‘Mettiamo la psoriasi fuori gioco’, l’evento di Ucb Pharma sensibilizza su malattia autoimmune

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Una malattia autoimmune che colpisce la pelle e può influire negativamente sulla qualità di vita dei pazienti. Stiamo parlando della psoriasi, che in Italia conta ben 2 milioni di pazienti. A pochi giorni dalla giornata mondiale della Psoriasi (29 ottobre) Ucb Pharma ha organizzato l’evento ‘Mettiamo la psoriasi fuori gioco’, svoltosi a Milano il 6 novembre, con il quale si è voluto fare il punto sull’omonima campagna di sensibilizzazione. Partita il 2 marzo scorso, la campagna social mira ad aumentare la consapevolezza dell’opinione pubblica sulla malattia autoimmune.


00:00 It is almost 2 million Italians who suffer from psoriasis, a recidivist autoimmune disease
00:09 that can be accompanied by numerous comorbidities and affects the skin in particular.
00:14 This can have a profound impact on the quality of life of patients and the stigma that concerns
00:18 it has not yet been definitively eliminated.
00:20 To raise awareness and raise awareness about the disease, UCB Pharma launched
00:26 the social campaign "Mettiamo la psoriasi fuori gioco" on March 2, 2020.
00:30 The campaign "Metti la psoriasi fuori gioco" started about seven months ago with a very clear goal,
00:37 that is, to speak to the general public to try to make them understand what it is,
00:42 what this pathology is, but on the other hand it also aimed to speak to people
00:47 who live with this disease, to tell them through some innovative channels
00:53 such as social channels and some testimonials of influencers, also to tell them that you can have a normal life
01:00 even having this type of disease.
01:03 And the last goal is that, however, to really put psoriasis out of play,
01:07 the only thing to do is to turn to the right specialist.
01:09 The social awareness campaign has involved several influencers and has had an exceptional testimonial,
01:15 the former player Claudio Marchisio, who, knowing psoriasis in the first person,
01:19 feels the responsibility to spread correct and clear information about the disease
01:24 so that all people who suffer from it do not feel they have to hide and feel at ease.
01:29 The decision to become ambassador of the campaign "Metti la psoriasi fuori gioco"
01:34 must be said thanks to the people, those people who saw me especially in spring and summer
01:40 asking me why I had all those signs on my legs,
01:43 and at the beginning it was difficult for me too, of course.
01:47 Then, over time, I understood how to deal with the disease and then with people,
01:53 so how? Not hiding, showing it, talking to them, informing them,
01:58 regardless of whether they suffered from it or not.
02:01 Despite being still mistakenly mistaken for a disease that only affects the aesthetics,
02:06 psoriasis is actually a complex pathology that must be treated with a multidisciplinary approach.
02:12 It is a complex disease and therefore it must be known and must be dealt with as such
02:19 with a multidisciplinary approach because the patient needs to be treated in his skin,
02:27 in the other organs that may suffer, and above all also in the brain.
02:31 That is to say, it is a patient who is born psychologically weak.
