And that's just a good first at bat by Clifton,
00:12:54 because Clifton has unlimited power.
00:12:58 And he didn't try to do too much with it.
00:13:00 Just right backwards pitch to get his body going.
00:13:04 Well, that's so much--
00:13:06 Carolina, in a sense, has the advantage.
00:13:08 They've already played a game.
00:13:09 They've put up a bunch of runs.
00:13:10 They're all loose.
00:13:11 They've all felt a couple of bats here.
00:13:14 As is where getting ready for this game,
00:13:16 you have to almost come in and be ready to attack
00:13:19 at the plate for Virginia.
00:13:22 Nice piece by Brandon Jackson into center field
00:13:25 to move Clifton over to two.
00:13:26 And the one thing you know about Virginia is,
00:13:28 I mean, you've got a lot of guys that's
00:13:30 been there for a long time.
00:13:32 And the respect they have for John,
00:13:35 you know they got up and prepared this morning, got ready.
00:13:38 Yeah.
00:13:38 Here comes Big Aaron Stidham to the plate.
00:13:44 Catcher for Virginia.
00:13:44 Virginia did change their lineup a little bit here.
00:13:46 Now they're in the loser's bracket.
00:13:48 They're only batting 11.
00:13:49 They have been batting 12 all weekend, or at least all games
00:13:53 we had seen on the broadcast.
00:13:54 So they're batting 11 here.
00:13:56 I like that play when you get in the loser's bracket.
00:13:59 Yeah, loser's bracket, all bets are off.
00:14:01 You know, if they felt like that, 12 guys hit, they'd hit 12.
00:14:05 Sure.
00:14:07 You always try to rotate it, line up just one or two pitches
00:14:12 quicker to the top.
00:14:14 Nice comeback pitch by Jonas.
00:14:15 Runners up first and second, one down, one nothing ball game
00:14:18 so far in the top half of the first.
00:14:22 Stidham hits that one into center.
00:14:24 Bradley Scott underneath it.
00:14:26 Clifton goes back, tags up, and moves on over to third.
00:14:28 You know, they've marked now their job
00:14:34 is to see if we can get two or three,
00:14:36 get some kind of crook of number,
00:14:38 get the ball game rolling.
00:14:40 Here comes Ricky Moyers to the plate.
00:14:43 Hit a big grand slam last night.
00:14:46 Wish I could remember who against who, but I can't.
00:14:49 Yeah, but he also had--
00:14:51 thought he might have pulled something pretty good.
00:14:53 Didn't look good at first on a stretch,
00:14:55 but he looked OK in game two against Florida,
00:14:58 which is good to see Ricky not injured.
00:15:04 Nice swing by Ricky Moyers out in the right.
00:15:05 That's going to score Clifton in from three,
00:15:07 and Brandon Jackson's going to head over and take
00:15:09 Clifton's spot at third base.
00:15:10 So runners on the corners with two down here, two nothing.
00:15:14 Good start.
00:15:19 And who got on the plate?
00:15:21 Is that Steve Lano?
00:15:22 Justin just moved to--
00:15:26 umpire just switched, right?
00:15:27 Yes.
00:15:28 Yeah, Steve's behind the dish now,
00:15:29 and Justin's in the field.
00:15:32 And Steve will have a little bit more of an open strike zone
00:15:35 than Justin did, but he'll be consistent.
00:15:39 Corey Booth at the plate now.
00:15:42 Jonas testing the ceiling, and Steve says there it is.
00:15:46 Corey's a guy that does a lot for the conference,
00:15:48 does a lot for these Challenge Cup teams.
00:15:52 Corey's good for the game, uniforms,
00:15:54 and just a good person, good guy to hang around with.
00:15:57 Good.
00:15:58 And a great shuffleboard partner.
00:16:00 Really?
00:16:01 Oh.
00:16:02 Corey and I in dive bars are undefeated shuffleboard.
00:16:07 Throw that jukebox on, get the touch tunes going,
00:16:09 and you're going to own the shuffleboard for the evening.
00:16:13 Well, and this bar was old enough.
00:16:14 There was no touchscreen jukebox.
00:16:16 You still had to put quarters in.
00:16:17 See, that's a good time.
00:16:18 It was a classic.
00:16:19 That's a real good time.
00:16:20 Corey Booth inside pitch.
00:16:22 He yanks that one foul for an out.
00:16:24 That's the final out of the inning,
00:16:25 but not before Virginia puts up two
00:16:28 in the top half of the first.
00:16:29 Nice job there by Jonas to get that final out.
00:16:32 We'll be back here with Carolina looking to answer.
00:16:35 2-0 after the top half of the first.
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00:16:42 the final.
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00:17:47 Welcome back here to Space Coast Stadium.
00:18:12 We're heading to the bottom of the first inning
00:18:14 in this loser bracket final of Virginia taking on North
00:18:17 Carolina.
00:18:18 Virginia puts up two in the top half of the first.
00:18:20 I'm big boy J-Wro from Bring It Podcast.
00:18:22 Alongside with me today is Mike Lacey.
00:18:26 Rock a ball, though, to start here.
00:18:28 Rock is a professional hitter.
00:18:31 With some good footwork there, too.
00:18:32 A little hacky sack player, perhaps.
00:18:34 Yeah.
00:18:36 Doesn't look like your stereotypical hacky sack guy,
00:18:39 but maybe--
00:18:40 Rock's an athlete.
00:18:41 Rock would probably play checkers,
00:18:43 probably do anything.
00:18:45 Rock a ball, though, starting off for the top of the order.
00:18:48 Down low, the center.
00:18:55 Rock hits that ball high in the left field.
00:18:58 It is being pushed out of the stadium.
00:19:01 That wind is pushing across the diamond hard.
00:19:03 You know I said checkers for a reason, by the way.
00:19:06 Because using an athlete in checkers
00:19:08 is about like using ice in coffee.
00:19:11 I'm not going to hear the-- this is like me fighting a hippo,
00:19:15 isn't it?
00:19:15 Yeah.
00:19:16 You had no chance.
00:19:17 That was a horrible, horrible call.
00:19:18 You caught me late in the World Series.
00:19:20 I was all jacked up on Mountain Dew and the excitement
00:19:23 of the World Series.
00:19:24 And rock a ball, though.
00:19:26 Nice swing.
00:19:27 Oh, look at Jacob Clifton with a nice play to his left.
00:19:31 One thing about it is--
00:19:33 and that's a product of it being early in the year,
00:19:37 early in these guys' training to get back in.
00:19:40 The defense is a little better than the offense right now.
00:19:43 We've seen a lot of nice defensive plays.
00:19:46 Well, that's a thing, right?
00:19:48 I feel like the defense doesn't go away.
00:19:52 The bat does.
00:19:53 Like the bat takes a little more to fine tune it.
00:19:56 Nice swing there by Waddy down the left field line.
00:19:59 Zach Watts with a double, one out double here
00:20:02 in the bottom half of the first inning.
00:20:05 You know, it's almost like golf.
00:20:07 I always keep going back to golf,
00:20:09 especially when I'm down here.
00:20:10 But that short game goes away quick.
00:20:13 I feel like that's the offense.
00:20:14 Yeah, you can get up there and hit the ball hard.
00:20:16 But you're going to be able to hit the holes
00:20:17 and gaps like you want.
00:20:18 Right.
00:20:19 Put it in spots.
00:20:20 Austin Mapes with runner on second and one out here
00:20:26 in the bottom of the first inning.
00:20:28 I'm not going to lie.
00:20:28 I mean, for those of you that have never met J-Row,
00:20:33 doesn't look like your typical golfer.
00:20:36 Ball hit.
00:20:37 High in the center for the second out.
00:20:41 Banksy underneath it.
00:20:44 Maybe rugby?
00:20:46 I never played rugby.
00:20:48 You missed your opportunity.
00:20:50 You would have been a hell of a rugby player.
00:20:52 You've never seen me run, have you?
00:20:54 Well, I don't need to.
00:20:56 Just as long as you're standing in my way between me
00:20:58 and the other guy, that's your job.
00:21:00 I got you.
00:21:00 Just block.
00:21:02 I can block well.
00:21:03 I didn't have you in it.
00:21:04 Wide receiver, the slotter, running back.
00:21:08 Ty Cobb looking to go 3-4, and he finds it.
00:21:11 And that should score Watts in from second.
00:21:14 Ty's another young kid.
00:21:18 Yes, I'm going to be a little partial because he
00:21:20 is playing with us this year.
00:21:21 But Ty's another young kid that's
00:21:24 got a high ceiling for the game.
00:21:27 Another guy with this LSR team.
00:21:29 You guys are going to have a good squad.
00:21:32 We hope so.
00:21:34 Starting off in Vegas?
00:21:36 We are starting.
00:21:37 We're starting at Trip Roth.
00:21:38 Oh, nice.
00:21:40 And then Vegas.
00:21:41 Then the duel.
00:21:42 Travis Tucker looking to go backside.
00:21:44 Fouls it off the net.
00:21:45 0-1.
00:21:46 And the good news is Vegas, it'll
00:21:50 be interesting to see how many--
00:21:52 I don't think you'll see very many major teams out there
00:21:54 because there's a two-day turnaround from Vegas
00:21:56 to the duel.
00:21:58 So that's tight.
00:21:59 That is as tight as you could have anything.
00:22:03 And that's just because of the way Easter weekend falls.
00:22:06 OK.
00:22:08 Travis Tucker finds the one four hole.
00:22:10 Nice swing by Trapp.
00:22:12 And that is going to send Cobb on over to three.
00:22:16 Maybe you'll see me down at the Trip Roth this year.
00:22:19 Well, if you come to the Trip Roth,
00:22:21 you want to bring shorts, t-shirt, sweatshirt, jeans,
00:22:27 Carhartt.
00:22:28 Because it could be anything.
00:22:29 No kidding.
00:22:29 It could be anything.
00:22:31 Rain gear.
00:22:32 It is-- I mean, we are cold weather folk, though.
00:22:35 So it still could get chilly.
00:22:37 It could still get chilly.
00:22:40 Here comes a young kid for North Carolina
00:22:42 that's impressed me a lot this year, or this weekend.
00:22:45 It's Jackson May, the left fielder.
00:22:46 Another great swing by Jackson May.
00:22:49 That's going to score Cobb in from third to tie the game up.
00:22:51 Jackson's had a good day so far.
00:22:54 Yeah, he has.
00:22:57 Saw him play last weekend and was impressive.
00:22:59 Now seeing him play this weekend and doing the same.
00:23:02 He's playing C ball this year with Fishhead out of Maryland.
00:23:06 That's a team that's been around a long time.
00:23:09 Chad Kendrick does a great job with that.
00:23:11 I remember back when we were playing DNC,
00:23:13 we would always face up against them.
00:23:17 Here comes Josh Fyfe with runners in scoring position.
00:23:20 2-2 ball game, two down, bottom one.
00:23:22 Carolina looking to take the lead.
00:23:25 Nice pitch there by center, but just misses.
00:23:29 Delivers.
00:23:30 Good comeback pitch by center, 1 and 1.
00:23:32 Saw a chance to watch center play in the Winter Worlds
00:23:41 and Myrtle a couple weekends ago.
00:23:44 Josh Fyfe elevates that into center,
00:23:46 and Banks sees underneath it.
00:23:48 Dancing around a lot with the way it's moving.
00:23:50 Final out of the inning.
00:23:52 Carolina answers Virginia's 2, leaves 2-1 in scoring position.
00:23:57 But after 1, we got a 2-2 ball game.
00:23:58 A little different game than we had in the first game of the day.
00:24:01 And we'll be back with Virginia coming up.
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00:25:08 (dramatic music)
00:25:10 - Welcome back here to Space Coast Stadium
00:25:23 in a frigid Florida day apparently.
00:25:27 - No, let's have a news flash.
00:25:29 We were just having a talk with Freddy
00:25:30 outside the booth here.
00:25:32 And Freddy's complaining because he doesn't have a pullover.
00:25:35 - It is 68 degrees with the wind straight off Miami Beach,
00:25:40 which brings in another seven degrees of air temperature.
00:25:43 And people are cold.
00:25:45 Make it make sense.
00:25:47 They need to hop on a flight, head to north.
00:25:48 - Come home with us.
00:25:49 - Yeah.
00:25:50 - Come on with us, you'll figure it out real quick.
00:25:52 And here is Josh Brown.
00:25:54 Nice piece by Brown, he threw the middle just by Cobb.
00:25:59 Nice lead off single.
00:26:00 - I mean it's evidently warm down here.
00:26:02 You're drinking iced coffee.
00:26:03 If it was cold, if I ever see steam coming out of your cup
00:26:07 instead of the ice in there, I'll know you're cold.
00:26:11 - You know what, here's the thing.
00:26:12 I had about four or five hot coffees yesterday morning.
00:26:16 And then I switched to ice later in the day.
00:26:18 Like I said, it's a refreshing beverage.
00:26:19 This morning I probably should have gone with the hot.
00:26:22 But I wanted iced, I wanted to be able to chug it
00:26:24 with a couple extra shots of espresso in there.
00:26:27 - Well wouldn't you be able to,
00:26:28 wouldn't the espresso have more effect being hot?
00:26:33 - I don't know if temperature affects it as much
00:26:34 as Tanai Alston steps in.
00:26:35 Nice piece by Tanai.
00:26:38 And Travis Tucker gets his glove on it, knocks it down.
00:26:41 Almost made a great play again.
00:26:43 He made a couple of those types of plays last night.
00:26:46 - Yeah, and Travis matters himself
00:26:47 because he was trying to get around the side of that ball
00:26:50 to where he could go ahead and get down a second.
00:26:52 And you know, he's thanking himself.
00:26:54 Just glove it, get one.
00:26:56 - Well that's the important piece, right?
00:26:59 Turning two's always nice,
00:27:00 but you always want to get that automatic one,
00:27:02 that lead runner if you can,
00:27:03 but you want to make sure you can at least get the one out.
00:27:05 - Especially Banks here.
00:27:06 Banks is going to be tough to throw out from anywhere.
00:27:09 - That hat comes off quick.
00:27:13 Here comes runners on first and second, nobody out.
00:27:15 Top two.
00:27:17 - Banks is a greyhound disguised as a human being.
00:27:19 - Rolls that one over to Travis.
00:27:24 There goes the hat.
00:27:24 - Yeah, they're not getting two on that one.
00:27:26 - Not even close.
00:27:27 They looked more at Brownie than Banks,
00:27:28 which is probably the right call.
00:27:30 - Yeah, Taya just decided,
00:27:31 I'll just put this in my pocket.
00:27:33 Move along.
00:27:34 - We'll get this right back to Jonas.
00:27:35 - Here's Ty Cobb, getting a good look at him.
00:27:40 - You imagine having that kind of speed?
00:27:43 - No.
00:27:44 - You and I are not built for speed.
00:27:45 We're more for need.
00:27:46 - We're never needed.
00:27:48 - No.
00:27:49 - Can you imagine having half of it?
00:27:49 Like, we're never quick.
00:27:51 - Rigney going out into left center.
00:27:53 Bradley Scott on his horse, has to go for a long ride.
00:27:55 That's a one hopper off the top of the fence
00:27:57 and over for a beautiful, easy ground rule double.
00:28:02 - You wanna talk about needing speed.
00:28:03 Those types of swings with those ground rule doubles,
00:28:05 those are our best friends.
00:28:07 - Yes.
00:28:08 Those are ones where we know we're supposed to go to three.
00:28:11 Thank God we can stop at second.
00:28:14 And sometimes we're hurt from getting second.
00:28:17 - Great swing there by Rigney,
00:28:20 the 11 hitter for Virginia.
00:28:22 Rolls it to the top.
00:28:23 Kyle Center coming to the plate.
00:28:25 Last time up, hit a solo to lead the game off.
00:28:27 Kyle into left field.
00:28:28 - Center looking to lock into another one here.
00:28:33 - Lean with it, going out into right field.
00:28:37 A little backside boogie from Kyle Center.
00:28:40 That's gonna score two.
00:28:43 Nice swing there by Kyle Center.
00:28:45 Just taking what was given to him.
00:28:46 - That is a ultimate teammate swing
00:28:48 because we all know that Kyle Center
00:28:51 can drive that ball out to left field.
00:28:53 If he rolls over top of it,
00:28:56 now you've put a spot in where you're not scoring
00:28:58 one of them two runs.
00:28:59 So just take the backside, guaranteed one,
00:29:03 and you fly out far enough out there,
00:29:05 banks it, score him for second.
00:29:06 - And that was a thing.
00:29:09 Bradley Scott was shading him hard
00:29:12 into the left center side too as well.
00:29:13 So here's Chris Aninos.
00:29:15 Chris Aninos puts a ride into that,
00:29:17 but that one is going to hang up enough
00:29:20 for Jackson May to grab that
00:29:22 for their second out of the inning.
00:29:25 (announcer speaking)
00:29:27 - Hit that one on the screws
00:29:28 and it just hung up a little bit.
00:29:30 - Just looking through everybody,
00:29:32 we've seen about every bat swung.
00:29:34 What's your batter choice?
00:29:35 - Right, I mean, I've been swinging
00:29:39 the Louisville Sanchez 27,
00:29:43 but I also have the Studio So on the 12 inch
00:29:48 full ounce unload.
00:29:49 I'm pretty easy, to be honest.
00:29:54 You know, I got a 12 inch, a little foot long
00:29:57 with that full ounce in my hands last year
00:29:59 and started swinging those like that,
00:30:00 depending on the time.
00:30:01 It's really, just give me more times than not,
00:30:05 just give me an unload.
00:30:07 - That's what Brady's new camo bat is, is 12 ounce.
00:30:10 - It's a nice bat, yeah.
00:30:12 I like that full ounce at the end there.
00:30:15 Nice swing as we saw Jacob Clifton
00:30:18 get another base hit for Clifton.
00:30:21 Quick two for two for him,
00:30:22 and that scores another run.
00:30:23 Six two here, Virginia, top half of the second.
00:30:26 - Jackson's been living in that right center gap.
00:30:31 Just hit it and run.
00:30:32 - Brandon Jackson coming up with two outs,
00:30:37 Virginia plus four, top two.
00:30:39 You know, I'm just a big dumb animal though, really.
00:30:43 Like, just put, I don't want to think too much about it.
00:30:46 Nice piece through the three four hole,
00:30:50 go down right.
00:30:51 How's it feel in your hands?
00:30:52 That's where I think you should really,
00:30:54 when you're choosing your bat,
00:30:55 how's it feel in your hands?
00:30:57 They're all pretty, pretty much aligned.
00:31:00 - Look, everybody's got it figured out
00:31:02 by now in these 240s.
00:31:03 - That's it.
00:31:04 - You know, it's a matter of paint scheme, choice.
00:31:08 - What matches your uniform.
00:31:09 - What somebody hands you.
00:31:10 - Yeah.
00:31:12 - What's left in the bucket.
00:31:14 - Support a buddy, you know, if it's a bat,
00:31:16 you want to support a buddy, you do that.
00:31:21 - Here comes Aaron Stidham at the plate,
00:31:23 runners on first and second.
00:31:24 With two outs here in the top half of the second inning,
00:31:28 the 6-2 ball game, Jonas working onto the third base side
00:31:30 of the rubber, delivers.
00:31:32 Nice comeback pitch there, one and one.
00:31:34 Got Florida starting to show up,
00:31:37 they'll play the winner in the championship here.
00:31:40 Oh, a little high.
00:31:43 Steve was calling that high, full count.
00:31:45 Burris and Jonas both wanted it,
00:31:48 they were headed into the dugout.
00:31:50 - I think Steve may be the only one
00:31:52 that thought that was high.
00:31:54 Only opinion that matters, by the way.
00:31:56 - It's the only one that counts.
00:31:58 Jonas working on the first base side.
00:32:02 Stidham gets into that one, out into left field deep,
00:32:05 looking back up at the wall, off the grassy knoll and left
00:32:09 for Aaron Stidham with a big three run shot.
00:32:13 And now, Virginia leads Carolina 9-2.
00:32:19 - See, we're starting to get this ballpark all night.
00:32:21 We got the grassy knoll, we got Yates' yard house,
00:32:25 we'll go with the Osprey alley for right center.
00:32:28 - Oh, I like Osprey alley,
00:32:29 in the right center works. - That could roll off
00:32:30 the tongue. - That is a nice one.
00:32:32 We're gonna have to trademark that for ya.
00:32:34 - Now, if we can get center field figured out.
00:32:37 - I mean, that's Ricky Moyers rolling that one
00:32:42 over to short, good hustle down there,
00:32:44 not gonna get there in time for the final out.
00:32:46 I mean, that's the one KP hit it over the batter's eye
00:32:48 in the World Series.
00:32:50 - Yeah.
00:32:51 - That's just KP's place right there.
00:32:53 There it is, KP's place.
00:32:54 We'll be back here in the bottom half of the second inning,
00:32:56 9-2, Virginia leads.
00:32:58 (upbeat music)
00:33:02 (upbeat music)
00:33:05 (upbeat music)
00:33:08 (upbeat music)
00:33:32 (upbeat music)
00:33:35 (upbeat music)
00:34:02 (upbeat music)
00:34:04 - Here in the bottom half of the second inning,
00:34:17 nice little top of two for Virginia as they put up seven.
00:34:21 9-2 ball game, Carolina looking to answer.
00:34:24 As we're taking a look at Dustin Burris
00:34:29 leading off the bottom of the second inning.
00:34:31 - Center delivers through the zone.
00:34:34 - And we know that North Carolina has offense
00:34:36 to get right back in this game.
00:34:38 They need to mark their four,
00:34:39 don't have to get them all back.
00:34:41 Burris with a nice start.
00:34:42 - Lead off single there.
00:34:43 I mean, we did see them put up 20 in two innings last game.
00:34:47 That's a big iPad down there.
00:34:51 Is that the pro?
00:34:52 - Looks like the double pro.
00:34:54 - Man, if I was down there, I'd want the mini.
00:34:58 But I mean, you and I, we can call them the mini,
00:34:59 so it's almost like a phone.
00:35:02 - Well, but you and I's eyeballs aren't good enough
00:35:05 to be holding the mini anymore.
00:35:07 - Not at all.
00:35:08 Although I eat my carrots just to try to make sure.
00:35:11 As Brandon Jonas comes to play,
00:35:13 looking backside, trying to tiggle that on the line,
00:35:15 drops, just foul.
00:35:18 Didn't want to make the call for Steve,
00:35:20 so I was waiting to see what he called.
00:35:22 - Back to that his opinion's the only one that matters
00:35:27 kind of thing.
00:35:28 I think Stedham agreed with him too
00:35:30 in that last at bat before he hit the home run.
00:35:32 Jonas has pitched well here this weekend for Carolina.
00:35:37 Working both sides, getting a lot of guys
00:35:40 to go where he wants.
00:35:42 But I think Sean Jones with Florida
00:35:44 really probably been the best guy delivering
00:35:47 I've watched this weekend.
00:35:48 Going out on a limb here with the team in the championship.
00:35:53 - Bold strategy, Cotton.
00:35:55 Bold strategy.
00:35:57 I'll tell you a guy that I really liked watching earlier
00:35:59 was Steve Myers from New Mexico.
00:36:01 - Steve's a great guy.
00:36:03 Steve's a gamer.
00:36:04 I believe Steve's playing with the Beachies.
00:36:07 - Yes.
00:36:08 - That'll be a really good,
00:36:09 really good 18.
00:36:13 They've got a solid crew put together.
00:36:14 They've done a nice job with the roster from going B to A.
00:36:17 - There's Jonas flying out to short there.
00:36:22 Chris Ninos.
00:36:27 Here comes Bradley Scott rolling the top.
00:36:30 Trying to, and that ball's hit down the right field line.
00:36:32 Ricky Moyers giving it a track.
00:36:33 Ricky Moyers!
00:36:36 Nice grab, run.
00:36:38 Room was running out there, but he made the grab,
00:36:40 then bumped into the corner of the wall at the end.
00:36:43 Nice job by Ricky Moyers.
00:36:45 - Back to first baseman, they're athletes.
00:36:46 - I'm telling you, I haven't said it yet.
00:36:47 - Heading off the world statement.
00:36:50 Kind of led into that one for you.
00:36:51 - You sure did, 'cause look at this.
00:36:53 Look at that athlete heading on over there.
00:36:55 - Hey, we saw Bishop Harris come up and try to play first.
00:36:59 He couldn't.
00:37:00 He didn't have the fancy footwork.
00:37:01 - No, his feet let him down.
00:37:03 - Yeah, but Ricky Moyers,
00:37:05 that's why you put your athletes over at first.
00:37:08 Rick, Rich Racobaldo at the top of the order here
00:37:11 with two down, bottom two, chasing seven.
00:37:14 - Rich is swinging another bat that we talked about
00:37:18 in break that you like.
00:37:20 - I like this bat.
00:37:20 - Fits good in your hands.
00:37:22 - Dee Marini, red bat, 13, half ounce.
00:37:26 He's gonna take that walk.
00:37:30 He's talking to Corny back during worlds,
00:37:32 and he was saying the new technology coming out
00:37:34 for Dee Marini is gonna be real nice.
00:37:36 - Well, and I noticed Magnum swinging the 24, 25 model
00:37:40 rather than the 23, 24 model.
00:37:42 So, you know, probably something to that.
00:37:45 - And that vanilla gorilla looks nice too.
00:37:47 - Well, you could put a broomstick in that guy's hands.
00:37:51 A couple of these guys, you can.
00:37:53 - You know, they don't call him a gorilla
00:37:56 'cause he's on your page.
00:37:58 He's picking a rhino too, or hippo, or something.
00:38:01 - Here's the thing though,
00:38:02 I'd actually believe him when he says it.
00:38:05 Zach Watts hits that ball deep out
00:38:06 and a left over of the Space Coast Complex sign
00:38:09 and left center.
00:38:10 Little oppo taco there for Zach Watts.
00:38:13 Putting that ball up in the wind,
00:38:16 elevating it, and just letting it carry on out
00:38:18 into left center.
00:38:20 Nice swing by Wattie.
00:38:21 - Doing a little yard work out there on the grassy knoll.
00:38:24 - Sure did.
00:38:25 He's just making sure that the bottom of the knoll there
00:38:29 is well maintained.
00:38:31 - I was talking to Jeremy Bucko
00:38:39 during the Challenge Cup last week,
00:38:40 talking about first baseman,
00:38:41 and you were saying you can hide guys at the corners,
00:38:43 and Austin Mapes elevates that one into right.
00:38:45 It should be the final of the inning.
00:38:47 We'll come back talking about the corner infielders
00:38:49 and how you think you may be able to hide them
00:38:51 at certain spots.
00:38:52 Nine-five after two.
00:38:54 Carolina gets back three, chasing four.
00:38:58 We're gonna head back into the third inning.
00:39:00 Virginia leads.
00:39:01 We'll be right back.
00:39:02 (dramatic music)
00:39:07 (dramatic music)
00:39:09 (dramatic music)
00:39:12 (dramatic music)
00:39:15 (dramatic music)
00:39:26 ♪ Put me in the game, I'm running it ♪
00:39:27 ♪ Do this every day, I'm running it ♪
00:39:29 ♪ You know I'm gonna play and you're running it ♪
00:39:31 ♪ I'm running it, I'm running it ♪
00:39:32 ♪ In so many ways, I'm running it ♪
00:39:34 ♪ I'm down for the chase, I'm running it ♪
00:39:36 ♪ Keep the speed in my face, I'm running it ♪
00:39:38 ♪ I'm running it, I'm running it ♪
00:39:39 ♪ I'm running it ♪
00:39:42 (dramatic music)
00:39:47 (dramatic music)
00:40:07 (dramatic music)
00:40:10 (dramatic music)
00:40:12 - Welcome back here to Space Coast Stadium
00:40:39 in Viera, Florida as we're looking at Cory Booth
00:40:42 looking to get it started in the top of the third,
00:40:44 elevates that into left field.
00:40:45 Jackson Maye coming in and making the first out.
00:40:48 Well, we were saying going into break
00:40:49 about guys at the corners was talking to Paco
00:40:51 and saying how he was having a conversation about
00:40:54 that's where you can hide infielders, hide bats,
00:40:55 is at the corners.
00:40:57 He says you really can't hide a guy at first.
00:40:59 'Cause I mean, think of all the plays you make there.
00:41:01 If you have a good first baseman,
00:41:02 they can save the infielders.
00:41:04 The infielders, all they have to do is just get it near 'em
00:41:05 and he can pick it and make them look good.
00:41:07 - Well, and that's one of those
00:41:08 that you're not, at this level,
00:41:10 you're not hiding anybody anywhere.
00:41:11 Hitters are too good.
00:41:13 - Josh Brown rolls over to short.
00:41:14 - Two.
00:41:16 You know, this is kind of setting up
00:41:19 what North Carolina needs.
00:41:20 Quick inning, get back in and hit
00:41:21 after you've created a little momentum.
00:41:23 But I would have to call Paco out on this one.
00:41:28 You know, Jeremy and I are good friends,
00:41:30 different parts of the country.
00:41:31 You know, you meet people.
00:41:33 And I remember a time that in co-ed worlds,
00:41:38 I believe Jeremy had gotten hurt in a game.
00:41:41 - Shocking.
00:41:41 - Couldn't finish the game.
00:41:43 We was playing.
00:41:45 We were rolling into challenge cup.
00:41:48 And we had a guy that wasn't used to playing
00:41:51 a lot of first base.
00:41:52 And we threw a ball and hit Paco right in the side of the head
00:41:55 'cause the guy didn't go get it.
00:41:58 So at that point, I guarantee he was not thinking
00:42:01 you could hide people on the corners.
00:42:03 - He's, Danai Alston.
00:42:06 Nice piece by Danai back through the middle.
00:42:08 Well, that's exactly what Paco was saying.
00:42:10 Maybe it's stemming from that.
00:42:11 He said, you can't hide guys at first.
00:42:13 - Yeah, he was, the only thing that was hid
00:42:17 was that hairline, that cut.
00:42:19 I mean, 'cause it got him right in the side of the noggin.
00:42:21 Now, thankfully he was all right.
00:42:22 - Yeah.
00:42:23 - You know, he whined like LeBron a little bit,
00:42:26 like he'd got shot from Osprey Alley
00:42:28 out there on top of the light stand.
00:42:30 But I mean, he was fine.
00:42:32 - He was all right.
00:42:33 - Yeah, he's too hard headed.
00:42:34 - Yeah, that head is pretty good.
00:42:37 Here comes Rob Banks, the center fielder for Virginia
00:42:40 with a run on first and two outs.
00:42:41 That is, you see it every once in a while.
00:42:46 It's never fun getting hit by that ball.
00:42:48 Especially when you're base running.
00:42:49 Like if you're in the field, it's a little different.
00:42:52 You're expecting it to come
00:42:53 when you're running to the base, you're not.
00:42:55 - Well, and that's the other thing too.
00:42:57 That's the other thing at this level
00:43:01 that people don't realize.
00:43:02 (crowd murmuring)
00:43:04 That they don't,
00:43:07 there's no safety bag, okay?
00:43:12 So let's take a guy like a Harvey, a bubble back.
00:43:16 Those size of guys running.
00:43:18 And then the same size of guy playing first base.
00:43:21 That's a lot of beef standing on a 14 inch square out there.
00:43:25 - There's not a big enough base for that many men.
00:43:27 - No.
00:43:28 - Rigney rolls that one over to short
00:43:30 for the final of the inning.
00:43:31 And exactly what you just said.
00:43:32 Carolina gets their quick inning.
00:43:34 Now they're looking to come up and take advantage of it
00:43:36 as they're chasing four,
00:43:37 heading into the bottom of the third inning.
00:43:39 We'll be right back.
00:43:40 (dramatic music)
00:43:45 (dramatic music)
00:43:48 (dramatic music)
00:43:51 (upbeat music)
00:44:15 (upbeat music)
00:44:17 (upbeat music)
00:44:20 (upbeat music)
00:44:23 (upbeat music)
00:44:26 (upbeat music)
00:44:29 (upbeat music)
00:44:31 (upbeat music)
00:44:34 (upbeat music)
00:44:36 (upbeat music)
00:44:39 (upbeat music)
00:44:42 (upbeat music)
00:44:44 (upbeat music)
00:44:47 (upbeat music)
00:44:49 (upbeat music)
00:44:52 - Vieira, Florida,
00:44:54 where the sun's starting to peek through the clouds
00:44:56 a little bit, Mike.
00:44:57 - They're calling for 80, 81 degrees today.
00:45:01 So all of you people that go out
00:45:05 and buy some long sleeves this morning,
00:45:07 and doesn't toughen out a couple hours,
00:45:10 that's why there is clothing booths out there
00:45:13 for people like you.
00:45:15 - Ty Cobb looking at a strike there from center.
00:45:18 It's always fun when you're down here
00:45:20 and us northerners thinking about
00:45:22 what the southerners think when it's cold
00:45:24 and not peace.
00:45:24 - No, not peace.
00:45:25 Hit well out into left center,
00:45:26 up against the mic and sign by Ty Cobb.
00:45:28 He's gonna get in there with a lead off double
00:45:32 and a good way to start here for Carolina
00:45:35 is they get that quiet inning in the top,
00:45:36 but get a Virginia put up a goose egg
00:45:38 and that's exactly what you're looking here.
00:45:41 - Ty's had him a couple of good last swings.
00:45:43 - Yeah.
00:45:44 And we got Travis Tucker coming to the plate for Carolina.
00:45:49 Carolina's,
00:45:52 Carolina might be number two in the uniform game
00:45:55 in this major tournament.
00:45:57 - What's your best uniform?
00:46:00 - Texas.
00:46:01 Texas just has some good, good sets with them.
00:46:03 Nice single there by a trap out into left.
00:46:08 Cobb comes around to score from second,
00:46:09 nine six ball game now.
00:46:11 Bottom three, nobody out.
00:46:12 - I was a big fan of Virginia's last night uniforms.
00:46:15 They had that just solid black.
00:46:16 - The black.
00:46:17 - They were simple, clean.
00:46:22 - I'm not a big black uniform guy though.
00:46:24 - No, and I get that.
00:46:27 And I mean, my favorite color is what Carolina's wearing.
00:46:30 That was high school colors.
00:46:32 - Nice swing there by Jackson May
00:46:33 looking to take the extra base and he does.
00:46:35 Good hustle there by Jackson May.
00:46:36 Travis Tucker on over to three, nine six.
00:46:40 Carolina's doing exactly what they needed here.
00:46:43 Got that quiet inning in the top
00:46:44 and then come out here and have a couple of good swings.
00:46:48 - Couple of questions for the fans at home.
00:46:50 Let's talk about ACC basketball.
00:46:52 Okay.
00:46:53 Duker, Carolina, who are you rooting for?
00:46:57 You gotta pick a team.
00:46:58 You can't say you're just watching
00:46:59 as an innocent bystander.
00:47:00 - Oh man.
00:47:01 - I'm not letting you have the easy way out.
00:47:02 You already took the easy way out on the songs.
00:47:04 - I'm gonna take, I'll take, I'll take UNC.
00:47:09 Well, or Duke.
00:47:11 I mean, let's see, UConn's beat them both in championships.
00:47:14 So we'll go with Duke since that was the,
00:47:17 that was our first championship.
00:47:18 That was UConn's first.
00:47:19 - Jackson Maye hard around from second,
00:47:21 going for the double tag.
00:47:22 Stidham gets the tag on him,
00:47:24 but underneath is Jackson Maye
00:47:26 with that unbelievable hustle play
00:47:28 on the double sack fly out into right center
00:47:32 by Josh Fyfe.
00:47:35 - And that's just a,
00:47:37 one of those that the guy ran hard the whole way.
00:47:42 Good throw from the outfield.
00:47:43 Good relay.
00:47:45 Good snag by the catcher.
00:47:48 - That's crazy. - Better slide and better speed.
00:47:49 You know, I mean, nothing, tip your hat.
00:47:51 - I mean, if Jackson Maye comes off that bag hesitating,
00:47:56 even a little bit, that doesn't work out.
00:47:58 - He had going home in his mind the whole way.
00:48:01 - Sure did.
00:48:02 - Third base coach trusted him, let him go.
00:48:05 - There's a nice swing by Dustin Burris
00:48:07 out into left field for a single
00:48:09 to get another guy up on base here
00:48:12 with one down in the bottom of the third inning.
00:48:17 Nice ball game we've got going on here.
00:48:18 Nine eight in the bottom of three.
00:48:20 - Brandon Jonas now coming up with a runner on first.
00:48:26 You just wanna see him get something out of the infield.
00:48:31 Stay away from that double play.
00:48:32 - And Jonas is a guy that's been around a long time.
00:48:35 He knows what he's supposed to do here.
00:48:38 - Well, have that veteran swing going.
00:48:40 - Yeah, now it's just about execution.
00:48:45 - Center, middle of the rubber, delivers.
00:48:48 Two oh.
00:48:50 - Two oh to Brandon Jonas.
00:48:52 Bradley Scott on deck.
00:48:54 - Ooh, nice swing there by Jonas,
00:48:55 and that is a good piece moving Burris on over to two.
00:48:59 Burris on first and second to Bradley Scott
00:49:02 looking to roll the top of the order here for Carolina.
00:49:04 Who are you going for, UNC Duke?
00:49:08 - I'm always gonna be North Carolina,
00:49:11 and it's mainly because of college.
00:49:14 But you know, there's a rich history back and forth.
00:49:18 I've always felt like North Carolina players
00:49:20 have better pro days.
00:49:21 - Yeah, that's a good point.
00:49:23 - Duke probably has better college careers.
00:49:26 - Bradley Scott high out in the center,
00:49:27 Banksy underneath it.
00:49:29 That's gonna move the runners up over to two and three.
00:49:32 That was a tough one.
00:49:35 I'm not really like a fan, I guess, you know, some teams.
00:49:39 But growing up in sports, working in pro sports
00:49:43 for as long as I did, I really do,
00:49:46 I'm the bad guy, I'd rather just watch games.
00:49:48 Like I could care, you know, I don't really get into,
00:49:51 UConn basketball, a little different
00:49:53 on both men's and women's basketball.
00:49:55 - I could see you sitting and screaming at the TV
00:49:57 when neither one of those teams are playing.
00:49:59 - I'm not that guy.
00:50:00 - You're not a violent watcher?
00:50:01 - No, when I was in it, when I was being paid by a team
00:50:04 to support, when I was being paid by a team
00:50:08 when I was working for them,
00:50:09 whoever was supporting my family,
00:50:10 it was a little different because, you know,
00:50:11 your career's on the line, right?
00:50:14 But nice little swing there by Roccobaldo.
00:50:18 You wanna talk about that?
00:50:20 Good hitter.
00:50:21 He's staying hot here today.
00:50:22 He's having himself a great day.
00:50:24 Nice little bases clearing double
00:50:25 and Carolina's got their first lead of the morning, 10-9.
00:50:30 Bottom three, they put up five.
00:50:32 - First lead of the morning for this game.
00:50:34 - For this game.
00:50:35 - They led kind of wire to wire in that last game.
00:50:37 - Sure did.
00:50:38 Alabama tried clawing back in.
00:50:41 - Zach Watts, skies that one out into left field.
00:50:45 Back at the wall is Jackson,
00:50:49 but for the final out of the inning.
00:50:51 - Buckle in, not gonna be a pillow fight.
00:50:53 - This one's gonna be a good one.
00:50:54 We got 10-9 through three.
00:50:56 Virginia coming up.
00:50:57 We'll be right back.
00:50:58 (dramatic music)
00:51:08 (dramatic music)
00:51:11 (dramatic music)
00:51:14 (dramatic music)
00:51:16 (upbeat music)
00:51:39 (upbeat music)
00:51:42 (upbeat music)
00:51:44 (upbeat music)
00:51:55 (upbeat music)
00:52:02 (upbeat music)
00:52:09 (upbeat music)
00:52:12 - Welcome back here in the top half of the fourth inning
00:52:23 at U-SSA Space Coast Stadium.
00:52:25 We got some young fans there.
00:52:26 What's she got?
00:52:27 A little banana?
00:52:29 - Yeah.
00:52:30 - She's enjoying, she looks nice and comfy.
00:52:32 Good little bow.
00:52:34 - Got her little wagon.
00:52:35 Bet there's a pillow and a blanket in there.
00:52:37 A little nap time.
00:52:39 - What a little nap on the plane ride home tonight.
00:52:41 Doesn't hurt.
00:52:42 - A few kids at the ballpark.
00:52:43 - Oh, the bogey is strong today with the little ones.
00:52:45 - Oh yeah.
00:52:46 - Loving this.
00:52:48 We had some good shots yesterday
00:52:49 of some of the little kids around.
00:52:51 Look at that.
00:52:52 Kids everywhere today.
00:52:53 It's a family affair here at the stadium.
00:52:56 - Sunday fun day at the ballpark.
00:52:58 - What's a better way to get going?
00:53:00 Maybe a Bloody Mary.
00:53:02 Nice little pitch, but through the zone from Jonas.
00:53:07 - Hook up, hook up.
00:53:08 - As we are looking at center.
00:53:12 Center sends that one out into left center field
00:53:15 off of the DeMarini sign for a lead off double
00:53:19 from Kyle Center.
00:53:21 - And I guarantee you Kyle,
00:53:22 after hustling into second,
00:53:24 thinking I need one more foot.
00:53:26 I wouldn't have to hustle.
00:53:27 - Wouldn't have to worry about it.
00:53:29 - But you notice that's a veteran right there
00:53:31 taking that swing.
00:53:32 He didn't pimp it out of the box.
00:53:36 Didn't stand there and look at it.
00:53:37 He was going for two.
00:53:39 Whether it ball went out of the parking lot.
00:53:42 - Well, if that thing kicks away from, you know,
00:53:45 Scott or May in left center,
00:53:47 he's on three easy.
00:53:48 - Oh, and he's cussing.
00:53:50 I mean, he's-- - Is he gonna get that extra?
00:53:52 - Yeah, he is screaming at him the whole time.
00:53:54 - Here's Chris Ninos.
00:53:55 Banks, he goes in to run for center on second.
00:53:59 - Pretty solid courtesy run, wouldn't you say?
00:54:01 - Not a bad one to go with.
00:54:04 Chris Ninos elevates that on the left
00:54:06 and that's gonna be caught for the first out of the inning.
00:54:11 That hat on Banks' head's just kind of like,
00:54:24 you know, when you're at the beach
00:54:27 and get one of those, you know, beach cocktails.
00:54:29 That's just the umbrella.
00:54:30 - Yeah. - That's all it is.
00:54:31 That hat is just nothing on there for other than
00:54:35 they're telling me I have to wear it.
00:54:35 - That he has to wear.
00:54:37 That's all.
00:54:38 Jacob Clifton stepping into the box.
00:54:41 One down.
00:54:42 - It's like that little fake head of broccoli
00:54:46 they put on your plate.
00:54:48 It's not broccoli, we all know that, but whatever it is,
00:54:50 okay, it's just there because somebody said,
00:54:53 you gotta put this on the plate.
00:54:55 - The garnish.
00:54:56 - The garnish.
00:54:57 - Good old garnish.
00:54:59 Clifton rolls that one over to Ty Cobb.
00:55:01 Comes up, a little high throw, gets away from Watts.
00:55:04 Banks has gotta move on over to three.
00:55:07 Clifton gets on base.
00:55:09 Clifton's on base again.
00:55:13 Not happy with it, but he's on base at least,
00:55:16 so it works out.
00:55:17 - Well, and that's one of those that
00:55:20 that ball's been in play several batters now.
00:55:22 It's been a little while since we've seen a home run
00:55:24 or a foul ball out of play.
00:55:25 People don't realize, for the folks at home,
00:55:29 that play at a lower level,
00:55:32 a stadium's not a great ball to field,
00:55:35 even hitting-wise.
00:55:37 It's hard, but it's so slick.
00:55:40 I mean, even trying to cut a ball,
00:55:42 you gotta cut it perfect.
00:55:43 That's why sometimes you see with stadiums,
00:55:45 people's like, how did that guy hit a ten hopper?
00:55:49 Well, he's barely miscut it,
00:55:50 and the ball didn't grab the bat.
00:55:52 - Brandon Jackson with runners on the corners.
00:55:55 Jonas delivers, back through the middle
00:55:57 just by Jonas' glove.
00:56:00 - Jonas wants that one back.
00:56:02 Jonas knows he's supposed to field that one.
00:56:04 - Yeah, he's not happy with himself at all there.
00:56:06 - Stupid glove.
00:56:08 Glove gets beat on the ground a time or two.
00:56:10 - I mean, whenever you miss a play,
00:56:14 it's always the glove.
00:56:15 I know that's the first place I'm looking.
00:56:19 - Yeah.
00:56:20 - 'Cause I did everything. - You threw the hole in it.
00:56:21 - Yeah.
00:56:22 - Looking in at H. Webbingson.
00:56:25 Is it a little too big?
00:56:26 (crowd cheering)
00:56:29 - I did think Jonas was gonna go ahead
00:56:31 and spin around a double play ball.
00:56:33 It would've been a big one to get,
00:56:34 as we have a tie ball game here, 10-10.
00:56:36 Now we have big Stidham coming to play.
00:56:39 Going back through the middle,
00:56:40 trying to take out Jacob Clifton's knees.
00:56:43 Clifton's gonna come around to score,
00:56:46 and Virginia takes the lead here.
00:56:48 11-10 in the top of the fourth inning
00:56:52 with one out, runners on first and second,
00:56:54 and Ricky Moyers.
00:56:56 - Pretty good guy to have up the bat.
00:56:57 He's had a couple of nice ball games in a row.
00:57:01 First baseman, athlete.
00:57:02 - Athlete.
00:57:03 You saw the athleticism from Ricky Moyers
00:57:05 a couple innings ago, making that play in foul ground.
00:57:09 - Got the best swing in the game, lefty swing.
00:57:11 - Lefty swing.
00:57:12 There's no shot of me ever being a lefty.
00:57:16 You know, my dad's always been a righty,
00:57:18 and that's where I live.
00:57:20 That's a roller over the middle of Cobb.
00:57:23 There's one, and there's two.
00:57:25 - The Nautzer Hex is still alive.
00:57:27 - Sure is, isn't it?
00:57:29 Wow.
00:57:30 How many times that happened?
00:57:31 I mean, I think if we really went through,
00:57:32 and any time you're talking about somebody,
00:57:34 and he gets up, it happened early when I was on the quads,
00:57:36 there goes the out, but.
00:57:37 Nice little inning there for Virginia
00:57:41 as they're leading 11-10,
00:57:42 heading into the bottom of the fourth inning.
00:57:44 We'll be right back.
00:57:45 (rock music)
00:57:49 (rock music)
00:57:51 - I like this.
00:58:17 We're back here already, back at the stadium,
00:58:19 in an 11-10 ball game in the bottom of the fourth inning.
00:58:23 Virginia puts up two.
00:58:26 Carolina's gonna come back up.
00:58:29 - So we've talked a lot of softball already.
00:58:32 We've brought in a little bit of your best conference
00:58:36 in the world.
00:58:36 We shot down that pretty quick with the racehorse.
00:58:39 We've talked a little basketball,
00:58:41 if you had to pick between a couple teams.
00:58:44 You know what today is, right?
00:58:46 I mean, it's a brunch day, but other than that--
00:58:48 - It's a championship Sunday all the way around.
00:58:51 We got softball challenge kept going on.
00:58:53 We got a couple, maybe interesting football games
00:58:55 this afternoon.
00:58:57 So who you going with here?
00:58:59 - Who am I going with, or who do I wanna go with?
00:59:03 - Both the same, ain't it?
00:59:05 I mean, we're not--
00:59:06 - Depends on what we're doing here.
00:59:07 - Nobody's making you put money down on it.
00:59:10 We're just, where's your heart at today?
00:59:12 - Well, I think it's gonna be a Baltimore, San Francisco,
00:59:16 Super Bowl, and I'm okay with that.
00:59:18 - Why?
00:59:20 - I love Baltimore.
00:59:21 I think it's--
00:59:22 - I'm okay with Baltimore.
00:59:23 San Francisco's not been relevant
00:59:25 since Joe Montana, Steve Young.
00:59:27 Still living in the glory days.
00:59:28 - Austin Mapes looking to ball through the zone from center.
00:59:31 With San Francisco, I want Detroit in the Super Bowl.
00:59:36 I would love a Baltimore, Detroit.
00:59:38 I just, I'm loving this Detroit story.
00:59:40 I love everything about it.
00:59:42 I love Dan Campbell.
00:59:45 - I'm just gonna bite a couple kneecaps.
00:59:47 Like, how do you not love a guy?
00:59:48 Like, Dan Campbell is Detroit.
00:59:50 - You know, and this is where you gotta appreciate,
00:59:52 in today's world, where you have to walk around
00:59:54 with Charmin and Kleenexes, cleaning up after these guys,
00:59:59 Dan Campbell's still a man's man.
01:00:01 - He is.
01:00:02 Ty Cobb puts that one out into right field.
01:00:04 There goes Mapes all the way around
01:00:06 after his walk, heading on to third.
01:00:08 - It just proves that you can still coach.
01:00:10 You have to have your players buying into your system.
01:00:13 You can still coach 'em hard,
01:00:14 but they gotta believe in you.
01:00:16 And I think that's where we were at there.
01:00:18 - And that's the thing, though.
01:00:19 You built that team because of Campbell, right?
01:00:22 Like, it's a certain type of player.
01:00:24 It's just like, you know, with Belichick,
01:00:26 when Brady was there, when they had that going.
01:00:27 There's Travis Tucker, elevating that one out into left.
01:00:30 That is gonna be pushed towards the stand
01:00:32 in left field and out of play.
01:00:34 He's glad he's got that back.
01:00:35 But a certain player could go to New England
01:00:37 and thrive in that system.
01:00:39 - Well, I'm gonna upset 99% of your fan base
01:00:44 getting ready to come here.
01:00:45 But if you can't cheat and win,
01:00:48 you can't play in New England.
01:00:51 - If you're not cheating, you ain't trying.
01:00:53 - I mean.
01:00:53 - Runners on the corners for Trap.
01:00:56 Nobody out.
01:00:57 - New England's cheated more than this election board has.
01:01:00 - Going through the three-four hole.
01:01:03 Mapes is gonna come in and score a nice swing by
01:01:06 Travis Tucker.
01:01:07 Ooh, and it looks like Ty Cobb reaching to that hammy.
01:01:10 - Yeah, he kinda, I don't know if he got held up
01:01:14 or if he pulled it when he turned.
01:01:15 - Looked like on the turn, tightened up there.
01:01:18 - I don't know if we can get a replay of that
01:01:20 to see whether he got held up or he pulled it turning it.
01:01:24 But either way.
01:01:26 - Let's hope it's a cramp.
01:01:27 - Let's hope it's a cramp.
01:01:30 - That's where bananas come to play.
01:01:31 - Pickles.
01:01:33 You banana or pickle guy?
01:01:35 - I'm both.
01:01:36 So when I go to a tournament, I have a cooler.
01:01:38 - I don't doubt you one bit there.
01:01:42 - I have a half sour pickles.
01:01:46 I drink the juice, eat the pickles.
01:01:47 I also have peanut butter and jellies and bananas.
01:01:50 It's a little bit so I can keep this big body going all day
01:01:54 and also just 'cause who doesn't love a PB&J with a banana?
01:01:57 - Well, that's true.
01:01:59 - But you know, the good news is there's guys like you
01:02:04 and I, there's not a whole lot of muscles to cramp.
01:02:07 We're just basically eating so we can say,
01:02:09 hey, we're doing our best here.
01:02:11 - We're ready.
01:02:12 - We're ready to go.
01:02:13 I was also, well, you know, kind of jump on board here
01:02:18 with going after that fan base.
01:02:20 I love people always saying, well, there's, you know,
01:02:22 well, Brady never had weapons.
01:02:24 Robert Minkowski, Randy Moss.
01:02:28 - We can all name four or five first ballot Hall of Famers
01:02:34 on both sides of the ball.
01:02:35 - Both sides of that ball.
01:02:36 - Will for.
01:02:37 - Yeah.
01:02:38 - I mean.
01:02:39 - Harrison, you can just keep going through.
01:02:42 Brewski.
01:02:44 - Brewski, that's what I was getting at.
01:02:45 I was saying, what's a linebacker?
01:02:46 Teddy Brewski, I mean.
01:02:47 - Yeah, you can just keep going through it.
01:02:49 I mean, it's just, it's always funny.
01:02:52 - The only thing wrong with that.
01:02:54 - Nothing.
01:02:55 - That the fan bases, they're just a bunch of whiners.
01:02:59 - Spoiled.
01:02:59 - Spoiled, spoiled whiners.
01:03:01 - My age and older, we, you know, my father, you know,
01:03:05 he went through the bad days of being a Boston sports fan.
01:03:08 You know, the Red Sox and the Pats,
01:03:09 but now these younger Boston sports fans,
01:03:12 they don't know what it is to lose.
01:03:15 - I'm not, but I'm still gonna question your call here
01:03:21 on the Baltimore 49ers.
01:03:25 You think that'd be a great Super Bowl.
01:03:27 Well, but you said you're a fan of the Detroit story.
01:03:31 - Yeah.
01:03:32 - But you're thinking 49ers are gonna be there.
01:03:34 - Because I'm using my head for the bat
01:03:36 and I'm using my heart for the lines.
01:03:38 - You're not getting paid for either one of them.
01:03:40 All right, because if you bet the Niners, you're losing.
01:03:44 And your heart's telling you Detroit.
01:03:45 So if you're gonna root with your heart,
01:03:46 you can't root both ways.
01:03:48 - See, this is where I like just watching the games.
01:03:51 I enjoy it.
01:03:52 I want the good, although I will tell you,
01:03:53 if Baltimore, where Detroit has the chance,
01:03:58 their run game's great.
01:03:59 They got the weapons.
01:04:01 They are a little banged up after last week.
01:04:04 The Niners, everything you see, the analytics,
01:04:08 and they don't really have,
01:04:10 they haven't had a play from behind
01:04:12 and their run defense isn't strong.
01:04:14 - You know, the game of the day, in my opinion,
01:04:17 is Baltimore, Kansas City.
01:04:19 - Oh, nice piece there.
01:04:21 Big, big swing heading out into left
01:04:25 from Josh Fyfe out into the grassy knoll
01:04:29 under the stadium scoreboard for a three-run shot.
01:04:32 - He hit it right off his own portrait out there
01:04:34 off the big screen.
01:04:35 - He sure did, didn't he?
01:04:36 He wanted to take a look at himself
01:04:38 and look at that stance.
01:04:39 Good for him.
01:04:41 - Brandon Jackson never moved, never even turned.
01:04:43 - Great piece there by Fyfe.
01:04:46 You ever been in Baltimore during a Ravens game?
01:04:50 - That is a place I choose not to be.
01:04:53 - It's fun.
01:04:54 - I can imagine, but I'm not a crowd person.
01:04:57 - Shocking, live in Indiana.
01:04:59 Even in Indianapolis, there's never a crowd.
01:05:03 - There's a rollover there by Burris to Clifton,
01:05:06 and the athlete at first holds the bag.
01:05:08 - See, here's the other thing about this.
01:05:09 - You've got a stadium full of dogs,
01:05:11 some farm animals that you can go out to
01:05:12 and have a sensible conversation.
01:05:14 You're not having too many sensible conversations
01:05:16 with people at a Baltimore football game.
01:05:18 (laughing)
01:05:19 TikTok reels are viral, all right?
01:05:21 - You've seen enough?
01:05:23 - I've seen enough.
01:05:24 I mean, there's no,
01:05:25 back to that foul side of the foul pole earlier,
01:05:30 and just walking back to dugout.
01:05:31 You're never gonna convince, stupid,
01:05:34 or argue with an idiot.
01:05:35 - Brandon Jonas lines out to Josh Brown there
01:05:38 for the final out of the inning.
01:05:40 Carolina takes the lead on the back of a three-run home run
01:05:43 from Josh Fyfe.
01:05:44 14-11 after four.
01:05:47 We'll be back with Virginia coming up
01:05:49 in the top of the fifth.
01:05:50 (upbeat music)
01:05:53 (upbeat music)
01:05:56 (upbeat music)
01:05:59 (upbeat music)
01:06:01 (upbeat music)
01:06:24 (upbeat music)
01:06:26 - A few soda pops, a few barley pops.
01:06:51 - A couple pops there with that W for you,
01:06:53 Mike Lacey.
01:06:54 I'm big boy J. Rowe from Bring It Podcast.
01:06:56 We're back here at the Spaceco Stadium in Viera, Florida
01:06:59 in a 14-11 ball game with Carolina taking on Virginia
01:07:04 in the Losers Bracket Final.
01:07:06 The winner will take on Florida,
01:07:09 who is starting to congregate behind home plate.
01:07:12 - So, back to football today, okay?
01:07:15 Do you have a favorite player of all time?
01:07:17 It could be a current player, past player.
01:07:19 I mean, where's your heart at there?
01:07:22 (upbeat music)
01:07:25 - You know what?
01:07:26 Yeah, I do.
01:07:27 Actually, it's funny 'cause it goes into
01:07:29 goes into one of the home teams.
01:07:34 I love Teddy Bruschi.
01:07:35 I loved him coming out of Arizona
01:07:37 and then what he did in New England.
01:07:39 I just, I loved watching him play.
01:07:44 But I'm weird, like here's the other thing.
01:07:46 Being back home, you're not a lot like the Yankees.
01:07:48 I always loved watching Peyton Manning play.
01:07:51 Always loved that.
01:07:52 I always loved watching Jeter.
01:07:53 I loved watching Bernie Williams, Mo Rivera.
01:07:56 - People talk about sports
01:07:58 and here's my thing on sports across the board.
01:08:01 - Cory Booth rolls that one over to three.
01:08:05 Roccobaldo up firing.
01:08:07 And you got Blackburn at first now for the stretch
01:08:09 and grabs it.
01:08:11 One down.
01:08:11 - My philosophy is they keep score, I'm a fan.
01:08:15 - Yeah.
01:08:16 - And my second philosophy is
01:08:18 I don't care what part of the country you play in
01:08:21 or what team you play in.
01:08:23 Names don't matter.
01:08:24 I can watch anybody, whether it's tennis, lacrosse.
01:08:30 Doesn't matter.
01:08:31 There's something about watching the best players
01:08:33 in the game, period.
01:08:34 People that can do stuff that nobody else can.
01:08:38 - Here comes the shortstop, Josh Brown,
01:08:40 going to the shortstop.
01:08:41 Five-four.
01:08:42 Carolina for the second out here.
01:08:45 - And two up, two down for Virginia.
01:08:47 You don't wanna be quiet here.
01:08:48 Chasing three in the top of the fifth.
01:08:50 - Virginia really needs to get a few bats going here.
01:08:53 Get a few two-out hits.
01:08:55 Try to, one or two here is a big deal.
01:08:57 One or two.
01:08:58 - Well, and tonight Austin's gonna be looking
01:09:00 to start that party up for Virginia.
01:09:02 But that's where I lay with sports.
01:09:04 And that's why I say I don't really care about
01:09:07 necessarily who wins.
01:09:09 I just love watching.
01:09:11 I haven't watched much of the Australian Open,
01:09:12 but Djokovic losing was big.
01:09:14 But any time, like you said,
01:09:16 any time you're watching the best in your sport,
01:09:20 I always enjoy that.
01:09:22 - You know, I'm not a tennis fan by any means.
01:09:24 But if Federer's on, I'll probably watch.
01:09:26 The Williams sisters, I'm watching.
01:09:31 Basketball, I'm not a LeBron James fan.
01:09:35 But if you can't stand or watch him
01:09:37 and appreciate his ability,
01:09:39 not talking character,
01:09:43 which he's got a great character on the field.
01:09:46 I'm not talking about the whining, all that stuff.
01:09:49 That man has a God-gifted ability
01:09:51 that's better than everybody else's.
01:09:52 - For sure, and there tonight,
01:09:53 Austin doesn't get the 2L party started
01:09:56 as lines out to five.
01:09:57 That's a big inning right there from Carolina.
01:10:00 Nice job there by Brandon Jonas
01:10:02 to get the guys going right where he wanted 'em.
01:10:05 Get a couple misses.
01:10:07 14-11, heading to the bottom five.
01:10:09 (dramatic music)
01:10:15, (dramatic music)
01:10:20 (dramatic music)
01:10:23 (dramatic music)
01:10:26 (upbeat music)
01:10:43 (upbeat music)
01:10:45 - Welcome back here to Space Coast Stadium
01:11:12 in Viera, Florida,
01:11:13 as we are heading into the bottom of the fifth inning.
01:11:16 Bradley Scott is gonna be leading off
01:11:18 as the 10-hitter for Carolina.
01:11:21 - Finishing up where we're at.
01:11:23 Michael Jordan.
01:11:27 I'm a bigger fan of his than I am LeBron.
01:11:32 But I don't know that Michael Jordan's a GOAT,
01:11:35 and here's why.
01:11:36 Obviously, out of Indiana,
01:11:38 I'm a huge Larry Bird guy.
01:11:42 And Bradley Scott looking to go
01:11:44 right through that 6-10 hole.
01:11:45 Lead off, double here for Bradley Scott.
01:11:48 And it might get all the way out there.
01:11:49 He's gonna go and make it a triple.
01:11:51 Nice lead off triple from Bradley Scott.
01:11:54 Oh, he wants to put the motor on
01:11:56 and inside the park home run for Bradley Scott.
01:12:00 Nice little hustle there from Bradley Scott.
01:12:04 - Good hustle, good swing.
01:12:05 (laughing)
01:12:07 Took advantage of a little bobble.
01:12:09 Kind of got a little lazy getting it in.
01:12:11 - He hustled all the way through.
01:12:15 - But my point is, with several guys
01:12:16 that you could think of as in the top 10 list,
01:12:19 there's probably only one guy
01:12:20 that wasn't more athletically gifted.
01:12:23 And that may be Bird.
01:12:24 I mean, Bird's a top 10 all-time player.
01:12:26 No, you can put everybody else where you want to.
01:12:29 - Rocco Baldo down the right field line.
01:12:31 Giving it a long chase for it.
01:12:33 That is a foul ball.
01:12:36 Just foul.
01:12:37 As we're looking at Josh Rigney,
01:12:39 gave a long run for it.
01:12:41 - Josh Rigney needed a bicycle on that one.
01:12:43 - Get one of those Lime scooters.
01:12:47 - How cool would it be,
01:12:51 they have them all around Indianapolis,
01:12:52 and I'm sure they have them out in your area.
01:12:55 Because these things will be abandoned like tanks
01:12:58 in Afghanistan.
01:13:01 I mean, they'll be all over parking lots
01:13:03 and stuff like that.
01:13:05 But you put your card in there,
01:13:07 take off on a scooter.
01:13:08 - How cool would a fleet of those be down here in Florida?
01:13:12 - Just to get between the quads would be perfect.
01:13:14 - Absolutely.
01:13:16 - Rich Rocco Baldo with a 0-1 count center.
01:13:20 Rocco Baldo out into right field corner.
01:13:22 That is going to be foul and out of play
01:13:24 for the first out of the inning.
01:13:26 - So if anybody from U-Trips listening on a Sunday morning,
01:13:30 sitting around drinking your iced coffee,
01:13:32 we could use a bank of scooters
01:13:38 and man, I guarantee you a moneymaker.
01:13:41 - Absolutely.
01:13:42 - I mean, because you've got parents,
01:13:45 you've got softball players,
01:13:49 you've got the kids that would be out.
01:13:50 I mean, those things would stay rented out.
01:13:52 Speaking of another long run down the left field line.
01:13:55 - Brandon Jackson giving it a bit
01:13:56 and Zach Watts one hops the wall in left field
01:13:59 for a standup double.
01:14:00 Nice, I tell you, Watts with that backside swing,
01:14:03 they're giving him that left side in the outfield.
01:14:05 He's taking advantage of it.
01:14:08 - This is a point in the tournament
01:14:09 where you hate to see that telling line drive backside
01:14:13 that you know you can't catch up to.
01:14:14 - You know you got to run a little bit further for it too.
01:14:18 I think that's a great idea though.
01:14:19 You imagine playing here and then having to go
01:14:21 to the red quad, you just jump on a scooter.
01:14:24 Here comes Austin Meeps, first pitch swinging,
01:14:29 driving that ball out into right center field.
01:14:31 That ball is deep.
01:14:32 That ball is out of here into Osprey Alley.
01:14:37 Over the Louisville sign into Osprey Alley
01:14:40 that newly appointed thanks to Mike Lacey.
01:14:43 Mike, great call on Osprey Alley.
01:14:46 - I've just been sitting here waiting to see a ball hit there.
01:14:49 - You lit up like a kid on Christmas
01:14:52 with that ball heading out that way.
01:14:53 - Oh, hey.
01:14:54 I want to see a good softball game.
01:14:58 Don't care who wins, not a dog in a fight.
01:15:00 But I was rooting for that ball to go out.
01:15:02 - Here comes a piece by Robert Blackburn
01:15:05 down into left field, off the grassy Nolan left.
01:15:09 Back to back home runs here for Carolina.
01:15:11 They put up four, 18 to 11 with one out
01:15:15 in the bottom half of the fifth inning.
01:15:17 - Wow, we're getting all of our newly named spots
01:15:22 around the stadium.
01:15:24 - If we could get a shot over the KP's batter out there
01:15:26 and call it the grown man's playground.
01:15:28 - Grown man's playground.
01:15:29 - We will fulfill the day.
01:15:31 We would have ourselves a day in the boot.
01:15:33 - Well, you know Yates' yard house
01:15:35 is going to be peppered next game.
01:15:37 That ball's hit high in the left.
01:15:39 That ball is carrying towards the stands and foul ground
01:15:42 and Trapp is going to get himself another chance.
01:15:44 Travis Tucker coming back up.
01:15:46 Oh, one count.
01:15:48 Gets a chance to,
01:15:49 you didn't like that swing to begin with.
01:15:51 - No, you know, at some point we need to get
01:15:53 some video footage to put in these commercials
01:15:55 of Yates' yard house, just to see the dance.
01:15:59 I mean.
01:16:00 - Get a little drone.
01:16:00 - Yeah, it's gotta be like a hell storm out there.
01:16:03 - Hey, you know what we'll do
01:16:04 with the World Series this coming year?
01:16:05 - That's the drone flyover.
01:16:06 - We're going to have the drone just there
01:16:07 and Trapp goes back through the middle.
01:16:08 Oh, and center makes a dive and try
01:16:11 off of the heel of Clifton's glove.
01:16:14 Kicks to Brown and doesn't make it.
01:16:16 Trapp gets on base.
01:16:18 - Brown almost had a throw on that.
01:16:21 - He had a shot.
01:16:22 - That'd have been a good call.
01:16:24 - That would have been the, you know, routine one.
01:16:26 - One, four, ten.
01:16:27 - Three.
01:16:28 - Out.
01:16:30 - For one out.
01:16:31 (laughing)
01:16:32 - Didn't hurt no triple play, one out.
01:16:34 - One out.
01:16:34 Here's Jackson May.
01:16:35 Jackson May looks up all through the zone
01:16:38 from Kyle Center.
01:16:40 One out.
01:16:41 Jackson May rolls that through the five, six hole.
01:16:45 Nice piece.
01:16:46 That was a tiny gap and he found the seam.
01:16:49 Puts it through and moves Trapp on up to two.
01:16:51 So first and second with one out.
01:16:54 Josh Fyfe coming up.
01:16:55 - You really want to know the difference.
01:16:57 People always say the difference
01:16:58 between Pro-Am, hardcore stadium.
01:17:01 That's a stadium difference right there.
01:17:03 That ball just a touch quicker through the infield.
01:17:05 - Yeah, that's the hardcore, that's probably an out.
01:17:09 - Home runs, I'm always taking hardcore.
01:17:11 - So I hear.
01:17:12 - I want to say a lot of home runs hit the hardcore.
01:17:15 - That was the big thing you hear,
01:17:16 is the stadium balls are quicker through the infield.
01:17:19 Josh Fyfe digging in, runners on first and second.
01:17:21 One out, 18-11 ballgame here.
01:17:23 Carolina leading Virginia in the bottom half
01:17:25 of the fifth inning.
01:17:26 - Good ballgame here.
01:17:27 - Great ballgame we've got going on.
01:17:30 Ball outside, two-oh from center.
01:17:32 Fyfe looks at that, takes a three-pitch walk
01:17:37 and passes the bat on down to Dustin Burris.
01:17:40 Coming up with the bases loaded and one out.
01:17:42 - This is a spot where you maybe start
01:17:45 considering a timeout because you get a big swing here.
01:17:50 Now we're in that, you gotta worry about
01:17:54 ending the ballgame.
01:17:55 We're in the fifth inning, 15 run rules come into play.
01:17:59 So you're looking for an out here.
01:18:01 - Four runs right now this inning.
01:18:04 One out.
01:18:04 That's a good call.
01:18:06 Spoken like a true coach.
01:18:07 - Seen it happen to me many times.
01:18:10 - Couple times.
01:18:11 - Couple times.
01:18:12 Been on both sides of that.
01:18:16 We've had the breaks beat off of me
01:18:19 and we did the beating at times.
01:18:21 - Well we saw the old double pitching change
01:18:23 and the mal-visit into a double pitching change
01:18:25 in the first game of the day with Alabama.
01:18:28 Center delivers.
01:18:30 Nice piece by Burris in the 6'10"
01:18:32 and that's gonna score.
01:18:32 Trapped from third and Jackson May from second.
01:18:35 Burris into second with a double.
01:18:39 And we got a 20 to 11 ballgame here
01:18:41 and now you're gonna head on out.
01:18:43 - John seems pretty pat there.
01:18:48 I mean, as far as I know of on the roster,
01:18:50 John probably is their backup pitcher.
01:18:54 John's a very good pitcher in his own right
01:18:56 but I know he's not been playing much over the winter
01:18:58 so I don't know that he's looking to come in here and pitch.
01:19:00 - But would you at least make a mal-visit right now,
01:19:02 slow it down, with Jason Martel now hitting up,
01:19:05 hitting for Brandon Jonas?
01:19:07 - The other side of it is Martel's such a vet
01:19:09 that I don't think a mal-visit would iced him.
01:19:12 - There they get the out at first
01:19:16 where Martel yesterday earned himself,
01:19:19 I think going into third, he's rounding third.
01:19:21 Was hoping it was a cramp
01:19:22 but it looks like it might be more of a twinge on that hammy.
01:19:27 - I don't know if it's the hammy or the ankle.
01:19:30 - It's a lower body injury.
01:19:33 In hockey, there's only two injuries.
01:19:34 There's an upper and a lower.
01:19:36 Here comes Bradley Scott.
01:19:39 - I'm always taking the upper over the lower,
01:19:41 by the way, I mean it's.
01:19:42 - Nice piece by Bradley Scott through the middle.
01:19:45 Look at Josh Brown, good spin, throws it away.
01:19:49 And here comes around to score another run, 22 to 11.
01:19:56 As Dustin Burris scores from second
01:19:59 on the overthrow by Josh Brown.
01:20:01 Man, nice play on the defense,
01:20:03 but there's that slick ball.
01:20:05 - You know, and this, for those at home that can't tell,
01:20:09 I mean, obviously you can see it's cloudy,
01:20:10 but there's a dampness in the air right now.
01:20:14 Earlier, the concrete and stuff had some water on it.
01:20:16 It's all not really a rain dampness, it's a air issue.
01:20:20 22 to 11, Carolina's put up eight here
01:20:25 in the bottom of the fifth inning.
01:20:27 Two down, Rocco Baldo coming to the plate.
01:20:30 Rock missed that one.
01:20:33 Look at Aaron Stenum, quick behind,
01:20:35 oh, off the tip of his glove.
01:20:36 - Looked like he might've had it.
01:20:44 - Yeah, he wants that one back.
01:20:45 - I mean, I know it sounds crazy, but you know,
01:20:50 that's why they teach the catchers,
01:20:51 get out in front of it and come back,
01:20:53 'cause that ball's gonna be moving more than you think.
01:20:55 - Oh, and there's a lot of, you know,
01:20:57 - A lot of spin.
01:20:58 - A lot of spin.
01:20:59 You miss on a cut swing, that ball is spinning.
01:21:02 Still gotta catch it, absolutely.
01:21:04 - Looks like we can take your 56 degree wedge out,
01:21:07 try to check something in nice in the green.
01:21:09 Roll it on over to two, and Brown's gonna take that himself
01:21:12 for the final out of the inning.
01:21:13 So we are gonna head into the sixth inning,
01:21:16 but Carolina puts up eight in the bottom of the fifth,
01:21:18 a 22 to 11 ball game.
01:21:21 We'll be back, Virginia looking to answer.
01:21:24 (dramatic music)
01:21:27 (dramatic music)
01:21:29 (dramatic music)
01:21:32 (dramatic music)
01:21:35 (dramatic music)
01:22:00 (dramatic music)
01:22:02 (dramatic music)
01:22:19 (dramatic music)
01:22:21 - Welcome back here to UAAA Space Coast Stadium
01:22:41 in Viera, Florida on a Sunday morning.
01:22:45 So we've got an hour, this is more brunch time.
01:22:47 This is when you're up, you've already maybe had
01:22:50 a cup of coffee at home, hot or iced, whatever you prefer.
01:22:53 - I wonder what the poll says on it.
01:22:55 If you're at home, are you drinking hot or iced coffee?
01:22:57 - Hot, hot.
01:22:59 But I will make cold brew coffee at home as well.
01:23:02 - Same process?
01:23:04 - No, it's cheesecloth.
01:23:07 I'll coarsely grind the coffee,
01:23:10 I have a coffee grinder at home.
01:23:12 I'll coarsely grind it, put it in a pitcher for overnight,
01:23:15 and have a nice pitcher of cold brew
01:23:17 and leave it, you know, the wife in the summer,
01:23:20 I'll make her, I drink hot coffee all year at home,
01:23:24 but she likes ice during the summer and warmer months,
01:23:27 so I shake it up.
01:23:28 - And obviously she's not on that a little bit.
01:23:29 For those of you that don't know,
01:23:30 she's expecting with your first child.
01:23:33 - Our first child, yes sir, baby girl, coming in June.
01:23:37 - And we've been told last night
01:23:39 the name is being kept a well-hidden secret.
01:23:42 - Very close.
01:23:43 - So once the family's notified and baby's out healthy,
01:23:47 all that good stuff, we're gonna have a podcast.
01:23:49 - We're gonna have a baby girl with a podcast.
01:23:52 - She gonna make an appearance?
01:23:54 - I might keep her off, I might keep her off the pod.
01:23:56 - I understand that.
01:23:57 - Maybe keep one little part of my life,
01:24:01 my personal life away from the podcast.
01:24:04 - Well, whatever you ought to do,
01:24:06 is now that you got that baby girl on the way,
01:24:09 go ahead and pass that leopard coat down to her.
01:24:12 - No way, like Lacey.
01:24:13 - Pass the cheat on down.
01:24:16 I mean, things are finally working out in life for you.
01:24:19 You got the dad bod, you've had it for a while.
01:24:21 Now you can be official dad bod material.
01:24:24 Pass the cheat on down.
01:24:26 Or get her one to match, whatever you want to match.
01:24:29 - That's what she's gonna get.
01:24:31 In case you don't know, I have a leopard print fur.
01:24:34 I'll don more times than not on the podcast.
01:24:39 - It looks more like a cheat on you, I'm not gonna lie.
01:24:42 - Looks like a whole family of cheetahs.
01:24:44 There's nothing stealthy about that leopard
01:24:46 walking into the room.
01:24:48 - I was trying to hope it makes me look a little quicker.
01:24:51 Basie takes a lead off walk here at the top of the six.
01:24:54 Exactly what you need here,
01:24:55 get base runners off of Virginia.
01:24:57 - Yeah, if you're Virginia here,
01:24:58 you're looking for five or six.
01:25:00 Cut it in half, play some defense, anything can happen.
01:25:04 - Only problem is, is Carolina's been good
01:25:06 with the bats all game.
01:25:08 Obviously, they put up 22,
01:25:09 but they've changed the number every inning.
01:25:10 They've been two in the first, three in the second,
01:25:13 five in the third, four, and then eight last inning.
01:25:16 Rigney trying to just pooch that out into right.
01:25:19 Mapes grabs that one for the first out.
01:25:21 - Yeah, Mapes was sitting all over that ball.
01:25:24 - He played it well, was already shallow,
01:25:27 guy knew it was coming.
01:25:28 Now he rolled the top here with one out,
01:25:32 Kyle Center coming up.
01:25:33 - But that's back to, you know,
01:25:35 if you're not got your best swing going,
01:25:37 Rigney was thinking, I'm getting this over the infield.
01:25:40 I'm not hitting into double play at all costs.
01:25:43 I'll take one, you're not getting me for two.
01:25:45 - But Kyle Center's gonna take two,
01:25:48 but just a different kind, deep out into left,
01:25:51 off the video board by Kyle Center,
01:25:54 for a two run shot to pull Virginia to within nine.
01:25:59 - Detroit shout out, off the Megatron.
01:26:02 - Off the Megatron.
01:26:04 - Detroit. - Get the Lions going.
01:26:05 Seven and a half.
01:26:06 - Any chance if the Lions make it to the Super Bowl,
01:26:09 Eminem makes another appearance on halftime?
01:26:12 - I don't know, he might just be coming off the bus with them.
01:26:17 - How do you not take that opportunity
01:26:19 to put him back in the Super Bowl,
01:26:21 after that Super Bowl performance?
01:26:23 - Here comes Chris Ninos, nice piece by Chris,
01:26:25 out into left center, ends up tailing back
01:26:28 and falling in front of Jackson May with a long single.
01:26:31 I mean, Eminem, if Detroit's in the Super Bowl,
01:26:33 he, I mean, that's a big appearance.
01:26:34 - You know he's there.
01:26:36 Is he in the halftime show?
01:26:37 - Yeah, he'll make an appearance with Usher.
01:26:39 Absolutely, you have to.
01:26:42 - Well, you know what?
01:26:44 I'm not an Usher fan.
01:26:46 You probably would have never guessed it,
01:26:47 but I'll take Eminem there.
01:26:49 If he makes an appearance,
01:26:50 Usher's Super Bowl halftime just went gone.
01:26:54 Stop the presses.
01:26:57 - Jacob Clifton unleashes that one
01:26:59 into left field corner, foul out of play.
01:27:01 I mean, but here's the thing, right?
01:27:04 Like I saw Usher and I, you know,
01:27:06 I'm thinking back to my early 2000 days
01:27:08 and I'm happy about it.
01:27:10 But when was the last time Usher had a hit out?
01:27:12 It's been a while.
01:27:13 - The good news is you're definitely gonna hear
01:27:15 the early 2000 hits.
01:27:17 - That's it, Jacob Clifton going backside.
01:27:19 Austin Mapes, nice job tracking that one.
01:27:22 - Mapes is locked in in right field right now.
01:27:25 Yeah, he's reading the swing well.
01:27:27 He's moving before the ball ever starts.
01:27:29 - He does a real good job patrolling out there, I'm right.
01:27:34 - And that's a part of the game that goes unnoticed
01:27:37 with the guys at this level is they're reading shoulders,
01:27:41 they're reading hips, you know,
01:27:43 when it comes to swing and they're already moving.
01:27:46 You know, you wonder how some of these guys
01:27:48 get to some of these balls.
01:27:48 Well, they've got a good job.
01:27:50 - You see some guys in the outfield moving
01:27:54 and making some catches on balls that you say,
01:27:56 how did that happen?
01:27:57 And that's exactly it.
01:27:58 Feet, you know, you hear higher end players,
01:28:01 you know, talking to guys and you hear them talk about feet,
01:28:04 looking at hands, looking at, you know, tendencies.
01:28:06 Nice piece there by Brandon Jackson,
01:28:07 hit deep out into right.
01:28:08 That ball is going to be foul.
01:28:12 - You know, and that's a swing from Jackson.
01:28:15 If he gets that in fair territory,
01:28:17 now you're back to the, you know,
01:28:20 you put up four, five, see what can happen.
01:28:24 - Now you're only chasing, right now you're chasing nine.
01:28:27 I'd like to get that number a little lower.
01:28:29 Ball inside, full count.
01:28:34 - Jonas delivers from the third base side.
01:28:36 Brandon Jackson hits that ball well out into right field.
01:28:39 Mapes going back off the wall and Kareem's away from Mapes.
01:28:43 And here comes Ineos in to score.
01:28:45 Yeah, Ineos coming in to score from second.
01:28:48 Jackson takes his place.
01:28:50 And now you got a 22, the 14 ball game.
01:28:53 Eight with two outs.
01:28:57 - And Stidham's looking for two here.
01:28:59 He's looking to mark two.
01:29:01 - Yeah, he's looking to check out that knoll.
01:29:03 He's heard a lot about it.
01:29:04 - You know, he's a guy that,
01:29:06 his power's probably the best on this team.
01:29:09 And he's looking to do a job.
01:29:12 He's in the flow of the game, he's loose.
01:29:15 Let it fly.
01:29:15 - Jonas working from the first base side, delivers.
01:29:20 And Stidham goes through the 6-10 hole,
01:29:21 hustling out the box.
01:29:23 And that's going to score Jackson in for two.
01:29:25 Stidham heads on over to second with a double.
01:29:29 - So now it's 22-15.
01:29:31 And here comes Ricky Moyers with the lefty swing.
01:29:35 Ty, this is, you know, they keep just...
01:29:40 - Keep making an interest.
01:29:43 - You know, you're looking at two innings
01:29:44 where they put up zero in the third and the fifth,
01:29:46 but they're answering well here.
01:29:48 They've pulled it to within seven.
01:29:49 Ricky Moyers looking to just drive something hard here.
01:29:54 Obviously, if it can get out into right, that'd be ideal.
01:29:58 - Heavy one-oh.
01:30:00 Carolina looking to catch an out.
01:30:04 Nice pitch on the outside part of the plate from Jonas.
01:30:08 That ball's hit deep out into center field straight away.
01:30:11 Bradley Scott giving it a ride.
01:30:13 Can't get it on the dive.
01:30:15 And Ricky Moyers in with a big first base triple.
01:30:18 - To the big part of the ballpark.
01:30:23 - Big, big part of the ballpark.
01:30:25 I don't think there's nowhere else out there
01:30:27 that's any further.
01:30:28 - No.
01:30:29 - That's 400 out there.
01:30:30 - That's that corner that meets right there.
01:30:32 That is the big part of the ballpark.
01:30:35 - Ricky Moyers gave it a good ride.
01:30:36 And Bradley Scott had a good jump on it,
01:30:39 but he didn't think he was going to have to run that far.
01:30:43 - Corey needs a hit here.
01:30:44 Corey, nobody wants to get a hit more than he does right here.
01:30:48 Extend it.
01:30:49 Never know what can happen.
01:30:51 Mark that run be huge.
01:30:54 - Corey Booth in there with Moyers at third.
01:30:58 Jonas, it's the plate there.
01:31:00 1-0.
01:31:01 22-16, excuse me, top of the sixth.
01:31:06 Corey Booth finds it right through the 6-10
01:31:08 and he gets what you're asking for, Mike.
01:31:11 As Ricky comes across the score.
01:31:12 Virginia making this interesting.
01:31:16 - Virginia's not going to go quietly.
01:31:19 You got a guy here that's had as good a tournament
01:31:24 as anybody can up the plate here.
01:31:26 So he's done it on both sides.
01:31:29 - Josh Brown's been a lot of fun to watch this weekend.
01:31:33 And we're going to have a quick mound visit here.
01:31:35 - Gives us time to go back to
01:31:40 something you talked about earlier.
01:31:41 You said you went home after Worlds,
01:31:44 did some reflecting about personal life choices
01:31:47 and decided that Hippo wasn't the answer.
01:31:51 - Hippo wasn't the answer.
01:31:52 - So what did you-
01:31:53 - And Giraffe wasn't the answer.
01:31:54 - No, Giraffe.
01:31:55 (laughing)
01:31:56 I mean, you'd have to climb up her
01:31:59 on top of the light tower to punch it in the nose.
01:32:00 - I still think you can get a Giraffe.
01:32:02 You take it out at the knees.
01:32:03 Like that's your first,
01:32:04 if you can't get it out the knees, it's going to be a battle.
01:32:07 - How close have you ever been to a Giraffe in life?
01:32:10 - I mean, I've been to the zoo.
01:32:12 - So, but have you been within 30 feet?
01:32:15 - I mean, depends on how close you got, but no.
01:32:18 - Okay.
01:32:20 What are you going to take it out at the knees with?
01:32:23 I mean, do you think they're just going to stand still
01:32:25 and let you run them over with a truck or a tank?
01:32:28 - Well, I mean-
01:32:28 - Because that's what it would take to break a Giraffe.
01:32:30 - It's got to be a long play, right?
01:32:31 Like you got to, you got to build the trust between the two.
01:32:35 And then-
01:32:35 - So you're going to lure him in first.
01:32:38 No bait and switch.
01:32:40 - Hey, listen, we didn't have a timeframe on this.
01:32:43 - Wow.
01:32:44 - You got to build the trust between the animal
01:32:45 and then you take them out at the knees
01:32:46 and then you can have your way.
01:32:47 - But still, what are you going to take it
01:32:48 out at the knees with?
01:32:50 - Look at me.
01:32:51 You think I couldn't bull that thing over?
01:32:53 Like I can, I can give it a shoulder block into it's right.
01:32:56 I'd start with the right rear,
01:32:57 then I go after the front left.
01:32:58 - Well, I'll tell you what you practice with.
01:33:00 Go out there and ram that light pole.
01:33:02 (laughing)
01:33:03 - See how that goes.
01:33:04 - At the bottom of the grass, you know.
01:33:05 And when you break that light pole in half-
01:33:07 - Then go get a Giraffe.
01:33:08 - Then go get your Giraffe.
01:33:09 - Nice place by Josh Brown.
01:33:14 - Good play by Brown.
01:33:15 - Nice job by Blackburn right there.
01:33:16 - Look at that.
01:33:19 See, you'd want to talk-
01:33:20 I'm talking athlete.
01:33:22 Blackburn right off the bag, jumps the gate
01:33:25 and he's ready to go for the bottom of the sixth
01:33:27 and so are we.
01:33:28 We'll be right back.
01:33:29 - He's in a dugout getting him a pop right now.
01:33:31 (laughing)
01:33:33 (static)
01:33:36 (upbeat music)
01:33:39 (upbeat music)
01:33:41 (upbeat music)
01:33:44 (upbeat music)
01:33:47 (upbeat music)
01:33:49 (upbeat music)
01:33:52 (upbeat music)
01:34:14 (upbeat music)
01:34:17 (upbeat music)
01:34:21 (upbeat music)
01:34:23 - Here to Space Coast Stadium.
01:34:47 I'm big boy J-Roy from Breaking Podcast
01:34:49 with Mike Lacey up here in the booth.
01:34:52 And we're just having a good old time
01:34:54 like we never left from the World Series.
01:34:56 - It's a great Sunday.
01:34:57 Softball Sundays are always the best.
01:35:00 - Softball Sunday into
01:35:01 Conference Championship Sunday.
01:35:04 - Yeah, but you're going to be in the air.
01:35:07 - I'm flying Southwest.
01:35:08 I got my iPad.
01:35:09 I don't take off till about six o'clock.
01:35:11 - So again, Zach Watts hit that ball high out into left field.
01:35:16 Brandon Jackson tracking it underneath it for the first out.
01:35:20 - Jackson used a little bit of his memory.
01:35:23 He knew that Watts sent him on a long run
01:35:25 toward the foul pole last time.
01:35:27 He shaded that way.
01:35:28 Brought it in nicely.
01:35:30 - I mean, hey, it's a vet move.
01:35:33 You don't want to be running that much.
01:35:34 These outfields are big.
01:35:35 You get tired watching some of these guys run.
01:35:38 - Yes, you do.
01:35:39 - Austin Mapes been locked down in right field.
01:35:43 - You know, nuts.
01:35:45 I mean, Sunday punch,
01:35:46 he didn't even get it out of the brown grass here.
01:35:49 - Take a little Sunday punch.
01:35:51 You're not hitting it out of the brown grass,
01:35:53 let alone getting it in that gap out there in the outfield.
01:35:56 - Austin Mapes.
01:35:59 Looks at that one through the zone.
01:36:02 Two-O quickly.
01:36:04 Carolina is plus five in the bottom of the sixth.
01:36:07 Nice comeback pitch by center.
01:36:09 Loser bracket final here.
01:36:11 Winner takes on Florida.
01:36:12 Mapes going backside to Ninos,
01:36:17 who fires it over for the second out of the inning.
01:36:20 - So two quick outs here in the bottom of the sixth inning,
01:36:22 and the way Virginia was at the plate last inning,
01:36:25 they can make this a quick defensive stint in the field.
01:36:29 - Then all you gotta do is go take a lead, make 'em score.
01:36:32 - Yeah, let's go put the--
01:36:34 - Make 'em score two to beat you.
01:36:35 - Yeah, put the pressure.
01:36:37 - Come in bottom of the inning, put up six,
01:36:40 make 'em score two to beat you.
01:36:42 - Robert Blackburn.
01:36:45 After that athletic hop over the dugout fence.
01:36:48 Misses that one in a foul ground.
01:36:53 Ooh, and we got a little fight for the ball,
01:36:55 but tonight Austin grabs it.
01:36:56 - One went low, one went high.
01:36:58 Ball caught.
01:36:59 - At least somebody got it.
01:37:00 And that's a big inning there from Virginia
01:37:02 as they get three up and three down.
01:37:04 We're heading into the seventh inning
01:37:06 of the loser bracket final in a 22 to 17 ball game.
01:37:11 Virginia needs to come up and put a five to tie.
01:37:14 Six to take the lead, we'll be right back.
01:37:16 (crowd chattering)
01:37:19 (dramatic music)
01:37:23 (dramatic music)
01:37:26 (dramatic music)
01:37:28 (upbeat music)
01:37:52 (upbeat music)
01:37:55 (upbeat music)
01:37:57 (upbeat music)
01:38:00 (upbeat music)
01:38:03 (upbeat music)
01:38:07 (upbeat music)
01:38:10 (upbeat music)
01:38:15 (upbeat music)
01:38:22 (upbeat music)
01:38:29 (upbeat music)
01:38:35 (upbeat music)
01:38:38 - Stadium as we head into the seventh inning
01:38:58 in a 22 to 17 ball game.
01:39:00 And Mike Lacey and I have been arguing this for innings now
01:39:03 of what animal would you pick to fight to the death?
01:39:06 And I've got the giraffe and I'm still buying
01:39:08 what I've got, you're not buying it though.
01:39:10 - You had four months to think about your hippo decision.
01:39:15 The best you could come up with is a giraffe.
01:39:17 - Like I said, I am not gonna take an easy road.
01:39:20 I want something that is, I wanna come a walk away
01:39:24 and say that was, all right, I beat a, you know,
01:39:26 I got a giraffe.
01:39:28 Hippo was a horrible decision.
01:39:29 - I mean, I'm taking a ringer tank over a giraffe.
01:39:32 At least you're on a similar reach.
01:39:35 - Tonight, Allstate going out into right center.
01:39:38 Nice way to lead off the top of the seventh here
01:39:40 for Virginia.
01:39:41 - I can promise you, if you walk into a room,
01:39:44 you're all caught up in the glory of whipping a giraffe.
01:39:47 If you walk into a room full of 30 dudes and you say,
01:39:52 I just sent that orangutan to meet his maker.
01:39:55 - But you're not going to.
01:39:56 - You're promising you're the baddest man.
01:39:58 - Absolutely you are.
01:39:59 - You're the baddest man in the room.
01:40:00 - Sure are.
01:40:01 - If you walk in there and say,
01:40:03 I just broke a giraffe's three legs,
01:40:06 poked him in the eyeballs, took his horns,
01:40:09 put him in a sleeper hold until he passed out
01:40:11 and sent him to meet his maker.
01:40:12 Nobody's gonna believe you anyways.
01:40:15 - Here's Rob Banks at the plate.
01:40:16 - So your win is futile.
01:40:18 At least ringer tank at your size, believable.
01:40:22 - Yeah, people, they're gonna like that.
01:40:24 - A nice swing by Banks.
01:40:27 - Banks' hat's off.
01:40:28 - Right away.
01:40:30 - You got Tanai Austin in front of him.
01:40:32 He holds up with a first, a nice single.
01:40:34 So back to back singles here.
01:40:36 - Got something brewing.
01:40:37 - They do.
01:40:38 - How many times, you know what makes baseball,
01:40:40 softball one of the most beautiful games in the world?
01:40:43 Tanai Austin made a good run,
01:40:45 good play to end the inning right up to bat.
01:40:47 How many times does that happen?
01:40:49 - It's always a great thing.
01:40:51 - I mean, it's just,
01:40:52 it's like the gods are always looking out for you.
01:40:54 - 'Cause you feel good and then you just keep it carrying.
01:40:58 That's the momentum as we are in the bottom of the order
01:41:00 with Josh Rigney at the plate.
01:41:02 Runners on first and second, nobody out.
01:41:03 Chasing five here on the top of the seventh.
01:41:06 Nice swing by Rigney out into left.
01:41:10 And Tanai is going to hold at third.
01:41:12 They're just going to station to station right now.
01:41:14 They need five runs.
01:41:15 - How about those three guys doing their job?
01:41:18 - Now you set the table for Kyle Center.
01:41:21 - Banks, Rigney, right to the top with no outs.
01:41:26 I mean, beautiful situation.
01:41:28 - Could you have asked for anything better
01:41:29 from the bottom three in your order?
01:41:30 - No. - No way.
01:41:32 Bottom 28%.
01:41:34 You said bottom third last night,
01:41:36 but everybody hits, you know.
01:41:37 - Yeah, if you're hitting 11.
01:41:40 - 27.27%.
01:41:42 Kyle Center looks at a ball outside, one and O.
01:41:45 - Pretty smart math for a guy that's choosing a Durant.
01:41:48 - Kyle Center drives that ball out into left center.
01:41:53 That ball is going to be off the space,
01:41:55 go sign and left center.
01:41:56 That's going to score one.
01:41:57 That's going to score two
01:41:59 as Banks almost scores before Tanai.
01:42:02 - I think Banks, he was just walking.
01:42:05 - Oh, Banks, he was gliding.
01:42:06 He was on skates.
01:42:08 - Center's going to grab his courtesy runner
01:42:13 as Rob Banks heads back on out there.
01:42:15 Runners on second and third.
01:42:17 - We have a seventh inning, my friend.
01:42:23 - We sure are.
01:42:24 We're almost there.
01:42:25 As it's 22 to 19.
01:42:26 And now you have Chris Aninos coming up.
01:42:29 He's been quiet at the plate here today,
01:42:32 which has been unusual for him in this tournament.
01:42:34 Ball through, one O.
01:42:37 Looks at that ball on the outside,
01:42:43 catching the corner for a strike, one and one.
01:42:46 Jonas coming way off on the third base side,
01:42:50 inside, full count.
01:42:55 Aninos hits that ball in the center field.
01:42:57 Bradley Scott comes in.
01:42:59 That ball's going in to third,
01:43:00 but Banks is going to be there easy.
01:43:02 So you move the runners over,
01:43:04 you score that run in from third,
01:43:05 and now you're chasing two.
01:43:07 - Tie and run up the plate finally.
01:43:09 - Bradley Scott's arm is not liking that throw.
01:43:14 - No.
01:43:15 - Now you got Clifton Jackson Stidham coming up.
01:43:18 That's the next three in this order with one out.
01:43:20 Runner on third and a tying run at the plate,
01:43:23 like Mike Lacey was saying.
01:43:25 - Clifton, I think I misspoke earlier
01:43:28 when I said Stidham, but Clifton is your guy.
01:43:30 - Right to the shortstop, five for two down.
01:43:35 - And now it's your head.
01:43:37 - It's the jinx.
01:43:38 - A look out.
01:43:39 - Anytime you see a graphic flash up on the screen
01:43:44 about something that's never happened,
01:43:45 or you hear the announcer say something
01:43:48 that this is what you need here,
01:43:50 the opposite will be the case.
01:43:53 - Brandon Jackson, dig it in.
01:43:56 Virginia down to their final out, chasing two.
01:43:59 And we're gonna have,
01:44:00 looks like we're bringing out a little Mountain Dew.
01:44:03 - Speaking of announcer jinxes,
01:44:05 why we got a little breaker.
01:44:07 How about, how was things on the East Coast
01:44:09 when the wide right was hollered again in Buffalo?
01:44:12 (laughing)
01:44:14 The first thing I said was,
01:44:16 if he misses this kick, please say it's left,
01:44:18 'cause this is gonna be like a great Al Michaels call
01:44:21 when this thing goes wide right.
01:44:23 - I was sitting there watching that game.
01:44:26 I actually, I thought Buffalo was gonna win it.
01:44:28 You know, I figured they're at home,
01:44:29 maybe this is the year that they finally,
01:44:31 you know, beat the Chiefs in the playoffs
01:44:32 and move to the, you know, conference championships,
01:44:35 have a chance at winning, you know, getting to the Super Bowl.
01:44:37 And when I saw that wide right go,
01:44:39 sorry to you Buffalo fans, I started dying laughing.
01:44:42 - I did too.
01:44:44 I mean, I'm laughing so hard,
01:44:45 I'm almost ready to collapse out of the chair,
01:44:49 because all I'm saying is,
01:44:50 wide right has been called again.
01:44:52 (laughing)
01:44:54 - I have a friend of mine who's a Buffalo Bills fan,
01:44:57 and I was texting and he just said,
01:44:59 I'm sorry, but I am crying over here laughing.
01:45:03 Wide right, Brett Hull wasn't in the crease
01:45:06 for in the Stanley Cup.
01:45:07 Like, Buffalo's just, you wanna talk about a city
01:45:09 that's had bad luck.
01:45:10 Great city, though.
01:45:12 It's a good blue collar city.
01:45:13 - I have been to Buffalo, enjoyed around there.
01:45:16 - Yeah, I like it way more not in the middle of winter
01:45:19 when you're getting four feet of snow,
01:45:20 but that lake effect is unique.
01:45:23 - It's real.
01:45:24 - It's a unique water pattern.
01:45:24 - It is real.
01:45:25 - You know, the Ohio people listening, though.
01:45:27 But yeah, I mean, I've been up there,
01:45:30 and you got four feet a mile away from you.
01:45:35 Brandon Jackson looks at a first pitch ball,
01:45:37 one and O from Brandon Jonas.
01:45:39 Out on the third base side.
01:45:42 Jackson, nice job on the mouth visit,
01:45:45 and that's gonna be it.
01:45:46 And Blackburn, he's thinking about doing his hop,
01:45:49 but he's just gonna drop his glove off this time.
01:45:52 22 to 20, Carolina wins,
01:45:55 and Carolina advances to the championship game,
01:45:59 and they're gonna face off against Florida.
01:46:01 Congratulations to Virginia,
01:46:02 who lost in the winner's bracket final last night.
01:46:05 Now, lost in that loser bracket final game here.
01:46:08 Tough when you have a team rolling
01:46:10 like Carolina all morning.
01:46:12 - Yeah, they definitely had the advantage
01:46:13 to start the morning off,
01:46:14 and hey, hats off to North Carolina.
01:46:18 Had to come up, play at eight o'clock too.
01:46:20 Beat a good Alabama team,
01:46:22 takes down a very good Virginia team.
01:46:24 Now it's fireworks, ladies and gentlemen.
01:46:29 Let's see where these balls end up at.
01:46:30 - And we'll be right back at a few
01:46:32 in the championship game,
01:46:33 where Florida will take on North Carolina.
01:46:35 (crowd applauding)
01:46:38 (crowd chattering)
01:46:41 (crowd chattering)
01:46:44 (crowd chattering)
01:46:47 (crowd chattering)
01:46:50 (crowd chattering)
01:46:53 (crowd chattering)
01:46:56 (crowd chattering)
01:46:59 (crowd chattering)
01:47:02 (crowd chattering)
01:47:04 (crowd chattering)
01:47:08 (crowd chattering)
01:47:11 (crowd chattering)
01:47:14 (crowd chattering)
01:47:18 (crowd chattering)
01:47:21 [BLANK_AUDIO]
