Some residents may be without power until Christmas

  • last year
Authorities are working to restore power to residents, with some homes estimated to go without until Christmas.


00:00 We have significant damage, not only to our network, but also to premises in these communities.
00:09 So we have significant access issues.
00:12 We're working with all the agencies to be able to get access in to fix not just our
00:17 power lines, but also support the communities who've had severe inundation through their
00:22 homes, businesses and the like.
00:24 So it is challenging.
00:26 It's widespread across north of Cairns, south of Cairns, out to the west.
00:31 So many of these communities have had significant damage.
00:35 Roadways are inaccessible.
00:38 We've got aerial support.
00:39 The SES is supporting us with boats.
00:43 But access is difficult.
00:44 But we're doing everything we can to safely restore supply to these communities.
00:50 Do you have an idea of how many homes and properties have been impacted without power
00:54 at the moment?
00:55 There's seven and a half thousand premises, including businesses, without power at the
01:02 moment.
01:03 Lots of homes within that seven and a half thousand have had inundation of water, damage
01:09 from the cyclone.
01:11 So there's significant work to be done.
01:13 And what areas have been worst affected?
01:18 It's quite widespread.
01:20 The Holloways Beach, Motion Beach, up into Woodgill, Woodgill, Cooktown, up into the
01:26 Ranges.
01:27 So there's quite widespread.
01:29 Yorkies Knob.
01:31 So it's not just one particular area.
01:33 The whole region in the far north has had significant flood emissions.
01:37 We have a lot of people on the ground, safely, to restore people's supply.
01:41 I've just done also note that if people can get a licence, so let's put a contractor to
01:46 inspect their installation where they've had damage or inundation of water, that also assists
01:52 us to restore supply quicker.
01:55 What is your advice for people who have had significant amounts of water through their
02:00 homes?
02:03 So engage a licensed electrical contractor.
02:08 It needs to be made safe to be able to have that reconnection.
02:12 If people have concerns, they can ring Ergon Energy Network and we can work with those
02:17 customers on the best way forward.
02:20 But the best thing people can do, if you've had water through your home or you see there's
02:24 significant damage, please engage a licensed electrical contractor.
02:28 They'll come out, do a safety inspection, make sure everything's safe for us to restore
02:33 supply.
02:34 And of course, there's likely to be a lot of fallen power lines as well.
02:37 What is your message for people if they do come across fallen power lines?
02:43 There certainly is out there.
02:45 Please call Ergon Energy Network once again.
02:48 But the most important thing is to stay well clear, make that call, let our people go out
02:53 there and assess the situation, make sure it's safe.
02:56 But please do not go anywhere near fallen power lines.
03:00 And also note that they can be hidden amongst trees, bushes in the scrub out there.
03:05 So please just stay well clear, make the call and we'll come out and take care of it.
