US, North Korea spar at UN meeting over spy satellite

  • last year
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un received photos of the White House and Pentagon taken by its recently-launched spy satellite, state media KCNA said on Tuesday, coming a day after tense exchanges between Washington and Pyongyang during a UN Security Council meeting over the launch. - REUTERS
00:00 North Korean state media said Tuesday its leader Kim Jong-un received photos of "major
00:06 target regions" in the United States, taken by its recently launched spy satellite.
00:12 KCNA said the batch includes photos of the White House, Pentagon and U.S. aircraft carriers.
00:18 Seoul officials say the North's claims could not be confirmed as it has not released the
00:22 photos.
00:23 Contention over the satellite spilled over into a snap meeting of the UN Security Council
00:27 a day earlier, which was called to convene after last week's launch, following dozens
00:32 of ballistic missile tests over the past 20 months.
00:35 It resulted in a rare direct public exchange between the U.S. and North Korea.
00:40 Here's U.S. Ambassador Linda Thompson-Greenfield.
00:42 "The DPRK is unabashedly trying to advance its nuclear weapons delivery systems by testing
00:50 ballistic missile technology in clear violation of this council's resolutions."
00:58 In unplanned remarks at the end of the meeting, Thompson-Greenfield rejected Pyongyang's claims
01:02 that its launches were defensive actions in response to military provocation by the U.S.
01:07 and its allies, but extended an offer for dialogue "without preconditions."
01:12 "The United States is threatening us with a nuclear weapon."
01:16 In response, North Korea's Ambassador Kim Song defended what he called his country's
01:21 quote "legitimate right" to develop its weapons systems on par with the U.S.
01:26 North Korea has been under UN sanctions for its ballistic missile and nuclear programs
01:30 for nearly two decades.
01:32 But for the past several years, the UN Security Council has been divided on how to deal with
01:36 Pyongyang, with veto powers Russia and China arguing against further sanctions.
01:41 Washington says such protection from Moscow and Beijing only emboldens North Korea to continue
01:47 to flout UN resolutions.
