Faceless Love 2023 Episode 14 English SUB

  • last year
Faceless Love 2023 Episode 14 English SUB
00:00 Next.
00:01 But it's not Thanya.
00:03 Please calm down.
00:04 I will solve this problem myself.
00:06 Vee, we have to talk about Next tonight.
00:09 Good. We will find a way to fix the game.
00:12 This is the super hero, the most handsome brother.
00:16 Ready to fight?
00:17 I will be your support.
00:20 And I'm ready to help you in everything.
00:22 And the scary thing is
00:24 In the end, Thanya will play us until we are in a bad situation.
00:27 And then we will go to the next one like Phu said.
00:31 Next.
00:33 Next.
01:01 It's morning, Boss.
01:03 Let's continue our work.
01:05 Wait, you two.
01:09 Last night, Mirin called S.
01:11 Invite him to hug the first hero of Next.
01:14 Hot coffee with good energy snack from home.
01:18 Let's go, Mirin.
01:19 Let's go, Boss.
01:20 My girlfriend is so cute.
01:29 I love you.
01:30 I want some.
01:37 I want some.
01:39 I want some.
01:41 I want some.
01:43 I want some.
01:45 I want some.
01:47 I want some.
01:49 I want some.
01:52 Sometimes it seems like we are together.
01:57 It seems like you have a heart for me.
02:02 But sometimes it seems like you are far away.
02:08 So different.
02:10 I can only look, but I can't see.
02:16 The truth that you are hiding.
02:21 I want you to admit.
02:24 Can you tell me?
02:27 What is our relationship?
02:32 Can you make me see?
02:37 Is it true love?
02:40 I want to know.
02:42 I want to know.
02:44 I want to know.
02:46 I want to know.
02:48 I want to know.
02:50 I want to know.
03:14 Let's go, everyone.
03:16 So, this is our plan.
03:24 That's all for today.
03:26 We will have time to visit the hospital.
03:28 Good.
03:30 Thank you both for helping.
03:33 You're welcome.
03:35 If there is anything else, you can tell me.
03:39 I will take care of it.
03:40 Our plan is probably working.
03:43 Just wait and see what Thanya will do.
03:46 Thank you so much.
03:55 Without you, it would be much harder.
03:59 You're welcome.
04:02 You are my boyfriend.
04:03 I will help you with anything.
04:07 Thank you so much.
04:09 Thank you.
04:11 Thank you.
04:12 You don't have to worry.
04:16 I will help you.
04:20 But as a secretary.
04:22 Thank you so much.
04:23 Thank you.
04:25 Thank you.
04:26 Thank you.
04:27 Thank you.
04:29 Thank you.
04:31 Thank you.
04:33 Can I borrow your hand?
04:35 Thank you.
04:36 Thank you.
04:37 Dad, you're up.
04:49 Do you want anything?
04:51 I will call the nurse.
04:53 No, I just want some water.
04:55 Okay.
04:58 Thank you.
04:59 Where are they?
05:13 They are going to clear the company's business.
05:17 If they cooperate, there is nothing to worry about.
05:23 Don't worry.
05:24 What's wrong?
05:31 Dad, I'm sorry.
05:41 It's my fault.
05:43 If I didn't try to win,
05:47 if I didn't put my own business in Chanon's hands,
05:52 everything wouldn't be like this.
05:54 We both did the wrong thing.
05:57 You did the wrong thing to your son.
06:00 But you still need your son.
06:02 Just like your son still needs you.
06:04 This is how a family is.
06:08 What has passed,
06:10 let's not leave it.
06:13 Son.
06:14 How is he?
06:32 He's fine now.
06:34 If he's okay, please let us know.
06:37 If he's sick, please tell us.
06:42 I can't handle my own problem.
06:44 How can I add to my problem?
06:48 We can handle it now.
06:54 The company will be fine.
06:56 Most importantly, the shop will be fine.
07:01 Do you know why I'm so worried about this company?
07:10 It's all for my family.
07:13 I want my son and my grandchild to have a good life.
07:17 I want them to be comfortable like this forever.
07:20 Because it's the only thing I can leave for my family
07:24 when I'm still alive.
07:27 Don't rush.
07:33 If Nont and I,
07:35 we can get our Next back,
07:39 I
07:40 and you
07:44 will see our Next grow up again.
07:51 Tomorrow,
07:57 we will make you proud.
08:06 The Next Innovation building is full of people who have been damaged
08:09 by the data loss.
08:11 They haven't received a lot of money yet.
08:13 Due to the great efforts of the President and the CEO
08:16 and the owner of the company, Next Innovation.
08:19 Have you seen the news?
08:33 The next innovation building is full of people who have been damaged by the data loss.
08:35 I think Thanya is starting.
08:37 Then we'll go.
08:40 What should we do, Thanya?
08:57 Mr. Chanon hasn't arrived yet.
09:00 We should hurry up and get the money.
09:02 Let it end.
09:04 We don't have a shortage of money anyway.
09:05 If we leave it like this, our company will be bankrupt.
09:09 You're in trouble.
09:14 It's just a job.
09:16 Are you afraid of losing your job?
09:19 As for the person who came to the meeting,
09:26 I can't take any action for Chanon.
09:29 Because I'm not the president.
09:31 But everyone can vote for me to be the president now.
09:35 And I'll help you clear this up.
09:39 I guarantee that everyone will be able to go for a cup of coffee
09:43 and start a new job in a moment.
09:44 Is there anyone who wants to go out?
09:58 If the company is closed down, it will be difficult.
10:05 This is not something that anyone can easily handle.
10:10 Then I vote for Thanya to be the president.
10:16 For the future of Next.
10:18 I vote.
10:20 I vote.
10:23 I vote.
10:25 I vote.
10:26 Me too.
10:28 Wait a minute, everyone.
10:29 Wait for what?
10:33 Chanon and Wikit are already in the building.
10:44 They are about to announce the news.
10:46 Hello, I'm Chanon.
10:52 I'm Wikit.
10:55 First of all, I and the two of us
10:57 apologize to everyone
11:00 for the delay in the compensation of the damage
11:02 caused by Next Innovation.
11:05 We are really sorry.
11:07 We will contact everyone via SMS right now.
11:17 It's been delayed until today
11:23 and we think this is not a small problem.
11:25 Next Innovation wants to know
11:28 what the real cause is.
11:32 Where does it come from?
11:34 What is the cause?
11:36 So we won't make any more mistakes.
11:37 And most importantly,
11:39 we will compensate the damage as appropriately.
11:42 From the research,
11:46 all the damage
11:49 is not caused by the system.
11:52 But it's caused by the person
11:54 who is harming me.
11:57 That person is
12:03 Thanya Kanokul.
12:06 Thanya?
12:08 Thanya is a new member?
12:10 Is this the right position?
12:13 It all happened under my supervision.
12:16 Thanya is my friend
12:18 and an investor that I trust.
12:21 She is the investor I hired.
12:23 Chanon, what are you planning to do?
12:26 Thanya's intention is
12:28 to make me the president of the company.
12:33 Is this too much of a slander?
12:35 Do you have any evidence?
12:37 Yes, we have evidence.
12:39 The evidence is with the police.
12:43 Really?
12:45 And we are sending it to all the executives via email.
12:49 We will disclose it
12:51 along with the other two witnesses.
12:53 They are our programmers
12:57 who have evidence
12:58 of the money
13:00 in the hiring process
13:02 and released the information from Thanya.
13:04 You have a witness?
13:07 But I still insist
13:09 that this is just a conflict in the company.
13:12 Both me and Chanon
13:14 and the executives
13:16 will consult again
13:18 on how to proceed.
13:20 What if Thanya rejects what you said?
13:23 If Thanya does that,
13:25 he will have to reject us.
13:29 What will happen next?
13:32 Is this true, Thanya?
13:34 I want to give the position back to Wigit.
13:39 Next Innovation
13:43 will not exist
13:45 without her.
13:47 Yes.
13:48 Great!
13:57 They understand each other now?
14:01 We will have to consult again
14:15 with the executives.
14:17 And what will happen?
14:18 Your decision
14:20 is under Mr. Prapob Kortang.
14:23 Thank you.
14:24 See?
14:28 I believe that my two granddaughters can do it.
14:30 Now we just have to wait and see
14:33 how they grow up.
14:36 That's the way to do it.
14:38 So handsome.
14:41 I like it.
14:43 Hello, please help Thanya.
14:46 Shut up!
14:47 Find a way out of there.
14:49 Don't let the reporters see or interview anything.
14:52 Dad,
14:53 please help me.
14:56 Dad!
14:57 Wigit and Chanon
14:58 have found a way out for you.
15:00 You have to do as they say.
15:02 If you are seen as the one who did this,
15:04 you will not be able to do business with anyone.
15:06 Admit that you are wrong
15:08 and step back.
15:11 Dad!
15:12 Dad!
15:13 Dad!
15:14 Dad!
15:15 Dad!
15:16 Dad!
15:17 Dad!
15:18 Dad!
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16:07 Are you ready for the big meeting?
16:09 Of course.
16:11 I just got back to the company.
16:13 I have to celebrate.
16:15 You're so fit and healthy.
16:17 I don't know what's the rush.
16:21 That's what teenagers are like.
16:23 Teenagers.
16:25 Let's go.
16:27 Vee!
16:37 You said you'd tell me when you got back.
16:39 I did.
16:41 I told Mirin I'd tell her.
16:43 I forgot.
16:45 Sorry.
16:47 What's in the back?
16:49 It's not done yet.
16:51 It's done.
17:01 Okay.
17:03 Ta-da!
17:05 Wow.
17:07 Oh my god.
17:09 You made it yourself?
17:11 Yes.
17:13 POS helped me with the idea.
17:15 It's been a month since you two started working together.
17:17 Everything turned out great.
17:19 So we wanted to make something for you.
17:23 Thank you.
17:27 It must be good.
17:29 I'll cut it for you.
17:31 You have to cut it for me first.
17:33 Okay.
17:35 What's that?
17:39 Cake.
17:41 I knew it.
17:43 It's a cake.
17:45 It's probably a boule.
17:47 It's a cake with orange and chocolate.
17:49 It's a new recipe.
17:51 It's a bit sour and bitter.
17:53 It's really good.
17:55 Where's mine?
17:57 You can have mine.
18:01 Here.
18:03 It's good.
18:13 I think it needs to be sweeter.
18:15 If there's a meeting next time,
18:19 order it for me.
18:21 I'll help you with the dessert.
18:23 It helps with the stress.
18:25 But you have to make it clean.
18:29 Got it?
18:31 I'll do my best.
18:33 I'll have the chocolate one.
18:43 I like it.
18:45 Everything looks good.
18:47 It's all done.
18:49 Thank you both.
18:51 If there's nothing else,
18:55 I'd like to introduce the president
18:57 who I think is the most suitable
18:59 for this position.
19:01 But before I introduce him,
19:03 I'd like to ask you something.
19:05 Who do you think
19:07 is the most suitable
19:09 for this position?
19:11 Good.
19:17 That's a good idea.
19:19 I'd like to announce
19:21 that the president
19:23 who is the most suitable
19:25 for this position
19:27 and the one who should lead
19:29 this position is
19:31 Soi Petch,
19:35 my daughter.
19:37 Dad.
19:45 Please lead me,
19:51 auntie.
19:53 I'm ready to do
19:55 whatever you say.
19:57 You're the most suitable.
20:01 I'm sorry
20:03 that I've been looking down on you.
20:05 Please take care of
20:07 the company and your nephew.
20:09 Take care of the two of them.
20:11 [applause]
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20:31 [silence]
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21:49 [speaking Thai]
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22:09 [speaking Thai]
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22:55 [music starts]
23:07 [singing in Thai]
23:15 [singing in Thai]
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23:43 [speaking Thai]
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23:57 [music stops]
23:59 [footsteps]
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26:09 [speaking Thai]
26:11 [speaking Thai]
26:13 [speaking Thai]
26:15 [speaking Thai]
26:25 [speaking Thai]
26:37 [speaking Thai]
26:41 (speaks in foreign language)
26:45 (speaks in foreign language)
26:50 (speaks in foreign language)
26:53 (speaks in foreign language)
26:57 (speaks in foreign language)
27:01 (speaks in foreign language)
27:05 (speaks in foreign language)
27:08 (speaks in foreign language)
27:12 (laughs)
27:14 (speaks in foreign language)
27:22 (speaks in foreign language)
27:26 (speaks in foreign language)
27:33 (speaks in foreign language)
27:50 (speaks in foreign language)
27:53 (speaks in foreign language)
27:57 (speaks in foreign language)
28:01 (speaks in foreign language)
28:10 (speaks in foreign language)
28:24 (speaks in foreign language)
28:28 (speaks in foreign language)
28:32 (speaks in foreign language)
28:36 (upbeat music)
28:39 (speaks in foreign language)
28:52 (speaks in foreign language)
28:56 (speaks in foreign language)
29:00 (speaks in foreign language)
29:03 (speaks in foreign language)
29:09 (laughs)
29:22 (speaks in foreign language)
29:27 (speaks in foreign language)
29:31 (speaks in foreign language)
29:36 (speaks in foreign language)
29:54 (upbeat music)
29:56 (speaks in foreign language)
30:13 (speaks in foreign language)
30:16 (speaks in foreign language)
30:20, (speaks in foreign language)
30:24 (speaks in foreign language)
30:28 (speaks in foreign language)
30:36 (speaks in foreign language)
30:48 (laughs)
30:50 (speaks in foreign language)
30:54 (speaks in foreign language)
31:09, (speaks in foreign language)
31:14 (sighs)
31:16 (speaks in foreign language)
31:21 (speaks in foreign language)
31:24 (speaks in foreign language)
31:32 (speaks in foreign language)
31:39 (speaks in foreign language)
31:42 (speaks in foreign language)
31:46 (upbeat music)
32:09 (speaks in foreign language)
32:13 (speaks in foreign language)
32:24 (speaks in foreign language)
32:37 (speaks in foreign language)
32:42 (speaks in foreign language)
32:46 (speaks in foreign language)
33:10 (speaks in foreign language)
33:14 (gasps)
33:39 (gasps)
33:41 (speaks in foreign language)
33:45 (sighs)
33:57 (sniffs)
34:07 (speaks in foreign language)
34:10 (speaks in foreign language)
34:15 (sighs)
34:17 (speaks in foreign language)
34:23 (laughs)
34:25 (speaks in foreign language)
34:30 (soft music)
34:32 (speaks in foreign language)
34:41 (soft music)
34:44 (speaks in foreign language)
34:49 (speaks in foreign language)
34:54 (speaks in foreign language)
34:59 (soft music)
35:01 (speaks in foreign language)
35:08 (speaks in foreign language)
35:12 (speaks in foreign language)
35:16 (speaks in foreign language)
35:20 (soft music)
35:23 (speaks in foreign language)
35:29 (speaks in foreign language)
35:43 (speaks in foreign language)
35:47 (speaks in foreign language)
35:53 (speaks in foreign language)
35:59 (speaks in foreign language)
36:04 (speaks in foreign language)
36:09 (speaks in foreign language)
36:12 (soft music)
36:16 (speaks in foreign language)
36:37 (sighs)
36:39 (speaks in foreign language)
36:43 (soft music)
36:46 (speaks in foreign language)
36:49 (soft music)
37:08 (speaks in foreign language)
37:12 (soft music)
37:14 (speaks in foreign language)
37:21 (speaks in foreign language)
37:25 (speaks in foreign language)
37:31 (soft music)
37:41 (speaks in foreign language)
37:45 (speaks in foreign language)
37:48 (speaks in foreign language)
37:56 (speaks in foreign language)
38:00 (speaks in foreign language)
38:04 (speaks in foreign language)
38:09 (speaks in foreign language)
38:13 (speaks in foreign language)
38:18 (speaks in foreign language)
38:22 (soft music)
38:24 (speaks in foreign language)
38:29 (speaks in foreign language)
38:33 (speaks in foreign language)
38:36 (soft music)
38:39 (speaks in foreign language)
38:45 (speaks in foreign language)
38:50 (soft music)
38:52 (speaks in foreign language)
38:57 (soft music)
39:00 (speaks in foreign language)
39:05 (soft music)
39:07 (speaks in foreign language)
39:12 (soft music)
39:14 (speaks in foreign language)
39:20 (gunshot)
39:22 (speaks in foreign language)
39:27 (speaks in foreign language)
39:31 (laughs)
39:34 (speaks in foreign language)
39:38 (soft music)
39:40 (speaks in foreign language)
39:46 (soft music)
39:48 (speaks in foreign language)
39:56 (soft music)
39:58 (speaks in foreign language)
40:12 (speaks in foreign language)
40:16 (speaks in foreign language)
40:20 (speaks in foreign language)
40:24 (speaks in foreign language)
40:28 (soft music)
40:30 (speaks in foreign language)
40:35 (speaks in foreign language)
40:39 (speaks in foreign language)
40:43 (speaks in foreign language)
40:47 (soft music)
40:49 (speaks in foreign language)
40:54 (speaks in foreign language)
40:58 (speaks in foreign language)
41:01 (speaks in foreign language)
41:05 (soft music)
41:08 (speaks in foreign language)
41:17 (speaks in foreign language)
41:21 (speaks in foreign language)
41:25 (speaks in foreign language)
41:32 (speaks in foreign language)
41:38 (speaks in foreign language)
41:45 (soft music)
41:47 (speaks in foreign language)
42:01 (speaks in foreign language)
42:05 (soft music)
42:07 (speaks in foreign language)
42:13 (soft music)
42:15 (speaks in foreign language)
42:21 (soft music)
42:23 (speaks in foreign language)
42:33 (speaks in foreign language)
42:40 (speaks in foreign language)
42:44 (soft music)
43:02 (speaks in foreign language)
43:10 (speaks in foreign language)
43:14 (speaks in foreign language)
43:24 (speaks in foreign language)
43:28 (speaks in foreign language)
43:33 (speaks in foreign language)
43:37 (speaks in foreign language)
43:41 (speaks in foreign language)
43:47 (soft music)
43:49 (speaks in foreign language)
43:54 (soft music)
43:56 (speaks in foreign language)
44:01 (soft music)
44:03 (speaks in foreign language)
44:07 (speaks in foreign language)
44:19 (soft music)
44:21 (speaks in foreign language)
44:26 (speaks in foreign language)
44:31 (speaks in foreign language)
44:35 (laughs)
44:41 (speaks in foreign language)
44:47 (sings in foreign language)
44:56 (sings in foreign language)
45:00 (speaks in foreign language)
45:06 (speaks in foreign language)
45:10 (speaks in foreign language)
45:14 (speaks in foreign language)
45:18 (soft music)
45:20 (speaks in foreign language)
45:25 (soft music)
45:27 (speaks in foreign language)
45:32 (speaks in foreign language)
45:39 (speaks in foreign language)
45:43 (speaks in foreign language)
45:51 (speaks in foreign language)
45:55 (speaks in foreign language)
46:00 (speaks in foreign language)
46:04 (soft music)
46:07 (speaks in foreign language)
46:11 (soft music)
46:14 (speaks in foreign language)
46:18 (speaks in foreign language)
46:22 (speaks in foreign language)
46:26 (speaks in foreign language)
46:30 (speaks in foreign language)
46:34 (soft music)
46:37 (speaks in foreign language)
46:41 (speaks in foreign language)
46:45 (soft music)
46:48 (speaks in foreign language)
46:52 (soft music)
46:55 (sings in foreign language)
46:59 (sings in foreign language)
47:03 (sings in foreign language)
47:07 (sings in foreign language)
47:11 (sings in foreign language)
47:15 (sings in foreign language)
47:19 (sings in foreign language)
47:23 (sings in foreign language)
47:27 (sings in foreign language)
47:31 (sings in foreign language)
47:35 (sings in foreign language)
47:39 (sings in foreign language)
47:43 (sings in foreign language)
47:47 (sings in foreign language)
47:51 [Muffled]