Reality Club talks about their albums and awards | New Day

  • last year
Whether we like it or not, we must face the bittersweet realities of life. One alternative pop-rock band from Indonesia delves into these, translating them into music we can all relate to.

Joining us to talk about their album and awards are none other than the people behind ‘Reality Club’.

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00:00 Now whether we like it or not we must face the bittersweet realities of life.
00:04 No one alternative pop rock band from Indonesia delves into these,
00:08 translating them into music we can all relate to.
00:12 So joining us today to talk about their album and awards are none other than the
00:16 people behind Reality Club. Welcome to the show, welcome to Manila.
00:21 Hello, thank you so much.
00:24 So do introduce yourselves to your newfound Filipino fans.
00:28 Hello my name is Faiz and I sing and I play the guitar in Reality Club.
00:32 My name is Fatia or you can call me Chia. I'm the vocalist and keyboardist.
00:36 And brother sister. And we're brother and sister.
00:39 Yes, my sister right here.
00:40 My name is Nuki and I play the bass.
00:42 And my name is Era. I'm the drummer, they don't let me sing.
00:46 They don't let you sing? Why don't you let him sing? Is there a reason?
00:50 Maybe I should join him because I also can't sing.
00:52 His voice is too good.
00:53 It's too good, yeah. He'll dethrone us.
00:56 What's interesting about you guys before we get to your show was that
00:59 you started way back when in 2016.
01:03 Most bands start because they're friends or they're part of a group.
01:07 But you guys, no. Aside from both of you.
01:11 I think that's quite unique because usually they're friends and then they start a band.
01:15 This is the opposite. We don't know each other but then we became best friends from the band.
01:20 So who put you guys together?
01:22 I mean, how did you survive being strangers to being best friends?
01:29 I mean, I'm sure there must have been rough spots along the way.
01:32 It wasn't surprisingly enough. It wasn't that rough for us.
01:39 We always managed to find a way to come up with a solution every time.
01:43 You know, we would have little tiny arguments and we're still staying strong.
01:47 But I think it's because we all have the same vision.
01:52 Since the beginning, since the very beginning that Reality Club was founded,
01:55 we had the same vision and that's, you know, we really want to make this happen.
01:59 This band thing work.
02:00 Our vision was to become international, basically.
02:04 And our love for music. So yeah, that's what kept us together.
02:09 Well, it's finally happening for you guys.
02:10 International, first trip to Manila. How was that? How was your show over the weekend?
02:15 Oh my goodness, the show was so fun because we've never had a crowd like Manila crowd.
02:19 They were insane.
02:21 Like, you know, because usually people are active when they sing, right?
02:24 We didn't even have a singing part. They were like, "Oy, oy!"
02:27 And we're like, "Oh, they can do that to our songs?"
02:30 Like, yeah, so Manila was so fun.
02:33 Yeah, yeah. And I was very looking forward because I know like,
02:35 singer, there's lots of singers here, natural born singers, Filipinos.
02:42 And so I was like, very looking forward to hearing them sing our song.
02:46 And yeah, they were so much fun. They were very energetic.
02:50 And then we had a meet and greet afterwards.
02:53 And they were all very, very friendly and just very welcoming.
02:57 Yes. And most of them, as you said, when you asked them, like, how they found out about you guys,
03:02 it was because of your first album?
03:05 Yes. So I asked them during our meet and greet, like, "How did you find out about us,
03:09 our humble little band from Indonesia?"
03:11 And they were like, "Oh, we found you guys through... Can I say the brand?"
03:16 Okay, they found us from a streaming platform.
03:20 And they found us during the pandemic, actually, in 2020.
03:24 So they were like, "Oh, you know, you really helped me get through when I was bored at home."
03:28 And we're like, "Wow."
03:28 Yeah, they all have those stories.
03:30 They did not let you sing, Era.
03:32 They're not cheering for you this time.
03:34 They said, "Come on."
03:35 I don't know.
03:36 Maybe next album.
03:40 Next album.
03:41 How was it for you, Nugi?
03:42 I mean, being finally crossing borders, I mean, to be able to do this Asian tour.
03:48 I'm thrilled.
03:49 I'm very excited.
03:51 It's been our goal since the start of this international presence and whatnot.
03:55 But being in Philippines, it's just an amazing experience,
03:59 besides from the crowd and everything, the city also.
04:02 Yes.
04:03 And I think it's such a surprise for us because, you know, we've been to, like, Singapore,
04:06 other, like, South Asian countries, Singapore, Malaysia.
04:10 And Philippines, back then, it seems like such a...
04:12 It's a far-fetched idea, you know.
04:14 Yeah, it's a far-fetched idea and something so unattainable.
04:17 But now that we're here, we're like, "Wow."
04:19 Welcome back.
04:20 We're glad to have you back.
04:22 I mean, you have...
04:23 This is your third album, Reality Club Presents.
04:28 You know, also an interesting concept for a third album.
04:32 Take us through.
04:34 Was this always your intention to come up with this cinematic verse when it comes to your album?
04:44 Yeah, the Reality Club cinematic universe.
04:47 It was...
04:48 Yeah, it came as we were doing the third album and we're producing it,
04:52 where we had a bunch of songs that were from different genres, right?
04:56 And how do we tie it all together?
04:57 We thought, well, romance is such a topic that everyone has different, their own stories,
05:03 their own problems, their own highs and lows when it comes to romance.
05:08 And the way that we wanted to highlight that uniqueness in romance
05:12 is by having this cinematic universe of different genres.
05:16 There's a thriller, there's a cowboy, and there's...
05:19 Yeah, so that's how we tied everything together,
05:22 but it happened while we were doing the third album.
05:24 And you guys, are you fans of movies for you guys to think of?
05:28 Yeah, of course.
05:29 Cinemafiles, yeah.
05:30 Definitely.
05:31 Yeah?
05:32 What's your favorite, you know, maybe song from this album?
05:37 And tied up with a cinematic effect.
05:40 I mean, I heard you had a premiere.
05:42 Every time we released...
05:44 Every time we released a song, we would always have a music video for it,
05:48 and we would always premiere it at our local cinema.
05:51 And we really treated each song as its own movie.
05:55 Favorite song?
05:56 Favorite song for me, it's gotta be "Love Epiphany".
06:00 Because, yeah, that's like, it's like a musical.
06:03 And that was a song that tied it all together.
06:06 And yeah, it goes through someone who's so bitter about love,
06:11 and then they turned to becoming like accepting and realizing the beauty of love.
06:15 There you go.
06:16 Nugi, how about you?
06:18 Let's hear from you.
06:19 Well, my favorite song right now from the album is "Am I Bothering You".
06:24 Oh, yeah.
06:25 And the inspiration came from a series, basically.
06:28 It's like an opening for a sitcom kind of vibe, you know.
06:32 It's very lively, it's very youthful, it's very...
06:35 It's very giddy, as I would say.
06:40 How has your song changed from album to album?
06:43 Or maybe lessons learned from one album to the next, to where you are now.
06:48 Is this your comfort zone?
06:50 Is this where you guys want to be on your third album?
06:52 Or there's still other genres and sounds that you do want to explore?
06:57 I think I can say that we're always changing at each album, you know.
07:00 At our first album, we were like very youthful, as we are in our youth also.
07:05 And so it's changed, I mean, from when you started way back in 2016.
07:09 Yeah, back in 2016.
07:11 And the second album is very conceptual, very dark-ish.
07:14 And for the third album, we also bring a new concept,
07:19 but with a much more freer mindset.
07:23 So all this anthology of romance is what's tying it all together.
07:28 Is this something that you're gonna do again in your next album
07:30 when they're gonna make you sing?
07:32 And they're probably gonna make you star?
07:34 Let's go, let's go, guys.
07:37 Come on.
07:38 The thing is, Aarad doesn't sing,
07:40 but we always use him as our model for our video clips
07:43 because he's like the model of the band.
07:44 He's the model of the band.
07:45 It must have been fun for you guys to also perform, you know,
07:48 in these small music videos.
07:50 I mean, you had your own set.
07:51 And so much so, so much so,
07:54 that you won an award for your music video,
07:57 "Dancing in the Breeze Alone."
08:00 Right?
08:00 I mean, incredible.
08:01 Thank you so much.
08:03 Tell me about that story.
08:04 It was like a cowboy, was it?
08:05 Yes, it was a cowboy concept.
08:08 Very inspired by the good, the bad, and the ugly.
08:11 And I think when we decided that we wanted to do a cowboy concept,
08:14 we didn't want to do it like half-half.
08:15 We wanted to go full throttle.
08:17 If we're gonna do cowboy, let's do cowboy for real.
08:19 So we were very, very involved, all of us, in the music video process.
08:23 And we actually had to learn how to ride a horse.
08:27 Yep, we did.
08:28 We had horse riding lessons.
08:30 And finally, we made the music video in Bali, in Indonesia.
08:34 And yeah, everything just tied in together.
08:37 We got a really good director.
08:39 And yeah, we're so proud of that.
08:40 Lots of awards.
08:41 Because you also got an award for the AMIs.
08:43 Yes!
08:44 I mean, you had awards for the Munich,
08:46 and that one for the best music video for the Asia-Pacific.
08:49 And then now you also got two awards.
08:52 Two awards, yeah, and AMI Awards.
08:54 Tell us about that award.
08:54 It was best what?
08:56 Okay, we had best alternative duo group and best alternative album.
09:01 And this one meant a lot to us, I think.
09:03 Because AMI Awards is one of the most prestigious awards you can get in Indonesia.
09:07 And we've been nominated so many times, Christine.
09:09 But we never won.
09:10 Finally!
09:11 Finally, this night, we won two.
09:14 And we were just holding hands, like, "Are we gonna get it?"
09:16 It feels so unreal.
09:17 Oh, from nothing to sweeping two awards.
09:20 I mean, only you guys can do it, Reality Club.
09:22 Thank you so much for being in Manila and for being with us here on New Day.
09:26 All the best to you.
09:26 Look forward to having you back here.
09:28 Thank you.
