FTS 16:30 30-12: Gaza hospitals collapsed for lack of fuel and medicine

  • last year
FTS 16.30
* Israeli occupation army intensifies its attacks on Gaza
* Bolivia’s Constitutional Court rejects indefinite reelection
* Ukrainian shelling of Belgorod city kills 18 people
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00:03 In Palestine, Israeli occupation forces
00:08 continue to intensify these attacks
00:10 on several areas of central and southern Gaza.
00:12 In Bolivia, the pro-national constitutional court
00:19 issued a decision rejecting the existence
00:21 of indefinite re-election in the country,
00:23 stating that it is not a human right.
00:29 In Russia, Ukrainian armed forces
00:30 shelled the center of the city of Belgorod,
00:32 killing 15 adults and three children,
00:34 where 111 people are reported injured.
00:38 Hello, welcome to From the South.
00:47 I'm Luis Alberto Matos from De La Sousa Studios in Havana,
00:50 Cuba.
00:51 We begin with the news.
00:56 The Israeli occupation army continues
01:10 to intensify its attacks on several areas of the central
01:12 and southern Gaza Strip.
01:14 Local media reported that the Tel Aviv regime forces
01:16 dropped bombs on the new-survived refugee
01:18 camp and the southern town of Rafah,
01:20 killing and wounding several people.
01:22 A journalist and several members of his family
01:24 were identified among those killed
01:26 during the raids in Nusayrat.
01:28 Attacks by the Israeli army were also
01:29 reported on the city of Khan Yunis and the Buraj
01:32 refugee camp.
01:33 In the past days, Israel had announced the deployment
01:35 of 30,000 additional military personnel in Gaza
01:39 to strengthen its ground operations
01:41 in those areas of the enclave.
01:42 And in Gaza, hospitals have been turned
01:49 into shelters for civilians escaping the horrors of war.
01:52 A correspondent, Noor Harassin, has the details.
01:56 The hospitals in Gaza, where it should be the best,
02:00 the healthiest environment for the people, for the patients,
02:05 turned into refugee camps.
02:07 A total chaos, where the system has totally
02:10 collapsed inside the hospitals of Gaza,
02:14 that they cannot even treat the most simple injuries.
02:18 Now the hospitals are not only suffering
02:21 because of the big number of people killed
02:23 and the big number of people injured,
02:25 but they are also suffering because
02:27 of the lack of medicine, medical supplies, and fuel.
02:30 We're talking about premature babies
02:32 being at the risk of dying because of the lack of fuel.
02:36 We're talking about people who are injured
02:38 at also the risk of dying because of the lack of medicine
02:43 and also the spread of infections and diseases
02:46 inside the hospital.
02:48 Why this is happening is because the hospitals are now
02:52 housing thousands of Palestinian displaced people,
02:56 as there's nowhere else for them to do.
02:59 We have been talking about the latest evacuation order
03:02 from the Al-Bureij refugee camp, and most of the people
03:05 actually seek shelter here, inside the Shuhada al-Aqsa
03:08 Hospital, where now the hospital is performing as a hospital
03:12 and also a shelter.
03:13 Noor Harassin, TELESUR, Gaza.
03:17 We have a second short break coming up,
03:19 but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
03:21 for our English-speaking audience,
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03:27 Constant news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean,
03:29 as well as the rest of the world.
03:31 Stay connected and informed with TELESUR.
03:57 Welcome back from the South.
04:05 In Bolivia, the Pro-National Constitutional Court
04:07 issued a decision rejecting the existence of indefinite
04:10 re-election in the country, saying that it is not a human
04:13 right.
04:14 The CCP issued Constitutional Resolution 1010-2023,
04:17 according to which indefinite presidential re-election
04:20 does not exist in the country.
04:22 Likewise, the CCP may prevail the advisory opinion made
04:25 to the Human Rights Inter-American Court
04:28 with the purpose of interpreting the scope
04:30 of indefinite presidential re-election
04:32 in the context of the inter-American system
04:34 of human rights.
04:35 Previously in 2017, former CCP magistrate
04:38 had authorized former President Evo Morales
04:40 to run as a candidate with the argument
04:42 that according to the same court,
04:44 re-election constituted a human right.
04:46 In Argentina, the decree of necessity and urgency
04:54 promoted by Millet's administration
04:56 began its implementation eight days
04:58 after it was published in the National Gazette.
05:01 The decree derogates the economy,
05:03 declares a public emergency in several branches of the economy
05:06 and institutions until December 31, 2025,
05:10 and establishes the reform of the state.
05:12 Our correspondent in Buenos Aires, Carolina Silvestre,
05:14 with the details.
05:15 Despite the rejection of part of the Argentine society,
05:22 the decision of the national executive power,
05:24 which violates the South American country's
05:26 constitution, came into force.
05:30 We are concerned and against the decree,
05:33 both in terms of form and substance, in terms of content.
05:37 I mainly want to emphasize that the form is very important.
05:41 It is an unconstitutional decree that
05:44 looks for reforms that are neither necessary nor urgent
05:48 for this period.
05:49 We have had a democratic system for 40 years
05:52 with divided powers.
05:54 And the truth is that we are going through
05:57 is an outrage without words.
05:58 With the modification of regulations
06:04 established by the decree and new measures,
06:06 Argentinians lose hundreds of rights.
06:09 Exports, imports, and prices are liberalized.
06:13 And the tax burden on the working class is increased.
06:15 There is not a single measure, not a single article,
06:22 aimed at thinking about the development of the country's
06:24 industry, which we know is what will improve
06:28 the socioeconomic situation for all workers.
06:31 Nor is there any specific measure
06:33 on behalf of the popular economy sector.
06:35 Economic, social, or political structural reforms
06:41 that have a strong impact on various sectors of society,
06:44 benefiting only concentrated domestic and foreign economic
06:48 powers.
06:52 Clearly, the laws that are being introduced, the omnibus law,
06:55 the decrees of necessity and urgency,
06:57 all have names and surnames.
06:59 And they are for the benefit of the most powerful sectors
07:01 of this country.
07:02 And clearly not us.
07:04 In fact, we are the most affected.
07:06 120% devaluation fell on our shoulders and our backs.
07:10 That is the reality.
07:11 No need to give it much more thinking.
07:15 The increased debt, layoff, poverty, hunger,
07:18 and the handover of our sovereignty
07:20 and natural resources reveal that the outlook
07:24 is and will be alarming and convulsive in the short term.
07:28 The context is distressing from all points of view.
07:31 Hans is the ballot.
07:32 The days have been running out.
07:34 And the scenario is really catastrophic, especially
07:37 for the social movements.
07:38 As workers of the popular economy,
07:40 we are afraid of what will happen in February, April,
07:44 and March when the kids start going to school,
07:46 when the cost of a bus ticket reach $800,
07:50 when they won't have enough money to buy their school
07:52 supplies and to eat.
07:54 And although the decree still have
07:56 to pass through Parliament next March to be approved or rejected,
08:00 and the judiciary will have yet to find its constitutionality,
08:04 it will remain in force until the legislature and the judiciary
08:07 issue their rulings.
08:10 Carolina Silvestre, Tele Sur, Buenos Aires.
08:15 Hundreds of our Brazilian religious people
08:17 anticipated on Friday, New Year's Eve celebration
08:20 in Rio de Janeiro with a procession and ceremony of homage
08:23 to the goddess Jemaia.
08:25 In order not to coincide with the famous farewell
08:27 party of the year that Rio de Janeiro organizes in Copacabana,
08:31 the devotees of the Queen of the Sea
08:34 used to anticipate the celebration in which they
08:36 throw their offerings into the water.
08:39 The ceremony began this Friday at the Madureira Market,
08:42 a place that concentrates several stores,
08:44 selling articles demanded by the practitioners of religion,
08:47 such as Umbanda and Candomblé.
08:50 The festival that pays homage to the goddess Jemaia
08:53 has been held every December 29, 2002,
08:57 and was declared a Carioca Cultural Heritage in 2011.
09:06 In Brazil also, Rio de Janeiro's iconic Christ
09:09 the Redeemer statue was dressed Friday night
09:11 in Pelé's yellow jersey to commemorate
09:14 the first anniversary of the football legend's death.
09:17 The 30-meter high statue was illuminated
09:19 with an image of the national jersey, which
09:22 included the famous number 10 and Pelé's signature.
09:25 The Brazilian king of football won a record three World Cups
09:28 and became one of the most imposing sports
09:31 figures of the last century.
09:33 Pelé died at the age of 82 on December 29, 2022.
09:38 He had been undergoing treatment for colon cancer since 2021.
09:42 The medical center where he was hospitalized
09:44 reported that he died of multi-organ failure caused
09:47 by cancer.
09:48 The statue of Christ with open arms
09:50 welcomes millions of self-retaking tourists
09:52 every year.
09:53 We're going to take a short break.
10:00 We'll be right back after break.
10:05 Welcome back from the South.
10:15 On Saturday, the Ukrainian Armed Forces
10:17 shelled the center of the city of Belgorod.
10:19 The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations
10:21 reported that 15 adults and three children
10:23 were killed in the attack.
10:24 The attack on a residential area left 111 people wounded,
10:28 among them 15 minors.
10:29 The Ministry of Emergency Situations
10:31 noted that all the fires caused by the bombing were put out.
10:34 The governor of the border region, Vyacheslav Vladkov,
10:36 noted that the town of Urazovo was also hit.
10:39 The shelling of this little county left no casualties,
10:41 but caused damage to about 20 houses and a power line.
10:45 The Russian Defense Ministry has said
10:46 that the attack on the city involved
10:48 the use of closer munitions.
10:50 More than 110 nations banned them under a UN convention
10:54 in 2008 due to their grave danger to civilians.
10:57 [SILENCE]
11:01 The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed
11:09 that the attack on the center of the Russian city of Belgorod
11:11 was carried out with closer munitions.
11:16 The Kiev regime, by carrying out indiscriminate attacks
11:20 on squares and committing this type of crime,
11:23 is trying to divert attention from defeat at the front,
11:26 as well as to provoke us to similar actions.
11:29 We emphasize that the Russian Armed Forces target
11:32 only military facilities and infrastructure directly related
11:36 to the Ukrainian army.
11:37 We will continue to do so.
11:39 This crime will not go unpunished.
11:46 Air defense systems intercepted the Olka missile
11:50 and most of the Vampire MLRS rockets.
11:54 Several rockets and cluster parts from the downed Olka
11:58 missile hit the city of Belgorod.
12:00 As a result, 12 adults and two children have died,
12:04 and 108 people have been injured.
12:07 In the event of a direct hit by Olka missiles
12:11 with cluster munitions on the city,
12:13 the consequences would have been far more severe.
12:21 The governor of the city of Belgorod
12:22 also commented on the Ukrainian shelling on Saturday
12:25 and suspended all work in the region.
12:27 He indicated municipal authorities
12:28 are already reviewing the situation in the city.
12:35 Today, we have experienced the heaviest toll in the last two
12:38 years that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have brought on
12:41 with their shelling on Belgorod city.
12:44 I have informed the president of the Russian Federation
12:47 and the prime minister about the situation in the city.
12:50 We just held a meeting of the emergency council.
13:01 The municipal heads and the mayor
13:03 are assessing the damage and the scope of what's
13:06 needed for a speedy restoration.
13:09 We are conducting door-to-door inspections,
13:11 building by building, inviting residents
13:14 to leave damaged apartments for temporary accommodation
13:18 centers.
13:23 There is a decision to cancel mass events
13:26 on the territory of all nine border municipalities
13:30 plus Belgorod and the Yakovlevsky urban district.
13:38 So in these 11 municipalities, there
13:41 won't be any mass events held.
13:43 I think people will agree that that's what
13:45 needs to be done at this point.
13:50 David Gross, 2004 Physics Nobel Prize winner,
13:53 is currently back in China.
13:55 Gross is a US theoretical physicist and string theorist,
13:58 awarded the 2004 Physics Nobel Prize,
14:00 along with Frank Wilshick and David Pulitzer,
14:02 for their discovery of asymptotic freedom.
14:06 In 2011, Gross was chosen a foreign member
14:08 of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
14:10 In an exclusive interview with China Central Television,
14:13 Gross spoke of the significant progress
14:15 he has observed in China over the past two decades.
14:18 He praised China's growth in infrastructure
14:21 and universities' education and of how
14:24 China has been able to set up world-leading laboratories.
14:27 Every time I come back, I'm astonished
14:34 at the visible changes, of course,
14:36 with enormous construction and infrastructure,
14:41 but also the enormous growth of the scientific community,
14:46 the growth of the universities, the training,
14:49 the number of young students who are
14:53 anxious to do great science.
14:55 And now, China's gotten to the stage
14:58 where it's able to create some of the world-leading
15:04 instruments and laboratories.
15:07 In my field, they've made some very important discoveries.
15:13 They have some of the biggest radio telescopes
15:15 in the world, FAST.
15:17 They're marvelous.
15:18 In 2023, China successfully launched over 200 spacecraft
15:25 in over 60 space missions, setting a new record.
15:28 Within the next five years, the number of China's satellites
15:31 is expected to reach 1,200, and they
15:34 will be providing highly efficient and high-performance
15:37 information services to users in traditional and emerging
15:40 markets.
15:41 Meanwhile, the National Space Laboratory
15:43 is officially in operation, with 110 space science research
15:47 and application projects in orbit
15:49 on space life science and human body research
15:52 and microgravity physics and new space technologies.
15:56 So far, the National Space Lab has
15:58 gathered over 100 terabytes of original data
16:00 and has downloaded 300 experimental samples.
16:02 We have come to the end of this news brief.
16:11 You can find these and many other stories
16:12 on our website at telestuorenglish.net.
16:15 You can also join us on our social medias on Facebook,
16:17 Instagram, Telegram, and TikTok.
16:20 For TELESTUORE ENGLISH, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
16:22 Thank you for watching.
