90 Day_ The Single Life_ Tyray Gets STOOD UP

  • 8 months ago
90 Day_ The Single Life_ Tyray Gets STOOD UP


00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 - So it's been an hour now that I've been waiting
00:07 for Tiffany and she hasn't responded to my texts
00:10 or called me back or anything.
00:11 So I guess I got stood up.
00:13 - Tyrae gets ghosted on his first date
00:17 by a girl named Tiffany, who he met at a funeral.
00:20 Ain't that something?
00:23 - It took a while for me to get myself together mentally,
00:26 you know, and want to actually go out and date again.
00:28 So for this to happen, you know, on my first date,
00:32 it's kind of like, like damn, like, is it me?
00:36 - This is 90 Day Replay Travel Sides,
00:38 where I pack in all you need to know while keeping it light.
00:41 Hey 90 Day fans fam, it's Malicia.
00:44 Tyrae has made his single life debut.
00:47 Last episode, we met a girl named Tiffany,
00:50 who he met at his cousin's grandma's funeral.
00:53 And he's interested in.
00:55 - My name is--
00:56 - Where you going?
00:57 - I ain't going nowhere.
00:58 - The girl you met all the way out here.
01:00 - I just gonna make it for you babe.
01:02 You know I'm gonna make it for you.
01:03 - You wanna hang out sometime?
01:05 All right, like a date or a date?
01:07 - A date.
01:07 - Or just like a hangout?
01:08 - A date.
01:09 - Hearing her say it like that
01:11 and call him her man and babe is so wack.
01:14 Considering how she's about to play him,
01:17 she's treating him like a joke.
01:19 It's kind of mean.
01:20 Tiffany was also looking a little zooted.
01:23 - I really liked him.
01:24 I like big guys because they just warm and teddy
01:28 and just know how to just treat a woman
01:30 and they eat real good.
01:31 - I don't know the girl, but in my opinion,
01:36 Tyrae doesn't need someone like Tiffany or the real Carmella.
01:40 He doesn't need someone to turn him out.
01:42 It needs to be about more than just sex.
01:45 I know he's a 33 year old version,
01:47 but if he was able to wait this long,
01:49 he might as well take the time to choose wisely
01:52 because whoever he ends up dating
01:54 due to his innocence and lack of experience
01:57 has the potential to have an enormous effect
02:00 on how he views himself, life, love.
02:05 He's such a sweet guy.
02:06 I don't want him to get jaded out here.
02:08 Carmella has done enough.
02:10 His friend who was on last week's episode,
02:13 they've been best friends since the sixth grade.
02:15 She seems like a good match for him or someone like her.
02:19 - He's always been dependable and a reliable friend,
02:21 but people around would say,
02:25 "Oh, you guys should date and all that."
02:26 And I'm like, "No, we don't look at each other like that."
02:29 - Well, she seems to see him
02:31 and appreciate him for who he is.
02:35 Oh my God, Tyrae!
02:36 - What's up, Javon?
02:38 - If I'm having a bad day or he's having a bad day,
02:44 we'll get on the phone and talk to each other.
02:45 We'll text each other.
02:47 I know Tyrae wants to find someone.
02:50 He just need to get over his fears and his anxiety
02:53 'cause he's a very sweet person.
02:54 That's the type of woman I'm talking about.
02:57 Someone who he can build a genuine connection with.
03:00 I wonder if she was interested.
03:02 Would Tyrae stop looking at her as just a friend?
03:05 He did bring her flowers.
03:07 All right, fast forward to this week's episode.
03:10 Tyrae is getting ready for his date with Tiffany.
03:13 - I'm nervous since this is like my first date.
03:16 I don't really know what to say.
03:18 I guess hi and thanks for coming.
03:20 After being catfished by Carmella online,
03:24 I feel like what's best for me is to date in person.
03:26 And I'm excited to turn over this new leaf.
03:28 I'm 100% ready to go on a first date.
03:30 I'm excited.
03:31 You know, it's something I've been looking forward
03:33 to doing for a long time now.
03:35 - During the car ride on the way to the date,
03:37 Tyrae has love glimmering all in his eyes.
03:41 He's daydreaming out the window.
03:44 - I do like a nice dress on a woman.
03:45 I think dresses look nice when they're like,
03:47 you know, they're fitting and everything is like,
03:49 you know, or you know.
03:51 - Not the different shapes.
03:54 - I'm gonna be looking nice and fresh for myself,
03:55 but like her to come out, you know,
03:58 with like everyone turning their head, staring at her,
04:00 you know, all the attention and you know,
04:02 just the sparks fly once I see her.
04:04 - Poor baby, poor thing.
04:06 - Tyrae's expectations are too high for the dating world.
04:11 He really thinks things play out like a movie.
04:13 - I'm gonna text her and let her know I'm on my way.
04:16 Let's see.
04:16 I think flowers are a good first move.
04:22 I chose the blue ones because I like them.
04:24 They pop, you know,
04:25 and I chose the multicolored ones 'cause they're different.
04:29 So I think they'll be good, you know.
04:31 I think she'll like them.
04:32 - It's about to get real for Tyrae out here.
04:34 He goes inside the restaurant and tries to focus on the menu,
04:38 but he can't help but be distracted by the fact
04:41 that Tiffany has not texted him back yet.
04:43 Talk about anxiety.
04:45 - What's going through your head right now?
04:49 - Um, well, I don't know what's going on.
04:51 Maybe, you know, she got stuck in traffic
04:56 or maybe she ran out of gas or something.
04:58 - Tyrae don't start that storytelling.
05:00 - I'm just trying to wait and see and stay positive.
05:03 - He's so anxious about it, he turns his phone over.
05:06 - I don't wanna immediately think that, you know,
05:09 she stubbed me up, but it's a lot emotionally.
05:12 - 30 minutes goes by
05:14 and the waiter even starts to feel bad for Tyrae.
05:18 - The entire time I was watching him
05:20 and just praying that someone was gonna come
05:22 walk through that door,
05:24 he seemed very excited when he arrived.
05:28 I feel so bad for him to the point
05:31 where I just wanted to sit down and be his date.
05:34 - She's so sweet.
05:35 Tyrae attempts to call Tiffany.
05:37 - Please leave your message.
05:41 - And she forwards his call.
05:43 (soft music)
05:45 - So it's been an hour now that I've been waiting
05:54 for Tiffany and she hasn't responded to my texts
05:57 or called me back or anything.
05:58 So I guess I got stood up.
06:00 - Yep.
06:03 - It feels terrible waiting, you know,
06:04 for Tiffany this long.
06:05 It's definitely giving me vibes of, you know,
06:07 when I went to go meet Carmella,
06:09 when I was in Barbados and it hurts me.
06:12 It took a while for me to, you know,
06:14 get myself together mentally, you know,
06:16 and want to actually go out and date again.
06:18 So for this to happen, you know, on my first date,
06:22 it's kind of like, like damn, like, is it me?
06:26 - This time it wasn't you, it was her.
06:28 She could have at least sent a text
06:30 and said she's not coming.
06:31 Now I can imagine how painful that is,
06:34 but if I was Tyrae, I would try to look at it
06:36 like dodging a bullet.
06:38 Someone who would do that to you
06:40 doesn't have the best character
06:42 and it's better to learn that now
06:44 before you get even more involved with that person.
06:47 Although it's disappointing and hurtful,
06:50 he can look at this as he's being protected
06:52 from the wrong woman.
06:55 And is Tiffany really gonna play him like this on TV?
06:58 I don't think she thought that through
07:00 because now we all know her name and her face
07:02 and it's not a good look at all.
07:05 All right, 90 Day fans fam, let's wish Tyrae luck.
07:10 Make sure you stick with ET
07:11 because we are covering it all.
07:13 I will see you next time.
07:14 (upbeat music)
07:17 you
