Babski Wieczór KGW w Słocinie

  • 8 months ago
Panie z Koła Gospodyń Wiejskich bawiły się na kolejnym Babskim Wieczorze, tym razem w hawajskim klimacie. Sala wiejska jak co roku wypełniła się po brzegi. W gorących rytmach serwowanych przez zespół Taryfa Nocna bawiło się blisko 50 pań.


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00:25 Our women's evenings are better than doctors' evenings.
00:30 The New Year brings some new plans.
00:33 We are taking action.
00:35 We have planned a few trips.
00:37 Last week we were at a New Year's concert in Rydzyn Castle.
00:44 We have also planned to go to the cinema, to the music theatre,
00:49 to the roundabout and, of course, to the Women's Day.
00:52 We will also go to the Rynka, Festyna and Biesiada.
00:55 I hope that there will be some new initiatives,
00:58 because my friends have a lot of new ideas.
01:02 I will say this.
01:03 There is no time to be bored with the Village House in Słocin.
01:07 Here, someone will always find something for themselves.
01:11 We are always happy, tasty and energetic.
01:17 I invite you to Słocin.
01:18 Last year, the Village House in Słocin celebrated its 70th anniversary.
01:25 Therefore, a celebration took place
01:30 and a folder was published on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Village House,
01:36 in which the whole story and a lot of photos were written.
01:41 Although we are 70 years old,
01:45 we have a lot of great ideas and energy to act.
01:50 So, there will be action in Słocin.
01:52 [music]
