How Tom Sandoval's CHANGED Since Scandoval (Exclusive)

  • 8 months ago
How Tom Sandoval's CHANGED Since Scandoval (Exclusive)


00:00 Alright Tom, we are approaching a year since your life kind of blew up.
00:04 Yeah.
00:04 How would you say the Tom that stands here right now has evolved, changed from the Tom you were on March 1st, 2023?
00:11 Oh wow. I think the Tom that was here on March 1st of 2023 was a dude lost in like a cyclone.
00:20 Like somebody who was just lost in the ocean, like hanging on to an old wooden door, like in the Titanic.
00:29 Like literally just, yeah, not in control, no idea what the hell is going on.
00:36 And I think now like going through that has really, really like helped me put in perspective as to like things that are really important.
00:46 Also like helped me grow as far as like, you know, prioritizing certain things.
00:52 And really just, really put me to the test to see what I'm made of because dude, this was like, I mean,
00:59 I felt like in like the mask when like Jim Carrey like pulls out all these rockets and like machine guns.
01:07 I felt like that would like happen to me like on the daily basis.
01:11 I can only imagine re-entering filming with this group was, you were probably nervous, scared.
01:15 Who gave you, Ariana aside, who gave you the hardest time?
01:19 I think that everyone sort of did in very different ways.
01:25 You know, like you, I'm sure you have friends and you guys have different relationships and stuff like that.
01:31 So like, it sort of hit me in different ways.
01:34 You had to rebuild some trust with Schwartz.
01:37 What kind of work did you put into this bromance?
01:40 I think with us really, it was just about like being, being, me being there and listening and, and, and sort of,
01:52 sort of like continuing like to just like take accountability with him and like, like the **** that I caused him.
02:06 Rachel opted not to return, but is now sharing her side of things on her podcast.
02:11 How do you feel about her talking about things and the details she's sharing?
02:15 I honestly, like I haven't listened to it.
02:17 I would love, I, you know, I know she wants to move on.
02:22 I want her to do that. And I wish her the best, really.
02:26 As viewers watch this season and watch you kind of navigate the aftermath,
02:31 what do you want them to keep in mind about the journey we're going to watch you on?
02:35 I think, I think it's important for people to understand that I'm not like, you know,
02:42 this isn't like the Cardinals versus the Cubs.
02:44 Like we're not a sports team.
02:46 I'm not a character that plays Negan on The Walking Dead.
02:49 Like I'm a human being, like every single one of my cast members, we all really put ourselves out there.
02:55 And, you know, I unfortunately made a huge mistake and mistakes and, but that I am a human being.
03:04 I'm a real person and just try to keep that in mind.
03:07 [Music]
