Gdzie, jak oraz za ile - legalnie nabyć choinkę w Lasach Państwowych

  • last year


00:00 The most popular method to enter the possession of such a typical Christmas tree, i.e. a common spruce, which is found in our forests, is to apply to the forestry department or to the local forestry department, which is best informed where to get such a spruce.
00:22 and if you can, you can go there with such a person, who may help you and of course, it is done for a certain fee.
00:30 One of the basic methods is also the plantation of Christmas trees in state forests and they are becoming more and more common because the need for a natural Christmas tree, a natural spruce, is becoming more and more common.
00:40 In the state forests there are also private plantations, where people often go to buy a Christmas tree. Each forestry department announces its price list for the sale of Christmas trees.
00:52 In the forestry department of Złoty, the prices are set for trees up to 2 meters and above 2 meters. Up to 2 meters, it is a price of about 35 zloty, and above 2 meters, about 55 zloty.
01:04 People who enter illegally into possession of such a Christmas tree, about which we often find out whether the local forestry department or the forestry department, it happens that they will also be caught in such a situation,
01:16 they have to face legal and financial consequences. This is related to the Criminal Code or the Code of Procedures for forest damage, because it can also be associated with illegal acquisition of branches from spruces and damage to trees.
01:32 So it is related to the mandate of several hundred zloty.
01:34 [XBOX SOUND]
