Behind the Inspiring Journey of Hank Green and His Cancer Socks

  • last year
There are few people out there who could create a cancer treatment fundraiser while going through chemo, but creator Hank Green is one of them.


00:00 There are a few people out there who could create
00:02 a cancer treatment fundraiser while going through chemo,
00:06 but creator Hank Green is one of them.
00:08 Longtime internet titan Hank Green
00:15 has become one of the most loved and well-known creators
00:18 on TikTok in the past few years.
00:21 But fans of the influencer were shocked
00:23 when Green announced he had cancer
00:25 and would have to undergo chemotherapy to treat it.
00:28 - Hi, I've got lymphoma.
00:32 I don't know how to do this.
00:35 One of the most treatable cancers
00:36 responds very well to treatment.
00:38 The treatment does suck though.
00:40 Talked to some people who've gone through it.
00:42 I gotta start chemo soon, everybody.
00:45 - Throughout his battle with cancer,
00:46 Green took it as an opportunity
00:47 to create educational content about cancer
00:50 and share memes, making the serious subject a bit lighter.
00:53 And in amazing news,
00:55 the chemotherapy treatments were successful
00:58 as Green announced he is officially in remission
01:00 on August 21st.
01:02 - And I have my first post-treatment follow-up
01:04 with my oncologist today.
01:06 And as of today, I am officially in complete remission,
01:11 which means that I don't have cancer anymore.
01:15 - If his content creation throughout chemotherapy
01:18 wasn't impressive enough,
01:19 Green also perfected his sock designing skills
01:22 for an amazing cause.
01:24 - I did something very strange during chemo
01:26 and I've been keeping it a secret.
01:27 Every week I was sick, I designed a pair of socks
01:30 and I did it with four goals in mind.
01:32 First, to like let myself do something
01:35 that felt like it was a thing.
01:36 'Cause otherwise I just was laying in bed feeling terrible.
01:40 Second, I wanted them to be just patterns
01:42 'cause I wanted more patterned socks in my life.
01:44 Third, I wanted them to all use the exact same color scheme
01:47 so that I could mix and match.
01:48 And fourth, I wanted the socks to help other people
01:51 feel as bad as I was feeling in that moment
01:53 because I was lucky.
01:55 'Cause a lot of people don't have access
01:57 to cancer treatment, which is ridiculous.
01:58 A lot of these drugs are 50, 60 years old.
02:01 So 100% of the profit from these socks
02:02 is going to increase access to cancer treatment globally.
02:05 - Those interested in purchasing Green's socks
02:07 can find them online through the Good Store
02:09 and 100% of proceeds will go to increasing access
02:12 to cancer treatment worldwide.
02:14 Green's ability to maintain resilience
02:16 and a positive attitude during such a daunting life event
02:19 is genuinely inspiring.
02:21 His creativity and charitable endeavors
02:23 make him an influencer who is undeniably
02:26 leaving a lasting influence on the world.
