Chelsea's Emma Hayes and Erin Cuthbert on hosting Real Madrid in UWCL

  • 8 months ago
Chelsea's Emma Hayes and Erin Cuthbert on hosting Real Madrid in UWCL


00:00 [ Background noise ]
00:19 >> Hello.
00:20 >> Hi guys.
00:21 >> Hi.
00:23 >> Sorry. I bumped you.
00:30 >> All right then.
00:35 Welcome along everybody.
00:36 Very exciting one tomorrow.
00:38 We have you, [inaudible]
00:40 and Erin Cuthbert today.
00:44 Welcome, Erin.
00:45 >> Thank you.
00:46 >> Who would like to kick start the broadcast section for us?
00:48 Come on then, Jane.
00:51 >> Hello both.
00:53 Emma, I guess after the weekend, the match tomorrow,
00:55 I can't come soon enough back to the bridge, can I?
00:57 >> Yeah, we're very excited to build on the performance
01:00 of the weekend and make Stamford Bridge a bigger home for us.
01:05 So yes, we're very excited.
01:06 >> In terms of team news, how's everyone looking?
01:10 >> Yes, everybody's available.
01:11 Someone on pitch today needs some extra recovery.
01:15 So we're now a little bit more closer to kickoff,
01:19 but no new injuries.
01:21 >> You're heading into quite a congested part of the season.
01:24 You could potentially reach the quarter finals tomorrow before you head to Paris next week.
01:29 How much would that ease the pressures?
01:31 >> It's the aim.
01:32 We want to be in that position.
01:33 We're at home.
01:34 We've played the opponent before.
01:36 We know their qualities.
01:38 For us, we have to keep building on the qualities and the standards we've set for ourselves,
01:42 as I've already mentioned.
01:44 And I know you'll hear that from Erin,
01:46 beside who's got the captain's armband tomorrow,
01:50 that for us, the focus on ourself is the key.
01:53 >> Today, Jessica Fleming's been linked with a move away from the club to the NWSL.
01:58 How confident are you that she will or won't be doing so at the club coming into the transfer window?
02:03 >> I think, you know, not my job to comment on speculation.
02:06 >> Erin, first of all, congratulations on the captain's armband tomorrow.
02:09 What does that mean to you?
02:11 >> Yeah, I've had it a couple of times now, so it's always an honour.
02:15 But I think nothing about me changes,
02:17 whether I've got the armband on or not.
02:20 I'm still the same person.
02:21 I'll still conduct myself the same way.
02:23 So, yeah.
02:24 >> Teams like Real Madrid, Under the Lights and Stamford Bridge,
02:27 are these the games that you look forward to the most?
02:29 >> Yeah, of course.
02:30 When you're a young kid, you want to be playing Stamford Bridge, Under the Lights,
02:34 playing against top team in Europe.
02:36 So I'm really excited by it.
02:38 But it's one that's a great challenge,
02:40 and I think we'll be looking to win tomorrow night.
02:42 But we know that it comes with a process.
02:45 I think how we started the game on Sunday is how we'll be looking to start again
02:48 tomorrow night.
02:49 We'd certainly put them on the back foot.
02:51 And we're making Stamford Bridge more and more our home.
02:54 And when people come to our home, they don't dominate us.
02:56 We dominate them.
02:58 >> On Sunday, I think LJ would have probably got the headlines,
03:01 but your personal performance, you were here, there and everywhere.
03:04 How much do the team need a performance like that on Sunday,
03:07 getting into this kind of side of things?
03:09 >> I think we spoke a lot last week.
03:12 I think the foundation of everything that we've done at Chelsea,
03:14 certainly since I've been here in a good seven years,
03:17 has been hard work, doing everything for the team,
03:21 doing exactly what the team needs and putting the team first always.
03:24 And I think that comes from our defensive actions.
03:27 And I think we got that spot on from a collective.
03:30 Everyone done the job that was asked of them.
03:33 And I think that allowed players like Lauren to go and shine.
03:36 >> You mentioned Lauren after the game on Sunday.
03:38 You think she just got on from walking the park,
03:40 she was up there back about it.
03:41 But in the dressing room, does she celebrate a bit more?
03:44 Or is that just her all the time?
03:46 >> I think that's her general aura.
03:47 But she acts the same as she does every day.
03:53 And I think we've got a couple of players like that in the dressing room.
03:55 And I think one thing that I've learned from being at the club is
03:57 everyone acts very differently to how they are as a person and a character.
04:02 But I think one thing we can never question,
04:04 no matter what anybody's character is, is their commitment to the team.
04:07 And I think Lauren showed exactly what she can do for the team on Sunday.
04:11 >> I bet you're laughing there.
04:13 Are you surprised about how chill she is all the time?
04:15 >> No, I'm not.
04:18 That's who she is, definitely.
04:20 >> Thank you both.
04:21 >> Thanks.
04:21 >> Jeremy, next please.
04:22 >> Yeah, hi, Emma.
04:23 We did see Lauren James in the opening training window this morning.
04:26 Is she unwell or just being rested before tomorrow?
04:30 >> Yeah, with it being a match day plus two and a match day minus one,
04:35 no, Lauren James is usually always given an extra recovery day there.
04:40 So we'll assess it again in the morning, but nothing to worry about.
04:45 >> Yeah, you're being linked with Mayra Ramirez from Levante,
04:49 which would be a record Chelsea signing.
04:52 Can you confirm that at all?
04:54 >> No, I'm not gonna comment on that either.
04:57 >> But she would be a quality replacement for Sam Kerwin, would she not?
05:01 >> Yeah, it'd be disrespectful for me to talk about players at other clubs, so
05:04 I won't.
05:05 >> Yeah, and Erin, if Jesse Fleming is going to support them as we hear,
05:10 what kind of tribute would you pay to Jesse?
05:12 >> Nothing's confirmed yet, so we don't have anything.
05:16 So there'll be no tribute made until anything else happens.
05:20 As far as I'm aware, I've not received any information.
05:23 >> Emma, on the first game in Madrid, it was quite controversial, wasn't it?
05:27 You weren't happy with that 2-2 draw because you felt that a couple of big
05:30 decisions were against you.
05:32 What are your reflections on that match now?
05:34 >> Well, they did.
05:35 There was a goal scored legitimately that wasn't offside and
05:39 a penalty that wasn't inside of the box.
05:42 So there's hope for strong officiating, and that's really what the girls deserve
05:47 tomorrow to make sure we're not on the receiving end of poor official decisions.
05:53 >> Yeah, and how important is it to actually win the group, too?
05:55 >> Yeah, critical.
05:56 We expect that for ourselves, and we're at home.
06:01 I think everybody would expect us to be favourites going into the game.
06:05 However, it's Real Madrid.
06:07 They have a quality squad.
06:09 They've got a lot of internationals, and they did score against us and
06:14 draw with us in the reverse fixture.
06:17 So we know what we have to do, and I always say to our players,
06:22 let's focus on that and put all our energy into making sure the performance is as good as it can be.
06:27 >> And your last season at Chelsea, how much do you want the Champions League?
06:31 >> I mean, I want to be able to come in and don't get asked that question every time I'm in here.
06:35 I want to talk about the importance of tomorrow night's game.
06:39 I'm committed to that.
06:40 I'm focused on that.
06:41 And by the time I sit here for the Brighton game, I hope that we're talking about us qualifying for the next round.
06:47 That's my only focus.
06:48 >> Thank you.
06:51 >> Eamon, you absolutely made me eat my words last week when I said if you'd expect to return to
06:57 form against United and produce one of the best performances I've seen this season.
07:01 You clearly coped well without Sam.
07:03 Do you need a replacement there?
07:05 >> I don't spend time thinking about replacements.
07:07 And we all know Sam's a wonderful football player, but I also don't spend time thinking about players who are injured
07:14 because that isn't going to help the team win.
07:16 My job is to put together a starting 11 in every game and get finishers ready so that we're in a position to get three points.
07:25 And I like the challenge in finding another way.
07:30 We've done a lot of work internally, and I think everybody stepped up at the weekend.
07:35 And my job is to make sure they do it again tomorrow.
07:38 >> You played Real Madrid in the group stage last season and you drew the away lead and won your home match.
07:44 Almost seems written in the stars.
07:46 >> I don't know about that.
07:47 I don't pay attention to previous results because I think it's another season.
07:51 They've got different threats.
07:54 I think they're pacey in the front areas.
07:56 They're good in transition.
07:57 They're good in wide areas.
07:59 You know, they've got players like Caicedo and Castillo who have the ability to cause problems,
08:07 as they did away from home.
08:09 But we've got a game plan set.
08:11 Players know their roles.
08:13 Now we have to execute.
08:14 >> I just wondered if I could ask you about your goalkeepers.
08:21 In the last six competitive matches, you've used all three.
08:24 Do you have a recognised number one?
08:27 And if not, what are the sort of tactical considerations that you consider when making a team selection?
08:34 >> Well, as I stated at the weekend, the decision to go with Hannah was that we felt there would
08:38 be an aggressive press from United and not having Sam Kerr stretching teams out in a
08:45 certain way.
08:46 Hannah's technical qualities are far superior.
08:51 And for those reasons, we opted to go with her.
08:56 You know, no other reasons.
08:58 But you know, Hannah did really well.
09:00 And this moment in time, you know, she's hopefully gets the opportunity to build on that.
09:05 >> We had really good news last week with the announcement of the new contract.
09:12 A slight concern amongst fans with players like Sam Kerr and Frank Kirby.
09:18 A new contract, maybe an odd thing for those?
09:21 Or is that something to expect?
09:23 >> I'm not, you know, I think we all know the club are in search and hopefully appointing
09:29 soon a new manager.
09:30 And I think that's the question that will be there for the club and for the new manager.
09:34 And I'm sure as the club have got an update, they will share it.
09:37 >> Is that to say that their contract situation is dependent on the new manager search of
09:42 the two links?
09:43 >> No, I never said that.
09:45 I just said that there's no update and the moment the focus is on hiring a new manager
09:49 and when the club has an update, they'll give you one.
09:53 >> And just finally, we talked before the Manchester United game about the prominence
09:58 of away fans and they certainly add to the atmosphere.
10:01 Lauren got a few boo's but she gave a bit back with her girls celebration.
10:06 As we see more and more away fans getting involved, what does that add to the game?
10:12 >> Ask them, because they're the ones who have to play in it.
10:16 >> Yeah, good question.
10:18 It certainly adds a bit of spice.
10:20 I think as a player, you love, I'm certainly a player who loves to play on the edge and
10:24 I think rivalry is so healthy and the more we get into women's football, the better because
10:30 it brings out performances that you maybe don't know you have inside you.
10:34 And I think what Lauren's did is you find a way to use it.
10:38 You can either go one or two ways.
10:40 You can collapse from it or you can use it and then give it back.
10:45 And I think it's great and I think both sides of fans will welcome that.
10:49 If it happened on the other end, you have to be able to take it.
10:52 We certainly love it and it should come into women's football more and more.
10:57 >> Thank you.
10:58 And just finally, Natalie Bourne, really good, full debut for her in the weekend.
11:04 And Jess Carter, naturally will probably be frustrated to be on the bench such a big game.
11:09 What sort of message does it send to any successful team to have that type of competition and
11:13 that sort of loyalty on your bench?
11:16 >> That it's healthy and that if you want to keep winning and competing, you have to
11:21 expect that you have to be in an environment where there's always somebody who can take
11:26 your place.
11:27 And we've never been a team that stood still.
11:30 So my message is always to the players in the squad that there's always going to be
11:36 someone that will be knocking on the door to play.
11:38 And if you don't produce performances, then expect that there will be competition.
11:44 >> Thanks, Aaron.
11:45 >> Thanks.
11:46 >> Yeah.
11:47 >> Facing Roma Brits, it's a big surprise that they're not in contention as they come
11:52 to play you.
11:53 I guess you're not seeing that as having them having any less to play you.
11:57 When you think about a team that all the start, they have the World Cup winners in case they
12:01 don't.
12:02 The fact they've not got getting through this group, but just show how tough a group you
12:05 are in and how well you've done to make sure you're on top of it.
12:08 >> Yes.
12:09 However, Aaron and I had this conversation earlier.
12:13 There's nothing more dangerous than playing a team that has nothing to play for.
12:18 So they will fear nothing.
12:21 They have their pride on the line.
12:23 And yes, they're playing for three points, but they can't qualify.
12:27 I think it's a dangerous place for us if our mentality is to rule them out of the game.
12:33 And I'm sure Aaron could elaborate on it.
12:36 There's something we won't be doing.
12:38 >> No, certainly not.
12:39 I've been in dressing rooms before where you technically don't have anything to play for.
12:45 And I think that's when you express yourself the most.
12:48 You play with the most amount of freedom.
12:50 So I think they'll come out with nothing to lose and no expectations on them.
12:53 The eyes won't be on them.
12:55 And I think that's when, as a dressing room, I think we've went through that in previous
12:58 years where nobody expects you to win.
13:01 Everybody expects you just to fall at the last hurdle.
13:04 But I think they'll be looking to push and show exactly why they should be in Champions
13:09 League and they should be qualifying.
13:10 But to be honest with you, it's a really tough group.
13:13 I think we've showed that in the games that we played Paris.
13:16 We played hecking away and it was really, really tough.
13:18 So I think all four teams in the group are very good.
13:22 >> For you, Aaron, as well, what did you make of it when you played them?
13:27 You probably felt you should have won that game.
13:28 What did you make of them?
13:30 >> I remember being absolutely knackered after the game.
13:33 The manager will tell you the same.
13:35 I remember we had too many transitions in that game.
13:38 It was just transition, transition.
13:40 And you can't give that level of quality and pace that they've got that much space.
13:46 And it makes it a really tough job for the midfielders.
13:49 I remember not being as happy with my execution because I remember I was doing so much defensive
13:54 work that maybe I didn't have the quality to go and express myself.
13:57 So I think first and foremost, we'll be looking to be more compact.
14:01 And I think like we were on Sunday, that provides a good foundation for everything successful
14:06 we do moving forward.
14:08 So, yeah, expect them to be hard to break down.
14:11 But I think we've got enough quality in the dressing room to believe in ourselves that
14:15 we can do it.
14:16 >> You've also got the incentive that you know that if you win tomorrow, you might not
14:20 wrap up first place, but you're definitely in the quarterfinals.
14:22 >> Yeah, it's a big incentive.
14:24 And if you can't get up for a game like tomorrow night, then you question being at a club like
14:28 Chelsea, to be honest.
14:29 So it's certainly something in my mind.
14:33 I can't wait for the game.
14:34 You know, you just want it to come now.
14:35 Even though your legs are tired, you find a way to push through.
14:39 And I think everybody in that dressing room won't need any motivation to get up for tomorrow
14:43 night.
14:44 Thank you.
14:46 >> I'm going to play now.
14:48 >> Guys on Zoom, any questions for you or we'll leave it there?
14:54 Speak now.
14:56 >> I'll forever hold your peace.
14:58 >> All right, then.
14:59 I'll take that as a good sign.
15:00 We'll leave it there.
15:01 Thanks very much, everybody.
15:02 Thank you.
15:03 >> Wow, nice and short.
15:04 We love it.
15:05 We love it.
15:06 >> Thank you.
15:07 >> Love that.
15:08 Super.
15:10 40 minutes and a wrap.
15:13 That's a record.
15:14 >> Long time.
15:16 >> Thanks, guys.
15:18 >> Thank you.
15:19 Cheers.
15:21 >> All right.
15:23 >> You've got the mic.
15:31 >> Yeah, we have.
15:32 >> I'll get it back.
15:33 >> Yeah.
15:34 >> I'm going to keep that.
15:37 >> Yeah.
15:38 >> Just in case.
15:39 >> Thanks, everyone.
15:41 >> Thank you very much.
15:42 >> Yeah.
15:43 >> Thanks.
15:44 >> Thanks.
15:45 >> Thanks.
15:46 >> Thanks.
15:47 >> Thanks.
15:48 >> Thanks.
15:49 >> Thanks.
15:57 (door closing)
