Hong Kong activists arrested in citys birdcage election

  • last year
Hong Kong activists arrested in citys birdcage election


00:00 Hong Kong began its "Patriots Only" district election on Sunday.
00:06 It has marginalised former popular opposition figures in the city amid a national security
00:11 clampdown.
00:12 Three pro-democracy activists from the League of Social Democrats were arrested just before
00:17 voting began.
00:19 The group had planned to protest against the "birdcage" election that it said lacked any
00:23 democratic scope.
00:26 Regulations introduced in July slashed the directly elected district council seats by
00:31 nearly 80 percent from four years ago.
00:34 All candidates must also undergo national security background checks and secure nomination
00:39 from pro-government committees.
00:41 At least three pro-democracy groups, including moderates and even some pro-Beijing figures,
00:46 failed to secure enough nominations.
00:50 Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee said after he cast his ballot that district councillors
00:54 will "take care of the interests of the community because they are patriots participating in
00:59 and servicing our community."
01:04 The regulation changes further narrow electoral freedoms in the former British colony.
01:09 It returned to Chinese rule in 1997.
01:13 The crackdown under a 2020 China-imposed national security law has led to arrests of former
01:19 district councillors and the disbandment of major opposition parties.
01:25 Kenneth Chen is a political scientist at Hong Kong Baptist University and a former pro-democracy
01:30 lawmaker.
01:31 "What they are doing now is the installation of the so-called patriots-only governance
01:37 structure against the backdrop of the imposition of the national security law since mid-2020.
01:44 So I'm afraid democracy is off the agenda."
01:48 Some Western governments say the China-imposed national security law has been used to crack
01:52 down on dissent.
01:55 China says it has brought stability to the financial hub after the protracted pro-democracy
02:00 protests of 2019.
02:04 For weeks, the major pro-Beijing and pro-government parties have been out in force campaigning
02:10 in a bid to boost turnout, as some observers see large numbers spanning the polls.
