FTS 16:30 8-12: People demonstrate in support of action plan in the Essequibo

  • last year

Israeli army forces eviction of un shelters in Gaza. // People demonstrate in support of action plan in the Essequibo. // Arab League called on security council to stop aggression on Gaza. teleSUR

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00:00 [Music]
00:08 Sal, I'm Ana Marrero from the TeleSUR headquarters in Caracas, Venezuela.
00:13 We'll be with the news, stay with us.
00:15 In Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro led the march for loyalty day
00:19 as the people demonstrated in support of the government's plan of action of the execution.
00:24 This Friday, on the day of loyalty and love in the country,
00:29 citizens marched from Fine Arts to the Palace of Miraflores.
00:34 Demonstrators are showing up with the flag of Venezuela,
00:37 banners in defense of the execution and the new map of the nation implemented in schools.
00:43 The government of Venezuela seeks to incorporate an organic law
00:46 to create a state of Guyana's execution and the election of the authorities in the region.
00:51 President Maduro and executive vice president participate in the event.
00:55 During his speech, the Venezuelan head of state took the opportunity
00:58 to demand once again that the coercive measures against the Venezuelan people be lifted.
01:04 We demand that all sanctions against Venezuela must be lifted.
01:15 Raise your hands, the ones who are against the U.S. sanctions.
01:25 Sanctions must be lifted down those who made those sanctions.
01:33 And there we are going step by step and we are going to make it sooner or later.
01:42 Venezuela is going to achieve those criminal sanctions.
01:47 In the United States, the national company ExxonMobil
01:53 reported a third consecutive date of declining shares.
01:57 Financial specialists report the opening of the stock market fall
02:02 in the value of the assets of the U.S. transnational company
02:06 after the legal situation regarding the operation of unlimited spaces.
02:12 The new fall of the share was registered after the measure taken by Venezuela
02:18 with respect to the executive territory after the consultant referendum.
02:23 In Mexico, authorities announced border guard policy
02:29 for forcing migrants to stay in camps in the middle of the desert to avoid deportation.
02:34 Hundreds of migrants attempting to cross over the United States
02:38 every day are taken to these camps and condemned to remain there.
02:42 Once in an open-air camp, said migrants have no access to food or water.
02:48 So these are places where the border patrol will bring immigrants or ask them to stay.
02:59 Immigrants are told that they will be deported unless they stay in these camps.
03:04 Yet the border patrol does not provide them with food, water, shelter or...
03:10 The Interdepartmental Transport of Uruguay is on strike for 24 hours on Friday due to labor disputes.
03:20 The action was led by the National Union of Transport Workers,
03:24 which took action following the dismissal of at least four of its members at the three crisis terminals.
03:31 The workers claim that the situation is part of acts of union persecution
03:36 because the days before that they had traveled to vote for a pre-agreement of the way to consul.
03:43 While a representative of the National Union of Transport Workers detailed that during the month of March,
03:49 the company also fired 11 workers from the same union harassment.
03:59 Still in Uruguay, at least 346 cases of sexual exploitation of minors and adolescents were reported in 2033,
04:09 which according to statistics represents a decrease in recent years.
04:14 Under the long and challenging for the total protection of children and adolescents against sexual exploitation,
04:21 public and civil societies, organizations in Uruguay announced the number of cases of sexual exploitation of minors and adolescents.
04:28 Most of the reported cases were registered in the capital city of Montevideo
04:32 and in the department of Maldonado, ColĂłnes and Colonia of the South American country.
04:38 On Friday, local authorities in Haiti reported that the escalation of violence and precarious conditions
04:50 displaced more than 150,000 citizens in the Caribbean nation.
04:54 The General Director of Civil Protection, Yerick Chandler, admitted in the last two years
05:01 that in the expansion of armed groups in the capital and departments such as Hati Burin,
05:07 around 200,000 people had to leave their homes to take refuge relative in shelters or public spaces such as square churches and gyms.
05:23 This is just the first part of the news, but remember you can now join us on our Tiktok account @CelesurEnglish
05:28 where you'll be able to see news in different formats, news updates and more.
05:31 Stay tuned for more news.
05:33 [Music]
06:00 On Friday, Palestinian citizens were forced to evacuate United Nations shelters.
06:07 United Nations Relief and Work Agency in Palestine, UNRWA, denounced that it had to evacuate four of its shelters
06:16 in the town of Yenny, south of Degas Street, in honor of the Israeli army.
06:22 The agency said more than one million Palestinians have been displaced from the United Nations UNRWA centers in central Gaza,
06:31 Quinones and Rafa.
06:32 Since the beginning of the siege, the agency has registered a total of 129 attacks against its facilities
06:40 and at least 276 people displaced by the occupation forces.
06:51 The Palestinian media reported on Friday that at least 350 Palestinians were killed in the last 24 hours in Gaza
06:57 as shootings of residential areas persisted.
07:00 The health ministry confirmed that thousands of wounded continue to arrive at Al-Nasr Hospital in Quinones,
07:06 victims of the arson strikes by the Israeli occupation forces.
07:10 In this sense, local authorities stress that a mass of the 450 arson strikes reported by the Zionist forces
07:19 targeted residential areas, resulting in an increasing number of civilian casualties.
07:25 Truly traumatic stories continue to be told inside a hospital in Gaza as the new wounded survivors
07:39 of the Khan's and Israeli sides arrive daily.
07:41 In addition to the severe shortages of medical supplies which hospitals in Gaza are facing,
07:46 from inside one of these hospitals in Gaza, our correspondent Noor Harrison tells us the story of some of the survivors.
07:53 We are inside the Shuhada al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir el-Balah and here are the cases,
07:59 here are whom are being targeted by the Israeli army and the Israeli forces.
08:05 Whole families have been erased.
08:07 Here we have three cases of children, only children.
08:12 Here we have a three-year-old child.
08:16 Next to her another child who is eight years old and then we have an 11-year-old child.
08:25 These families, these children lost their whole families, erased.
08:31 That is the situation here inside the hospital.
08:34 And let me add that the hospitals already suffer the lack of medicine, medical supplies, fuel
08:39 and some of the very necessities that they can barely service those injuries.
08:47 This is the situation here inside the hospital.
08:57 The humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip is worsening due to the growing shortage of food
09:03 as well as basic hygiene products and medicines.
09:06 In addition to higher prices targeted by the lack of supplies,
09:09 thus millions of displaced Palestinians are finding it increasingly difficult to survive under these conditions.
09:16 The scenes of long queues to get a sack of flour, some vegetables or gas for cooking
09:23 are becoming more and more common across Gaza.
09:26 The short stays are compounded by the rising prices of the few products available,
09:30 which have turned the many basic foodstuffs into luxury items.
09:34 Mason Junaid, a displaced person from Jebalia, reports that a simple sack of flour
09:39 costs the equivalent of $135 in southern Gaza.
09:43 We don't know what to buy. We can't get flour for 500 shekels.
09:48 We are displaced and we have no money.
09:50 We can't find anything to eat or to drink.
09:53 We beg that you look at us with mercy.
09:56 We didn't start this war. We are civilians. We have suffered great losses.
10:01 The humanitarian crisis is a consequence of the Israeli bombardment,
10:04 but most of all it is a response to the blockade kept by the Tel Aviv regime
10:08 that prohibits the entry of supplies through the border crossings,
10:11 a measure of the low military impact of the Hamas militias,
10:15 but which critically affects the Palestinian civilian population.
10:18 There is no food. There is no drink.
10:22 There is no food. There is no drink.
10:24 We are dying and nobody cares about us.
10:27 Aren't the people of Gaza human beings?
10:30 They are human beings. We are not animals.
10:33 Why are they putting us in tents like dogs?
10:36 Whoever wants to start a war must provide the people with a place, shelter, food.
10:41 Soon we will fight for food and drink.
10:44 There is no life. This is no life. This is death.
10:48 Now everyone wishes death.
10:50 Food is not the only commodity in short supply in Gaza.
10:55 In the case of medicines, the World Health Organization said
10:58 that there is little or no treatment available for 14% of the Gaza population
11:02 suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure and other chronic heart conditions.
11:07 Meanwhile, Mahmoud Moussalem, a pharmacist in Gaza City,
11:11 points out that almost all the medicines are missing.
11:14 Most medicines or 90% of meds are not available.
11:18 Drugs for chronic diseases such as blood pressure, diabetes and endocrine diseases are not available.
11:25 They are not available here in the pharmacies and in the warehouses.
11:29 The Israeli campaign has directly killed over 1,100 people in Gaza,
11:35 70% of them women and children,
11:37 and injured over 46,000 according to the territories health ministry.
11:42 However, there are no official records of the thousands of Palestinians missing under the rubble
11:48 or concerning deaths from starvation.
11:52 Lack of medical or pharmacological assistance, cold and hunger.
11:56 On Friday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan refuses to recognize
12:01 the Palestinian social movement Hamas as a terrorist organization
12:04 despite pressure from Western powers on the issue.
12:07 The Andalusian Press Agency points out that the Turkish leader affirmed
12:12 that it is a Palestinian political movement and party that won the elections.
12:16 On the other hand, he reiterated that despite Western bloc declaring Hamas as a terrorist enemy,
12:21 his government does not recognize it in this way.
12:24 In this sense, Erdogan accuses Israel of state terrorism
12:28 and the United States and allies of turning a blind eye to the crimes
12:34 that Israeli occupation army commits in Gaza.
12:37 In Egypt, on Friday, the Arab League called on the United Nations Security Council
12:49 and the international community to stop Israel's aggressions against Gaza.
12:53 United Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abdul-Gayy called on the UN Security Council
13:01 to adopt a resolution on an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.
13:04 Gayy mentioned that the pressure must be vigorously intensified in all directions
13:11 in the international community to end the aggression.
13:14 In Egypt, on Friday, the Arab League called on the United Nations Security Council
13:19 and the international community to stop Israel's aggressions against Gaza.
13:23 United Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abdul-Gayy called on the UN Security Council
13:28 to adopt a resolution on an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.
13:32 United Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abdul-Gayy called on the UN Security Council
13:37 to adopt a resolution on an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.
13:41 Welcome back.
13:50 In the United States, more than 700 workers of the Washington Post newspaper
13:55 went on strike on Thursday due to the 18 months' salary made in labor negotiations with a company.
14:02 Demonstrators denounced the unwillingness of the paper's general management
14:07 to offer a contract to the workers and demand a 4% annual raise over the next three years
14:13 to meet the rising cost of living and inflation.
14:16 The strike comes at a time when the newspaper is dealing with internal leadership turnover
14:22 and the same economic challenges that have shaken the industry.
14:31 Meanwhile, unions affiliated with the media also demonstrated support
14:36 for the strike denouncing the lack of a collective agreement for workers for more than a year and a half.
14:43 I'm Diana Forster, Metro Washington Council President,
14:46 and I'm standing here with our brother, our affiliate union executive director, Seth Park.
14:52 And we are out here in solidarity helping them fight for a fair contract.
14:57 My name is Seth Park, executive director of the Washington Multiple News Guild.
15:01 We're here striking the Post for 24 hours to send a strong message.
15:04 We want a contract now. We've been bargaining for 18 months.
15:07 They've been bargaining in bad faith. We're trying to send a strong message.
15:11 We have over 700 bargaining unit members out here on strike to send a message of reporters,
15:17 circulation drivers, commission sales, and we're going to send a message to make this thing happen.
15:22 Get a contract soon.
15:23 And let's flick over to...
15:25 On Thursday, Secretary General Antonio Guterres stated that transnational organized crime is a vicious threat to peace
15:32 and it operates everywhere in our countries.
15:35 Often invisible but always insidious, transnational organized crime is a vicious threat to peace, security,
15:44 and sustainable development wherever it operates.
15:47 And it operates everywhere, in all countries, rich and poor, north and south, developed and developing.
15:58 Meanwhile, cyberspace is a virtual El Dorado for criminals.
16:02 The activities of transnational organized crime take many forms, but the ramifications are the same.
16:10 Weakened governance, corruption and lawlessness, open violence, death and destruction.
16:16 Illicit financial flows are not abstract figures.
16:21 They amount to billions of missed development opportunities, lost livelihoods, and worsened poverty.
16:27 On the African continent alone, more money is lost due to tax evasion, money laundering, and illicit financial flows
16:34 than comes in through official development assistance.
16:41 In Russia, President Vladimir Putin will push for the threatening of break in 2024 as an alternative to Western pressure.
16:51 The President said that they will make every effort to enhance the role of the partnership in solving the current issues of the global agenda
16:59 and will strive to strengthen and comprehend the strategic partnership within the BRIC framework.
17:05 According to the Russian leader, the unification of the organization is fundamental and necessary
17:11 in view of the growing Western hegemonism in controlling the world financial and banking system.
17:18 In Sudan, international organizations denounced the death of more than 12,000 people
17:24 and the displacement of nearly 7 million as well as an increase in epidemics.
17:30 The World Health Organization warned of an increase in measles, dengue fever and cholera throughout the country
17:36 after eight months of armed confrontations between the army and paramilitaries.
17:42 Mohamed Moffat, Typhic Marshal, World Health Organization representative in Sudan said that cholera outbreaks have already occurred in nine states
17:50 and measles cases have been reported in 11 states as well as more than 6,000 cases of dengue fever.
17:58 We have come to the end of this news brief, but before saying goodbye, we want to thank our Caribbean audience,
18:08 especially the audience of Trinidad and Tobago.
18:12 We are pleased to share our new cast and contribute to provide alternative news sources of the latest world events.
18:18 You can find these and many other stories on our website at TELUSudyEnglish.net
18:22 and also on our socials from Facebook, On X and on Instagram as well.
18:26 For TELUSudyEnglish and from the South, I'm Ana Marrero. Thank you for watching.
18:30 ♪ ♪ ♪
