How to Maintain Your Righteous Stance - Creflo Dollar

  • il y a 8 mois


00:00:00 Yes, yes.
00:00:02 Oh, praise God.
00:00:04 Could you sing that just one more time?
00:00:06 Always remember.
00:00:08 ♪ Always remember Jesus, Jesus ♪
00:00:20 ♪ Always remember Jesus, oh Jesus ♪
00:00:35 ♪ Always keep him on your mind ♪
00:00:42 [applause]
00:00:52 That's what you're gonna have to do this year.
00:00:54 The enemy's gonna try to get everything else on your mind,
00:00:59 but sing one more time.
00:01:02 ♪ Always remember Jesus, oh Jesus ♪
00:01:17 ♪ Always remember Jesus, oh Jesus ♪
00:01:31 ♪ Always keep him on your mind ♪
00:01:39 [applause]
00:01:43 Wow.
00:01:45 Wow.
00:01:48 Father, we thank you for this, another opportunity to minister
00:01:51 to these, your precious sheep.
00:01:53 Thank you, Lord, that revelation and knowledge will flow freely,
00:01:58 uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force.
00:02:04 Father, speak through my vocal cords.
00:02:08 I can't do this without you.
00:02:11 Think through my mind.
00:02:15 None of me, all of you.
00:02:20 It's in Jesus' name we pray.
00:02:23 Everybody say it, "Amen."
00:02:25 You may be seated this morning.
00:02:29 If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of
00:02:33 2 Corinthians chapter 5, verse 17 through 21 in the NLT.
00:02:39 We're gonna continue with maintaining
00:02:42 your righteous stance.
00:02:44 I'm seeing it already how, yes, there are prophetic things that
00:02:51 are gonna take place.
00:02:52 You can cast out devils, but you can't cast out prophecy.
00:02:56 I understand that we can have 24-hour prayer, but when God
00:02:59 says something is gonna happen, it's gonna happen.
00:03:01 It doesn't mean cancel prayer because prayer can still show up
00:03:05 and do some amazing things when people are going through stuff.
00:03:09 However, as the Christian, we must understand that your mind
00:03:16 is the battleground.
00:03:20 Your mind is the arena of faith.
00:03:22 You will lose it or you will win it in the battleground
00:03:27 of your mind.
00:03:29 You have to understand that Satan's most powerful weapon
00:03:32 is the power of suggestion.
00:03:34 What can he suggest to you?
00:03:37 What can he say to you through vehicles in this world?
00:03:43 And if a person doesn't know his God, and if a person doesn't
00:03:46 know the Word of God, then you're easy prey for deception.
00:03:52 And yet, I am concerned about the Christian who's been saved
00:03:57 for some time.
00:04:00 I'm also concerned about the prophecy that love will grow
00:04:05 and wax cold and wondering how many of you will be here
00:04:10 by the end of the year.
00:04:12 That attack that will show up to try to convince you that
00:04:17 it just doesn't matter.
00:04:20 And all of a sudden, I don't care about the Bible,
00:04:23 and I'm not concerned about God.
00:04:25 And I'm sure right now you can't see yourself there,
00:04:29 which is why you have to make your mind up right now.
00:04:33 "God, I'm in it.
00:04:35 I'm not going nowhere.
00:04:37 Come hell or high water.
00:04:40 I will never let you go.
00:04:44 I will never let you go."
00:04:46 And the way to do that is to keep him on your mind.
00:04:52 There's the battle of the mind.
00:04:53 And with Satan's M.O., it is always to attack you where
00:05:00 your identity is concerned.
00:05:03 There are lots of people who just don't know who they are.
00:05:07 Maybe the issue was being raised by a single mother,
00:05:10 or the issue, maybe you went into foster care,
00:05:14 or all of those are sad.
00:05:18 But once you get born again, Jesus now is responsible
00:05:23 for your identity.
00:05:25 You are the righteousness of God.
00:05:28 He released that attack in the Garden of Eden,
00:05:30 and that's why we are where we are today.
00:05:33 Jesus showed up to reconcile everything,
00:05:36 and the first thing he did is he attacks--he attacks
00:05:39 the Lord's identity, "If thou be the Son of God."
00:05:44 So, the thing we have to be aware of this year,
00:05:48 we've really got to guard our heart and guard our ears
00:05:51 and guard our eyes, and we got to be careful,
00:05:55 'cause, I mean, we're living in the age of social media.
00:05:57 You got to be careful not to allow that to become
00:06:01 your new pastor.
00:06:05 And it starts ministering all kinds of things to you
00:06:09 that you think are true.
00:06:11 But social media is driven by the spirit of mammon.
00:06:18 Mammon is not money.
00:06:20 Mammon is the spirit behind money.
00:06:23 Mammon says you don't need God, you need money.
00:06:28 Mammon says, you know, you cheat to get it.
00:06:32 Mammon says--Mammon's looking for church people,
00:06:34 and you've got to understand the motivation behind social media
00:06:39 and podcasts is I can make money if the clickbait is right.
00:06:44 I remember one time I went in trying to show our broadcast
00:06:49 and found out three different times I was dead.
00:06:51 According to social media, I was gone.
00:06:58 You have got to guard your ears, and you have got to guard
00:07:02 your heart, and you have got to guard your mind,
00:07:05 because those are the entrances into a man's heart.
00:07:08 And Satan knows it, and he wants to do everything he can
00:07:14 to take the church down.
00:07:16 He will fail.
00:07:17 He's tried before.
00:07:18 I don't know why he keep trying to do it.
00:07:20 The church keep rising up no matter how bad it's hit.
00:07:22 It just keeps getting back up.
00:07:24 It keeps getting back up, praise God.
00:07:29 Which is why it is vital that you know and understand that you
00:07:34 are the righteousness of God, not by your works.
00:07:38 You are righteous because of your faith and your belief
00:07:42 in Jesus Christ, and you cannot allow him to take that from you.
00:07:46 Second Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 21,
00:07:50 we'll begin this morning.
00:07:52 He says, "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become
00:07:57 a new person."
00:07:59 So, everybody in here who has made Jesus the Lord of your
00:08:01 life, and you have had the experience of being born again,
00:08:05 this Scripture says that you are a new person.
00:08:08 He's describing the fact that when you got born again,
00:08:11 the old man left, and the new creation came in.
00:08:18 The old man parted, and the new creation came in,
00:08:22 and you have now become a new person based on that new
00:08:26 creation that showed up when you got born again.
00:08:29 He said, "The old life is gone."
00:08:33 Say that out loud, "The old life is gone."
00:08:36 He says, "A new life has begun."
00:08:40 The day you got born again and received that new creation,
00:08:45 a new life has begun.
00:08:49 And all of this is a gift from God.
00:08:52 That's what I need to get you to see.
00:08:54 It's all a gift from God.
00:08:56 Religion loves for us to try to take credit for what has
00:09:00 happened to us.
00:09:02 It is all a gift from God who brought us back to himself
00:09:08 through Christ.
00:09:10 Now, at one time, there was enmity between God and mankind,
00:09:15 sin, because of what happened in the garden,
00:09:17 there was enmity between God and mankind.
00:09:20 But because of Jesus and his shed blood and you receiving
00:09:23 Jesus, we have been brought back to God.
00:09:27 There has been reconciliation between God and man.
00:09:32 We've been brought back through--to God through
00:09:34 Christ Jesus.
00:09:36 Before Christ Jesus--and I don't think people realize that
00:09:39 enmity was between God and man.
00:09:43 And God has given us this task of reconciling people.
00:09:47 So he says, "Now that you who are born again,
00:09:50 you have experienced reconciliation between your God
00:09:54 and yourself," he says, "now I give you the ministry to go out
00:09:58 and tell people to come back, come to God, come to God."
00:10:04 It's not just about our church.
00:10:06 It's not just about what you do.
00:10:08 We have been given the ministry of reconciliation.
00:10:11 When was the last time you shared with someone who's
00:10:15 not born again?
00:10:16 When was the last time you gave witness to Jesus to someone
00:10:20 that's not born again?
00:10:22 Think about somebody had to tell you.
00:10:27 Who was the person that told you?
00:10:29 Who was the person?
00:10:30 I remember--I remember--I mean, had no sense at all as far as
00:10:35 what God was--who he was and didn't know nothing.
00:10:40 I go to my little AME church and Reverend Dunlap, Reverend Wilkes,
00:10:46 Reverend--you know, we had a bunch of reverends came in and
00:10:50 out of AME church.
00:10:51 They shipped them in and out, you know.
00:10:53 Somebody had to come tell me.
00:10:56 I'm praying this year that we will be--we will become
00:11:04 world changers.
00:11:05 When people see "world changers," they're thinking
00:11:07 "whole world."
00:11:08 We're not talking about a whole world.
00:11:10 You can't change the whole world until you've changed--until
00:11:12 your world has been changed.
00:11:15 And when your world has been changed, then you can reach out
00:11:18 and begin to change somebody else's world.
00:11:21 Think about that.
00:11:26 How many people will you encounter this year that don't
00:11:30 know Jesus?
00:11:32 And maybe, just maybe, you're at that place just to share
00:11:38 witness of Jesus.
00:11:41 Last week before the New Year's Eve service, I ran out to get
00:11:44 some--what was that I went out to get?
00:11:47 I got something that had something to do with my
00:11:49 pancakes that night.
00:11:50 And I ran to the store and get it.
00:11:53 Tapper said, "I'll go get it for you."
00:11:55 I said, "No, I want you to go get it for me.
00:11:57 I know exactly what I need.
00:11:58 I'll go in there and get it."
00:11:59 And then we--it was a long line, and, you know, people were,
00:12:01 you know, getting their liquor and all that stuff.
00:12:03 And I was standing behind a guy, and he turned to me, and he
00:12:08 said, "It just irks me, just bothers me, all kinds of things
00:12:13 when people don't have their money ready when they get up to
00:12:16 the cash register."
00:12:18 I said, "Yeah, but this is a new year, and you just probably need
00:12:23 to get over all those little things that irk you."
00:12:25 He said, "Well, well, yeah, yeah, you're right.
00:12:32 You're right."
00:12:33 Just 'cause the other day when I was, you know, I was riding
00:12:35 around with my son, and this guy just pulled out in front of me,
00:12:38 and I said, "Well, look at this guy right here pulling out in
00:12:40 front of me."
00:12:41 And I was about ready to go off on him, 'cause, you know, I had
00:12:44 my--I had my gun with me, and I told him, I said, "Yeah, I got a
00:12:47 peace be still, too."
00:12:49 I said, "Sometimes it's the small foxes, so don't let that
00:12:59 bother you because there'll be a lot of those irritants that'll
00:13:02 be released to see if it can get your emotions to control your
00:13:05 life and your emotions versus God controlling."
00:13:08 He said, "Yeah, yeah, you're right."
00:13:10 He said, "I surely enjoyed talking to you.
00:13:13 It's a blessing."
00:13:14 I'm like, "Uh-huh, yeah."
00:13:15 Wasn't a blessing five minutes ago, but it's a blessing now.
00:13:21 It doesn't take much.
00:13:22 If you'll just water the seed, if you'll just water and plant,
00:13:26 God'll give the increase.
00:13:27 You don't have to just beat somebody up.
00:13:29 You need to get saved right now.
00:13:31 No, no, no, I might just be God's plan for watering, and
00:13:36 then he'll send somebody else that might be God's plan for
00:13:38 planting, but he will always give the increase.
00:13:43 So, let's make up in our mind that we're gonna be witnesses
00:13:46 for Jesus this year.
00:13:47 We're going to take advantage of being an example, sharing some
00:13:52 light, sharing some words, sharing some love, and allowing
00:13:56 God to have the opportunity to increase.
00:13:58 I'm believing that we're gonna see more people saved this year
00:14:02 than we have ever seen in the last 38 years, and it's because
00:14:08 you are reaching out to make a mark that can't be erased.
00:14:12 He says, "And so God has given us this task of reconciling
00:14:15 people to him, for God was in Christ, reconciling the world to
00:14:21 himself."
00:14:23 Whoa, no longer counting people's sins against them.
00:14:29 That's strong.
00:14:31 That's strong.
00:14:34 That's an argument amongst the clergy.
00:14:39 He said God was reconciling the world, the whole world.
00:14:45 He was doing something so that the whole world could take
00:14:48 advantage of something, and what he was saying is, "I'm going to
00:14:51 give my Son, Jesus Christ, and I'm gonna put every--I'm gonna
00:14:56 put the whole world's sin on him, so when you're ready to
00:15:00 receive him, I want you to know that he's already taking care of
00:15:05 all of your sins.
00:15:06 You just need to sign for the package."
00:15:08 What would happen if some sinner would hear that?
00:15:15 What would happen if some sinner would hear, "God has already
00:15:18 taken care of your sins through Jesus Christ and has decided to
00:15:23 forgive you of all of your sins," and that guy ends up
00:15:27 going to hell, and he said, "What was the bad thing that
00:15:30 actually sent me here?"
00:15:32 He said, "It wasn't your behavior.
00:15:33 It was because you didn't sign for the salvation package."
00:15:38 Now, how tormenting is that?
00:15:39 He ended up in hell because everything was done.
00:15:42 All you had to do was sign the receipt.
00:15:44 And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation.
00:15:54 Verse 20, "So we are Christ's ambassadors."
00:15:57 We're Christ's ambassadors.
00:15:58 We're representatives of Christ.
00:16:00 We are ambassadors, you know.
00:16:03 We're ambassadors for Christ because our citizenship
00:16:06 is in heaven.
00:16:08 Well, okay, I'll speak for myself.
00:16:09 My citizenship is in heaven.
00:16:13 You're waiting on the government to tell you about aliens.
00:16:15 I am one.
00:16:17 You are aliens, praise God.
00:16:20 My God, y'all don't hear me.
00:16:21 Some of y'all are, "What, what?"
00:16:26 God is making his appeal through us.
00:16:29 We speak for Christ when we plead, "Come back to God,"
00:16:34 for God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering
00:16:39 or the propitiation or the sacrifice for mankind.
00:16:49 To be the offering for our sins so that we could be made right
00:16:54 with God through Christ Jesus.
00:17:12 He was Christ who never sinned, became sin, but he never sinned.
00:17:17 He was a serpent on the cross.
00:17:24 He became sin, but he never sinned.
00:17:29 He became sin so he could be the offering, the propitiation,
00:17:34 the ransom.
00:17:38 He was the ransom.
00:17:40 He paid the ransom price, glory to God, so that we could be made
00:17:46 right with God through Christ Jesus.
00:17:50 So, he who had never sinned was made sin so that we who had
00:17:56 never been righteous could be made righteous without doing
00:17:59 right because he was made a sinner without ever sinning.
00:18:04 You can be made righteous without ever doing right.
00:18:07 He says, "I'm not looking at what you have done when I made
00:18:12 you righteous, I'm looking at what Jesus has done, and if you
00:18:18 believe that you are the righteousness of God, you'll do
00:18:22 right once you believe you're the righteousness of God, but
00:18:25 you keep trying to do right to qualify your status."
00:18:35 John 1:29, I asked the question last week, "Why are we righteous
00:18:40 in God's eyes?
00:18:41 Is it because we do right?"
00:18:43 No, it's because of Jesus.
00:18:46 "Why am I righteous in God's eyes?
00:18:48 Because I do right?"
00:18:49 No, it's because of Jesus.
00:18:52 It's gotta be humbling to a religious person who all of his
00:18:55 life has worked on doing right so he can be right with God, but
00:19:00 I'm not right with God because I do right.
00:19:02 I'm not right with God because I believe in Jesus, and what Jesus
00:19:06 has done has made me the righteousness of God, and the
00:19:08 day you believe you're righteous, your behavior is
00:19:11 gonna line up with that.
00:19:12 But as long as you allow your bad behavior to tell you that's
00:19:15 who you are, you keep going back to what I can do to be made
00:19:20 righteous versus believing in Jesus and what he has already
00:19:26 done to make you righteous.
00:19:29 John 9 says, "The next day, John--" Now, John here is
00:19:32 talking about John the Baptist, not the apostle John, but he
00:19:36 says, "The next day, John the Baptist, he saw Jesus coming
00:19:39 towards him, and he said, 'Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away
00:19:44 the sin of the world.'"
00:19:48 That is so hard for people to get, especially church people,
00:19:51 because we're so sin-conscious.
00:19:55 There are people that get up in the morning, before they even go
00:19:57 to bed, and they say their grace, "Lord, forgive me for the
00:20:00 sin that I hadn't done yet," because that's sin
00:20:04 consciousness.
00:20:06 We're more conscious of sin than we are of the fact that we've
00:20:09 been made righteous.
00:20:12 Well, where'd you get that sin consciousness from?
00:20:14 Church.
00:20:17 You got it from church.
00:20:19 You came to church all your life, and that's all it was
00:20:21 preached on, sin.
00:20:22 God don't like ugly.
00:20:23 You need to do this, or you're gonna go to hell.
00:20:26 You're gonna do that.
00:20:27 Then God ain't gonna do that.
00:20:28 You better be careful, 'cause you're gonna be cursed if you do
00:20:30 that.
00:20:31 Uh-huh, that's the reason why she died early.
00:20:33 Uh-huh, that's the reason why that happened.
00:20:35 That's why you lost your job.
00:20:36 That's why you--like, God's the punisher.
00:20:38 God's not the punisher.
00:20:41 And besides, who wants to develop in a forced
00:20:45 relationship?
00:20:48 I'm not interested in a forced relationship.
00:20:51 I don't wanna marry somebody that somebody forced me to
00:20:55 marry, and say, "If you don't marry, you ain't gonna get the
00:20:57 money, and if you don't marry, then we gonna not let you have
00:21:01 this, and if you don't marry--" No, no, no.
00:21:02 I wanna marry somebody 'cause I'm in--I'm in--I can't--I can't
00:21:08 live without you.
00:21:09 You--yeah, you made me do that.
00:21:10 I was like, "I wanna marry somebody 'cause I'm like,
00:21:14 'What happened?'"
00:21:15 I get silly when I'm around you.
00:21:16 Hey!
00:21:19 I remember when I first--when I--well, the second time I met
00:21:21 her, she had transferred to the college I was in, and there was
00:21:26 this big walkway where everybody would pass by, and it was the
00:21:29 springtime, and "Woo!"
00:21:31 It was the springtime, and you know what I'm talking about.
00:21:34 "Woo!"
00:21:35 It was--it was the spring.
00:21:36 It had a little valley down.
00:21:37 You remember the--woo!
00:21:38 It was the spring.
00:21:39 And Taffi had on this sundress with all kind of colors, and she
00:21:44 had a--she had a tan on her--on her skin, and I just loved
00:21:48 beautiful skin, and woo!
00:21:51 She walked past me, and I walked past her, and we had been
00:21:55 introduced, and I said, "Oh," and I got silly.
00:21:58 I can't believe I said--I wanted to slap myself.
00:22:00 I said, "Oh, look at the little girl with the pretty little
00:22:03 dress on."
00:22:04 She said, "I ain't no little girl.
00:22:06 I'm a grown woman."
00:22:07 I'm like, "God dang."
00:22:08 I was like, "God doggy.
00:22:09 Oh, Lord, whoa."
00:22:10 I didn't mean that.
00:22:11 I just--I got silly.
00:22:12 I want a relationship that--that when I--when I get before his
00:22:20 presence, he--I--oh, glory to God, I lift my hands up, and I
00:22:24 don't mean to.
00:22:25 I joke, and I don't mean to, but something happens in the
00:22:29 presence of the Lord because I want that relationship.
00:22:33 Nobody's making me--nobody's threatening me into the
00:22:37 relationship.
00:22:38 Nobody's putting fear on me in a relationship.
00:22:40 That's the same way I'm not giving.
00:22:44 I give 'cause I want to.
00:22:45 I adore him.
00:22:46 I want to give.
00:22:47 Nobody's gonna tell me, "You're cursed with a curse if you don't
00:22:49 give a certain percentage."
00:22:50 Wait a minute.
00:22:51 Now you're putting fear on me, and so the only reason I'm
00:22:53 giving it 'cause I'm scared?
00:22:54 No, I give because I delight in him, and I love him, and I--oh,
00:23:04 I want to please him, and I want him happy.
00:23:08 I want him to--I want him to find joy in my relationship.
00:23:11 I asked God this morning when I was praying, I said, "Now,
00:23:14 Lord, I think I know, but I still want to ask you this.
00:23:17 What did Enoch and Elijah do to make you just take 'em?"
00:23:23 I said, "Well, did you just take 'em because that was part of
00:23:28 the plan and you had already planned, or did they do
00:23:32 something--did they do something that you found great delight in?"
00:23:37 And he quickly answered me.
00:23:38 He says, "I am not a respectful person."
00:23:42 He says, "I find as much delight in you."
00:23:44 "As I find in them, because in them I couldn't live in,
00:23:55 but I'm living in you."
00:23:58 [congregation applauding]
00:24:01 So, a lot of things God has planned, you know, and he's got
00:24:15 a plan for every one of you, and it's not gonna be because of
00:24:19 your behavior.
00:24:21 It wasn't because of their behavior that he took 'em.
00:24:23 Some of you think that God can't use you anymore because of your
00:24:29 behavior and your mess-ups and stuff like that, and he used
00:24:32 three murderers in the Bible, and you don't think
00:24:34 he can use you.
00:24:35 Somebody said, "Say what?"
00:24:36 Yeah, he--Moses, murderer; the apostle Paul, murderer;
00:24:44 David, peeping Tom, and murderer.
00:24:48 [congregation laughing]
00:24:54 So, get over that and start focusing in on your identity.
00:24:58 I am the righteousness of God.
00:25:01 I have been made righteous.
00:25:03 I have not become righteous.
00:25:05 I didn't do nothing to deserve righteousness.
00:25:08 I believed in Jesus, and he made me righteous.
00:25:11 He made me righteous.
00:25:13 I am righteous because of Jesus, and as long as Jesus is all
00:25:17 right, I am all right.
00:25:18 Let me show you something.
00:25:19 In the--when the law was given, at the same time, if you look in
00:25:23 Exodus, that the law was given, this--the law was given,
00:25:27 the sacrificial system was instituted where the Lord said
00:25:33 that we're going to introduce the sacrificial system where you
00:25:37 bring a sacrifice that's acceptable, and if that
00:25:43 accepts--that that sacrifice is acceptable, then I will bless
00:25:47 you because of the sacrifice.
00:25:50 Now, those sacrifices could never take away sin.
00:25:53 It could only cover sin.
00:25:55 He says, "I'll bless you because of the sacrifice," which y'all
00:26:00 medically knew when he gave the commandments, he said, "I know
00:26:03 they're not gonna be able to keep them, so that's why I got
00:26:05 to figure out a way where I can bless 'em."
00:26:10 Oh, my goodness.
00:26:12 "I'll bless you because of the sacrifice."
00:26:15 So, if the sacrifice presented wasn't all right, you ain't
00:26:19 gonna be all right.
00:26:21 So, you got to bring a sacrifice that's acceptable.
00:26:25 But for all of us, Jesus is our sacrifice, and how many of you
00:26:31 know he's acceptable?
00:26:33 Huh?
00:26:35 So, if the sacrifice is all right, you all right.
00:26:41 Is the sacrifice all right?
00:26:45 So, if you go around thinking, "Oh, I ain't righteous no more,"
00:26:48 I'm gonna go to Jesus, you all right?
00:26:51 He said, "Yeah, I'm still good," and I'm thinking, "Well, what
00:26:54 they doing?
00:26:55 He's still good, we still good.
00:26:57 I'm still good because he's still good.
00:26:59 He's the acceptable sacrifice.
00:27:01 He died once and for all, praise God.
00:27:04 I am the righteousness of God today, tomorrow.
00:27:07 When I'm up, when I'm down, I'm the righteousness of God.
00:27:10 As long as I am focused and still tied into Jesus, I believe
00:27:14 in him, praise God.
00:27:16 He has made me righteous, I receive my righteousness.
00:27:20 Are y'all getting this?
00:27:22 I'm--can you see I'm just drilling this in?
00:27:26 This is going to be your foundation for the year.
00:27:28 Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
00:27:37 So, they treated Jesus like the worst sinner.
00:27:44 Think about what he went through.
00:27:47 They treated him like the worst sinner ever, whipped with a cat
00:27:50 of nine tails, nailed to a cross, spit on.
00:27:56 Then after all of that, he who had never sinned went to the
00:28:01 hell that was our hell to go to, but he took our place and went
00:28:08 to the hell that we were supposed to go through.
00:28:12 My God, mm-mm-mm.
00:28:16 Why did he do that?
00:28:18 He was treated like the worst sinner ever, my goodness, so
00:28:22 that you and I could be treated like the best righteous person
00:28:27 ever.
00:28:28 He who had never sinned and didn't deserve the treatment did
00:28:34 it so that we who had sinned and were made righteous and didn't
00:28:41 deserve the treatment of a righteous man.
00:28:45 That's what he did.
00:28:47 I will become the sinner.
00:28:48 Let them treat me like the worst sinner in the world so you can
00:28:51 become the righteousness of God and be treated like the
00:28:54 righteous of the world.
00:28:59 Wow.
00:29:02 Okay, maintaining your righteous stance, that's what we're
00:29:05 talking about.
00:29:06 Now, let's look at Romans chapter 4, verses 1 through 8.
00:29:10 Let's look at it again in the NLT.
00:29:14 Romans 4, 1 through 8.
00:29:16 I didn't get a chance to really get to this last week, got to
00:29:19 part of it, but let's look at the whole thing here.
00:29:24 Are you seeing this?
00:29:25 It's--people would get born again if they knew this, but
00:29:31 they're not getting this.
00:29:32 What they're getting is all the rules you got to keep in order
00:29:35 to be born again.
00:29:36 You--what are you talking about all the rules you have to keep?
00:29:40 It was a gift.
00:29:41 Listen to me.
00:29:42 If righteousness--if the blessing is a result of your
00:29:50 good works, watch this, then you should get the credit for it.
00:29:56 But if righteousness is a gift, then Jesus should get
00:30:01 the credit for it.
00:30:03 So, now what we're gonna see here is what do you really
00:30:06 think?
00:30:07 You really think you all that?
00:30:09 So, then you should get the credit for it.
00:30:12 But if it's a gift, he should get the credit for it.
00:30:15 Watch this.
00:30:16 They're gonna talk about Abraham here, and this is awesome
00:30:18 because in the book of Genesis, the Bible says that Abraham
00:30:22 believed God in Genesis before Jesus, and heaven said,
00:30:27 "You're righteous."
00:30:29 Before Abraham did any goody-goody thing, Abraham
00:30:32 believed God, and heaven said, "You're righteous."
00:30:36 And then somebody said, "Oh, Abraham was perfect."
00:30:38 Oh, far from it.
00:30:40 Oh, dude, we can show some Scriptures about Abraham the
00:30:44 coward, Abraham the liar, Abraham, oh my goodness,
00:30:50 the fear person.
00:30:51 And God says, "It's too late.
00:30:53 I've already made him righteous."
00:30:57 So, even when he lied about Sarah being his wife, even when
00:31:02 he was coward and wouldn't stand up for her, even when all of
00:31:05 that stuff happened, he said, "I still got to treat him as
00:31:08 righteous because I am showing a picture of what is to come."
00:31:12 And the Old Testament was all about shadows and pictures, and
00:31:20 that's why you gotta learn how to rightly divide between the
00:31:23 Old Covenant and the New Covenant because in the Old
00:31:26 Testament, the Sabbath was a day, and people still arguing
00:31:31 about, "Do you worship God on Saturday or Sunday?"
00:31:34 We worship on Thursday at three.
00:31:37 That's not even the issue.
00:31:38 The issue is that you've got to rightly divide and know that in
00:31:43 the Old Covenant, it was a shadow and a sign of Jesus.
00:31:48 All of the shadows and the signs pointed to Jesus.
00:31:52 Jesus even said, "These Scriptures here speak of me."
00:31:57 But in the New Testament, they talked about the Sabbath, and
00:32:00 they made it plain.
00:32:01 He said that the Sabbath is me.
00:32:04 It was a day, but now the Sabbath is Jesus.
00:32:08 Jesus is your Sabbath.
00:32:10 Glory be to God.
00:32:13 Jesus is your Sabbath, and you still wonder what day.
00:32:15 And we got whole denominations because we couldn't figure out
00:32:17 what day it was because we didn't rightly divide the way.
00:32:20 Look at--do you see that?
00:32:21 You see the stuff that has come because we don't know how to
00:32:23 read the Bible.
00:32:24 We don't know how to rightly divide between what was true
00:32:26 under the Old Covenant and what is true under the New Covenant,
00:32:29 and we just, you know, the righteousness under the Old
00:32:32 Covenant meant you had to earn it.
00:32:36 You were righteous 'cause you did something right.
00:32:39 But people were still dying because the law was perfect.
00:32:43 It was flawless, and men couldn't keep it.
00:32:46 And if you complained, you died 'cause the wages of sin
00:32:49 was death.
00:32:52 But under this New Covenant, Jesus said, "All right, we see
00:32:56 they can't do it.
00:32:57 So, I'm gonna be the champion.
00:32:59 God come down in flesh."
00:33:01 Glory to God.
00:33:02 "And I'm gonna do what men can't do, and not one jot or tittle of
00:33:06 that Word in the law will go to pass until I fulfill every bit
00:33:10 of it."
00:33:11 So, no--nothing in creation will be able to say that Jesus didn't
00:33:15 do it all.
00:33:16 He did it all, and now through him, you get to live life.
00:33:21 You couldn't live it perfectly, but he lived it perfectly.
00:33:24 Wow.
00:33:25 Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.
00:33:30 Get used to this.
00:33:35 I'm gonna get bolder and louder and louder about this Gospel of
00:33:38 Grace more than ever before.
00:33:40 Abraham was, humanly speaking, the founder of the Jewish
00:33:50 nation, and here's what he said.
00:33:52 Here's what he discovered about being made right with God.
00:33:55 "If his good deeds had made him acceptable to God, he would have
00:34:03 had something to boast about."
00:34:07 So, if you believe that righteousness is a result of
00:34:10 your good deeds, you have something to boast about.
00:34:13 And if you listen carefully, church folks are boasting.
00:34:16 They are boasting about what they do every day.
00:34:21 They're boasting, and at the same time while they're boasting,
00:34:24 they're condemning you and creating that sense of, you
00:34:30 know, approval addiction.
00:34:33 And now you're working real hard to try to gain their approval,
00:34:37 and they ain't even doing half the stuff they're telling you.
00:34:39 They might have did it one time, and they're making it seem like
00:34:41 they do it every day.
00:34:42 They don't do it every day.
00:34:43 They sleep past 9 o'clock all the time.
00:34:45 They got up one time at 4 o'clock to pray, and that's the
00:34:48 last time, but they got you thinking they get up every
00:34:50 morning at 4 o'clock, and now you get up every morning at 4
00:34:53 o'clock and feeling condemned if you don't because they do that.
00:34:56 Boy, these church people, they something else, boy.
00:35:01 But I'm gonna love you.
00:35:07 I'm gonna love you all the way to heaven.
00:35:08 I know Jesus is coming back.
00:35:09 That's why I'm stirred up 'cause I know he coming.
00:35:13 He coming.
00:35:13 Praise the Lord, he coming.
00:35:17 So, if you did good deeds, you got something to--and you made
00:35:21 righteous because of your good deeds, you have something to
00:35:23 boast about.
00:35:25 The Bible even said it in Ephesians chapter 2 that there
00:35:27 is no boasting.
00:35:28 Why?
00:35:29 Because it's a gift of God.
00:35:30 Salvation is a gift of God.
00:35:31 Therefore, there is no boasting.
00:35:33 So, if you're boasting, somehow you think you're responsible for
00:35:39 the blessing and the righteousness that's in your
00:35:41 life.
00:35:43 He says, "If good deeds had made him acceptable to God, he would
00:35:46 have had something to boast about, but that was not God's
00:35:50 way."
00:35:52 For the Scripture tells us Abraham believed God, it tells
00:35:57 us in Genesis, Abraham believed God and God counted him as
00:36:01 righteous.
00:36:02 Why?
00:36:03 Because of all of his good deeds?
00:36:05 No, because of his faith.
00:36:07 When people work, I love this, their wages are not a gift.
00:36:16 You work for that.
00:36:18 It's not a gift when you work.
00:36:22 The Bible says, "But it was something that you have earned."
00:36:26 So, please understand, it's not a gift, it's something that
00:36:28 you've earned.
00:36:29 If you came to me and said, "I'm gonna do you a favor, but I'm
00:36:33 gonna have to charge you," it's no longer a favor.
00:36:37 You are a hired hand now.
00:36:39 When people work, their wages are not a gift but something
00:36:45 they have earned.
00:36:54 But people are counted as righteous not because of their
00:36:58 work, but because of their faith in God who forgives sinners.
00:37:05 You are counted righteous because of your faith in the
00:37:08 Lord Jesus Christ.
00:37:09 You are not counted righteous because of your good works and
00:37:12 your good deeds.
00:37:14 Now, good works and good deeds will be born out of a person who
00:37:17 have been made righteous because they believe in Jesus Christ,
00:37:21 but the good works are not responsible for you being made
00:37:24 righteous.
00:37:25 You are made righteous because of Jesus Christ, and out of that
00:37:29 righteousness, you produce all type of wonderful things born
00:37:33 out of love.
00:37:34 Any work that you do that's not born out of love is a work
00:37:38 that's not acceptable by God.
00:37:41 So, if you're doing some good work so that people can, you
00:37:45 know, recognize you or praise you in church, but it's not born
00:37:48 out of love, it's not acceptable by God.
00:37:50 So, you're keeping up with all of the little goody-goody works
00:37:52 you do, so when you get to the gate, you can roll your little
00:37:55 toilet paper Rolodex out and say--and they say, "Why should I
00:37:59 let you through the gate?"
00:38:00 You say, "Here you go, Lord.
00:38:01 Look at all this.
00:38:02 Look at that.
00:38:03 Look at that.
00:38:04 Look at all this rolling down there.
00:38:05 Look at that.
00:38:06 Look at that.
00:38:07 All my good works," and then they close the gate.
00:38:09 So, what happened?
00:38:15 You still didn't get it.
00:38:18 You still didn't get it.
00:38:19 You're in heaven bragging.
00:38:21 We don't want to hear but one word.
00:38:25 "Why should I let you in?"
00:38:27 Jesus, come on in.
00:38:33 I believe in Jesus.
00:38:34 I trust in Jesus.
00:38:35 And people don't get that to the point where there are religions
00:38:41 that have been started as enemies of the cross.
00:38:46 "I got a problem with Jesus 'cause I don't like the
00:38:50 painting Michelangelo did of Jesus."
00:38:53 Everybody know that ain't Jesus but you.
00:38:55 Everybody in the world know that ain't Jesus.
00:38:59 I can't even see Jesus walking around with long hair that he
00:39:01 curled up right before he left.
00:39:03 With rosy cheeks and make up.
00:39:06 Daddy, are you serious?
00:39:07 Have you read the description of Jesus and the work that he did
00:39:11 and all the stuff that's going on?
00:39:13 Daddy, I know Jesus look.
00:39:14 But here's the deal.
00:39:15 I don't care.
00:39:16 I'm not moved by how he look.
00:39:21 I'm moved by what he did.
00:39:23 I'm moved that he died for me, that he was whipped with a cat
00:39:26 of nine tails for me, that he was nailed to a cross for me,
00:39:30 that he went to hell for me, that he got up from the grave
00:39:33 for me, that he rose to be seated on the right hand of God
00:39:37 the Father Almighty for me, and that he is coming back again
00:39:41 for me.
00:39:42 I don't care what he look like.
00:39:44 It's because of what he did that's exalted instead of me
00:39:49 trying to look at what I'm gonna do.
00:39:58 See, if I believe I'm the righteousness of God, then out
00:40:01 of that righteousness, behavior is gonna line up with it.
00:40:07 But when your behavior ain't right, you come to church,
00:40:09 preacher make you feel bad, Christian folks make you feel
00:40:12 bad, it is amazing to me how Christian people love turning
00:40:17 on one another, like you celebrate somebody's fall,
00:40:22 which indicates you don't believe.
00:40:26 We forgive.
00:40:28 Quickly, we forgive quickly.
00:40:32 But now you start qualifying who can fall and who can't.
00:40:38 When all of us got an issue.
00:40:42 And for you to act like that is for you to believe you don't
00:40:47 have no issue.
00:40:50 You mean to tell me you got time to slander somebody else's
00:40:55 fall when in the booth in the back in the corner?
00:40:58 You look, Wilson, you remember him?
00:41:00 In the booth in the back, Geraldine, you remember him?
00:41:02 Booth in the back in the corner in the dark, you got your own
00:41:04 little stuff.
00:41:05 And your little stuff might not be somebody else's stuff, but
00:41:09 you got some stuff somewhere.
00:41:10 Wake up and smell the coffee.
00:41:12 You are not a bed of roses.
00:41:15 You got some weeds in your yard somewhere too.
00:41:19 It's amazing.
00:41:24 It is so amazing to me.
00:41:26 I sit and look at preachers who are supposed to be preaching
00:41:31 love and the gospel, and they--it's Mammon, ain't it?
00:41:35 They got their podcast, 'cause they--we finna get paid now.
00:41:39 We finna get paid now.
00:41:41 And you wouldn't believe how Mammon has substituted as gods
00:41:46 in the lives of a lot of Christian.
00:41:48 You still trying to get your bag instead of trying
00:41:51 to get your salvation.
00:41:53 Well, I don't agree with that.
00:42:00 Right is right.
00:42:01 Who you think you are?
00:42:03 Let us follow you home.
00:42:06 Let us shrink and get on your little shoulders and say,
00:42:08 "Right is right."
00:42:10 Right is right.
00:42:12 Let me look at your computer and see where you been.
00:42:16 [congregation exclaiming]
00:42:21 [congregation laughing]
00:42:26 Stop it.
00:42:28 That's why folks don't want nothing to do with y'all,
00:42:32 'cause y'all too holier than thou,
00:42:34 doggone holy ghost sheriff, going around trying to arrest
00:42:37 everybody, you need to turn around and handcuff yourself
00:42:40 and rescue--and--where are the Christians?
00:42:44 Where are the Christian people?
00:42:47 I'll tell you where they are.
00:42:49 They're illiterate of the manuscript of life.
00:42:53 They still don't know how to read the Bible,
00:42:55 so what they doing?
00:42:56 They making up their own right and wrong.
00:42:58 And they keep joining churches that tell them what they
00:43:04 already know or what they think they already know.
00:43:06 What's the Scripture talking about?
00:43:10 You follow down whoever's following in a ditch,
00:43:11 and then you're going--somebody else is going to follow in a
00:43:13 ditch behind you, 'cause you're all going to fall in the ditch,
00:43:16 the blind leading the blind, and everybody in a ditch.
00:43:20 But watch out, Perry, you might go viral.
00:43:27 I've been going viral for 30 years.
00:43:30 I don't care.
00:43:31 I am delivered from approval.
00:43:36 I don't need nobody's approval.
00:43:39 I already got God's approval.
00:43:40 This is the only approval I need.
00:43:44 Well, well, well what?
00:43:50 Just got baptized two hours ago.
00:43:57 And Leo, look at me like this.
00:44:03 And Leo, look at me like this.
00:44:09 People are counted righteous not because of their works,
00:44:15 but because of their faith in God who forgives them.
00:44:17 Now, watch this.
00:44:18 I'm saying all that to set you up for this.
00:44:20 Next verse.
00:44:25 Here it goes.
00:44:28 Are you ready?
00:44:31 I hope I did a good job to prepare you for what we're
00:44:33 about to read.
00:44:36 David also spoke of this when he described the happiness of those
00:44:41 who are declared righteous without working for it.
00:44:47 So here's David, 'cause David's looking at this,
00:44:52 and he's like--what he was saying is,
00:44:54 "Ooh, y'all don't know how blessed y'all are."
00:44:57 He said, "That wasn't the same when I did it."
00:45:03 Verse 7, he said, "Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is
00:45:10 forgiven and whose sins are put out of sight."
00:45:21 I thought the whole church would rejoice over that,
00:45:27 but it wasn't but about 10 people back there rejoicing
00:45:34 over that, and everybody else was like,
00:45:36 "Mm, I don't know about all that.
00:45:38 I still feel a little funny."
00:45:40 Well, and you ought to 'cause the Holy Ghost is on the inside
00:45:42 of you.
00:45:43 That feeling a little funny about what you do is the Spirit
00:45:45 of God, the new creation convincing you that ain't you
00:45:48 no more.
00:45:50 Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared
00:45:57 of sin.
00:45:59 Hmm, has he really?
00:46:11 This is the trick of the enemy this year.
00:46:17 The shame of your past, the guilt of your past,
00:46:23 and the condemnation of your past will compete with your
00:46:28 belief in your identity as the righteousness of God and will
00:46:33 try to convince you not so.
00:46:38 Look at what you've done.
00:46:40 You can't say you the righteousness of God after all.
00:46:45 Don't let Creflo Taffanym send y'all to hell.
00:46:48 This is the enemy gonna be whispering in your ear that you
00:46:54 can't believe that.
00:47:02 How do you think?
00:47:04 God says--see, and here's what people will do to try to prove
00:47:10 the grace message wrong.
00:47:14 They will take--they have to take a Scripture out of its
00:47:16 context and then fly it around.
00:47:21 And you gotta be smarter than that.
00:47:23 You have got to be people who read the Bible in context so
00:47:29 that when they take the context out--see,
00:47:31 you see the word "context."
00:47:33 If they take the--if you take the text out of the context,
00:47:36 you're left with what?
00:47:37 The con.
00:47:42 Don't do that.
00:47:44 I was in--I was in jail preaching,
00:47:52 not when I was in jail, but when I was in jail preaching.
00:47:57 I was preaching when I was in jail too,
00:47:59 but when I actually went to jail to preach.
00:48:01 Now, that really got some of them, they're like--
00:48:05 That's how I can preach what I'm preaching.
00:48:11 One of the guys in prison came up to me.
00:48:26 I was talking about how to not let your emotions take
00:48:29 authority over your life.
00:48:32 He came up to me, he said--he cussed.
00:48:35 He like, "Mm, preacher?
00:48:37 If I'd have known all that, I wouldn't be here now."
00:48:43 You know what I did?
00:48:47 I said, "Man, I apologize.
00:48:50 I apologize.
00:48:51 We all got to do better at getting the news to you.
00:48:54 We gotta keep preaching.
00:48:59 We gotta stop preaching for validation."
00:49:01 Seriously?
00:49:02 You think I'm preaching a sermon today so you can rate it?
00:49:08 You can rate it as stinking.
00:49:13 Stinking sermon, and I ain't never come back here no more.
00:49:15 That's between you and the Lord.
00:49:18 And I'm still gonna go home, fix me some popcorn,
00:49:23 look at the Falcons.
00:49:25 I got started back praying for him.
00:49:31 I quit praying for him.
00:49:51 This is the year where we gotta get this right.
00:49:57 You are the righteousness of God.
00:50:02 Say it, "I am."
00:50:03 Say it again.
00:50:04 Is it by your doing?
00:50:08 Well, how are you made righteous?
00:50:12 Did you become righteous or were you made righteous?
00:50:17 'Cause if you became righteous, then you had to do a series
00:50:20 of things to become it.
00:50:23 But he says, "You have been made right."
00:50:25 Wow.
00:50:26 So, Christianity is not about doing right to become righteous.
00:50:32 It is all about believing right in Jesus to become righteous.
00:50:43 Now, look at this in Galatians 2:21.
00:50:48 I got up this morning, I looked at all my suit and coat and
00:50:53 ties, and I'm like, "I ain't doing none of that today."
00:50:59 Ken and I did a leg workout on Friday, and I woke up and almost
00:51:02 fell to my knees 'cause my ankles were sore.
00:51:04 I was like, "Lord."
00:51:09 Now, watch this.
00:51:10 "I do not treat the grace of God as meaningless.
00:51:15 For if keeping the law could make us right with God,
00:51:20 then there was no need for Jesus to die."
00:51:23 If keeping the law, and under the law,
00:51:28 it's all about what you do.
00:51:32 If keeping the law, it's all about your works.
00:51:37 The law is a work-based covenant.
00:51:41 If keeping the law could make us right with God,
00:51:45 then there was no need for Christ to die.
00:51:49 Wow.
00:51:53 You frustrate the grace of God by trying to become righteous
00:52:00 in your own effort.
00:52:03 You frustrate the grace of God by trying to become righteous
00:52:06 in your own effort, by getting a list of things to do.
00:52:10 You hadn't even talked to God about it.
00:52:12 Your relationship with him on the inside of you gives birth
00:52:16 and will change your heart and your desires to want to do what
00:52:21 pleases God, and you're ignoring all of that to become religious
00:52:27 and find something that you can do to try to make happen what
00:52:33 Jesus has already finished.
00:52:35 Now, look at Romans chapter 11, verses 5 and 6 in the NLT.
00:52:41 Romans chapter 11, verses 5 and 6 in the NLT.
00:52:46 Somebody says, "Oh, my God, when is this gonna be over?
00:52:50 I got two more Scriptures."
00:52:51 We're good.
00:52:53 We still gonna get out before the Methodists today.
00:52:55 We're good.
00:53:02 "For I am today for a few of the people of Israel have remained
00:53:07 faithful because of God's grace, his undeserved kindness in
00:53:13 choosing them."
00:53:15 His undeserved kindness in choosing them.
00:53:19 And you know we were chosen before the foundations of the
00:53:23 world, right?
00:53:24 Verse 6, "And since it is through God's kindness, then it
00:53:29 is not by their works."
00:53:33 "Since it is through God's kindness, it is not by their
00:53:36 good works, for in that case God's grace would not be what it
00:53:41 really is, free and undeserved."
00:53:45 His grace is about being free and undeserved.
00:53:52 Oh, my goodness.
00:53:55 The grace of God answers you in your most undeserving moments.
00:54:01 The grace of God answers you in your most undeserving moments.
00:54:11 That felt weird when I first walked in that.
00:54:17 That felt weird.
00:54:19 When I had said something that I knew was hurtful and I didn't
00:54:25 want to love, and the grace of God was there, what are you
00:54:29 doing here?
00:54:31 Condemnation should be here.
00:54:33 Shame should be here.
00:54:34 Guilt should be here.
00:54:36 But in your most undeserving moments, the grace of God is
00:54:42 there.
00:54:51 I used to say to people when we had, you know, healing services,
00:54:57 we used to have healing services all over the world.
00:55:01 I think it was on Saturday mornings when we did meetings.
00:55:05 The whole morning was dedicated to healing, and we would just
00:55:09 sing and praise God until we felt the anointing and the glory
00:55:13 hit the room.
00:55:15 And, I mean, everywhere.
00:55:20 And I knew--sometimes I didn't think I prayed enough.
00:55:25 I was just going through all kinds of tormenting things.
00:55:29 Was I gonna be anointed enough today?
00:55:32 And these people are coming in wheelchairs and all that kind of
00:55:34 stuff, and we never did advertise it because we didn't
00:55:38 want people to think we were using--and I don't know if
00:55:41 anything wrong with it, but it would've been for me.
00:55:43 That's not what--but we didn't advertise it.
00:55:45 We just didn't, you know, and I just kind of keep it to myself
00:55:49 that we didn't.
00:55:51 And I just dealt with so much, "Oh, my God, am I anointed
00:55:57 enough today?"
00:55:58 And Jesus kept saying, "Yeah, you were anointed when I called
00:56:02 you."
00:56:03 "Yeah, but, Lord, why didn't that lady get out of the chair?"
00:56:07 And he would say, "Yeah, but three other people got out of
00:56:09 the chair."
00:56:10 And it was just back and forth because I just didn't understand
00:56:16 when Paul said, "When I'm weak, that's when I'm strong."
00:56:19 And this Scripture is saying here that the grace of God shows
00:56:22 up even when you--in your most undeserving moments.
00:56:25 And so I used to say to people, "If you don't have faith, don't
00:56:31 come down to get prayer, 'cause you gotta have faith."
00:56:34 And I would go there and justify it.
00:56:36 And what I didn't understand is that even when somebody didn't
00:56:41 have faith, the grace of God will be there.
00:56:43 By the time they get there, they'll have enough.
00:56:46 The grace of God will supply whatever they need.
00:56:49 It--I shouldn't be disqualifying them.
00:56:52 Only those of you who have faith come down to be healed.
00:56:55 And then finally I had some folks come down.
00:57:03 I remember this one guy came down, he said, "Pastor, I'm
00:57:11 drunk, and I don't know about none you say.
00:57:18 But if this real--" he said, "Lay it on me."
00:57:24 I decided that day not to touch him.
00:57:33 I said, "Lift your hands up."
00:57:36 And I began to pray, and the power of God hit that man.
00:57:39 He fell out under the power of God.
00:57:41 He stayed out for a minute.
00:57:43 When he came to or whatever happened, he jumped up like,
00:57:46 "What'd you do?
00:57:47 What'd you do?"
00:57:48 I didn't do nothing.
00:57:49 I didn't even touch you.
00:57:51 The power of God touched you.
00:57:53 I said, "What's going on?"
00:57:55 He said, "I don't hurt no more."
00:57:57 I found out several years later that that man is now in the
00:58:01 ministry preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.
00:58:03 So, don't tell me what you've got to have, 'cause whatever you
00:58:07 don't have, the grace of God will meet you in your
00:58:14 deserving moments.
00:58:16 Jesus' righteousness is your right to God's unmerited favor.
00:58:29 His righteousness is my right to his unmerited favor.
00:58:36 I have been given the gift of no imputation of sin.
00:58:42 Now, watch this.
00:58:45 One more Scripture after this.
00:58:46 First Corinthians 15, 34, in the message.
00:58:51 First Corinthians 15, 34, in the message.
00:58:53 You're gonna have to this year make receiving the Word
00:59:00 priority.
00:59:03 It can't be, "Come to church, I'll go if I'm out an hour."
00:59:08 You can't put a time clock on God, see, seriously.
00:59:10 You think me preaching 50 minutes to an hour is long?
00:59:16 I used to preach, what, y'all, two hours, and I used to preach
00:59:23 until I had it all out.
00:59:25 You know, that night, oh, I preached about three hours and
00:59:28 a half on the inner image of the covenant.
00:59:32 I thought that thing would never--I was--I look at the
00:59:36 meetings that I went to preach for other people, and I'm there
00:59:39 for three and a half hours, I'm embarrassed.
00:59:42 I was like, "What was I doing?"
00:59:45 God said, "Well, I was saying some stuff, but all that other
00:59:48 stuff, that was all you."
00:59:50 I said, "Thank you very much, Jesus.
00:59:56 Appreciate that."
00:59:58 Now, watch this.
01:00:00 Think straight.
01:00:01 Think straight.
01:00:06 "I'm awakened to the holiness of life.
01:00:12 No more playing fast and loose with resurrection facts.
01:00:16 Ignorance is a--ignorance of God is a luxury you can't afford in
01:00:24 times like these."
01:00:26 Wow.
01:00:27 Now, watch this.
01:00:34 Are you embarrassed that you've let this kind of thing go on as
01:00:40 long as you have?
01:00:41 Lord have mercy.
01:00:45 Think straight.
01:00:48 Not thinking religious, think straight.
01:00:50 This is not the time to be ignorant of the Word of God and
01:00:58 play a bunch of fables with the Bible.
01:01:03 This is not the time to be playing church games and church
01:01:08 gossip and church--it ain't the time.
01:01:10 Well, I'm still experiencing church hurt.
01:01:16 Well, get over yourself, let God heal you, and go forward.
01:01:21 You don't want to be hurt.
01:01:22 Everybody here done been hurt by somebody.
01:01:27 Keep it moving.
01:01:30 Keep it moving.
01:01:31 Well, I can't.
01:01:32 You don't understand, it's hard.
01:01:34 Just 'cause it's hard is no excuse to remain the same.
01:01:37 Keep it moving.
01:01:42 "Yeah, my husband hurt me.
01:01:43 Yeah, my wife cheated on me.
01:01:45 Yeah, they stole this."
01:01:46 Keep it moving.
01:01:47 Can't do nothing about it now.
01:01:49 Keep it moving.
01:01:52 Yeah, but they supposed to be saved, and y'all telling me I
01:01:54 can't take it because--you do whatever you want to do.
01:01:56 I'm not going to do that because I know that if I do the right
01:01:59 thing and sow the do-good seed, God gonna take care of me.
01:02:04 Sometimes we want to take care of things on our own, and we get
01:02:06 in God's way on how he can do what need to do.
01:02:09 But yeah, don't make no more excuses.
01:02:11 Keep it moving.
01:02:13 Because if you keep it moving, you're gonna bump into a
01:02:16 harvest, and you're gonna bump into God, and you're gonna bump
01:02:19 into his mercy, you're gonna bump into his grace.
01:02:21 Somebody shout, "Keep it moving."
01:02:29 "Well, my daddy left me, and he never did want to be in my life."
01:02:31 Keep it moving.
01:02:33 Yeah, yeah, but, but, but, you don't understand.
01:02:44 Get your butts out the way and keep it moving.
01:02:49 "Well, I think you kind of insensitive."
01:02:51 Okay, keep it moving.
01:02:58 You ain't gonna do nothing by just standing there and yielding
01:03:00 to self-pity.
01:03:03 I know that's gonna be a spirit this year.
01:03:05 I prayed this morning, "Lord, keep me out of self-pity."
01:03:08 I prayed for this whole church this morning.
01:03:10 I thanked God.
01:03:11 I said, "Father, I thank you in the name of Jesus.
01:03:13 The kingdom has come, and because your kingdom has come,
01:03:16 everybody in the world changes.
01:03:17 They have righteousness, peace, joy, and the Holy Ghost."
01:03:19 I bind the spirit of compromise and deception and unrepentance
01:03:23 and I, and add this on, and I bind the spirit of self-pity in
01:03:27 the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:03:29 So, I'm telling you right now, come hell or high water.
01:03:32 If it works out your way or don't work out your way,
01:03:34 if you get to promotion or don't get to promotion,
01:03:36 if somebody slandered you or dogged you out,
01:03:39 keep it moving.
01:03:41 Because in my undeserving moments,
01:03:50 grace will meet me when I don't deserve it.
01:03:53 When I can't figure it out, I'm gonna keep it moving.
01:03:55 Then Hebrews 13, verse 9, I want to read it in King James
01:04:00 and in NLT, and then I'm gonna let y'all go,
01:04:10 and we're gonna go see what these birds gonna do.
01:04:13 Maybe if we agree as touching.
01:04:18 Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines
01:04:23 or teachings, for it is a good thing that the heart be
01:04:47 established with grace.
01:04:49 Now, they were dealing with rules about eating meat,
01:04:54 so in context, he says, "Not with meats which have not
01:04:58 profited them that have been occupied therein."
01:05:03 So, they thought the rules of meat needed to be exalted above
01:05:06 everything else, and he says, "Your heart needs to be
01:05:08 established in grace."
01:05:10 Now, look what he says in the NLT,
01:05:13 and we'll shut it down for today.
01:05:15 I don't know why y'all run to the door when we just say
01:05:18 dismiss, you just run to the door real quick.
01:05:20 Oh, you want to get--some of y'all got to go and you got to
01:05:22 work, get traffic, stuff like that.
01:05:23 Okay, well, I understand.
01:05:25 I don't--I really don't understand.
01:05:26 That's almost a lie when I said that.
01:05:27 I really--I really don't.
01:05:30 Like, what, what, you know, what?
01:05:32 Just thought I'd just bring that up a little bit,
01:05:33 'cause I know you're gonna do it again,
01:05:34 and no matter what I say, I already, you know,
01:05:36 got experience, but you--anyway, hear what you say.
01:05:38 I don't care what you say.
01:05:39 I'm gonna do what I want to do.
01:05:40 There ain't no prison, you know,
01:05:41 that kind of stuff, you know.
01:05:50 Last Scripture, last one, last one, last one.
01:06:00 I mean, whatever happened to, you know,
01:06:02 they that dwell in the house of God shall flourish
01:06:04 in the courts of our God.
01:06:08 "Shall flourish in," you think, "I'm in jail."
01:06:13 Verse 9, "So do not be attracted by strange new ideas or
01:06:20 doctrines," doctrines and new ideas and teachings that don't
01:06:27 even line up with the Word.
01:06:28 They just sound good.
01:06:31 They don't even sound scripturally.
01:06:38 Your strength comes from God's grace,
01:06:40 not from rules about food, which don't help those who follow
01:06:45 them, and the same is true with everything else.
01:06:50 Your strength comes from God's grace,
01:06:51 not from rules about life, not from rules about food,
01:06:56 not from rules.
01:06:57 It comes from God's grace.
01:06:58 And when we can open ourselves up to the grace of God and the
01:07:05 love of God, you'll have a whole new way of living.
01:07:11 You'll sense God in you working, giving you a desire to do what
01:07:17 pleases God, and all the time you realize,
01:07:22 "I've been trying to get this to happen all my life," and God
01:07:28 opened you up, and he made the difference.
01:07:31 Let's pray.
01:07:34 Father, we--whew, we've done what I believe you wanted to do
01:07:39 and say today, and I pray that it has penetrated their souls,
01:07:48 that as I was preaching, you were speaking something
01:07:54 specifically to everyone.
01:07:56 And I pray that this first Sunday of the year will propel
01:08:05 many into the path of the will of God for their life.
01:08:11 I believe you've called the end at the very beginning,
01:08:17 and you've called everyone here to an assignment,
01:08:20 everyone here, there's a plan and a purpose for their life,
01:08:24 and I pray that that be revealed to them.
01:08:26 But we are awesomely gracious for this gift of grace and your
01:08:35 mercy and the richness of your mercy,
01:08:40 for without it, we wouldn't have a chance.
01:08:43 Thank you, Lord.
01:08:48 Thank you so much.
01:08:53 And in the middle of high waters,
01:08:55 may we stay attached to you throughout this year.
01:08:58 Keep us, Lord.
01:09:01 Don't allow the strange things of this society to snatch us and
01:09:07 to cause our love to wax cold and to cause us to not even care
01:09:12 about you and your kingdom.
01:09:14 Bathe us in your love, your grace,
01:09:19 your mercy, your peace, and may we live this year in ease,
01:09:25 worshiping you for your goodness.
01:09:33 Now, let the healing power of God that heals emotions,
01:09:39 that heals souls, that heals brokenness be released upon this
01:09:47 congregation, and I praise you for it now.
01:09:53 In Jesus' name, before we say amen,
01:09:58 could you just lift your hands up just for just a few seconds,
01:10:00 just for a few seconds, just worship and thank him for
01:10:05 something in you, something that's going on with you.
01:10:08 Just thank him for the victory of it.
01:10:11 In Jesus' name, amen.
01:10:16 You get anything out of that this morning?
01:10:18 [congregation applauding]
01:10:22 Amen.
01:10:24 Let's quickly receive our offering.
01:10:27 Ushers, if you'll go ahead and pass the envelopes out.
01:10:31 Again, I want to tell people, I know we've heard a lot of weird
01:10:33 things about offerings, but it's giving unto God.
01:10:36 Glory due unto his name.
01:10:39 Worshiping him in the beauty of his holiness,
01:10:42 that every time I give a gift, I am also saying I will never
01:10:46 worry about my provision.
01:10:48 All I do is worship God because I know everything's
01:10:53 gonna be all right.
01:10:55 Those of you who are online and going to church with us today,
01:11:02 the information to give is on the screen.
01:11:06 I pray that there will be so many wonderful experiences with
01:11:10 Jesus this year for you, and that your life will be filled
01:11:14 with testimony after testimony after testimony of how God has
01:11:19 made the difference in your life, and that we say,
01:11:23 "Bravo, God.
01:11:25 Bravo, God."
01:11:27 And I believe he'll do it again.
01:11:32 He'll do it again.
01:11:34 If your offerings are ready, join me as I go before God
01:11:43 with my offering.
01:11:44 Father, I thank you for enabling me to give.
01:11:50 I thank you that I give because I want to,
01:11:53 and not out of fear, not out of necessity,
01:11:59 but out of a cheerful heart.
01:12:01 Thank you for receiving this gift,
01:12:05 and I worship you, and I declare that I am not worried
01:12:08 about my provision, for all of that is in the hands of grace.
01:12:14 Father, may your words of multiplication take place with
01:12:20 all who give as we worship you together in our giving.
01:12:25 In Jesus' name, amen.
01:12:29 Let's just go ahead and receive the offering this morning.
01:12:42 Father, in the gift of your giving,
01:12:44 I want to extend an opportunity for salvation to our eChurch
01:12:49 and all of those who are online, that if you're not born again,
01:12:56 in just a moment, I'm gonna pray,
01:12:59 and I'm just gonna thank God that you're gonna make the best
01:13:04 decision of your life today, that you're not going to allow
01:13:09 the fear of what others think of you.
01:13:13 You're going to do all that God has put in your heart to do.
01:13:16 You're going to respond the way you believe God wants you
01:13:20 to respond, that if you're here today and you are not born
01:13:24 again, and you have not made Jesus your Lord
01:13:27 and personal Savior, and you're ready to escape
01:13:32 the trap of religion, this is your day,
01:13:37 all it requires is for you to step out of your seat wherever
01:13:41 you are and come down to the altar.
01:13:42 I believe the altar is the place of change,
01:13:46 and unashamedly step out and say,
01:13:48 "God, I want to be saved."
01:13:52 And if that's you, come to this altar.
01:13:56 Give me an opportunity to pray with you.
01:13:58 Give me an opportunity to lead you to Jesus,
01:14:06 and if you're not saved and you want to make sure that he is the
01:14:11 Lord of your life, come on and get him right now.
01:14:17 Come on and get him right now.
01:14:21 Satan is a loser.
01:14:23 He can't even keep you.
01:14:26 He can't even keep you.
01:14:28 If you need to rededicate your life,
01:14:35 somewhere along the line you got born again and it just stopped.
01:14:40 Something happened and you want to reengage
01:14:42 that relationship with Jesus.
01:14:44 Would you come to this altar today?
01:14:47 Thirdly, if you've never received the baptism in the Holy
01:14:55 Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues,
01:15:03 when you come, he will baptize you with power.
01:15:06 And last but certainly not least,
01:15:14 if God's calling you to World Changes Church International,
01:15:17 you believe this is the church you and your family should grow,
01:15:21 this is, he said to Elijah, "Go to a certain brook,
01:15:24 and there will I sustain you."
01:15:26 Well, maybe this church is the certain brook that God is
01:15:29 calling you to, to sustain you.
01:15:33 I gotta tell you right now, I want to be your pastor.
01:15:37 I want to teach you.
01:15:40 I want to show you.
01:15:42 You've got to make the decision.
01:15:45 I've given to you four things, and you've got to decide what
01:15:51 you're gonna do with it.
01:15:53 It's on you.
01:15:58 It's on you.
01:16:00 If you're not born again, hey, don't go another hour,
01:16:06 don't go another second.
01:16:07 Make him the--get him, get him, get all of him right now.
01:16:10 I know religion has been disappointing.
01:16:14 I know you heard some things that you're just like,
01:16:23 "What in the world?"
01:16:24 I understand that.
01:16:25 I've been there, but all of that can change today.
01:16:30 But you have to make the decision.
01:16:37 A decision is an open door into reality.
01:16:40 It doesn't become a reality until you decide.
01:16:43 So, we trust God that all is well with you,
01:16:52 and all is well with your house.
01:16:55 But if it's not, you can come to this altar and watch him do
01:17:01 some amazing things with your life.
01:17:05 All of us had to do this.
01:17:06 I remember when I came down to the altar.
01:17:08 I remember when I thought I was saved 'cause I just went to
01:17:11 church, and then I found out I wasn't, and I'm like,
01:17:16 "Ain't no use to me wasting no time.
01:17:20 I'm just gonna go down there and get my life together."
01:17:23 I thought that being good was enough,
01:17:27 and I found out that good without God doesn't count.
01:17:30 So, make him the Lord of your life today.
01:17:34 Amen.
01:17:35 Make him your Lord and Savior today.
01:17:40 Praise God.
01:17:44 My brothers and sisters, let's thank God and give the Lord a
01:17:48 hand for those who have decided today.
01:17:50 Thank you, Lord.
01:17:55 Thank you, Lord.
01:17:56 Some decisions were made today.
01:17:58 Satan lost you.
01:18:01 He lost you.
01:18:15 He doesn't have the power to keep you.
01:18:18 Who wants to serve some weak punk like that?
01:18:21 He can't even keep you.
01:18:23 Lord, thank you so much for those who come to this altar.
01:18:33 Do the work, Jesus.
01:18:35 As they get to know you, do the work.
01:18:39 Change their lives like they never thought
01:18:43 it could be changed.
01:18:45 Thank you for your grace and your mercy upon them now,
01:18:49 and I release blessings that will run them over.
01:18:53 In Jesus' name we pray, and everybody that agrees,
01:18:57 say it.
01:18:58 Amen.
01:18:59 Congratulations to all of you who've come down here.
01:19:05 If you would turn this way and follow this gentleman,
01:19:08 they're gonna take you to a prayer room where they're gonna
01:19:11 minister to you and get some things from you and get some
01:19:13 things to you, and we believe that the best is yet to come
01:19:19 in your life.
01:19:20 I mean, I know a lot of churches don't have altar calls anymore,
01:19:23 but I do.
01:19:25 I believe that--I believe in the altar.
01:19:27 I believe that something happens when you come.
01:19:31 Amen.
01:19:32 Well, thank y'all for coming to church.
01:19:34 I'm asking for the final blessing.
01:19:36 You're gonna have a great week this week.
01:19:40 I might ought to let you in on something.
01:19:45 This is the year of great transference.
01:19:49 Listen to me.
01:19:53 There are some things and businesses and stuff that's been
01:19:56 on you for a minute, and for some reason you hadn't got it
01:20:01 whether the finances were there or whatever,
01:20:05 but I'm telling you, once you start in faith with Jesus
01:20:12 Christ, there is going to be unleashed a favor over that
01:20:18 thing that you're gonna be pleasantly overwhelmed with
01:20:25 business and favor, and you'll say, "Lord, what is this?"
01:20:31 And he'll say, "This is that which I spoke of already."
01:20:36 So, lift your hands.
01:20:37 Father, I declare the blessings of God to run these precious
01:20:43 people over, and I pray witty inventions and ideas that will
01:20:50 come into their lives and their understanding.
01:20:54 I thank you, Spirit of grace, for being over them all this
01:20:58 week, and that the angels of God will protect them from all hurt,
01:21:04 harm, or danger, that every time they travel,
01:21:07 that they travel in mercy.
01:21:10 I declare the grace of God over every mountain in their life,
01:21:14 and I shout, "Grace, grace," that every mountain now will
01:21:17 become a molehill.
01:21:20 I declare that their children are protected,
01:21:24 that their relationships grow stronger and stronger.
01:21:28 I thank you that you're the God of promotion and that the
01:21:31 promotion comes from you, not from the heads of the
01:21:35 corporations or the companies, but those promotions come from
01:21:39 you, and I thank you for promotion over their lives.
01:21:43 And now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to
01:21:48 present you faultless before the Almighty God, be glory,
01:21:52 majesty, dominion, and power both now and forever.
01:21:56 And everybody said amen.
01:21:59 God bless you, world changers.
01:22:00 Have a great day.
01:22:02 - Happy New Year, world changers.
01:22:08 - What a way to bring in 2024.
01:22:11 - Okay.
01:22:11 - What'd you get, Grace?
01:22:12 - So much.
01:22:15 Let me tell y'all something.
01:22:16 From the time church started to the time that church end,
01:22:19 it was even all the way down to the benediction.
01:22:23 It's just been so much, and I feel like it was something
01:22:26 that we needed to set our new year, but the one thing that I
01:22:30 did get was when we had came together and we had said out
01:22:35 loud that we are the righteousness of God and we did
01:22:38 not become this way, we were made this way.
01:22:40 And when Holy Spirit dropped in my spirit, it's just like when
01:22:43 something is made or when somebody creates something, they
01:22:46 sign it before they sell it out, send it out.
01:22:48 And so when you look at me, you'll see made by God, made in
01:22:52 the righteousness of God, before I'm pushed out, before my mama
01:22:56 was even pregnant with me, I was stamped with, I am the
01:23:00 righteousness of God.
01:23:01 I was made and created by God and I did not become this way.
01:23:06 I was made this way.
01:23:08 I was created.
01:23:09 I was crafted.
01:23:10 I was birthed this way.
01:23:11 It's in my DNA.
01:23:13 It's on me.
01:23:13 - Yeah.
01:23:14 - It's in me.
01:23:14 - Yeah.
01:23:15 - I'm already righteous.
01:23:16 - Come on.
01:23:16 - What did you get, Denisa?
01:23:17 - Oh my gosh, that was so good.
01:23:19 My heart is literally running.
01:23:22 What I got was when Pastor said, "The grace of God answers you in
01:23:28 your most undeserving moment."
01:23:30 When I say that was such a check in my spirit and I actually
01:23:34 thought about it.
01:23:34 I was like, "Denisa, when you do come up against these situations
01:23:37 and when you do feel like you're so undeserving and maybe you did
01:23:41 miss the mark because I missed the mark, what is the first thing
01:23:44 that comes to your mind?"
01:23:45 And I got to be honest, it's not that I'm the righteousness of
01:23:48 God and that's something that I have to work on.
01:23:50 Instead of immediately running, "Oh, the devil is busy.
01:23:53 Oh, the devil is working."
01:23:54 The devil has absolutely no power, no authority,
01:23:56 absolutely no right whatsoever to come against me.
01:24:00 And because I am the righteousness of God, I have
01:24:02 everything that I need to combat those thoughts, to cast them
01:24:05 down, to stand boldly before God because he sees me just and he
01:24:09 sees you just as he sees Jesus.
01:24:11 Like, what are we doing here?
01:24:13 So it was such a check in my spirit and such a good way to
01:24:15 start off the year because it's such a good reminder that we are
01:24:18 the righteousness in Christ.
01:24:20 No matter what our situation is, we are righteous at all times.
01:24:23 Man, church was good today.
01:24:25 Listen, it was good today.
01:24:29 So right now we're going to transition.
01:24:31 Pop something in the chat for us.
01:24:32 Let us know what you got from this service.
01:24:34 Let us know how you're starting off your year.
01:24:36 Let us know how you're reminding yourself that you're the
01:24:38 righteousness of Christ.
01:24:39 But right now, we get ready to what we get ready to do?
01:24:42 Get.
01:24:43 Okay, which is an extension of your worship.
01:24:46 Yes.
01:24:46 And what the Holy Spirit is saying right now is that you're
01:24:48 giving represents your heart posture.
01:24:51 Yeah.
01:24:51 And you're giving represents the faith that you have in the God
01:24:54 that we serve that you can depend on him and that he's
01:24:57 going to take care of you.
01:24:58 So right now, I'm going to get a read a scripture and this is
01:25:01 coming from 2 Corinthians 9, 7 through, excuse me, 6 through
01:25:05 7 in the message.
01:25:06 And it says, I want each of you to take plenty of time to think
01:25:10 it over and make up in your own mind what you will give.
01:25:14 That will protect you against sob stories and arm twisting.
01:25:18 God loves it when the giver delightfully is in giving.
01:25:23 Excuse me.
01:25:24 The Lord loves it whenever we diligently give wholeheartedly.
01:25:27 This is not a condemnation.
01:25:28 This ain't a, you know, give 10%, give.
01:25:31 What is on your heart to give?
01:25:32 Put your seed in the ground.
01:25:34 This is good soil, okay, that will absolutely reap a harvest.
01:25:37 And your harvest, this is something else.
01:25:39 Really, okay, really quick.
01:25:40 I think sometimes when we give, we automatically default to that
01:25:44 harvest looking like a financial blessing.
01:25:47 Yeah.
01:25:47 When I tell you that your harvest could be spiritual
01:25:50 maturity, your harvest could be, you know, something in the
01:25:55 physical that manifests, not just necessarily finances,
01:25:58 because the word said that that's in the least of the
01:25:59 kingdoms.
01:26:00 But when you are satisfied in him and your harvest is in him,
01:26:04 baby, that can look like so much more.
01:26:06 Don't limit God and say, oh, I'm going to give you 10 and you
01:26:08 won't give me a thousand.
01:26:09 Baby, I can do what he want to do when he want to do it.
01:26:11 Okay.
01:26:11 Okay.
01:26:12 I'm sorry.
01:26:13 Go ahead.
01:26:14 Church was good again today.
01:26:17 Y'all already know there is four ways to give.
01:26:19 So make sure you get your seed in the ground.
01:26:23 If you want to send by text, text World Changers and leave a
01:26:26 space and add your amount to 74483.
01:26:29 You could call us at 866-477-7683.
01:26:35 You can send it by mail at 2500 Burnett Road, College Park,
01:26:39 Georgia, 30349.
01:26:42 Or you can give by web, by web, excuse me, or
01:26:49 Get your seed in the ground.
01:26:52 Get it on good ground.
01:26:54 Good ground.
01:26:54 And we know this must be good ground.
01:26:56 Yeah.
01:26:56 Okay.
01:26:57 We already know.
01:26:58 All right.
01:26:58 So we got some upcoming announcements.
01:27:00 Ladies, okay, drop something in the chat box.
01:27:04 We are starting off the year with our women's fellowship.
01:27:07 Yes.
01:27:08 And we're excited to kick off the new year.
01:27:10 Like, and this one is going to be a makeover.
01:27:12 Ooh.
01:27:13 Okay.
01:27:14 And we just talked about the inside out.
01:27:15 Okay.
01:27:16 Makeover.
01:27:17 Reveal your inner beauty this Saturday, January the 13th at
01:27:21 11 a.m. in the WCCI Chapel.
01:27:23 Text WCCILadies to 51555 to sign up.
01:27:27 Yes.
01:27:28 We just talked about this.
01:27:29 Go ahead and get the inside worked on and it's going to
01:27:30 float to the out.
01:27:31 Come and join us.
01:27:32 Yes.
01:27:33 What else we got, Grace?
01:27:34 Fellas, okay, we did not forget about you, too.
01:27:37 Right after the week of the women's fellowship is the men's
01:27:41 fellowship happening January the 20th at 11 a.m.
01:27:45 in the WCCI Fellowship Hall.
01:27:47 Come out and connect with your tribe.
01:27:51 And we will promise you do not -- you will not leave the same.
01:27:55 So if you are interested, text Men's Fellowship to 51555 to
01:27:59 make sure that you're registered and you're in the
01:28:02 building today.
01:28:03 What else we got going on?
01:28:04 So L.A., West Coast family, you already know what time it is.
01:28:08 The time is near.
01:28:09 We are less than 30 days away.
01:28:12 Man, that's quick.
01:28:13 That's how quick time comes.
01:28:14 That's how quick God gonna show up for you, too.
01:28:15 Okay.
01:28:16 But it's coming up.
01:28:18 We are ready to experience change.
01:28:20 Join Pastor Creflo Dollar on February the 2nd in the first
01:28:24 stop of the Change Experience Tour.
01:28:26 And we want you to text Change2024 to 51555 to reserve
01:28:30 your seat today.
01:28:31 And it's important that you register so that way we can make
01:28:33 sure to make accommodations for you, bring your family.
01:28:35 It's gonna be a great time.
01:28:36 Yes.
01:28:37 Also, ladies, we're coming back to you.
01:28:40 The Women's Conference is coming up.
01:28:42 Bloom is coming up, y'all.
01:28:43 Bloom!
01:28:45 I'm so excited.
01:28:46 I cannot wait to be there.
01:28:48 Have you registered for Bloom 2024?
01:28:52 You do not want to miss it.
01:28:54 This conference is happening March the 14th and the 15th.
01:28:58 Join us for Pastor Taffi Dollar, Laura Pinkett, Chrislyn McNair,
01:29:02 Dr. Anita Phillips, Samara Joy.
01:29:04 We are adding people, okay?
01:29:06 Okay.
01:29:07 Pastor Dollar will be there.
01:29:09 Tite Charbet will be there.
01:29:11 Egypt Sherab will be there.
01:29:12 And so many more for two powerful days all about
01:29:16 confidently reaching the height of your potential.
01:29:19 Ladies, it is time to Bloom.
01:29:23 You do not want to miss it.
01:29:24 Our Early Bird Special ends next Sunday, January the 14th.
01:29:29 So text Radical to 51555 or visit to save
01:29:34 your spot today.
01:29:36 Y'all do not want to miss it.
01:29:37 Make sure we are in the building.
01:29:39 Are you excited?
01:29:40 I'm excited.
01:29:41 I am so excited.
01:29:42 I'm excited.
01:29:43 We kind of peaked in on some planning meetings.
01:29:45 When I say they are going above and beyond to prepare for you,
01:29:48 to prepare your spirit, praying for you,
01:29:50 every little detail is being thought of just to make sure
01:29:53 you are so blessed when you attend this conference.
01:29:55 So please, as pastors say, don't have the spirit of
01:29:57 procrastination.
01:29:58 Okay, don't procrastinate.
01:29:59 Go ahead and get your tickets today while you can get them
01:30:01 this sale.
01:30:02 Yes.
01:30:03 Okay, so transitioning.
01:30:04 Yes.
01:30:05 We are going to Grace Life Conference.
01:30:07 Okay?
01:30:08 Reunite and reinvigorate at Grace Life 2024.
01:30:12 The reunion.
01:30:13 Okay, so last year we had homecoming.
01:30:15 Yes.
01:30:16 It really felt like a homecoming.
01:30:18 Yes, we did.
01:30:19 We had matching jerseys and everything.
01:30:21 We did.
01:30:22 But we really want you to come this year because it's going to
01:30:24 be a homecoming.
01:30:25 Yes.
01:30:26 And tickets are officially available.
01:30:28 Tickets are officially available.
01:30:30 Tickets are officially available.
01:30:32 I'm really cutting up today.
01:30:33 Let me calm down.
01:30:34 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:30:36 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:30:38 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:30:40 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:30:42 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:30:44 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:30:46 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:30:48 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:30:50 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:30:52 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:30:54 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:30:56 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:30:58 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:00 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:02 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:04 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:06 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:08 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:10 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:12 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:14 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:16 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:18 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:20 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:22 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:24 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:26 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:28 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:30 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:32 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:34 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:36 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:38 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:40 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:42 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:44 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:46 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:48 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:50 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:52 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:54 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:56 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:31:58 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:32:00 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:32:02 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:32:04 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:32:06 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:32:08 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:32:10 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:32:12 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:32:14 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:32:16 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:32:18 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:32:20 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:32:22 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:32:24 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:32:26 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:32:28 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:32:30 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:32:32 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
01:32:34 We are going to be doing a lot of things.
