Young Thug Caught Switching

  • 8 months ago
SOHH Correspondent Daniel "Jerk" Jenkins talks to The Atlanta Objective's George Chidi about the current R.I.C.O. Case against Young Thug, Gunna & The Entire YSL Family.

#youngthug #gunna #rico
00:00 Your latest article, which is actually titled,
00:05 called "Switching."
00:10 - Oh God, yeah.
00:12 - Yeah, can you talk a little bit about that?
00:13 I was reading it here earlier, man, very interesting.
00:16 - So yeah, so let me start with this.
00:19 I started seeing YSL show up in indictments
00:23 as an antagonist to YFN last year,
00:28 like in the middle of last year.
00:30 And I started to write about it
00:31 and people started to talk about it.
00:34 And it was super clear to me
00:37 that YSL was probably under investigation.
00:41 I wrote another thing in March
00:46 when the mother of Young Thug's-
00:50 - Yeah, Lakevia Zags.
00:52 - Yes, and I need to say this,
00:54 like this is very, very important to me.
00:56 Like, it looks for all the world,
00:59 like I was wrong about the direct connection
01:03 between Lakevia Jackson's death
01:06 and all of this other stuff that's going on.
01:09 Like, I mean, it might be understandable
01:11 why I would draw the connection,
01:13 but the police and the district attorney's office
01:15 and other folks who were involved are adamant
01:19 that there was no connection.
01:22 And so I want to apologize,
01:24 both to the public and to Jeffrey Williams' family
01:28 for how they made that inference.
01:30 That was a mistake.
01:31 - Understood.
01:32 - Nonetheless, when I wrote that,
01:35 like I have had some sort of like,
01:39 I've had sort of secondhand communication
01:42 with Young Thug's father, like Jeffrey Williams Sr.
01:45 Jeffrey Williams Sr.'s father told a friend of mine,
01:51 I know this is all ridiculous,
01:52 but that Young Thug was aware
01:54 that he was under investigation
01:56 and that it wouldn't be a big deal.
01:57 Like that is what my friend was told
02:00 by Jeffrey Williams' father in like March or April.
02:05 So it should have been completely obvious
02:10 to Jeffrey Williams and the folks that are around them
02:12 that at some point, the cops are gonna knock on your door.
02:17 I said 10 days or so, well, 20 days
02:22 before the arrests, I asked the district attorney
02:26 about Young Thug and Gunna and Unfunk by name,
02:31 are you coming to arrest them?
02:33 And the district attorney didn't say no.
02:37 So I'm looking at all of this and then the cops come
02:44 and they find like 20 bottles of promethazine syrup
02:49 and a bunch of illegal THC stuff.
02:52 Like from a firm that's actually in North Carolina
02:54 that's marketing under YSL.
02:56 Like a guns galore with a guy in the house
03:00 that can't be in possession of a firearm.
03:03 That's not Thug, that's one of the other guys.
03:05 And a switch, and a switch.
03:09 And a switch is a Glock handgun that's been modified
03:14 to fire as an automatic weapon.
03:16 - It's the term, got it.
03:19 - Yeah, you pull the trigger once
03:22 and it's 30 bullets in two seconds.
03:25 It's a useless weapon, it is garbage as a weapon.
03:30 And I say that as a guy who's an expert marksman
03:32 and I served for five years in the army.
03:34 This thing is designed to kill bystanders.
03:41 Like it's crap as an actual weapon.
03:44 The only reason you'd have it is because you wanna say
03:48 I'm a gangster in possession of an illegal firearm.
03:51 Like just having that, not using it, just having it
03:56 opens you up to a 10 year federal sentence.
04:02 - It's federal there, right?
04:03 Yeah, it's definitely federal.
04:05 - And so I'm looking at this like you just opened the door
04:08 for the FBI to care about this case
04:10 where they didn't before.
04:12 And so I'm sitting here and I'm screaming at my computer,
04:16 why would you have let somebody put that in your house?
04:21 Like, what are you doing?
04:25 Like, because like I get a picture
04:30 where all the lyrics get thrown out.
04:32 Maybe the defense gets lucky
04:34 and get some of the other evidence thrown out
04:37 because maybe the wiretaps aren't legal
04:40 or they've got an informant who's impeachable as a witness
04:43 and they gotta get rid of him or something, I don't know.
04:47 Suddenly the case falls apart, but nope, switch.
04:51 Like all they have to do is prove it was in the house.
04:56 And young thug as the guy on the rental agreement
04:59 goes to jail.
