Security Council to vote on resolution backing call for 'suspension' of Gaza hostilities

  • last year

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00:00 Well, as it stands, this resolution calls for an urgent suspension of hostilities.
00:06 And the wording is absolutely key here.
00:09 That's what all the diplomatic wrangling has been about over the past days, because what
00:14 Washington does not want and what Washington would veto would be any resolution calling
00:19 for a cease-fire.
00:21 Israel and the United States do not want a cease-fire.
00:24 They argue that that would only benefit Hamas on the ground there in the Gaza Strip.
00:29 And so this vote, which was originally due to take place on Monday, was postponed to
00:33 Tuesday, and now it seems like it's going to be postponed to a little later on in the
00:38 day, to 12.30 local time, because the wrangling over the wording continues.
00:43 But as it stands, yes, it will call for an urgent suspension of hostilities.
00:49 It also calls for unimpeded aid access, because civilians there in the Gaza Strip have not
00:56 been able to get food, water, medical supplies.
01:00 And it calls for something else that is new, that has not been in any of the previous resolutions
01:04 put to the Security Council on this war in the Gaza Strip.
01:11 It calls for the United Nations to have a monitoring presence.
01:17 It calls for the U.N. to monitor all of the aid distribution into Gaza.
01:21 And U.N. Secretary-General Antony Guterres has put forward three possible ways to do
01:26 this, one being a larger U.N. presence on the ground, so more human rights staff there
01:32 in the Gaza Strip, or a civilian observer mission, which would mainly be deployed at
01:39 checkpoints and places like that to monitor how aid comes in and that it's unimpeded,
01:45 it has unimpeded access, or a uniformed presence made up of unarmed military observers to monitor
01:53 ceasefires.
