Top 10 Biggest Differences in Scott Pilgrim Anime

  • last year
Things are always changed in translation! Join Ashley as we look over the most obvious changes made to the Scott Pilgrim anime series
00:00 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the ways this Netflix's
00:09 Scott Pilgrim anime radically changed the source material.
00:17 10.
00:22 Scott Dies?
00:23 Let's get this one out of the way ASAP.
00:29 The first episode drew us in with the near-perfect adaptation of the comic series that fans had
00:34 wanted for years.
00:35 But, for better or worse, that's not what we got.
00:39 Things veer off course dramatically when, during the fight with the first evil ex Matt
00:44 Patel, Scott abruptly combusts into coins.
00:53 As anyone will tell you, this does not happen in the comics, or even the movie, and Patel
00:59 is dispatched quickly.
01:00 So, yeah, the title of "Takes Off" actually has a different meaning than what we originally
01:06 thought.
01:07 The only explanation the cast can come up with is that he died, and the following episode
01:12 gives us a long, drawn-out funeral scene.
01:21 Of course, we later find out that Scott didn't die, but we'll save that for another entry.
01:27 9.
01:28 Pac-Man to Sonic
01:34 Whilst not present in the original comics, in the movie adaptation, when Scott approaches
01:39 Ramona for the first time, he picks the topic of Pac-Man as the icebreaker.
01:53 It's a now-iconic scene that many would expect to be replicated in the anime series, but
01:59 that didn't end up being the case.
02:01 Instead, Scott drops some Sonic trivia to get Ramona's attention.
02:11 In fact, this isn't the only time Sonic is referenced in the show, as he's mentioned
02:16 a couple of times, including in the final battle.
02:23 8.
02:27 A New Leader
02:28 The result of the Scott vs. Matt fight leads to the latter getting quite the ego.
02:34 After all, he did defeat the strongest guy in Toronto.
02:37 As such, he thinks it's time he got his due recompense, and challenges Gideon Graves
02:43 for the throne as the leader of the League of Evil Xs.
03:02 It's one hell of a fight, and way more than we'd expect from the one who was thought
03:06 to be the weakest in the League.
03:09 And then the unthinkable happens.
03:11 Matthew Patel actually wins.
03:15 And convincingly so.
03:17 This makes him the new boss and, in effect, remarkably rich.
03:26 Aspirations of becoming a stage actor do get in the way of his role later down the line,
03:31 though.
03:32 7.
03:33 Ramona's New Job
03:35 As any fan will tell you, the whole reason Scott and Ramona met in the first place was
03:40 because of her occupation as an Amazon delivery gal.
03:48 Their tendency to use the subspace highway in his head to warp to delivery points is
03:53 the catalyst of his initial infatuation.
03:56 Well, she still does that in this series, but instead of working for Amazon, she works
04:02 for Netflix instead.
04:05 Understandable.
04:08 Why acknowledge one of your biggest streaming rivals?
04:13 Either way, later on she seems to have dropped her Netflix job entirely to become a stunt
04:19 woman instead.
04:20 6.
04:21 Knives Joins The Band
04:23 Knives' part in the series is significantly shrunk in this new adaptation.
04:28 There's no big showdown between her and Ramona in the Toronto Congress Library, no
04:34 getting the highlights punched out of her hair, and certainly no Mr. Chow.
04:39 Instead, after initially being distraught over Scott's death, she picks up his bass
04:44 guitar and gets strumming.
04:48 That's when she finds her calling as a musician and joins the band as a guitarist and later
04:56 piano player.
05:00 Yes, that means young Neil doesn't get to join the band like he does in the movie.
05:10 Instead, he's awfully busy directing a movie based on the original Scott Pilgrim timeline.
05:20 5.
05:21 New Relationships
05:23 Love and romance is one of the key components of the Scott Pilgrim story, but surprisingly
05:28 some of the most memorable ones are switched around.
05:32 Remember Stephen Steele's off-and-off girlfriend with the potty-mouthed Julie?
05:36 Well, as it turns out, she has a long history with Gideon Graves, which leads to the two
05:42 dating and living together after his fall from grace.
05:49 Perhaps the most bizarre mix-up is that of Todd Ingram, who instead of cheating on Envy
05:54 Adams with Lynette, instead hooks up with…
05:58 Wallace Wells.
05:59 It's a wild affair that eventually leads to Todd having a total obsession with Scott's
06:05 roommate.
06:06 Lastly, there also seems to be a hint of a potential future between Kim and Lucas in
06:17 the epilogue.
06:24 4.
06:28 Gideon Graves is a loser
06:30 Yep, you heard it right.
06:33 The G-Man isn't the man you think he is.
06:35 He's actually quite pathetic.
06:38 After losing the company and his chair as the leader of the League, Julie finds him
06:42 crestfallen and reveals his real name was Gordon Goose.
06:50 He was actually the biggest dweeb in school.
06:53 The show also does this sort of odd thing where it implies him watching anime is lame,
06:59 even though this is an anime.
07:04 I dunno, maybe we're reading too much into it.
07:10 He's not the only one who's portrayed as a loser though.
07:13 As for some reason, Lucas Lee is also on the receiving end of some rather cruel character
07:18 assassination.
07:19 He gets kicked out of Hollywood and suffers one humiliation after the next.
07:27 3.
07:29 Not So Evil Exes
07:31 Perhaps the most disappointing thing for a lot of Scott Pilgrim fans is that this show
07:42 doesn't have any of the evil ex fights from the source material, outside of a brief encounter
07:47 with Matthew Patel.
07:54 In fact, there's not much fighting at all as once Scott disappears and Gideon loses
08:00 his position, the League pretty much falls apart.
08:05 When they're not being complete goofballs, the exes are surprisingly nice to the other
08:10 characters.
08:11 Most shocking of all, they actually help out in the final battle and even cheer on Scott
08:16 and Ramona when they kiss in the finale.
08:23 Guess they were just misunderstood?
08:25 2.
08:26 So, Ramona is the protagonist.
08:37 While Ramona's story is crucial in the original comic, the primary focus is on Scott as he
08:43 takes down evil exes, grows as a person and realises he's a bit of a jerk.
08:49 But with Scott gone, that leaves room for a new lead character.
08:53 Perhaps this show should have been called Ramona Flowers instead, since the title character
08:58 is only really present for about three of the eight episodes.
09:05 The rest is Ramona starring in a murder mystery, where she reconciles with each of her exes
09:10 along the way.
09:12 Scott doesn't even win the final battle, as it's up to Ramona to save the day by
09:17 fusing with herself.
09:43 If you're on your phone, make sure to go into your settings and switch on notifications.
09:48 1.
09:49 Scott is the villain
09:51 Okay, we had a lot of guesses for who kidnapped Scott, but "Scott from the future" was
09:56 certainly not the answer we were going with.
10:02 We learn that after the events of the original story, Scott and Ramona get married, and then
10:08 have a major falling out.
10:10 This shatters Scott's soul far worse than his break-up with Envy, leading him to think
10:15 of ways he can avoid this heartbreak.
10:18 His answer is travelling back to the past, staging his own death, and making it so he
10:23 and Ramona never get together.
10:34 When his first attempt fails, he turns to more extreme methods by getting huge and attempting
10:40 to break them up by force.
10:42 He's not exactly the Scott Pilgrim we know and love, but he is voiced by Will Forte,
10:47 so there's that.
10:56 So what did you think of this Scott Pilgrim anime?
10:59 Did you love it, or were you disappointed?
11:02 Let us know in the comments below.
11:17 Thanks for watching.
11:24 (upbeat music)
11:27 (upbeat music)
