Episod 658 My #QuranTime Jumaat 17 Jun Surah Al-Dhariyat (51:52-60) & Surah Al-Tur (52:1-14) M/S 523

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Episod 658 My #QuranTime Jumaat 17 Jun Surah Al-Dhariyat (51:52-60) & Surah Al-Tur (52:1-14) M/S 523
00:00 [Music]
00:08 [Music]
00:15 [Music]
00:26 [Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds]
00:32 [The Most Gracious, Most Merciful]
00:38 [Sovereign of the Day of Judgment]
00:44 [Thou alone do we worship, and Thou alone do we ask for help]
00:54 [Guide us to the straight path]
01:02 [The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings]
01:08 [Not of those who have incurred Thy wrath, nor of those who have gone astray]
01:23 [Ameen]
01:25 [Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds]
01:26 [Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds]
01:37 How are you ladies and gentlemen?
01:39 We meet again in My Quran Time.
01:41 Reading the understanding of deeds today.
01:43 We want to continue our new page from Surah Az-Zaryat.
01:47 And we enter to the 52nd Surah, which is Surah At-Tur.
01:52 After last night, we have been re-reading the Quran.
01:55 And today we want to see the last part of Surah Az-Zaryat.
02:01 With Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tirmidzi Abdur Rahman.
02:04 Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.
02:06 How are you?
02:07 I am fine, Alhamdulillah.
02:08 Allah, Alhamdulillah.
02:09 It is the last, the beginning, the last, the beginning.
02:11 It is fast, Alhamdulillah.
02:12 It is just like that.
02:13 And he is indeed, at that young age,
02:17 He can breathe long, Alhamdulillah.
02:19 But if he is in the end,
02:23 But hopefully, we can start again.
02:26 We hope that you are wherever you are,
02:29 Today, to pray My Quran Time until the end.
02:33 And it can be repeated, Inshallah.
02:36 And it is necessary to pray from you all
02:39 Who follow My Quran Time 1.0
02:44 In these 2-3 years.
02:46 Today, we want to see page 523.
02:50 So, we start first with our short prayer.
02:53 Subhanakallah, ilmalana illa ma'allam tana
02:56 innaka antal 'alimul hakim rabbi zidni ilma
03:01 We see the synopsis for page 523.
03:05 From verse 52 to the end of Surah Az-Zaryat,
03:09 Which is the blowing wind.
03:11 How?
03:12 It is a threat to the polytheists and the punishment
03:15 Because it is a blasphemy to the Messenger.
03:17 And what is our duty?
03:20 Our goal is to create Allah
03:22 By Allah to the jinn and the human.
03:26 And next, dear audience,
03:28 We will start Surah At-Tur,
03:30 Surah 52, which has 49 verses.
03:34 This time, we start with the first 14 verses,
03:37 Related to the Day of Judgement.
03:39 Allah swore and brought the topic of the Day of Judgement
03:43 And the punishment on the promised day.
03:47 So, let's start together with verses 52 to 60 of Surah Az-Zaryat.
03:52 We have seen some previous pages.
03:55 And we want to see the important conclusion
03:58 From Allah for us as guidance to heaven.
04:03 Welcome, Ustaz Tarmizy.
04:04 Thank you, Fatih Ustaz Fazlul.
04:05 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
04:09 Peace be upon you.
04:10 And peace and blessings be upon the Messenger,
04:12 And upon his family and companions.
04:14 How are you, ladies and gentlemen?
04:18 Sahaba of the Quran,
04:20 Sahaba of my Quran time.
04:22 May Allah bless you.
04:26 We pray for all of you.
04:27 May Allah grant you healing
04:30 For those who are suffering from illness.
04:33 May you recover soon.
04:35 Ameen.
04:36 Ya Rabbil Al-A'lamin.
04:37 We want to start our reading today.
04:40 The last Surah of Surah Az-Zaryat
04:43 Starting from verse 52
04:46 Until verse 60
04:49 We will end Surah Az-Zaryat.
04:52 If we pay attention, the Surah Az-Zaryat is short.
04:56 So, it is a bit easy.
04:58 But the last one is long too.
05:00 So, we will start with the first Surah.
05:04 We will start with the recitation of Muratal Bayyati.
05:07 Let's start together.
05:09 Inshallah.
05:12 I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.
05:17 [Surah Az-Zaryat]
05:22 [Surah Az-Zaryat]
05:38 [Surah Az-Zaryat]
06:06 [Surah Az-Zaryat]
06:22 [Surah Az-Zaryat]
06:38 [Surah Az-Zaryat]
06:54 [Surah Az-Zaryat]
07:12 [Surah Az-Zaryat]
07:32 [Surah Az-Zaryat]
07:48 [Surah Az-Zaryat]
08:04 [Surah Az-Zaryat]
08:24 [Surah Az-Zaryat]
08:50 We have finished the recitation of Surah Az-Zaryat.
08:58 The 51st Surah.
09:00 As we have seen in the beginning,
09:04 Az-Zaryat means the wind that blows.
09:06 With the wind, it can blow flowers,
09:10 and do many things with the permission of Allah.
09:13 Because Allah wants to inform us that
09:15 there is an event that will surely happen.
09:17 And that is the Day of Recompense.
09:20 Where Allah can arrange everything.
09:24 And in this case, the 52nd verse, Allah says,
09:27 "Thus it is."
09:29 "Thus it is" is a continuation of what we have discussed
09:32 on the last Friday.
09:34 Which is related to how they took God other than Allah.
09:39 So for them, Allah says,
09:43 [Surah Az-Zaryat]
09:49 Every time the Messenger comes to those before them,
09:52 they will say, first, "You are a magician."
09:55 "You are a magician."
09:58 Or the second, "You are a magician."
10:00 These two accusations are one of the accusations that hurt.
10:04 Nowadays, people say, "He is crazy."
10:06 It is indeed something that hurts.
10:08 Especially if we convey the truth.
10:10 A person who is really crazy has no problem.
10:12 Because he is already crazy.
10:13 But if we are not crazy,
10:15 we want to convey the goodness,
10:16 but other people say, "He is not a magician,
10:19 a crazy person, or a magician."
10:21 So in this 53rd verse,
10:23 do they give each other advice
10:25 about what is said?
10:27 When we look at this 52nd verse,
10:29 actually it is not only in the time of the Prophet,
10:32 Prophet Musa, for example.
10:34 But it is related to other times of the Messengers
10:37 about this accusation.
10:39 This accusation is not only in the time of Prophet Musa,
10:41 it is also in the time of Prophet Muhammad.
10:43 So if we look at it,
10:45 do they have a connection?
10:47 Do they have Facebook or a book?
10:50 If the Messenger comes,
10:51 you will say, "Sakhir or Majnun?"
10:53 So Allah says, "Atawa sawbih."
10:56 Do they give each other advice,
10:58 give a will, or...
10:59 If you meet them, tell them.
11:01 An accusation like this,
11:02 "Bal hum qawmun ta'un."
11:04 Actually, they are a people who are evil.
11:07 They are evil and like to accuse.
11:09 So the lesson for us is,
11:11 if we want to be a people who are evil,
11:14 not a people who are evil,
11:16 who are too much,
11:17 who are evil to Allah SWT,
11:19 do not like to accuse others.
11:21 Avoid that.
11:22 Even though we have things that we do not like,
11:24 people make mistakes and so on,
11:26 it is not the nature of people who have faith,
11:29 like the Messenger shows an example,
11:31 to accuse.
11:33 Allah teaches in verse 54,
11:35 "Fa tawalla anhum burpaling"
11:39 "Fa ma an tabi malum"
11:42 "You will not be displeased"
11:44 "When you are being accused or attacked"
11:48 "by those whom we remind of the truth."
11:51 No problem.
11:52 The problem is,
11:53 if you are being accused before doing anything,
11:55 there is no point.
11:56 I am afraid to remind people
11:58 what they have said,
11:59 before doing anything.
12:00 That is being displeased.
12:02 Because our duty is to teach
12:04 people to Allah SWT.
12:07 So Allah reminds us of that duty
12:09 with verse 55,
12:10 "Wa dhakir fa inna dhikra tanfa'ul mu'minin"
12:14 We always hear this verse.
12:16 "Wa dhakir fa inna dhikra"
12:19 Allah reminds us all
12:21 to remind.
12:23 Other than reminding Allah,
12:25 we remind others,
12:27 to remind.
12:28 And all of this reminding
12:30 gives benefit to people who have faith.
12:33 If we notice,
12:34 the first verse is "Fataawallah"
12:36 "Remind"
12:37 But,
12:38 "Wa dhakir"
12:40 "Remind"
12:41 Why?
12:42 Sometimes,
12:43 when we are being accused,
12:44 we are silent,
12:45 and we hear what we have said.
12:47 So Allah says,
12:48 "Remind"
12:49 does not mean
12:50 we do not remind,
12:51 we do not preach,
12:52 we do not teach people to the right path.
12:54 We should continue to teach them the right path.
12:56 Because in the sermon we do,
12:59 or in the advice we give,
13:02 there are people who have faith
13:04 that we do not know.
13:05 They are silent,
13:06 they hear,
13:07 and finally they are reminded.
13:09 Even though they were accused,
13:11 or they did not agree,
13:12 but they heard it again,
13:13 and it was finally reflected in their hearts.
13:15 And we do not know
13:17 who will have faith,
13:18 that is why we continue to remind.
13:20 For example,
13:21 in the Quran,
13:22 we preach,
13:23 we preach this,
13:24 we do not know who will listen,
13:27 and who will benefit
13:29 from the reminder.
13:30 Sometimes we do not see,
13:32 maybe you have not seen
13:34 up to 523 pages of the Quran.
13:36 Maybe you hear it once,
13:38 but once you hear it,
13:39 it immediately reaches your heart,
13:41 and that is from Allah SWT.
13:45 So when Allah says,
13:47 "Tanfa'ul mu'minin",
13:48 the greatest reminder,
13:50 the greatest reminder
13:52 is what is stated in verse 56.
13:55 Let us read verse 56 together.
13:57 This verse is famous right now.
13:59 But we come to verse 56,
14:01 after verse 55,
14:02 to tell you,
14:03 if someone says,
14:04 we have to make a topic,
14:06 to give benefit,
14:07 the best reminder.
14:09 The best reminder,
14:10 the title is based on verse 56.
14:12 Let us read together.
14:14 Thank you, Ustaz Fazrul,
14:15 ladies and gentlemen,
14:16 ladies,
14:17 fathers,
14:18 companions of the Quran,
14:19 who were given by Allah SWT.
14:22 It is true, Ustaz Faz,
14:23 I agree with you.
14:24 Earlier, Ustaz Faz mentioned,
14:25 that day we met,
14:27 we met again during Eid, etc.
14:29 Someone told me,
14:30 Ramadan,
14:31 Tempoh Hari,
14:32 I just got to know,
14:33 or,
14:34 I have heard,
14:35 but Ramadan,
14:36 I have seen,
14:37 and I immediately fell in love with the Quran.
14:40 So we have to continue, Ustaz.
14:41 Yes, that's right.
14:42 We have to continue.
14:43 And we hope,
14:44 My Quran Time can continue, Ustaz.
14:46 Because,
14:47 this is a platform,
14:49 where we convey,
14:51 with Allah's permission,
14:52 you also share.
14:54 We share,
14:55 we share,
14:56 share, share, share, share.
14:57 We don't know when people will click,
14:59 our sharing,
15:00 and finally,
15:01 they get benefit,
15:02 and start their lives,
15:04 as an individual,
15:05 like verse 56.
15:06 SubhanAllah.
15:07 Let's read together,
15:08 ladies and gentlemen,
15:09 together.
15:10 Let's enjoy for a moment,
15:11 we want to read verse 56.
15:14 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
15:22 (Reciting)
15:51 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
15:52 Verse 56.
15:53 And it is not I,
15:54 Allah says,
15:55 I have created the jinn and the human,
15:57 except,
15:58 to worship,
15:59 to worship,
16:00 to humble myself,
16:01 to whom?
16:02 To Allah, the Almighty.
16:04 This is the purpose of creation of jinn,
16:06 and also,
16:07 human,
16:08 to be known to each other.
16:09 And the polytheists,
16:10 when they hear this,
16:11 they worship jinn, Ustaz.
16:12 They say,
16:13 jinn is strong,
16:14 can make you rich,
16:15 take anything,
16:16 can give instructions,
16:17 and they smoke,
16:18 and so on.
16:19 But,
16:20 actually,
16:21 jinn is also like human.
16:23 That is the content of verse 56.
16:25 And more than that,
16:26 what is the best instruction?
16:29 The best instruction is to remind humans
16:32 to be servants of Allah, the Almighty.
16:35 What is the character of a servant?
16:36 We have many problems,
16:38 we need a lot of help from Allah,
16:40 we always have a desire to do something
16:43 to achieve success.
16:45 So, when we remember that our reality is weak,
16:48 and we need Allah,
16:49 let us worship,
16:51 let us always be servants of Allah,
16:54 that is the best instruction.
16:56 Because,
16:57 if not, people will be arrogant, Ustaz.
16:59 If not, people will think that
17:01 they are getting more successful,
17:02 they will feel that they are the one who has the knowledge,
17:04 who has the skill to speak,
17:06 to write,
17:07 to read,
17:08 and so on.
17:09 But the reality is,
17:10 we get the blessings from Allah, the Almighty.
17:14 The challenge for people to worship, Ustaz,
17:16 to be servants of Allah,
17:18 to read the Quran,
17:19 to pray,
17:20 what is the biggest issue?
17:22 Allah said in the verse 57,
17:23 "I do not need any provision, nor do I need any food."
17:28 I do not need any provision,
17:31 and I do not need any food.
17:33 This is to say that
17:35 it is not like a sheep that needs to be fed.
17:37 Allah has stated this,
17:39 but when it comes to the issue of food,
17:41 Allah said in the verse 58,
17:44 "Indeed, Allah is the Most Pleasing to the Dweller and the Bestower."
17:47 Allah is the One who provides provision,
17:50 and has a very strong power.
17:52 What is the connection between the verses 57 and 56?
17:55 The challenge for people to read the Quran,
17:57 to pray on time,
17:58 is the issue of provision.
17:59 I am busy.
18:00 My work is from 8 to 5,
18:02 meetings here and there,
18:04 I am busy praying,
18:05 I do not have time to look for provision.
18:08 Even though the provision is from Allah.
18:10 So, if we want the provision to be smoothened,
18:12 to be made easier in our lives,
18:14 we need to maintain our worship to Allah,
18:19 and not to depend on ourselves.
18:22 If we depend on ourselves,
18:24 if we look at this,
18:25 we are talking about what?
18:27 Our provision, what do we want to eat?
18:29 We want to eat kway teow.
18:30 For example,
18:31 if we make kway teow smooth,
18:32 from flour,
18:33 flour from wheat,
18:34 wheat is planted,
18:36 the journey is long.
18:38 If we hope,
18:39 we are weak to produce kway teow.
18:42 But Allah,
18:43 "Zulquwatilmatin"
18:44 "All things are in their place."
18:46 He who manages this provision is the strong one.
18:48 We who are weak,
18:49 if we manage,
18:51 if we are asked to manage from A to Z,
18:53 I think we will not eat kway teow for the rest of our lives.
18:55 We will not eat.
18:57 Not yet,
18:58 kway teow has prawns.
18:59 We have to go and look for prawns,
19:01 to soak prawns in the sea,
19:02 and so on.
19:03 So, when we think like this,
19:05 we know that,
19:07 it is better for me to take care of my worship,
19:10 so that my provision is more and more managed,
19:13 and more facilitated by Allah SWT.
19:17 And in the 59th verse,
19:19 "Fa'inna Lilladhina Zalamu Thanu'bam Mithla'nu Bi'ashabihim
19:24 Fa'la Tasta'an Jilun"
19:25 That is,
19:26 when the stubborn,
19:27 the oppressor,
19:29 he will be punished little by little.
19:31 That is what is challenging this time, Zalim.
19:34 If it was the old times,
19:35 the punishment was immediately obtained and destroyed.
19:37 But in this time,
19:38 if little by little,
19:39 one,
19:40 sometimes people do not notice that he has been punished.
19:42 But the second,
19:43 it is an opportunity for us to repent to Allah SWT.
19:47 So, for us who are inviting people to the right path,
19:50 do not ask for it quickly.
19:52 "Fa'la Tasta'an Jilun"
19:53 Ask Allah to help punish this country,
19:56 this country,
19:57 this group,
19:58 do not.
19:59 Why?
20:00 Because we know that,
20:01 we also need time,
20:03 to fix our past mistakes.
20:08 Do not let us be given time,
20:11 Allah said,
20:12 "Maka celaka orang-orang yang kafir pada hari yang telah dijadikan kepada mereka"
20:16 Because,
20:17 we are given time,
20:18 but we do not want to be a servant,
20:20 to be good in prayer,
20:21 to be good in the Quran,
20:22 to be good in all the deeds that are commanded in the Quran.
20:25 Bringing to our choice today,
20:27 we will see,
20:28 that is,
20:29 "Sajjaro"
20:31 That is,
20:32 "Mendideh" or "Bergelombang"
20:34 Three times it is mentioned in the Quran,
20:36 have we found it?
20:38 Not yet.
20:39 We will find this word,
20:41 when we enter,
20:42 to Surah At-Tur,
20:44 shortly,
20:45 Insha'Allah.
20:47 So, we take a break for a while,
20:48 "My Quran Time"
20:49 Read, understand, practice, Insha'Allah.
20:52 [Music]
21:12 [Music]
21:36 [Music]
21:44 "Labbaikallahumma labbaik"
21:46 Allahu Akbar
21:47 Why, Ustaz Faz?
21:48 Suddenly, there is "Labbaikallah"
21:50 Because, the verse that we want to read after this,
21:53 is,
21:55 "Walbaityil ma'mur"
21:58 Allahu Akbar
21:59 "Ka'bah al-Masharafa"
22:01 The longing that is so deep in our hearts, Ustaz Faz.
22:04 And, it is not only the Ka'bah,
22:07 but, it is related to,
22:09 the angels who are praying,
22:11 up there,
22:12 this is the information that,
22:13 if we do not read the Quran,
22:14 we do not know.
22:15 True.
22:16 We have never seen it,
22:17 I have never seen it either.
22:18 "Kuih Ma'mur" we know.
22:19 True, Ustaz Faz.
22:20 "Kuih Raya"
22:21 So, this is the verse that we will read,
22:24 Allah swore,
22:25 with "Walbaityil ma'mur"
22:27 When Allah swore, it is important, Ustaz.
22:28 Allah.
22:29 We need to pay attention.
22:30 True.
22:31 We must,
22:32 pay attention.
22:33 Thank you, Ustaz Faz.
22:34 Hopefully, ladies and gentlemen,
22:36 who are now ready,
22:38 to become "Duyufur Rahman"
22:40 Allah SWT,
22:42 soon,
22:43 for the worship of "Fardul Haji",
22:45 facilitated by Allah SWT.
22:47 Ameen.
22:48 We stop for a moment,
22:50 our Tajweed room,
22:51 we want to re-study,
22:52 what is our re-study,
22:53 the Tajweed of today,
22:54 which is,
22:55 to perfect,
22:56 the letters "Ain"
22:58 that are in this verse,
23:00 that is in the 13th verse,
23:02 Surah At-Tur,
23:04 "I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan"
23:06 "The Day when they will be called to the Fire of Hell,
23:16 "Call"
23:18 Alright,
23:19 "SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam"
23:20 There are two words,
23:21 that contain the letters "Ain"
23:22 that are in the "Sabdu"
23:23 First,
23:24 "Yuda'una"
23:25 "Yuda'una"
23:27 One,
23:28 and the second,
23:29 "Da'a"
23:30 "Da'a"
23:31 Alright,
23:32 first,
23:33 we have to know,
23:34 where the letters "Ain" are placed,
23:36 we have studied before,
23:37 the letters "Ain"
23:38 are placed in the middle of our "Rongga Hakum",
23:40 in the middle,
23:41 the letters "Ain"
23:42 and also the letters "Ha",
23:43 two letters,
23:44 so, the "Ain" is here,
23:45 don't push it down,
23:46 it becomes "Hamza"
23:47 So,
23:48 "Yuda'una"
23:49 "Yuda'una"
23:50 "Jahannama Da'a"
23:51 That is wrong,
23:52 that is "Hamza"
23:53 So, it has to be in the middle,
23:54 "Yuda'una"
23:55 "Yuda'una"
23:56 "Da'a"
23:57 Usually,
23:58 the teachers,
23:59 they know,
24:00 the most fluent,
24:02 the one who can pronounce the letters "Ain"
24:03 is the "Untara"
24:04 "Ayak"
24:05 "Lola"
24:06 "Tepi Mana"
24:07 "Aca"
24:08 "Aca"
24:09 "Tepi Mana"
24:10 So,
24:11 the "Ain" is used
24:12 with the "Lajah"
24:13 or "Lora"
24:14 So,
24:15 I beg
24:16 all the parents,
24:17 all the friends,
24:18 to save our reading
24:19 with our teachers,
24:21 hopefully,
24:22 our reading,
24:23 we can read it
24:24 with the best,
24:25 God willing.
24:26 Good luck,
24:27 "Yuda'una"
24:28 "Da'a"
24:29 In the 13th verse.
24:30 Thank you.
24:31 Thank you,
24:32 Mr. Tujab,
24:33 for the permission,
24:34 to read together,
24:35 to improve,
24:36 to repeat,
24:37 the letters "Ain"
24:38 just now.
24:39 And the letters "Ain"
24:40 are special,
24:41 in fact,
24:42 in other languages,
24:43 there are also,
24:44 like French,
24:45 or something,
24:46 but,
24:47 if we don't practice,
24:48 it will cause
24:49 to mix,
24:50 right?
24:51 Right,
24:52 there is "Sabdu" here.
24:53 Yes,
24:54 there is "Sabdu".
24:55 So,
24:56 we need to pay attention,
24:57 this is a sharp corner,
24:58 in the page
24:59 number 523,
25:00 today.
25:01 Let's start together,
25:02 Surah "At-Tur",
25:03 the 52nd Surah,
25:04 Surah "Makiyah",
25:05 Surah "Adh-Dariyat",
25:06 Surah "Makiyah",
25:07 Surah "At-Tur",
25:08 also,
25:09 Surah "Makiyah".
25:10 So,
25:11 when we talk about
25:12 Surah "Makiyah",
25:13 it gives
25:14 motivation,
25:15 faith to us.
25:16 Our faith to Allah,
25:17 our faith to the hereafter,
25:18 these two things,
25:19 are the least,
25:20 we need to
25:21 practice,
25:22 to improve,
25:23 to improve,
25:24 to improve,
25:25 these are the least,
25:26 other than,
25:27 to have faith to the Prophet,
25:28 to have faith to
25:29 other people,
25:30 other people.
25:31 So,
25:32 when we read
25:33 this Surah "At-Tur",
25:34 it gives
25:35 motivation to the Prophet,
25:36 what is the motivation
25:37 that was given
25:38 to the Prophet,
25:39 in "Makatul Mukarramah",
25:40 there are many challenges,
25:41 we read
25:42 verse 1
25:43 to verse 14,
25:44 Surah "At-Tur".
25:45 May Allah bless you.
25:46 Thank you,
25:47 dear Ustaz Fazrul.
25:48 Dear Ayah,
25:49 Sahaba of the Al-Quran,
25:50 Muslims and Non-Muslims,
25:51 brothers and sisters,
25:52 we want to connect,
25:53 the beginning of
25:54 Surah "At-Tur",
25:55 we call it
25:56 "At-Tur",
25:57 "Tur"
25:58 with "Tur"
25:59 "Tur"
26:00 "Tur"
26:01 "At-Tur"
26:02 and,
26:03 the example of our topic,
26:04 "Subhanallah",
26:05 our quote,
26:06 "Yuda'una ilana
26:08 rijahanna
26:09 ma'da'a"
26:10 later,
26:11 we will see
26:12 what it means,
26:13 it is
26:14 related to
26:15 the way of saying it,
26:16 that is a miracle,
26:17 Ustaz Fazrul.
26:18 We say it,
26:19 and we describe
26:20 a little
26:21 of its meaning,
26:22 we don't know,
26:23 we will learn it later,
26:24 Ustaz Faz will share it with us,
26:25 we will read it first,
26:26 Ayah 1 to 14,
26:28 with the Murad Al-Hijaz,
26:30 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
26:34 In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
26:45 "At-Tur"
26:55 "Wa Kitabin Mas'toor"
27:05 "Fi Raqim Manshoor"
27:16 "Wa Al-Bayt Al-Ma'moor"
27:26 "Wa Al-Saqaf Al-Marfoor"
27:36 "Wa Al-Bahri Al-Masjoor"
27:46 "Inna 'Azaaba Rabbika Lawaqee'"
27:56 "Ma Lahum Min Daafee'"
28:04 "Yawma Tamoor Al-Samaa'u Mawra"
28:16 "Wa Taseer Al-Jibalu Sayra"
28:24 "Fa Wailu Yawma Ithin Lil Mukathibin"
28:37 "Al-Lathina Hum Fee Khawthin Yal'Abun"
28:51 "Yawma Yud'a'una Ila Nari Jahannam Da'a"
29:16 "Hadhi In-Naru Allatee Kuntum Biha Tukadhiboon"
29:34 "Sadaqallahul 'Azim"
29:43 "Sadaqallahul 'Azim" That was the first verse.
29:46 The 14th verse is from Surah At-Tur, the 52nd verse.
29:49 The Makkiah Surah that motivates us to believe in the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
29:56 And we see in this Surah,
29:58 where Allah swore by the Azariyat,
30:01 this time Allah swore by the Mount Sinai,
30:05 "Wa Tur"
30:06 That is the place where Prophet Musa met Allah SWT.
30:10 So Allah swore, and we have already learnt this before,
30:14 when there is "Qasam" for example, when there is this "swear",
30:17 Allah swore by one thing, the object that was swore by was something great,
30:21 but more than that, when it was finished with the "swear",
30:24 Allah wanted to bring to us a big topic.
30:28 A big topic after the "Wow, wow, wow" or "Wow al-Qasam"
30:33 "Wow, swear"
30:34 So in the first verse, Allah swore by "Tur"
30:37 This is Mount Sinai, the high mountain where Prophet Musa met Allah SWT
30:43 and "Wa Kitabi Mastur"
30:45 That is for the written Book.
30:47 What is this Book?
30:48 This Book is one of the Ulama' opinions related to the Tablet that was written to the Torah
30:56 that was given to Prophet Musa AS.
30:59 So Allah swore for the written Book
31:03 "Fi Raqim Manshur"
31:05 which is on the tablet.
31:07 "Raqim" is related to "Raqa'i"
31:09 which is a soft material, like we have a paper here.
31:12 But the paper of the past was a little different,
31:14 the texture was soft compared to the usual stone tablets used by the people of the past.
31:21 So "Fi Raqim Manshur"
31:23 which is open,
31:24 it is not only intended to bring the rules,
31:27 like "Wa Kitabi Mastur"
31:29 but it is also to bring the softness
31:34 by following the rules of Allah SWT in the Torah,
31:38 the person will be more softened.
31:41 His heart will be harder compared to the people of Israel
31:45 who did not believe in Prophet Musa AS.
31:49 Then Allah swore in the fourth verse
31:51 "Wal Baitil Ma'mur"
31:53 which is for the sake of "Baitil Ma'mur"
31:55 one refers to the Ka'bah
31:57 but the Ka'bah is not only the Ka'bah in Makatul Mukarramah,
32:01 it is also the Ka'bah of angels who perform the Tawaf.
32:06 So when we perform the Tawaf,
32:08 we are actually with the angels who perform the Tawaf.
32:11 According to the narration,
32:13 from Imam Tawbari,
32:16 the Prophet asked about this "Baitil Ma'mur"
32:20 "Wa Hai Jibril, what is this?"
32:22 Jibril replied, "This is the "Baitil Ma'mur"
32:24 every day 70,000 angels are added.
32:28 When they leave, they will not return."
32:32 It means that it is too much compared to us.
32:36 In Makkah, it is just a little,
32:38 it is tiring.
32:40 What is the significance,
32:43 the importance when we go to Umrah or Hajj,
32:46 when we perform the Tawaf,
32:49 actually for us to worship together
32:52 like the angels who once commented to Allah
32:56 in Surah Al-Baqarah,
32:58 "We are worshipping, we are worshipping you, O Allah,
33:02 but you want to make us as a caliph."
33:06 So when they ask about this,
33:09 when we worship, we perform the Tawaf,
33:13 actually to prove that
33:15 what Allah knows is
33:17 the caliph who can really make this earth prosperous,
33:21 that is us.
33:23 That is what we see, the "Baitil Ma'mur"
33:26 as a place that makes this world prosperous.
33:30 Without the people who perform the Tawaf,
33:32 without the people who perform the prayer
33:35 to the "Baitil Ma'mur" or this Ka'bah,
33:38 this world will be destroyed.
33:40 This world will be destroyed because there is no more people who are righteous,
33:43 there is no reason why this world will remain.
33:46 And that is one of the signs of the end of times.
33:48 The believers will be pulled,
33:50 meaning they will die.
33:51 Only the disbelievers will remain,
33:53 and then the earth will be destroyed.
33:56 "Wa Saqfil Marfu'a"
33:58 and for the "Atab"
34:00 "Saqfa" is a high "Atab"
34:03 that is elevated, Allah swore.
34:05 And "Wa Al-Bahri Al-Masjur"
34:07 Allah swore for the "Ocean" that is "Glowing"
34:10 "Masjur" means "Glowing"
34:13 an event that happens when
34:16 the Day of Judgment.
34:18 So, when we have finished with the 6 "Sumpah"
34:21 there are 5,
34:23 the first verse has "Wa"
34:25 the second verse has "Wa"
34:26 the third verse is back to the second verse
34:28 the fourth verse and the fifth verse
34:30 so there are 5 "Sumpah"
34:32 including the topic.
34:34 What is the topic that Allah wants to introduce to us?
34:37 "Inna 'Azaba Rabbika La Waqia"
34:40 "The punishment from Allah is indeed true"
34:43 "Indeed true"
34:44 "Indeed true" if there is someone who says
34:46 "Is it true that there is a Day of Judgment?"
34:48 or "Is there a Day of Recompense?"
34:50 Actually, Allah said
34:51 if we see the "Tur"
34:53 if we have the chance to go to "Tur Sinai"
34:55 or to "Masir"
34:57 we can see the "Musa" mountain
35:00 all of these proofs
35:02 we see the "Ka'bah"
35:03 we see the "Heaven"
35:04 we see the "Ocean"
35:05 we should not be suspicious that
35:08 if Allah wants to bring down the "Azab"
35:11 something will happen
35:13 Allah can give
35:15 like the Prophet "Musa"
35:17 the punishment to "Firaun" with "Bahr"
35:20 that has happened
35:22 and that is what makes us more certain
35:24 and it has something that cannot be rejected
35:27 "Ma Lahu Min Dhafiyah"
35:29 "Ma" is "not"
35:30 "Lahu" refers to the punishment from Allah
35:33 cannot be rejected at all
35:35 these 8 verses
35:36 when "Saidina Omar" was walking to "Madinah"
35:39 and then he heard there is a house
35:41 and he read these 8 verses
35:43 "Saidina Omar" came down from his shop
35:45 he thought "Ya Allah"
35:47 "what have I done to face this situation?"
35:49 he went home for a month
35:51 he did not go out
35:53 he was busy with these verses
35:55 that is the "Tadabur" of the "Zahabat"
35:57 if I am not busy
35:59 the next verse will be in a moment
36:01 we pray that we pay attention
36:04 when this punishment happens
36:06 if we talk about the "Covid" test
36:09 we cannot stand it for 2-3 years
36:11 we cannot stand it
36:12 what if the punishment that comes from Allah
36:15 is given to the people
36:19 that we hope Allah will keep away from us
36:21 we say "Ameen"
36:23 the 9th verse
36:25 the 10th verse
36:27 we want to read
36:28 2 things that happen
36:30 when the "Torment" or the "Day of Judgment" happens
36:35 the 9th verse
36:37 and the 10th verse we read it again
36:39 thank you Fadhil Saffazluloh
36:41 Subhanallah
36:43 it is a great honor if we pay attention
36:45 MashaAllah
36:46 especially when we are in front of the Ka'bah
36:50 remember this verse
36:52 hopefully one day we go
36:54 we will remember that we learn this verse
36:57 Subhanallah
36:58 and we need to remember
37:00 if we look at the Ka'bah
37:02 it is not a great honor
37:04 we ask Allah to give us back our hearts
37:07 it is like a phone
37:09 if it is working well
37:11 it will vibrate
37:13 but if the phone is not vibrating
37:16 there is no light
37:18 if this has light but no light
37:20 it means that it cannot be used
37:22 we ask for a new phone
37:24 and we ask Allah to give us back our heart that is vibrating
37:27 a heart that is shining
37:29 when we look at the Ka'bah
37:32 it will open up
37:34 sometimes we give back to others
37:36 what I have done
37:38 O Allah
37:40 that is the response we should pray for
37:43 InshaAllah
37:45 Ibu Ayah and the companions of the Quran
37:47 we read the 9th verse
37:49 and the 10th verse
37:51 let's enjoy reading together
37:54 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
37:58 The Day when the heavens will be in a state of confusion
38:17 And the mountains will be in a state of confusion
38:24 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
38:32 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
38:34 the 9th verse
38:35 The Day when the heavens will be in a state of confusion
38:38 And the mountains will be in a state of confusion
38:43 these two things
38:45 in the 7th and 8th verses
38:47 at the end there is a "Ayn"
38:49 that we have learnt earlier
38:51 "Lawakya" and "Dafya"
38:53 but when it changes to music
38:56 then the topic changes
38:58 Allah Almighty says about the events
39:01 the events of the Day of Judgment
39:03 when the heavens are in a state of confusion
39:06 the heavens have never been in a state of confusion
39:09 if it is in a state of confusion
39:11 then it will destroy all the stars
39:14 the sun
39:16 now we are enjoying
39:18 the stable heavens
39:21 and Allah can do this
39:24 "Wa tasirul jibalu sayra"
39:27 from the word "sayra"
39:29 it means moving
39:31 if the mountains are moving
39:33 just a little
39:34 it will cause an earthquake
39:36 if the 6th and 7th scales
39:38 I have been to California
39:41 I sat there and felt like it was very confusing
39:44 there were earthquakes there
39:46 but the Richter scale was around 3 or 4
39:49 but if it is 6 or 7
39:51 it is not 6 or 7
39:52 it is moving
39:54 the mountains
39:56 this causes us to not be able to sit still
39:59 what is the readiness if I am facing this time
40:03 or when Allah determines the end of this world
40:07 have I done enough good deeds
40:10 this is what was thought of by Saidina Omar
40:13 for a month he did not leave his house
40:15 he thought
40:16 I am a caliph
40:17 as a leader
40:18 how can I manage this country well
40:22 not just this is a verse from the Quran
40:24 next, next only
40:26 so in the 11th verse
40:29 it tells how to know
40:32 that our hearts will respond to
40:34 the oaths of Allah
40:37 and also
40:38 or not
40:40 the first is
40:42 bad or bad to the person
40:44 who on that day
40:46 falsified
40:47 falsified means
40:48 for the rest of his life
40:50 he does not care
40:51 what will happen later
40:52 I do not care
40:53 and more than that
40:54 the words of their words
40:58 that is
41:00 full of falsehood
41:02 he speaks there
41:03 speaks there
41:04 lies there
41:05 sells hope to the people
41:08 and he likes to play
41:10 he speaks, speaks, speaks
41:11 then he says ha ha ha ha
41:12 he likes to offend others
41:14 these are two diseases
41:16 falsify one
41:17 and also
41:18 play
41:19 he is not serious
41:20 and when not serious
41:21 including the hereafter
41:22 well, it's okay
41:23 we are still young
41:25 it's still early
41:26 for example
41:27 but apparently
41:28 what did Allah say
41:29 [Al-Quran 17:1-2]
41:34 I read it just now
41:35 like we have to
41:37 read the "Ayn"
41:38 it's like we have to pull it
41:39 he presses
41:40 he presses
41:41 actually pulled
41:43 to this hell
41:44 hell
41:45 as much as he pulls
41:47 why?
41:48 [Al-Quran 17:1-2]
41:51 because you really
41:53 said
41:54 this hell is nothing
41:55 not afraid of
41:57 what money is taken
41:59 what is done
42:01 I don't care
42:02 and hopefully
42:03 if we have a mistake
42:05 after that we repent
42:07 we take
42:08 the footsteps of Saidina Omar
42:11 which is important
42:12 to the verse of the beginning
42:14 Surah Tuhur
42:15 leads to our resolution
42:16 today
42:17 we witness
42:18 the first
42:19 is we always
42:20 need to give a warning
42:22 kindness to each other
42:24 without jealousy
42:25 because we don't know
42:26 who will take benefit
42:28 from the Tazkirah
42:30 and don't
42:31 we say
42:32 always Tazkirah
42:33 if people say like that
42:35 it means
42:36 it's not useful
42:37 that's what we ask Allah to keep away
42:39 the second
42:40 be aware and fulfill
42:41 the purpose of life
42:42 by worshiping Allah SWT
42:44 whatever we do
42:46 make sure it is
42:47 worship
42:48 bring ourselves closer to Allah
42:50 and the third
42:51 we don't play
42:53 the religion of Islam
42:54 we don't play
42:56 the truth
42:57 and keep the dignity of Islam
42:59 by
43:00 we do the truth
43:02 we pray to Allah SWT
43:05 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
43:08 In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
43:11 All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds
43:14 And peace and blessings be upon the most honored of the prophets and messengers
43:20 And upon his family and companions
43:24 O Allah, O Allah, O Most Merciful, O Most Compassionate
43:29 (Reciting)
43:58 O Allah,
43:59 (Reciting)
44:10 (Reciting)
44:37 (Reciting)
44:57 (Reciting)
45:17 (Reciting)
45:32 (Reciting)
45:42 (Music)
45:57 (Music)
46:11 (Music)
