How the 49ers Plan to Shut Down Seahawks QB Geno Smith

  • last year
Nick Bosa discusses how the San Francisco 49ers plan to shut down Seattle Seahawks quarterback Geno Smith.
00:00 >> What do you see from Gino Smith and what's the key to slowing him down?
00:04 >> Similar to how we attacked him last year, just be good in the run game to
00:08 start off, make him play quarterback.
00:11 And then I think they run the most boots of any team, so be good there.
00:16 And yeah, just get pressure on him, some of our blitzes and
00:20 not too much different, kind of similar to last week.
00:24 >> If someone asked you to describe the atmosphere in Seattle,
00:26 how would you describe it?
00:28 >> It's loud, it's fun.
00:31 >> Is it something that you can't really explain until you experience it?
00:34 >> I'd say so, it's a good atmosphere.
00:38 I think it's definitely one of the loudest, definitely one of the loudest
00:41 outdoor.
00:42 >> I know you don't like to put too much emphasis on one game, but
00:45 how important is, just given what it can mean for you guys down the road?
00:48 >> Huge division opponents are two games for us, is how we look at it.
00:55 And they're right on our heels, we gotta win the division first, so
01:00 that's definitely the goal.
01:01 >> You make Chase talk about on snap to snap, where you're lining up,
01:05 whether you're on the left side or the right side, that sort of thing?
01:08 >> Occasionally, yeah, we'll huddle up or
01:10 if we have time before the drive sometimes.
01:14 But yeah, some of our calls are certain rushes where I'm doing something,
01:19 he's doing something else that kind of meshes together.
01:21 >> Do you feel more comfortable on the left side?
01:24 >> I think I've become a little more comfortable on the left side with some of
01:28 my rushes, but I think I do some things better on the right.
01:31 >> Are you aware of him while you're running?
01:34 Do you see him making an inside move where you adjust your work?
01:39 >> Can't really do that from the other side,
01:42 that's more of a D&D tackle type thing.
01:45 Me and Eric are pretty good with that, but not so much from the other side.
01:50 >> Nick Kittle with his leadership style,
01:53 he's obviously in a good situation to be laughing and joking around.
01:58 As a rookie, did that throw you at all, just the fact that, I don't know,
02:04 it's his personality.
02:06 I mean, I just thought it was like, you guys would be down in a game and
02:08 he's joking around on the bench.
02:09 And usually would say, I'm a professional, but that's just George, I guess.
02:14 >> I don't know if he's joking around too much down in the game, but
02:20 you gotta have fun.
02:23 I have fun with it, I'm not too, obviously I'm serious, but
02:28 I'm not gonna fight guys over nothing.
02:31 I'm not trying to hurt people or anything like that, so
02:35 you gotta have fun with it.
02:37 >> It seemed that Eric was generating a ton of pressure, even for
02:40 his standards against Tampa Bay.
02:42 What was the experience like for
02:43 you playing next to the guy having that type of game?
02:46 >> Yeah, he was there really quick all day.
02:49 I think he took that matchup to heart.
02:53 I think he felt an advantage and he went and
02:57 had probably the best pass rush game I've seen from him.
03:00 >> All right, thanks Nick.
03:00 French, get ready as well.
