NPP Presidential Primary was a state Choreographed election - Dr Ayamga | AM Show

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00:00:00 Welcome to a brand new week on The AM Show.
00:00:03 Good morning, thank you so much for joining us
00:00:05 right here in the studios of Join News.
00:00:08 I'll tell you what, as we kickstart the day,
00:00:10 this morning coming to work I was listening
00:00:12 to Perez Music's famous track, "Mi Bubaje,"
00:00:16 and it just encouraged me.
00:00:18 So I searched First Chronicles four verse 10,
00:00:20 and that's my prayer for you this week.
00:00:22 As Jabez prayed, "Lord, enlarge my territory.
00:00:26 "Let your hand be with me.
00:00:28 "Prosper me in everything I do."
00:00:31 And that's my prayer for you this morning,
00:00:32 that the Lord will enlarge your territory, your coast,
00:00:35 that whatever you touch, you will have that Midas touch.
00:00:38 It will turn to gold, and that the positives
00:00:41 you are hoping to achieve this week,
00:00:42 with God's grace, you will achieve them.
00:00:45 That's my prayer for you, and if I heard an amen,
00:00:47 then you have received that prayer.
00:00:49 My name is Benjamin Akaku, thank you for joining.
00:00:51 Now coming up this morning,
00:00:52 I'll be serving you the news shortly,
00:00:54 and right after that, guess who joins us?
00:00:56 Spokesperson on governance and security
00:00:58 for this administration, Paul Grave.
00:01:00 Boachir Dankwa is our guest.
00:01:02 This will be followed by sports with Muftau Nabila Abdullahi.
00:01:06 And then from there, we get into our big stories.
00:01:09 Number one on the chopping block, of course, you know.
00:01:11 We'll be heading into the presidential primary of the MPP,
00:01:16 which took place last Saturday,
00:01:19 and of course, Vice President Dr. Mahmoud Obaomia
00:01:22 emerged winner of that election,
00:01:24 with over 61% of the votes.
00:01:27 Now, he succeeds President Nkufuadu,
00:01:30 who can't compete again, having had two terms of office.
00:01:33 Today, we'll be discussing that issue
00:01:35 about what this represents.
00:01:37 Is the MPP capable of breaking the eight?
00:01:41 Joining us for that conversation, Professor Corby Mensah.
00:01:43 He's a political marketing consultant
00:01:44 at the University of Ghana Business School.
00:01:46 Dr. Michael Ayamga is a development economist
00:01:49 and senior lecturer at the University
00:01:51 for Development Studies in Tamale.
00:01:53 They both join us on that beat.
00:01:57 When it comes to our citizens microphone this morning,
00:02:00 we'll be heading to Kumasi as we gauge the mood
00:02:02 in these regions following Dr. Baomia's victory.
00:02:05 Now, he was expected to get many more votes
00:02:07 and the Ashanti region stunned in some areas.
00:02:10 So, we'll be getting their views
00:02:12 on how they think things went
00:02:14 and what this means for the party come election 2024.
00:02:18 On the final belt of the show,
00:02:20 we're going to be contemplating
00:02:22 the spillage of the Volta River,
00:02:24 what it has meant for those along those communities,
00:02:26 what the latest updates are.
00:02:28 We'll bring you all of that on the show this morning.
00:02:30 Don't you forget, get interactive with us.
00:02:32 Let's know what you're thinking about the show
00:02:34 and the matters we have lined up.
00:02:36 Share your thoughts with us via the live stream.
00:02:38 And when we activate the phone lines
00:02:40 at the end of the show,
00:02:41 be one of those to take advantage and give us a call.
00:02:45 On that note, we settle for the news
00:02:47 on the A.M. Show up next.
00:02:48 (upbeat music)
00:02:52 (upbeat music)
00:02:55 Time now for the A.M. News.
00:03:15 Thank you for staying.
00:03:16 In our first story,
00:03:18 some delegates of the new patriotic party
00:03:20 in the Ashanti region couldn't vote
00:03:22 in the just ended presidential primary
00:03:24 due to challenges with the voters register.
00:03:27 Now, though some of the anomalies
00:03:29 were detected two weeks earlier,
00:03:30 efforts to rectify them yielded little results.
00:03:34 Nanaia Ojima coned some polling stations
00:03:36 and filed this report.
00:03:38 - Delegates in the Asoka constituency
00:03:43 were first to sound the alarm of missing names
00:03:45 in the register a day before the polls
00:03:48 at the Ashanti regional office of the electoral commission.
00:03:51 Attempts to get the commission
00:03:53 accept a supplementary register was denied.
00:03:56 Head of the EC in the Ashanti region,
00:03:58 Benjamin Bonobio directed constituency executives
00:04:02 to channel the grievances
00:04:03 through the party's election committee.
00:04:06 - If they have anything to do,
00:04:07 they need to trash it out
00:04:09 with their national election committee.
00:04:12 And then national election committee
00:04:14 will get to the head of the electoral commission.
00:04:17 And then if there's anything to go by,
00:04:20 head of the commission will also inform us
00:04:22 as to the next line of action.
00:04:25 But for now, we are going to go ahead
00:04:29 and have the election with the register
00:04:31 that has been given to us.
00:04:33 - On election day,
00:04:34 names of about 40 polling station offices
00:04:38 in the Asoka constituency were missing from the register.
00:04:41 One of the affected persons, Mr. J,
00:04:44 said the challenge encountered could mar the election.
00:04:47 - (speaks in foreign language)
00:04:51 - Two weeks to the poll,
00:04:52 I got information that my name was not captured.
00:04:56 My coordinator asked for my ID card
00:04:58 to correct the anomaly.
00:05:00 I came here today to find out
00:05:02 that my name was still not captured.
00:05:05 In my polling station,
00:05:06 four out of the five executives were not captured.
00:05:10 This can negatively affect the election.
00:05:12 - (speaks in foreign language)
00:05:15 - In the Bosonche constituency,
00:05:17 name of the member of parliament, Dr. Yaw Osei-Odichu,
00:05:21 was missing from the voter register
00:05:23 after close to an hour of deliberations
00:05:25 to get national party officials to resolve the issue.
00:05:29 The MP was allowed to cast his ballots.
00:05:32 Here is the MP's reaction after the issues were resolved.
00:05:35 - No, I think it was a general issue
00:05:38 that was quickly resolved by the headquarters,
00:05:42 by the party general secretary
00:05:44 through the EC and back to the region.
00:05:48 Everything is good.
00:05:50 - Issues of proxy voting became a challenge
00:05:53 at the Menchia South constituency.
00:05:56 But election committee member, Gary Nymako,
00:05:59 insisted the voter register was credible.
00:06:02 He refuted the challenges witnessed in some areas.
00:06:06 - There's an original voter register.
00:06:08 Your name will be there.
00:06:09 You can go and check and you vote.
00:06:11 You vote.
00:06:12 I think so far, where we've been,
00:06:15 we have seen any mix-up or anything.
00:06:19 We have not seen that.
00:06:20 But if your name is not there,
00:06:21 there's an original document that you can look at
00:06:23 the one you want and vote.
00:06:25 - Which one is the original register?
00:06:26 Because yesterday I spoke to--
00:06:27 - There are three registers.
00:06:28 There are three registers.
00:06:30 The one at the center, before you enter,
00:06:32 there's one there to check.
00:06:33 There's one in the midstream and there's one at the EC.
00:06:36 So which one, they say they can't find their names.
00:06:39 - The one the EC is using, because yesterday,
00:06:41 for instance, the Asokwa constituency,
00:06:44 they went to the EC's office
00:06:45 to get issues with the register resolved.
00:06:48 Yes, for instance.
00:06:49 - We just left Asokwa right now.
00:06:50 And they are voting peacefully over there.
00:06:53 We don't see anything wrong in Asokwa.
00:06:55 We just left there about 15 minutes ago.
00:06:58 From Asokwa, we came here.
00:07:00 And we didn't hear the complaint about,
00:07:02 anybody complain about voter register in Asokwa.
00:07:04 So I'm surprised you hear this in here.
00:07:05 I'm surprised.
00:07:06 Yeah, we just came from Asokwa.
00:07:07 Yeah.
00:07:08 Yeah, so I think so far, for me,
00:07:11 it's been peaceful.
00:07:12 It's been very orderly.
00:07:14 Let's commend the police, let's commend our delegates.
00:07:16 So far, I think so far, so good.
00:07:19 - Though the issue caused tempers to flare
00:07:21 among party members,
00:07:23 the election in the region remained largely calm
00:07:26 and peaceful.
00:07:27 Reconciliation process for the party remains
00:07:30 the major concern to many.
00:07:32 Ejusu MP, John Kuma, spoke to Joy News.
00:07:35 - Oh, we are very hopeful that
00:07:40 the leadership of the party and the government
00:07:43 will come together to resolve all the disagreements
00:07:47 that we observed during the campaign.
00:07:51 Of course, these things are normal
00:07:53 when everybody's campaigning for power.
00:07:56 So as long as we understand that we are one family,
00:08:00 we will bridge the gaps and the bridges
00:08:04 and then forge ahead.
00:08:06 This is not the ultimate.
00:08:07 This is just to pick a flag bearer.
00:08:10 - Let's talk health now.
00:08:11 Health officials are reporting alarming health concerns
00:08:14 among residents and communities
00:08:16 whose sources of water have been polluted
00:08:18 by illegal mining.
00:08:20 Now, tests conducted by health officials
00:08:22 have revealed levels of heavy metals
00:08:24 in the rivers and water bodies,
00:08:26 casting a shadow of uncertainty
00:08:28 over the fate of those affected communities.
00:08:31 In the second part of our latest hotline documentary
00:08:35 titled "Poisoned for Gold,"
00:08:37 Erastus Asaridonko reports that the rivers and water bodies
00:08:40 that have sustained communities for generations
00:08:42 are now battlegrounds of destruction
00:08:44 ravaged by the devastating consequences of illegal mining.
00:08:48 - The milky brown color of the rivers and streams
00:08:53 flowing across the country
00:08:54 indicate suspended particles,
00:08:57 including poisonous heavy metals.
00:08:59 Two years ago, residents of Eusiejo,
00:09:03 in the Ahanta West area of the country,
00:09:06 were drinking the polluted water.
00:09:08 But soon, they started experiencing strange afflictions,
00:09:12 as recounted by Theodora Yamwa,
00:09:15 a nurse in charge of the town's chips compound.
00:09:18 - Some of them came there with frequent urinating
00:09:23 and also burning sensation when they're urinating.
00:09:28 And also some came with skin rashes.
00:09:32 - We've reached the end of our story.
00:09:34 We've fetched samples from the Tano, Brem,
00:09:38 Butere, Ofing, Enuru, Ankobra, Pra,
00:09:43 and other polluted sources of water
00:09:46 to be tested for heavy metals
00:09:48 at the Sheath Laboratory of the KNUST's chemistry department.
00:09:53 After a week of testing, the results were in.
00:09:58 - For standard-seek,
00:10:01 we used the World Health Organization standards.
00:10:03 - The World Health Organization
00:10:06 pegs the acceptable standard for arsenic
00:10:09 at 0.0050 milligrams per liter,
00:10:14 while the US and Ghana pegs it at 0.010 milligram per liter.
00:10:19 The Oda, Brem, Pra, Ankobra, Enuru, Ofing,
00:10:26 Eshri, Butere, Subri, and Tano
00:10:30 registered between 0.216 and 0.444 milligrams per liter,
00:10:35 which is 0.434 milligrams higher than acceptable levels.
00:10:44 This is 20.6 to 55.6% higher than acceptable levels
00:10:51 in water using the American and Ghanaian standards.
00:10:58 Dr. Eugene Ansah explains the test results.
00:11:02 - All these water samples that are coming from
00:11:06 our water bodies in Ghana
00:11:08 were found to be acidic in nature,
00:11:11 that is having a pH less than seven.
00:11:14 It means that it has got a corrosive effect,
00:11:17 and whenever you drink it, you have irritations.
00:11:20 In the truth, drinking water is expected to be neutral.
00:11:28 - Now let's talk flooding.
00:11:30 Residents of Gemini in the South Dain District
00:11:32 of the Volta region are worried that recent floods
00:11:35 could impact their health negatively.
00:11:38 This is because they continue to rely on water
00:11:40 from the lake, which is contaminated with fecal matter
00:11:43 and other harmful elements.
00:11:45 Fred Kwame Asare now reports.
00:11:47 - Following a rise in water level in the upper Volta,
00:11:52 about 18 communities in the South Dain District
00:11:54 of the Volta region have been flooded.
00:11:57 The entire market area in Gemini has been taken over
00:12:00 by the floods, crippling economic activities
00:12:03 in the community.
00:12:04 Some households, shops and sanitary facilities
00:12:07 have been submerged by the floods.
00:12:09 The member of parliament for South Dain,
00:12:11 Roxanne Dapia-Mekbo, lamented the situation.
00:12:15 - So we have a situation where two health centers
00:12:20 are completely cut off.
00:12:23 So essentially, I have been adversely impacted
00:12:27 as a district.
00:12:29 I have over 4,000 to 5,000 persons affected.
00:12:34 I have about 300 homes underwater.
00:12:37 And I have about 1,200 households affected.
00:12:44 But above all, the Gemini market,
00:12:49 which is like the commercial heartbeat of the district,
00:12:54 of the area, of the region, of the entire Eastern Hemisphere
00:12:59 of the nation, is completely annihilated.
00:13:03 You found Gemini market in the streets
00:13:09 and in the lorry parks.
00:13:11 That isn't Gemini market.
00:13:13 - In a worrying development, the residents continue
00:13:16 to rely on water from the lake,
00:13:17 which is heavily contaminated.
00:13:20 Our cameras caught some vendors using it to wash spices,
00:13:23 while some residents were spotted fetching it home.
00:13:26 Though the residents are aware of the health implications,
00:13:29 they are compelled to use the water,
00:13:31 as they have no other source.
00:13:33 - We did not have any safe water here for drinking.
00:13:38 As you can see, the water is so much polluted
00:13:42 that it is the same water that we are using
00:13:46 for other activities in the community.
00:13:48 Likewise, drinking, bathing, and washing.
00:13:52 And this water is not safe for human consumption.
00:13:55 We have three public facilities
00:13:59 that has been submerged in this water.
00:14:01 - Public toilets?
00:14:02 - Public toilets, three.
00:14:04 Different three that has been submerged in this water.
00:14:06 And other household line trees that has been submerged.
00:14:11 So, as you can see, we are not safe here.
00:14:15 (speaking in foreign language)
00:14:19 (speaking in foreign language)
00:14:23 - Responding to the clarion call of the residents,
00:14:39 Lions International presented some relief items
00:14:42 to be distributed to the victims.
00:14:45 Lion Prince, Orbein Dwamina,
00:14:47 is the second vice district governor.
00:14:49 - Broadly, we are a humanitarian service organization.
00:14:54 And so when disaster happens,
00:14:57 it falls directly under our purview.
00:15:00 We've done some touring,
00:15:02 and we've seen the effect of the devastation
00:15:04 that has happened.
00:15:06 And so we're touched,
00:15:08 and we had to put our heads together
00:15:10 and bring out some relief to the people of this community.
00:15:14 - The little bit that we have, we have given up.
00:15:16 But we're appealing to all other communities,
00:15:21 all other clubs, all other societies,
00:15:24 that if you have something to give up, please.
00:15:28 The reality is that the people are in distress.
00:15:31 They need help.
00:15:32 - Fred Kwame Asai, Joy News, Germany.
00:15:39 - Now, the chairman of the governing council
00:15:44 of the Simon Diodon Dombo University, Kweku Pintso,
00:15:47 has expressed worry over the delay by government
00:15:50 to release seed money to the university
00:15:52 to enable it execute projects successfully.
00:15:55 He wants government to swiftly release funds
00:15:58 for stalled projects.
00:15:59 Mr. Pintso made the appeal at the second congregation
00:16:02 of the SDD Ubits in Wa, Rafik Salam reports.
00:16:06 - The Simon Diodon Dombo University of Business
00:16:09 and Integrated Development Studies, SDD Ubits,
00:16:13 was established in 2019 by an act of parliament,
00:16:17 Act 1001, and came into being in May 2020
00:16:22 with its main campus at Wa, Bamaho.
00:16:25 The act, which established SDD Ubits,
00:16:28 mandates it to be an outstanding international acclaimed
00:16:31 applied research and practical-oriented
00:16:34 educational institution dedicated to the development
00:16:37 of business and integrated development studies
00:16:40 and related matters.
00:16:41 The congregation therefore held at the university
00:16:45 is the second since its establishment four years ago.
00:16:49 A total of 1,513 students took part in the congregation
00:16:54 and were conferred with diploma degree,
00:16:57 master of philosophy, and doctor of philosophy degrees.
00:17:01 Chairman of the governing council of SDD Ubits,
00:17:04 Loya Kwekuya Mwapintso,
00:17:06 it emerged some success and shock
00:17:08 by the governing council of the university.
00:17:11 - We have published an administrative manual
00:17:14 for the school running of the administration
00:17:17 of this university.
00:17:19 We have a sexual harassment policy,
00:17:23 which should bring a lot of relief
00:17:26 to both students and academia.
00:17:29 - He used the opportunity to repeat his request
00:17:32 for a seed money for the university,
00:17:34 which he first appealed to President Nkufadu
00:17:36 at the ambassadorship of the first vice chancellor
00:17:39 of the university couple of years ago.
00:17:42 - Funds that are given to the university
00:17:46 to overcome its infancy
00:17:48 and to be able to stand upon its feet.
00:17:52 We regret to bring to your notice
00:17:56 that in spite of our valiant efforts,
00:18:01 we have been unavailing to get these funds released to us.
00:18:06 - Loya Kwekuya Mwapintso is therefore not oblivious
00:18:09 of the challenges that the country is going through
00:18:12 financially, but pleased that President Nkufadu
00:18:15 should intercede on their behalf.
00:18:18 - We appreciate and understand
00:18:20 the precarious predicament of this country
00:18:26 in terms of finances.
00:18:30 We appreciate the competing demands on the public face
00:18:37 and wish to understand why maybe it has been late
00:18:41 for us to get these funds.
00:18:44 But like that Kenyanite woman who came to Jesus,
00:18:49 when she had asked for a fail.
00:18:51 - Now the principal of the Wenshi Agricultural College,
00:18:57 Muhammad Abdullahi has bemoaned
00:18:58 the inadequate infrastructure of the school,
00:19:01 which according to him is affecting
00:19:03 the quality of education.
00:19:05 The principal who was speaking
00:19:06 at the school's fourth matriculation ceremony
00:19:08 said the products of the college
00:19:10 had what it takes to make government's
00:19:13 flagship planting for food and jobs
00:19:15 phase three program a success.
00:19:17 And Asabit has more in this report.
00:19:19 - Food and nutrition programs in schools
00:19:23 can be effective tools to reach
00:19:25 nutritionally vulnerable populations
00:19:27 and have the potential to address the causes of hunger,
00:19:31 malnutrition and food insecurity
00:19:33 if designed in a comprehensive way.
00:19:36 And as part of efforts aimed at addressing food insecurity,
00:19:40 breaking the cycle of rural poverty
00:19:42 by building synergies between agriculture
00:19:44 and social protection policies,
00:19:46 the government through the Ministry of Food and Agriculture
00:19:49 established the Wenshi Agricultural College
00:19:51 to provide students, particularly the youth,
00:19:54 with the requisite theoretical and practical knowledge
00:19:57 and skills needed to go into farming.
00:19:59 Principal of the school, Muhammad Abdullahi,
00:20:02 said the fourth matriculation ceremony of the school
00:20:05 bemoaned the limited space available
00:20:07 to accommodate more students in the school.
00:20:09 - Our bigger challenge has to do with space.
00:20:14 And so, one, the interest among the youth
00:20:18 is growing day in, day out.
00:20:19 It is our expectation that the government,
00:20:24 for that matter, and other environmental partners
00:20:27 will do something to help us increase the facilities
00:20:32 so that it will pay way for more of our intake
00:20:35 going into the future.
00:20:37 But I must say that the intake this year is quite impressive
00:20:41 and we hope to do better going into the future.
00:20:44 - He's however hopeful that the trainees of the college
00:20:47 who have garnered enough theoretical and practical skills
00:20:50 have what it takes to make government's flagship
00:20:53 PFJ Phase 3 project a success,
00:20:55 provided they are given the needed tools to work with.
00:20:59 - Our trainees are basically the youth.
00:21:01 And it is our expectation that when they complete from here,
00:21:05 they will have been trained competently in these areas
00:21:09 that the Planting for Food and Job Phase 2
00:21:12 is coming to address.
00:21:14 And for some of them,
00:21:15 one, the skills and competencies are attained.
00:21:19 The next thing is what it takes to go into the fold.
00:21:23 So if this new phase is coming,
00:21:27 if it is going to address the issue of capital
00:21:30 or the facility for them to go onto the ground,
00:21:34 I think it will go a long way to help them get engaged
00:21:38 meaningfully into the fold of agriculture completion.
00:21:41 - One of the major concerns raised by the authorities
00:21:43 of the school has to do with encroachment
00:21:45 of the school's land by private developers.
00:21:49 Nifa Heni of the Wenche Traditional Council,
00:21:51 Nana Nyama Amiao Kitikwu II promised
00:21:54 that the traditional authorities are committed
00:21:57 to ensuring that the school's land space
00:21:59 is protected from encroachers.
00:22:01 - When the school was established in 1964,
00:22:04 they allocated about 80 acres.
00:22:09 Now, as we stand, most of the land has been encroached.
00:22:14 And we set up a committee to look into that.
00:22:19 - And it's on that agricultural note
00:22:24 that we cap off the news, but stay with us.
00:22:26 Up next, we serve you the news review.
00:22:29 (upbeat music)
00:22:32 - Thank you so much for staying.
00:22:51 Time now for us to get into the newspapers this morning.
00:22:55 And I'll be telling you shortly
00:22:57 who joins us for that conversation.
00:22:58 But Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic,
00:23:00 if you've never heard of homeopathy,
00:23:02 well, they are offering you solutions
00:23:03 to myriad health issues.
00:23:05 But they're offering free screening
00:23:07 as far as your prostate is concerned, if you're a man,
00:23:10 and your fertility issues, if you're a woman,
00:23:13 for free, gratis, unti ashe.
00:23:15 Here's where you can locate them
00:23:16 across the length and breadth of Ghana.
00:23:18 Here in Accra, they are located at Spintex,
00:23:21 opposite the Shell signboard.
00:23:23 There's also Kumasi Kronumabwe here
00:23:24 behind the Angel Educational Complex
00:23:26 in Tatrade, Anaji Estate is where you can find them.
00:23:30 If you're in Tema, Community 22 is where they are located.
00:23:33 There's also their Techiman Hanswa
00:23:35 in the Siama and Zima branches.
00:23:38 If you'd like to call them,
00:23:39 and I highly recommend that you do,
00:23:41 the numbers are 0244-867-068,
00:23:46 or 0274-234-321.
00:23:55 End Point Homeopathic Clinic,
00:23:57 the end to chronic disease.
00:23:59 Joining us for the news review this morning,
00:24:02 here's a stalwart of the New Patriotic Party.
00:24:05 He himself, wanting to become Member of Parliament.
00:24:11 He's government spokesperson on governance and security.
00:24:15 Paul Grave, wachetangkwa, is our guest.
00:24:17 Babume.
00:24:19 - Benjamin, good morning.
00:24:21 - Yesi Ayache.
00:24:22 - Ampa.
00:24:23 - And I know you've been mourning.
00:24:25 - I have.
00:24:26 - Your mom and all of that, once more our condolences.
00:24:28 - Thank you.
00:24:29 - And our regards to the family.
00:24:31 - Thank you, very grateful.
00:24:33 - All right, so let's get down to it.
00:24:35 Saturday was a momentous occasion
00:24:37 for the New Patriotic Party,
00:24:40 and you elected a flag bearer.
00:24:42 We'll get into what kind of flag bearer,
00:24:44 but what are your initial impressions
00:24:46 of what happened on Saturday?
00:24:48 - Benjamin, a very good morning to you
00:24:50 and to your viewing public and to my constituents,
00:24:53 the good people of Achimbe-Buakwa North.
00:24:55 Saturday was a very victorious day,
00:24:59 a very democratic day,
00:25:03 a very decisive, concisive,
00:25:06 keenly contested internal elections
00:25:10 of the New Patriotic Party.
00:25:11 I must first of all congratulate
00:25:14 Alhaji Dr. Mahmoud Boumia for convincingly winning
00:25:19 the internal elections and becoming the flag bearer
00:25:23 of the New Patriotic Party.
00:25:24 And also to congratulate the Honorable Kennedy,
00:25:28 Akompre-Kun Ejepon,
00:25:30 for also doing a very, very, very good job
00:25:35 as stalwart of the New Patriotic Party,
00:25:38 a consummate politician, maximal respect to him,
00:25:42 to his supporters, to the people that believed in him.
00:25:45 To congratulate the Honorable Njinia Adayinimu,
00:25:50 perfect gentleman, together with his wife,
00:25:53 and to congratulate Dr. Efrie Akoto.
00:25:56 I mean, for us as a New Patriotic Party,
00:25:58 Saturday was a combination of diverse diversity
00:26:03 and unity and a forge ahead
00:26:07 towards a journey of possibilities for the Ghanian people.
00:26:11 And we are in no doubt in our mind that as we forge ahead
00:26:14 under the new leadership of Alhaji Dr. Mahmoud Boumia,
00:26:17 Ghana is gonna be great again,
00:26:20 with all the expectations and the desires that we so have
00:26:22 for the good people of this country.
00:26:24 - Now you mentioned Kennedy Ejepon.
00:26:28 Did you expect him to perform so well?
00:26:30 In fact, the majority leader, Osayiche Mentsabonsu,
00:26:34 was actually spoken to and he expressed his shock
00:26:39 about some of the votes that Kennedy Ejepon secured.
00:26:42 Let's not even talk about that 700 and something
00:26:44 to less than 100 spread in the central region.
00:26:49 But in the Ashanti region, he performed so well,
00:26:52 and you look at it, 30% plus thereabouts.
00:26:56 Were you expecting him to perform that well?
00:26:58 - Well, I didn't doubt the well-without of Kennedy Ejepon.
00:27:02 I did expect that he would do well.
00:27:04 - And by the way, I posed that question from the foundation
00:27:08 just to clarify that many, those in the Boumia camp
00:27:13 and many in the MPP, I said he would get over 80%.
00:27:16 In fact, one UK survey said he would get 80.8%.
00:27:20 Then all those who came to the studio said over 70%.
00:27:23 Honestly, I had shared somewhere that I felt
00:27:27 he would get something around 60%
00:27:30 and that we're giving Kennedy too little credit.
00:27:34 Indeed, he scored just around that.
00:27:36 And that also ties with what global info analytics gave us,
00:27:39 which has been ravished by the MPP,
00:27:41 but they've been proven right.
00:27:42 So in that context.
00:27:44 - Well, I mean, I think that in going into electioneering,
00:27:47 definitely there'll be polls that will come out.
00:27:50 We are aware that elections are won on the very day
00:27:54 that the voting is customed as people exercise
00:27:58 their democratic rights and franchise.
00:28:01 I mean, Kennedy Ejepon, the Honorable Kennedy Ejepon
00:28:04 has been a member of parliament,
00:28:06 the longest obviously understands grassroots politics,
00:28:11 knows grassroots politics,
00:28:13 has traveled the length and breadth of this country
00:28:16 campaigning likewise.
00:28:17 I'll urge you Dr. Mahmoud Boumia from 2000 up until now,
00:28:21 he's been a full-time running mate,
00:28:24 two-time vice president.
00:28:26 I mean, I'm not surprised.
00:28:29 I mean, that Kennedy could pull such numbers.
00:28:33 And you also are aware that in the lead up to this,
00:28:36 I mean, all the persons that were supposed to stand,
00:28:39 I mean, we had a few people who left out as well
00:28:43 to start their own journey as it is,
00:28:47 to be able to impact the political polity in this country.
00:28:51 But I think that as a party, we are united in our front.
00:28:56 We are very aware of our foreseeable challenges
00:29:00 in the future as we lead up into the 2024 general election.
00:29:04 The victory messages that came from everybody
00:29:07 was extremely, extremely encouraging.
00:29:10 Fought right to be able to state that the elections
00:29:14 were free, fair, conducted in a transparent manner,
00:29:17 incidents free,
00:29:19 congratulated the EC for their outstanding support,
00:29:22 congratulated the police service
00:29:25 led by the Inspector General of Police,
00:29:27 Dr. George Okufudan Pari,
00:29:28 exceedingly work that has been done.
00:29:31 It has been one of the most peaceful internal elections
00:29:35 of the new patriotic party and even of the fourth republic.
00:29:39 And we are very pleased with that.
00:29:42 But it goes to state that in politics,
00:29:45 hard work pays off and everybody has worked extremely hard.
00:29:50 Everyone has worked extremely hard
00:29:51 and it's important that we congratulate everyone.
00:29:54 Moving forward, obviously,
00:29:55 we are aware that we have a nation to govern
00:29:59 and we have an election to win.
00:30:01 - Okay, let me, I just want to quickly sneak this by you
00:30:04 so that we get into the papers.
00:30:05 After all, that's what we're here for,
00:30:06 but I cannot have a stalwart of the MP come
00:30:08 and not throw some of these by you.
00:30:11 Two quick things.
00:30:12 The last one would be to find out,
00:30:14 I mean, your quest to become a member of parliament.
00:30:16 I mean, where that is headed.
00:30:18 But on staying on Dr. Bawumia,
00:30:20 some have said that he's the weakest ever candidate
00:30:23 the MPP is going to field in an election
00:30:26 in the fourth republic, the weakest ever.
00:30:28 Already, some have said that all the four
00:30:30 that have been fielded were the weakest crop
00:30:33 that the MPP had ever fielded.
00:30:35 And now they've selected one of them.
00:30:37 What does that mean?
00:30:38 And just look at it this way.
00:30:41 He secures 61.4% of the vote,
00:30:44 far below what anyone in the party had projected.
00:30:48 On the other end, the person who's going to face
00:30:50 this main contender, John Romani Mahama,
00:30:53 secured 98.9% of the votes when the NDC had its Congress.
00:30:58 Now you put the two side by side.
00:31:00 The NDC had about 355,000 plus delegates casting their vote,
00:31:05 almost twice the number that you fielded.
00:31:07 How do you do the math?
00:31:08 What does that mean for you?
00:31:10 - Well, I don't think that projections
00:31:11 and opinions of persons on Alhaji Dr. Mahmood Bawumia
00:31:15 being a weak candidate is--
00:31:17 - You don't think he's a weak candidate?
00:31:18 - I don't think Alhaji Dr. Mahmood Bawumia
00:31:20 is a weak candidate.
00:31:21 And the data is there to prove.
00:31:22 I mean, in 1992, Edou Bwahine,
00:31:25 in the internal elections had 56.6%.
00:31:29 Jonah Jakum Kufo had 51.9% in 1996.
00:31:33 Nana Adedankwe Kufo-Addo,
00:31:34 who is President of the Republic of Ghana in 2007,
00:31:37 had 47.97%.
00:31:41 I mean, in the history of this country
00:31:44 and the history of the new patriotic party,
00:31:46 for a man who was not a career politician
00:31:48 at a time when he was noticed,
00:31:51 I mean, as Deputy Governor by the President,
00:31:55 Jonah Jakum Kufo,
00:31:56 and to become a running mate of Nana Adedankwe Kufo-Addo,
00:32:01 who is a career politician,
00:32:02 to stand for the first time in an internal election
00:32:04 to pool 61.4%, I think that is no weak at all.
00:32:09 You talk about the NDC.
00:32:09 I mean, the NDC did not have an election.
00:32:11 They had a referendum, clearly.
00:32:13 The NDC did not have an election.
00:32:14 - He was contested.
00:32:15 - Well, I mean, he was--
00:32:16 - By the former mayor of Kumasi.
00:32:17 - No, I mean, that was almost a referendum.
00:32:20 - What is that?
00:32:21 - That was an acclamation.
00:32:22 Even when in 2015, I mean, in 2015 in the NDC,
00:32:26 Prime Minister John Dramani Mahama stood against Nul.
00:32:29 Nul had 60,000.
00:32:30 - Right.
00:32:31 - People that rejected him within the NDC were 60,000.
00:32:34 - What did he get at the end, by way of the approval?
00:32:37 - Yes, I mean--
00:32:38 - You want to mention 60,000, but that's the rest.
00:32:40 - Yes, of course, but it's also important
00:32:41 to be able to mention that Al-Hajji Dr. Mahmoud Bamiya
00:32:43 has put such a remarkable percentage.
00:32:45 - 61.4%.
00:32:46 - I think it's a remarkable percentage.
00:32:48 I mean, remarkable percentage,
00:32:50 and we need to be able to applaud him,
00:32:51 applaud the campaign team, applaud every other person.
00:32:54 Applaud, especially, I mean, for me,
00:32:56 not singling out any other person,
00:32:57 but Samia Wuku, an extreme, perfect gentleman,
00:33:01 done an extremely good work coordinating
00:33:03 this entire campaign.
00:33:04 I'm extremely pleased with the results,
00:33:06 and everyone is extremely pleased with this result.
00:33:08 It's never happened in the Republic of Ghana.
00:33:10 It's never happened in a new patriotic--
00:33:12 - Can Dr. Bamiya win election 2024?
00:33:14 - I believe so that Al-Hajji Dr. Mahmoud Bamiya
00:33:16 would win the 2024 general election,
00:33:20 and would bring this country on a journey of possibilities.
00:33:22 We've just launched a journey of possibilities.
00:33:25 - Right.
00:33:26 The battle has been won.
00:33:28 Now remains the war.
00:33:29 The Ghanaian Times newspaper,
00:33:31 NPP decides it's Dr. Bamiya as flag bearer of NPP
00:33:35 for 2024 general election.
00:33:37 President hands over NPP leadership to Dr. Bamiya,
00:33:40 vows to ensure his election as next president.
00:33:44 And to ensure his election as next president.
00:33:48 Is it in the bosom of the president,
00:33:51 or on the bosom of the honorary voters of Ghana?
00:33:54 Just thinking aloud.
00:33:55 I'll be my own man in government,
00:33:56 vice president declares as he picks a baton to lead NPP.
00:34:01 Nungwa Stool invites homeowners on Adjirigano
00:34:04 and Bortiman lands to regularize documents
00:34:06 following Supreme Court ruling.
00:34:08 On the back page, Kotoko lose to Dreams FC at home.
00:34:11 Charlie, what's up, what's up?
00:34:13 And now the porcupine is getting,
00:34:16 it's as though they were taking the pines off.
00:34:18 And then the quails actually.
00:34:20 Ten man, Mediama stun Lagon cities.
00:34:23 Karela and Hart's draw in Tamale.
00:34:26 And there was also that on the international front,
00:34:29 interesting draw.
00:34:29 I think it was Luton Town with Liverpool.
00:34:33 But let's get into the stories now.
00:34:34 And I think it's page 12.
00:34:37 I have to go to for the first big one.
00:34:41 Here we go, page 12.
00:34:43 Vice president Dr. Mahmoud Bamiya was on Saturday
00:34:46 elected flag bearer to contest on the ticket
00:34:48 of the governing new patriotic party
00:34:50 in the 2024 presidential election.
00:34:53 He pulled 118,210 of the 192,446 valid votes cast
00:34:58 representing 61.47% to beat his closest contender,
00:35:04 Kennedy or Hineye Japong in the keenly contested election.
00:35:07 Mr. Japong, member of parliament for ASEAN Central
00:35:09 garnered 71,996 votes representing 37.41%
00:35:14 ahead of two other contenders
00:35:17 for that is former minister of agriculture,
00:35:20 Dr. Ouswe Friakotu, 1,459 votes translating into 0.76%.
00:35:25 And former MP for Mampong Francis Adainimo,
00:35:29 781 votes representing 0.41%.
00:35:33 So there you go, the ASEAN Central MP.
00:35:36 I call them the dark horse of the race
00:35:38 garnering almost 40% out of nowhere in there.
00:35:43 There's also parliament and NTC to deepen ties
00:35:47 and the head of the newly created
00:35:48 media relations directorate of parliament,
00:35:50 David Sebastian Damois, or Damois,
00:35:54 has called on the editor of the Ghanaian Times,
00:35:55 David Agbenu.
00:35:56 The visit is part of measures taken by the new directorate
00:35:59 to further deepen the relationship between the legislature
00:36:02 and the New Times Corporation,
00:36:03 publishers of the Ghanaian Times and the spectator.
00:36:07 And let me also sneak in this bit
00:36:11 before I come to Pogre for some remarks.
00:36:14 Dr. Opunni Trial, seven cocoa regional managers
00:36:19 lobbied for more liquid fertilizer.
00:36:21 That's according to a witness.
00:36:23 This happens to be a never ending saga
00:36:26 as far as the little vet cocoa pot saga is concerned.
00:36:31 But in this latest development,
00:36:33 Mr. Peter Orchard-Watting, the seventh defense witness
00:36:36 has told the Accra High Court
00:36:38 trying the alleged cocoa pot financial loss case
00:36:40 that all regional managers
00:36:42 of seven cocoa regions of the country
00:36:43 lobbied for more supply of lithovit liquid fertilizer.
00:36:48 Of course, that backs what claims
00:36:51 have been made by the accused.
00:36:53 But that also brings me to an interesting point.
00:36:57 The losses that cocoa pot has been incurring,
00:36:59 I broke it down for you in my blunts thoughts
00:37:02 a few weeks ago, over the years,
00:37:05 the wanton losses that it has been bringing to bear.
00:37:10 Who is going to account for that?
00:37:12 Are we going to bring some accountability for that as well?
00:37:15 Pogre, any remarks?
00:37:18 - Well, I mean, so clearly the newspapers have said it all.
00:37:24 Dr. Mahmoud Bouamia has stated that he would be his own man.
00:37:28 And when you follow through his speech,
00:37:31 he launches a path for his vision on page 13.
00:37:34 He says that, "My vision is to build an inclusive,
00:37:38 "food self-sufficient, data-driven, system-based nation
00:37:42 "that will fully participate
00:37:44 "in the global digital revolution to solve our problems
00:37:47 "and also to usher in a golden age of benefits
00:37:50 "from our natural resources.
00:37:52 "I want to lead a nation that improves and unleashes
00:37:55 "the talents of our youth and offers good jobs
00:37:58 "with good pay and sustainable growth
00:38:00 "with macroeconomic discipline."
00:38:02 I think that his speeches are well.
00:38:03 Can I go on to the newspaper?
00:38:05 - Just on those speeches,
00:38:06 we all know that governance isn't by speeches.
00:38:08 I just had to add that.
00:38:10 - Absolutely, absolutely.
00:38:11 - We've heard too much from politicians,
00:38:13 NDC, NDP, this and that. - It's with substance
00:38:14 and what we've done.
00:38:16 - And what we want to see is the real thing on the ground.
00:38:21 Politics, as far back as level 100 or 200
00:38:24 at the University of Ghana, it was clear.
00:38:26 In political science class,
00:38:28 political parties seek to secure power
00:38:32 so that they can actually bring development
00:38:34 so that they can propagate the ideas they have espoused.
00:38:38 But we all know that, especially on this continent,
00:38:42 what is said versus the work on the ground are huge.
00:38:50 - Well, I think that, Benjamin,
00:38:52 one of the things that is important to also highlight
00:38:55 is that until a vision is written on a paper,
00:38:56 it cannot be implemented.
00:38:58 - Oh, really? - That's key.
00:38:59 You must be able to let your vision be written on a paper,
00:39:03 clearly understood by people to carry on.
00:39:05 Even the good book says that.
00:39:07 Write your vision on the tablets of paper
00:39:09 so people can see it and run with it.
00:39:11 - Yeah, the good book also talks about planning
00:39:13 and the fool who starts putting up stuff
00:39:17 without having the wherewithal to complete it.
00:39:19 That is also relevant.
00:39:20 - Yeah, I mean, I don't doubt that.
00:39:21 But I mean, much as politics is not about speeches,
00:39:24 politics is also about making sure
00:39:26 you are cutting a clear path of vision,
00:39:28 and we cannot discount that.
00:39:30 - Abbas, Abdullah Gambidi comes here with this comment.
00:39:33 He says, "Mere speeches aren't what we need at the moment."
00:39:37 - Well, he will deliver on his promise.
00:39:38 Can I go on to the news before you?
00:39:39 - Yes, please do.
00:39:40 - Okay, "The Daily Guide."
00:39:42 Bawumia leads NPP, grabs 61.47 votes.
00:39:47 On the front page of "The Daily Guide" as well,
00:39:53 "I have my own vision, NPP flag bearer."
00:39:56 And 432 kilometer road in Volta,
00:40:00 unprecedented, Nana Adodankwa Ekufuadu.
00:40:04 At the back page, Jordan sets EPL record,
00:40:08 and Nima school crowned NFL flag champions.
00:40:13 I think that Abedi Pele Ayu celebrated a birthday.
00:40:17 - Abedi Ayu.
00:40:18 - Yes, over the weekend.
00:40:20 The Daily Stays--
00:40:21 - He's Africa's first,
00:40:23 oftentimes when we talk about the Ballon d'Or
00:40:26 and all of that, at his time,
00:40:28 I believe with Olympic Marseille,
00:40:29 when they took the European gold.
00:40:31 He was the first to place in the top 10
00:40:33 in terms of the FIFA rankings.
00:40:35 I think he placed ninth, and it's worthy of note.
00:40:38 In recent times, I've seen a lot of talk about Mané,
00:40:42 Salah, Eto'o, and all the others,
00:40:45 Drogba and Co, who are featured in the top 10.
00:40:47 It's also worthy of notes.
00:40:49 - And he took the African best player
00:40:51 back to back three times.
00:40:53 - No, he's done excellent.
00:40:54 - Amazing character.
00:40:55 - We must commend him,
00:40:56 and he's been able to keep a high level of integrity
00:40:59 after his football career.
00:41:01 The Daily Staysman.
00:41:02 NPP has a place for all.
00:41:06 Flag bearer, Baumea, seeks unity
00:41:09 towards victory in 2024.
00:41:12 Can others pledge full support?
00:41:14 And I mean, this--
00:41:17 - That was beautiful, though.
00:41:18 - This front page-- - Is that what it ought to be.
00:41:19 - Very, very beautiful.
00:41:21 I mean, and he calls everyone
00:41:24 from all sectors of the Ghanaian economy,
00:41:27 from the civil service, from the public service,
00:41:29 from the civil society organization,
00:41:31 from the business community,
00:41:33 from intellectuals, from technocrats.
00:41:36 He calls all.
00:41:37 And the amazing thing is that he calls Gen Z,
00:41:40 the millennials, he calls them,
00:41:41 that NPP has a place for all.
00:41:44 On the front page of the Daily Staysman--
00:41:46 - But Gen Z's are interested in Jobsville.
00:41:48 - Oh, of course, I mean, the vice president--
00:41:50 - Is Job--
00:41:51 - The vice president is not blinded to that.
00:41:53 - Let me tell you something.
00:41:54 Sometimes I think of the politics in our country,
00:41:57 and this comes to mind,
00:41:58 and I'll just share it with you.
00:42:00 If the NPP takes it up, all well and good.
00:42:02 I feel we've got to the point
00:42:04 where the people don't want too much talk.
00:42:06 Do you know, in jurisdictions where politicians deliver,
00:42:11 you don't need to talk too much.
00:42:12 I feel in this country, looking at where we are,
00:42:15 economically with Gallamsey and all of that, me, me,
00:42:18 if any leader were able to come
00:42:21 and even maintain the status quo in the economy
00:42:23 and other things, but Gallamsey,
00:42:24 get rid of what we are facing,
00:42:28 and get certain things done,
00:42:29 on that front alone, that person would secure my vote.
00:42:33 And many people, I speak to people from CSOs,
00:42:35 ordinary people, the elite and all of that,
00:42:38 they say, "We just want someone to come
00:42:41 "who will live up to expectation."
00:42:42 If you do the right things, honestly,
00:42:44 you probably do.
00:42:45 - Dr. Mahmoud Boumya--
00:42:46 - Okay, it's not the fact he talks.
00:42:47 - Dr. Mahmoud Boumya is the right person.
00:42:49 - Kassabibri, Kassabibri, I'm fine with it.
00:42:50 - No, Benjamin, Benjamin, you live off talking.
00:42:54 You live off talking as a journalist.
00:42:55 - I live off talking facts.
00:42:57 - Yes, of course.
00:42:58 - I live off talking facts.
00:42:59 - Of course, of course, of course, of course, of course.
00:43:02 - Incredible, that's what we do.
00:43:04 - But I tell you the truth.
00:43:05 Dr. Mahmoud Boumya is the right person
00:43:07 who will live his talk.
00:43:09 That's an honest truth.
00:43:10 He will live his talk.
00:43:11 He's not blinded to all the challenges
00:43:13 that we're going through as a country.
00:43:14 On the front page of the Daily Stateman as well,
00:43:16 "Security experts cautioned on conflict commentaries
00:43:20 and President Tao's unprecedented 432 kilometer roads
00:43:25 constructed in the Volta region."
00:43:29 Ah, this is a very nice job.
00:43:31 The custodian.
00:43:32 (laughs)
00:43:33 - You should--
00:43:34 - I like your tagline.
00:43:35 - You should, you like the job, right?
00:43:36 - No, no, I like the tagline of the custodian.
00:43:39 - Okay.
00:43:40 - Fearless, fair, and reliable.
00:43:42 (laughs)
00:43:42 - Okay.
00:43:43 - The custodian.
00:43:44 On the front page of the custodian,
00:43:45 "It's confirmed, Boumya versus Mahama in 2024 showdown."
00:43:50 On the front page of the custodian as well,
00:43:55 "The MPP election was free and fair, Kennedy a Japone."
00:44:00 On the front page as well,
00:44:01 "A Kufu Ado sets record in Volta region,
00:44:05 432 kilometer of roads constructed unprecedented."
00:44:12 And "Dr. Mustafa Abdo Hamid, the MPA boss,
00:44:15 CRM to improve LPG access and prevent accidents."
00:44:20 And "Gual M.D. grants lifetime achievement award."
00:44:25 Benjamin, I think I'm done, over to you.
00:44:27 - I just have an interesting question for you.
00:44:29 Some discussions that arose
00:44:30 on the back of Dr. Mahmoud Boumya's win.
00:44:33 Of course, we know Alan recently,
00:44:35 he had his young caucus, you know,
00:44:37 come together, all of them in something
00:44:39 looking like yellow or orange.
00:44:41 Maybe Afafan Tokalis and, you know, the Monarch butterfly.
00:44:45 And he appears to also be doing his thing.
00:44:49 Like it or not, it's going to take votes away
00:44:51 from both the MPP and the NDC,
00:44:54 but more from the MPP, he's from your stock.
00:44:56 You can't run away from that.
00:44:58 Some have also said that even more disastrous
00:45:02 would be the instance where maybe Alan and Kent team up.
00:45:10 Do you see that happening, ever, possible?
00:45:12 - I don't think that is ever going to happen, Benjamin.
00:45:15 I mean, because clearly from the Saturday,
00:45:18 victorious, November 4th, victorious win
00:45:22 for the New Patriotic Party,
00:45:23 and it's an inclusive win, collective win.
00:45:26 We noticed that every single person that was on the ballot
00:45:30 for the November 4th election,
00:45:32 from Honorable Kenneji Rippon,
00:45:34 who was the first on the ballot,
00:45:35 to the Vice President, Alhaji Dr. Mahmoud Boumya,
00:45:37 who was the second on the ballot,
00:45:39 to Dr. Friya Akoto on the third of the ballot,
00:45:42 and then Adani Mou on the fourth.
00:45:43 All four of them were on the stage
00:45:46 when the Electoral Commission
00:45:48 had to come and declare the results.
00:45:50 - All four of them also re-echoed what Alan had said.
00:45:55 No, no, no, hold on, hold on.
00:45:57 Re-echoed what Alan had said.
00:45:59 In fact, in recent times,
00:46:00 there was an interview with Dr. Friya Akoto,
00:46:02 Elton John Bruby did that.
00:46:04 Manipulation, intimidation, using money
00:46:09 to buy delegates, so to speak.
00:46:12 All of them also mentioned that.
00:46:13 You know that.
00:46:14 - Benjamin, you are talking about something
00:46:16 that happened in the past.
00:46:18 I am talking about something--
00:46:19 - So you've automatically moved--
00:46:20 - Not at all, not at all.
00:46:21 But I'm talking about something that happened on Saturday.
00:46:24 Just this Saturday.
00:46:26 Just this Saturday, these four persons,
00:46:29 including Alhaji Dr. Mahmoud Boumya,
00:46:31 pledged that the biggest opposition that we have
00:46:37 is the NDC to win the 2024 general election.
00:46:41 The Honorable Kennedy Jopin pledged
00:46:43 his full unrelenting support for the flag bearer
00:46:47 of the new patriotic party, pledged as well
00:46:50 that that showdown that must be given,
00:46:53 must be given to the NDC.
00:46:56 And it's instructive for me to state
00:46:58 that in the speech of Alhaji Dr. Mahmoud Boumya,
00:47:00 he says that, and I think that this is important,
00:47:02 on page 16, he says, "Breaking the eight
00:47:05 is not about partisanship, but about patriotism
00:47:08 and knowing that Ghana deserves consistency,
00:47:11 focus and follow through,
00:47:13 not political bickering and division."
00:47:16 And he says, "We will break the eight in unity.
00:47:19 We will govern in unity because regardless
00:47:22 of the margin of our victory, we govern for
00:47:25 and in the interest of 100% of Ghanaians."
00:47:27 And I think that this is key.
00:47:30 This is extremely key that all these persons
00:47:34 have pledged their support.
00:47:35 So for anyone to want to project and assume
00:47:38 that Jonah Boum, Kennedy Jopin would be joining
00:47:41 the movement of the butterfly,
00:47:43 I think that that falls on dead ears.
00:47:48 - Because of time, Ducoup Biapol says,
00:47:51 "Tell the one in your studio that a gallon of petrol
00:47:55 is now the price of a liter of petrol
00:47:59 is now what used to be a gallon of petrol."
00:48:02 I think that is what he's saying.
00:48:04 And of course, I'm sure he's very much aware of it.
00:48:06 What the cost of a gallon of petrol was
00:48:09 is now close to what a liter is in Ghana.
00:48:14 "Boumier makes history and MPP obtains highest endorsement
00:48:18 for any first-time flag bearer aspirant.
00:48:21 432 kilometers of roads constructed in Volta region
00:48:24 unprecedented President Nkufuadzo says so.
00:48:26 MPP can never be tagged as an akan party,
00:48:29 Justin Kodria, Ephraim Pong says so."
00:48:32 And then, "Sort cut for Agenda 111 hospital
00:48:35 in Adenta municipality."
00:48:36 I'll be going there for sure.
00:48:38 "And embrace CRM to prevent accidents and improve LPG access
00:48:41 NPA boss says so."
00:48:44 So rise to the occasion and stop blaming politicians.
00:48:49 USAID also says that,
00:48:51 "The United States Agency for International Development
00:48:53 has called on Ghanaians to take up the challenge
00:48:55 of ensuring they achieved the desired transformation
00:48:58 in their communities and not blame political leaders
00:49:01 for their developmental challenges.
00:49:02 It said, "Despite the many projects
00:49:04 and development interventions in the country,
00:49:06 there was no significant impact on society
00:49:10 because most times we think
00:49:12 that it is somebody's responsibility to do it."
00:49:15 Mr. Paul Napare, the agreement's office says,
00:49:18 "Representative of the USAID
00:49:20 or Ghana Strengthening Accountability
00:49:21 in Ghana's educational system activity
00:49:24 made the call in Waa during the regional launch
00:49:26 of the USAID's SAGES activity."
00:49:30 But then that also brings me to this interesting subject.
00:49:33 In recent times, we've had the head
00:49:34 of the Ghana AIDS Commission, Dr. Tremme,
00:49:36 if you are here in the studio,
00:49:37 and he's on the papers today.
00:49:39 "HIV/AIDS donor support drops 75%.
00:49:43 We need help from the private sector."
00:49:45 Of course, he sat right here in the studio,
00:49:47 told me about concerns with what government is giving them,
00:49:50 how it's impacting work,
00:49:52 how it is letting a lot of people
00:49:54 who perhaps don't even know they have it,
00:49:57 they are just out there unwittingly or wittingly,
00:50:00 spreading it, how some people who should be coming
00:50:03 are not coming on the back of some of these challenges.
00:50:05 So private sector, this is another call.
00:50:08 While we plead for you to support
00:50:10 those who are affected by the spillage,
00:50:12 HIV/AIDS is also on the rise.
00:50:15 There's a spike.
00:50:15 If you can help in that direction,
00:50:17 the Ghana AIDS Commission is calling on you.
00:50:20 "NPP can never be tagged as an Akan party,"
00:50:22 Justin Kodias says so.
00:50:24 And he says, "The NPP has made history
00:50:27 by electing Vice President Dr. Mohamedou Baoumia,
00:50:29 a non-Akan, to lead the party
00:50:31 into the 2024 January election as its flag bearer."
00:50:35 Okay, I think I'll reserve my comments on that.
00:50:41 Any quick thoughts on any of the stories we've done?
00:50:44 - Well, I mean, Benjamin, it's clear that
00:50:48 the new patriotic party is forging ahead
00:50:50 on a strong journey of possibilities.
00:50:53 It's also very clear that once we are done
00:50:56 with our primaries, we have a clear leader,
00:51:01 which is Al-Hajji Dr. Mahmoud Baoumia,
00:51:03 to lead the party into victory.
00:51:06 We also have some more internal elections to do.
00:51:09 Our parliamentary elections is just stemming at us.
00:51:13 Over the next few months,
00:51:16 you will realize that often constituencies
00:51:18 would be going into their primaries
00:51:21 to select the candidates for the parliamentary in 2024.
00:51:25 And then also places with sitting MPs as well
00:51:29 will be going into an election in February 2024.
00:51:32 And I mean, I would be also putting myself up
00:51:36 on that journey of possibilities
00:51:38 with the good people of Ibwaka North.
00:51:41 And my prayer and hope is that with all the conversations
00:51:45 that I'm having with an overwhelming number of 524 delegates,
00:51:50 they will vote and consider me as their next representative
00:51:55 in the ninth parliament,
00:51:57 where it's gonna be an extremely,
00:51:59 extremely engaging parliament to make the laws
00:52:03 and implement government policies
00:52:05 and ensure that this government strives on.
00:52:08 - All right, the Ghanaian publisher,
00:52:09 the only one I'll single out,
00:52:11 election was free and transparent.
00:52:13 That's according to Kennedy, a Jap quote.
00:52:15 I'll leave it there and just wrap with this bit.
00:52:18 I'm going to get on Kolibu.
00:52:20 Last week Friday, my focus was on Kolibu
00:52:22 for my blunt thoughts.
00:52:24 The former Kolibu CEO, page six of the daily guide,
00:52:28 brings relief to patients.
00:52:29 Dr. Felix Anya, a former chief executive
00:52:31 of the Kolibu Teaching Hospital,
00:52:32 has made a generous donation of 100,000 Ghana CDs
00:52:35 to settle bills of new mothers and sick babies.
00:52:38 This kind gesture is aimed at helping patients
00:52:40 in the maternity and children's departments
00:52:43 who are struggling to pay their medical bills.
00:52:46 But having said that,
00:52:47 have you used the road from the SDC to the roundabout
00:52:52 to ICGC, towards the Bukom Boxing Arena,
00:52:55 towards, in fact, right in front of Kolibu,
00:52:58 there's a crater in front of Kolibu.
00:53:01 I spoke about this on Friday
00:53:02 because if you have an emergency
00:53:05 and even an ambulance is taking you on that stretch,
00:53:07 you could die before you get to the hospital.
00:53:10 The roads are terrible through Abusokai, all the way going.
00:53:13 The Renault department, do you know it was shut
00:53:15 for five months because of a lack
00:53:17 of four million Ghana CDs?
00:53:18 That's only eight V8 vehicles,
00:53:19 the one your political friends like to ride.
00:53:22 Where do we prioritize?
00:53:24 And there's equipment at Kolibu.
00:53:26 The 640 slice machine, $1 million,
00:53:29 one of only three in Africa.
00:53:31 Another equipment costing 1.5 million, some $100,000.
00:53:36 They've broken down, they offer core services.
00:53:40 They've broken down some for two years,
00:53:41 some for about a year, some for many months.
00:53:44 No one is paying attention to them
00:53:46 and people are going to these places.
00:53:47 Mind you, people come to Ghana for medical tourism.
00:53:50 In fact, the UGMC that we keep talking about
00:53:53 refers people to Kolibu.
00:53:54 So you see why sometimes some of us get
00:53:58 quote unquote angry about systems.
00:54:01 Because for some small lapses,
00:54:04 someone will go and die a death
00:54:06 that was not his or her death.
00:54:07 That's the final point I want you to,
00:54:09 in some 30 seconds and then we'll--
00:54:10 - Well, in 30 seconds, there's not much I can say
00:54:12 than to say that I'll get my briefs on Kolibu and Ghana.
00:54:15 - Actually, I'm telling you this too,
00:54:16 that as your government's spokesperson,
00:54:19 I called on the-- - I'll get my briefs.
00:54:20 - I called on the Rhodes Minister.
00:54:22 - I'll get my briefs and-- - Please put in the words.
00:54:24 - I'll get my briefs and come and report
00:54:26 to you and the Ghanian people.
00:54:28 - Thank you very much. - Thank you.
00:54:30 - Paul Grave, Wachadan Kwa, who joined us for this review,
00:54:33 is government's spokesperson on governance and security.
00:54:35 But to wrap, Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic
00:54:37 is offering you, if you're a man,
00:54:40 if you're hitting 35, 40, me, I started many years ago.
00:54:44 Have you checked your prostate?
00:54:45 Mevindia Gro, go and ask KSM.
00:54:47 He was on my, we're coming out with something
00:54:50 on the prostate, and he came here on my show
00:54:51 and shared it, don't play with your prostate.
00:54:54 If you're a woman, do you know what is going on
00:54:55 as far as your fertility is concerned?
00:54:57 That's why you ought to make your way
00:54:59 to Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic.
00:55:01 You can locate them here in the crowds,
00:55:02 Pintex offers a shelf signboard, Kumasi,
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00:55:19 Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic, the end to chronic disease.
00:55:26 Thank you for joining.
00:55:27 Up next, we have a serving of sports,
00:55:30 a lot of action, both locally and externally,
00:55:33 and of course, the African Club Championship as well,
00:55:37 Mamelodi Sundowns losing 2-1 in that first leg.
00:55:40 But what will happen in the second leg,
00:55:42 only time will tell.
00:55:43 More in sports up next.
00:55:44 (dramatic music)
00:55:48 Just a few days ago, specifically Saturday,
00:56:09 the New Patriotic Party went
00:56:12 for its National Delegates Congress.
00:56:15 It was an attempt to elect a flag bearer for the party
00:56:17 going into election 2024, which they succeeded at doing,
00:56:21 Vice President Dr. Mahmoud Boumia becoming
00:56:24 the standard bearer, if you like, for the political party
00:56:27 going into that election.
00:56:29 In fact, interestingly, the current president handing over
00:56:34 the baton, so to speak, to Dr. Boumia.
00:56:37 But what does this portend for the New Patriotic Party
00:56:40 in terms of its electoral fortunes going into next year?
00:56:44 Is this the team, at least with the flag bearer,
00:56:48 that can break the eight?
00:56:49 We've put that question out there on social media.
00:56:52 Joy News on Facebook this morning asking you,
00:56:55 can Dr. Mahmoud Boumia lead the MPP to break the eight?
00:57:00 Share your thoughts with us.
00:57:01 But for now, in the studio,
00:57:02 we're going to have a conversation on that,
00:57:04 the wider issues and the narrow issues.
00:57:07 Joining us as guests, Professor Kobi Mensah.
00:57:10 He's a political marketing consultant
00:57:12 with the University of Ghana Business School.
00:57:13 We also have Dr. Michael Ayamga,
00:57:16 a development economist and senior lecturer
00:57:18 at the University for Development Studies in Tamale.
00:57:21 Gentlemen, good morning.
00:57:23 - Morning, and thanks for having me.
00:57:27 - All right.
00:57:28 Dr. Ayamga, I would ask that you just hold on for me.
00:57:33 Professor Kobi Mensah is a bit tied up this morning,
00:57:36 pressed for time.
00:57:37 So I'm going to expend a bit of time on him
00:57:39 and then let him go.
00:57:40 Then I'll come to you, Dr. Ayamga.
00:57:42 I hope that's okay with you, sir.
00:57:43 - That's good.
00:57:46 - Thank you, thank you so much.
00:57:47 Prof, initial thoughts on everything
00:57:50 that happened on Saturday.
00:57:52 So I'm starting from a very wide area
00:57:54 before we narrow it down to the crucial issues.
00:57:56 What was your impression of the Congress of the MPP?
00:57:59 - Thank you.
00:58:01 Thanks to Dr. Ayamga for giving me the platform.
00:58:04 I have a class at eight, so I had to run.
00:58:07 Okay, no, so generally, of course,
00:58:10 the party has done well.
00:58:13 The organization, I think, very much went better
00:58:16 than the super delegate elections way back in August.
00:58:20 So you would say that the party structures
00:58:22 had perhaps learned one or two from the lot of complaints
00:58:26 that actually came after that particular elections.
00:58:30 So of course, in terms of the organization,
00:58:32 you would actually give them a pass for that.
00:58:35 But the things surrounding what you call
00:58:38 the entire organization,
00:58:41 obviously, there had been quite a lot of criticisms
00:58:44 about the strategy in terms of deciding to do it
00:58:49 center by center, as opposed to pulling them together
00:58:52 in a convention, which most people
00:58:55 have actually expressed opinions on that,
00:58:57 including the candidate themselves,
00:58:59 because then it allows room for certain intimidation.
00:59:03 I mean, there are some constituencies
00:59:06 that you saw almost nothing, or not almost nothing,
00:59:10 but nothing for the other contestants.
00:59:12 But Dr. Baume, for example, sweeping the entire slate
00:59:16 in those constituencies, that actually speaks to you
00:59:19 that people are under certain coercion
00:59:22 to express their political views in a certain manner,
00:59:26 especially when you group them in that constituency
00:59:29 by constituency basis.
00:59:31 So perhaps they have to look at that.
00:59:32 That's a bit of a criticism that most people--
00:59:35 - But pressure or not, it was a secret vote,
00:59:37 and the people could have expressed their opinion,
00:59:39 as we saw them do in some interesting cases
00:59:42 in the Ashanti region and in the central region.
00:59:44 So what then was that--
00:59:47 - You would think that's the case.
00:59:48 Ideally, you would think that's the case.
00:59:50 But of course, internal party structures
00:59:52 are completely different.
00:59:53 I mean, these people are easily targeted,
00:59:57 unlike national elections where you could say
00:59:59 that there are some floating voters here and there,
01:00:01 so you wouldn't be able to even get,
01:00:03 because it's a secret ballot.
01:00:05 But you know, when it comes to party elections,
01:00:07 almost everybody knows everybody,
01:00:09 just like a small community, a village community.
01:00:12 And so people know who is Alan Bacchus,
01:00:15 people know who is Kennedy Japone Bacchus,
01:00:18 people know who is Baume Bacchus.
01:00:21 And so with that particular foreknowledge,
01:00:23 you would know that perhaps if you vote
01:00:25 according to, or not according to
01:00:28 what the pressures want you to do,
01:00:31 then you are easily targeted and identified.
01:00:33 And that's why we say that doing it center by center
01:00:36 is not an ideal position, is not a suitable position
01:00:39 to remove the political pressures on people.
01:00:42 But having said that, the vote itself is quite interesting.
01:00:45 If you look at Baume and City 1% against the Tau-Tex 75,
01:00:50 it was highly publicized that he was gonna get 75 and above.
01:00:54 Some people had even stated that
01:00:58 if he gets anything beyond 75, that's not a good poll.
01:01:01 All right, but of course, the evidence is that he got 61.
01:01:04 And then Kennedy Japone, who people didn't really think
01:01:08 from where he was coming, could pull that much.
01:01:11 He got 37.
01:01:12 - And some had said, the projections were that
01:01:15 he would even struggle to get between 20 and 25%.
01:01:18 He got over 37%, almost 40%.
01:01:21 - Absolutely, and then let's break up the vote itself.
01:01:25 I mean, in marketing, we have something called market share.
01:01:28 If you go to the market and you look at the total pool
01:01:31 of the market size, we look at the share that you have.
01:01:35 But in this case, in the Baume's case, for example,
01:01:37 we can actually align it to what we call co-branding.
01:01:41 If you have a very huge machinery behind you,
01:01:45 like the office of the president, which everybody knows,
01:01:48 you have so many parliamentarians
01:01:53 leading the Baume's campaign.
01:01:54 You have almost all the state officers
01:01:59 or the most important personalities in the party
01:02:02 leading Baume's campaign.
01:02:04 That's a huge coalition that you have.
01:02:07 So such a size of a coalition can produce 61%.
01:02:10 Then you would have to ask yourself,
01:02:13 which part of that 61 is actually the contribution
01:02:16 of Baume's own strength?
01:02:18 So for me, I look at it as a very reduced legitimacy
01:02:22 and rather legitimacy swings to Kennedy Japan side.
01:02:25 Of course, you could also argue that his backers
01:02:28 could be a coalition of his own strength
01:02:31 plus Alan's backers because they had actually come out,
01:02:34 but of course they have to vote.
01:02:35 So they might have actually pledged their support
01:02:38 logically to Kennedy Japan, for example.
01:02:41 So I find it very interesting knowing the true strength
01:02:46 of Dr. Baume, given that he has a very huge, large coalition,
01:02:51 very powerful coalition behind him,
01:02:53 and he could only pull 61%.
01:02:55 It's quite interesting there.
01:02:56 So you realize that the legitimacy itself
01:02:58 is actually behind Kennedy Japan.
01:03:00 He has a huge stakes now.
01:03:02 If you're talking about the big weights in MPP,
01:03:07 you cannot discount Kennedy Japan, for example.
01:03:10 - Now, looking at the voting pattern across the regions,
01:03:14 we saw some shocking events in the Ashanti region
01:03:17 where people swung wildly for Kennedy Japan.
01:03:21 In fact, the majority leader himself conceded
01:03:23 that some of the votes took him by surprise
01:03:26 in the Ashanti region because it was supposed
01:03:28 to be a done deal for Dr. Mahmoud Baume.
01:03:31 Same happened in the central region
01:03:33 where in some instances the gap, the spread
01:03:35 was almost 700 for Kennedy Japan.
01:03:39 But on the back of the polls, the votes he secured,
01:03:44 what does this really mean in terms of the unity of the MPP?
01:03:49 After this, they said, and we are united
01:03:51 and we are forging ahead.
01:03:52 In fact, Kennedy Japan said, let me just find,
01:03:57 election was free and transparent.
01:03:59 That was what Kennedy Japan said.
01:04:00 The prelude to that, in the prelude to the election,
01:04:03 we had had Boakye Jaco, the likes of Dr. Friar Coteau,
01:04:07 the likes of Francis Adayemu, Kennedy Japan himself,
01:04:11 Alan Tremateng saying this process has been rigged,
01:04:15 it's manipulated, it is influencing people
01:04:19 in a certain way, and it's not going to be fair.
01:04:24 On the back of all these dynamics,
01:04:26 Alan has formed his movement.
01:04:28 Ken has run this two-horse race, if you like,
01:04:32 and come out proving a point.
01:04:34 Where does that leave the MPP in terms of unity
01:04:38 and possibly breaking the eight?
01:04:40 - Well, of course, you can actually explain
01:04:44 or analyze the unity in terms of two folks.
01:04:47 One, of course, usually post-election unity
01:04:50 is as a result of the behavior of the candidates themselves.
01:04:54 So if the candidate had actually,
01:04:56 or had demonstrated anything contrary to their acceptance,
01:05:01 then of course you could actually see the fragility
01:05:04 in the rank and file of the MPP.
01:05:08 Well, fortunately for them, the main protagonist
01:05:11 seemed to have accepted the leadership
01:05:15 or the winning of Dr. Baume, for example.
01:05:18 So you would not really see it from the top,
01:05:20 and you would not see an ostensible kind of disunity
01:05:24 amongst the party folks because the key protagonists
01:05:28 have actually accepted, and so you wouldn't see that.
01:05:31 But the other side of it is about the harboring
01:05:34 of disunity or unhappiness or the apathy
01:05:38 from the part of the followers themselves,
01:05:40 whether if their leadership had actually accepted it,
01:05:44 whether they personally would accept it,
01:05:46 that's a different kind of conversation.
01:05:48 And that is what usually lead to party apathy
01:05:51 that the supporters do not come out to vote.
01:05:54 Now, I ask myself, if people had been so coerced,
01:05:58 influenced with money, which ostensibly
01:06:01 was on the TV screens, in radio,
01:06:04 a lot of people seem to have been hugely influenced
01:06:08 by what they call TNT.
01:06:10 Now, in the general election, I don't think
01:06:13 there's gonna be any TNT for anybody.
01:06:15 So if the parties themselves have actually
01:06:18 sort of undermined their own authority
01:06:22 by giving people TNT to motivate them to come to the vote,
01:06:25 to what extent would they stay out
01:06:27 or be apathetic to the process
01:06:30 during the 2024 December election?
01:06:33 So that is very, very crucial,
01:06:35 because you have motivated people to come to vote for you.
01:06:38 Would they have come if you hadn't actually given them money?
01:06:41 Perhaps yes, because the majority of them
01:06:43 expressed disappointment, not even having money
01:06:45 in the first place or some of the money in the first place.
01:06:48 That tells you that, yes, we can talk about unity
01:06:51 in the universal sense, i.e. the leaders have accepted,
01:06:55 everybody seems to be hunky-dory going on,
01:06:57 but in the heart of the supporters of the people,
01:07:02 if they hadn't been motivated by money,
01:07:04 perhaps they wouldn't have come.
01:07:05 So what will be the attitude towards the MPP's own
01:07:08 voting counts of voter share come December 2024?
01:07:13 That's very crucial for them.
01:07:15 - Now, let's look at the fragility, how weak Dr. Baumeier is,
01:07:19 because some have painted the picture that, look,
01:07:22 Kennedy Japone came out of nowhere,
01:07:24 was a dark horse, and he secured almost 40%.
01:07:29 Of course, you put that side by side
01:07:31 with John Romani Mahama in his internal election,
01:07:35 securing about 98.9% of the vote.
01:07:40 And some are projecting that Dr. Baumeier
01:07:44 is a weak candidate because of the baggage he comes with,
01:07:48 because of this performance, which was not foreseen
01:07:51 by the party, because all, like you mentioned,
01:07:54 all of those we interacted with from the party,
01:07:56 whether from his camp or otherwise,
01:07:57 said he wouldn't secure anything, anything less than 70%.
01:08:02 61% was what he secured.
01:08:05 Now, could it be that from where you sit,
01:08:08 you're thinking the party has fought the battle,
01:08:11 or Dr. Baumeier has won the battle,
01:08:13 but in terms of winning the war,
01:08:15 it could be far more problematic?
01:08:17 - Absolutely.
01:08:19 I mean, I see it as a very weak legitimacy
01:08:24 because obviously we have that level of expectation for him.
01:08:29 And as I said earlier,
01:08:31 look at the giant leading the campaign.
01:08:33 You know, usually when we're doing political campaigning,
01:08:37 we have a certain candidates or a certain personality,
01:08:41 although they may not be the candidate themselves,
01:08:43 but they whip votes to your direction.
01:08:46 I mean, my own PhD actually sits on MPP strategy
01:08:49 in 2000 elections.
01:08:52 And so we looked at what we call the homeboyism
01:08:56 kind of in idea to see the pillars that actually went on
01:09:00 to kind of mobilize support for the candidate.
01:09:04 That also is a factor in your winning.
01:09:06 So if you look at one,
01:09:08 the kinds of endorsers who actually followed
01:09:12 Baumeier's campaign and make sure that they could articulate
01:09:15 his appeal to the voters or to the delegates,
01:09:19 and then you see other people who hadn't actually had
01:09:23 that kind of endorsement and still he came out with 61%.
01:09:27 I think it's quite interesting to note
01:09:30 that it's a very reduced legitimacy.
01:09:32 And that's why we're talking about the idea
01:09:34 that he hasn't had a absolute grip over the party.
01:09:38 Now, whether that would actually spell disunity,
01:09:41 I don't think so because as I already said,
01:09:44 the leadership had actually accepted
01:09:46 his leading of the party.
01:09:49 But as to whether that would reflect in the vote,
01:09:51 it's questionable.
01:09:52 I mean, in terms of the broader, you know,
01:09:56 legitimacy that he could actually secure
01:09:58 when his own team have touted 75 plus or at least 75.
01:10:03 And that disappointment had been expressed
01:10:09 by the majority leader.
01:10:11 And not only him, I know quite a lot of people,
01:10:14 prominent MPP people, being parliamentarians or party folks,
01:10:18 who had led this campaign had believed
01:10:20 that in their constituency,
01:10:21 they're gonna whitewash the competition,
01:10:23 but it never happened.
01:10:25 And I'm sure that inside the campaign,
01:10:27 they're very disappointed as they're looking at
01:10:29 its possible implication on his leadership
01:10:31 and then in December election next year.
01:10:33 - Just to leave you with these,
01:10:35 because I know you have to go in the next two
01:10:37 to three minutes, you talk about a reduced legitimacy
01:10:41 for Dr. Mohamed Boubidou, but to be fair to him as well,
01:10:44 you would also notice that you can even say
01:10:46 he's the strongest of the weakest in the sense that
01:10:49 for first time contenders, those who are, you know,
01:10:52 engaging in the primary, the presidential primary
01:10:55 for the first time, this is the highest
01:10:57 any of those have got in the MPP.
01:10:59 So you can give him that.
01:11:00 But the two questions I'll throw at you,
01:11:03 what if there were an Alan Kennedy, not Alan,
01:11:07 Bamiya Kennedy-Japon pairing for election 2024,
01:11:11 would that put the MPP in a better stead to break the eight?
01:11:16 And then again, Justin Frimpong-Koduya,
01:11:20 the general secretary of the party has said,
01:11:22 the MPP can never be tagged as an Akan party
01:11:25 on the back of the election of Bamiya.
01:11:28 Does this make that assertion correct
01:11:33 with the selection of Dr. Bamiya?
01:11:36 - Well, let me give you an insight in my own PhD.
01:11:38 As I said, my PhD is very much sits on MPP,
01:11:41 strategy in 2000 election, very much the same framework.
01:11:45 When you're going into elections,
01:11:47 you have at least three elements.
01:11:49 You have your presidential candidate,
01:11:51 you have your policy, you have your party,
01:11:53 you know, representing the brand,
01:11:56 the political brand of the political party going forward.
01:11:59 So you're not only looking at the strength of the candidate
01:12:02 and perhaps the possible vice candidate,
01:12:05 but you're also looking at the strength
01:12:08 of your policy brand, all right,
01:12:10 which is your policy credibility,
01:12:12 the policy types and what the target markets
01:12:15 are for those policy.
01:12:17 You're also looking at the brand of the political party,
01:12:19 whether the political party has established track record
01:12:22 that on the foreground of the people's thinking
01:12:25 could actually influence.
01:12:26 The influencing factor is only the candidate strength,
01:12:29 but these three basic strengths, all right.
01:12:31 Now, if you take the MPP currently as we speak,
01:12:35 nobody would tell you that they have policy brand strength.
01:12:38 All right, that policy brand strength
01:12:40 has been reduced because of the Iran promises
01:12:43 that they gave in 2016, 2020 elections
01:12:47 that they didn't deliver.
01:12:49 So policy credibility perspective, you're weak there.
01:12:52 I'm surprised to, actually, I would be surprised to find
01:12:55 that Ghanaians will really believe in total,
01:12:59 like the policy promises that the NDC would offer,
01:13:02 that's what MPP would offer, that's a challenge.
01:13:05 Now you have also the parties, you know,
01:13:08 what do you call, profile.
01:13:09 Now, the party's profile usually is actually taken
01:13:12 from where the party originally came from,
01:13:15 its traditions, its history, its ideology,
01:13:19 and whether those can actually present
01:13:21 quite a brand strength to pull the vote.
01:13:24 And then, of course, you can talk about
01:13:26 a candidate's character in terms of its believability,
01:13:29 in terms of its approachability,
01:13:31 in terms of its ideological basis,
01:13:33 all these ones come to mind.
01:13:34 I mean, I think, you know, going forward to this campaign,
01:13:38 of course, we're not discussing NDC,
01:13:40 but we can make comparison and then compare that
01:13:43 with also Allen, for example,
01:13:45 who is actually going independent.
01:13:46 Now, I think that the MPP has the issue
01:13:49 with the policy credibility brand issue.
01:13:51 They have a candidate problem they have to fix
01:13:53 because their candidate is not the one
01:13:55 that voters believe in.
01:13:57 I'm sure a lot of Ghanaians will tell you
01:13:59 and what they have actually branded in mass.
01:14:01 And then, of course, you have the party track record.
01:14:03 Perhaps the party track record could help,
01:14:05 but there are current, you know, what do you call,
01:14:08 factors that would remind voters
01:14:11 whether the party has a credibility or not.
01:14:13 So I think that they are going into this election
01:14:15 in a very weak position.
01:14:17 - All right, and the Akan party tag, does this wipe it away?
01:14:22 - Well, I think that Justin Kodio was wrong.
01:14:25 Of course, he could have actually misspoke
01:14:28 because he used Akan to represent Ashanti
01:14:30 as opposed to the totality of the Akan people.
01:14:33 But I had always argued that's not the main case.
01:14:36 I mean, if you look at our political history,
01:14:38 we do not have divisions in terms of geographical divisions
01:14:42 or culturally, et cetera.
01:14:44 NBC had gone on to present South-South tickets
01:14:47 on a number of occasions and they've won.
01:14:50 It is because of the perception,
01:14:51 the perception of Akaniste on MPP
01:14:54 is because of their own behavior.
01:14:56 I have almost said every time that why would be,
01:15:01 why would the finance minister keep on naming
01:15:03 its budgetary brand name with Akan name?
01:15:07 What do you call, they call something Obatanpake,
01:15:11 then another time they put another Akan name on it.
01:15:14 These are the behaviors that people are interpreting
01:15:16 and say you are too Akanistic.
01:15:18 It's not because you presented or not
01:15:21 a certain party leader.
01:15:23 Again, I have said that most of the time
01:15:25 when you meet MPP people in a gathering,
01:15:27 they're most likely to speak Trib than English.
01:15:30 Whereas when you go to NBC, it is not.
01:15:33 These are to look at.
01:15:35 And then of course the appointment.
01:15:37 If you check the appointment of the Nenadu,
01:15:39 you would hear a lot of Akan sounding names
01:15:41 than the other tribes.
01:15:42 These are not my words.
01:15:44 If you go and check my transcript
01:15:46 with some of the party top weights
01:15:49 in way down in 2008, when I did my data,
01:15:52 these are some of the things that they themselves refer to.
01:15:55 The reasons why Jacob Echebilamte would want to bring in
01:15:59 quite a lot of people of other sounding names
01:16:02 at the forefront of every press interaction
01:16:05 and actually feel the MPPs in a press interaction
01:16:09 with lots of women were because to reduce
01:16:13 the certain perception.
01:16:14 And when they won in 2000,
01:16:16 they went back on their own framework
01:16:17 and started doing things differently.
01:16:19 That is what is actually affecting people's perception
01:16:22 of the MPP as Akanistic.
01:16:24 Not because they hadn't had a leadership
01:16:27 of a certain extraction as you would call it.
01:16:30 - Prof, we're so grateful for your time.
01:16:32 We've stolen a few more minutes than we planned.
01:16:34 But thank you so much.
01:16:35 - Sorry about that.
01:16:36 Yeah, we'll talk again.
01:16:37 - All right. - Thank you.
01:16:38 - And that is Professor Kobi Menter
01:16:40 of the University of Ghana Business School.
01:16:42 Let's now move on to Dr. Michael Iyengar.
01:16:44 Doc, once more, thank you so much
01:16:46 for being patient with us.
01:16:48 From where you sit, how would you assess
01:16:51 the happenings of Saturday as far as
01:16:54 this presidential primary of the MVP is concerned?
01:16:57 If you look at the numbers in there,
01:16:58 the greatest numbers of delegates coming through
01:17:01 from the Great Accra region with over 39,000 voters,
01:17:05 then the Ashanti region with 35,000,
01:17:07 it continues like that, Eastern, Central, Western.
01:17:09 But were there any surprises in there for you
01:17:12 in terms of the voting patterns?
01:17:14 - Yes, thank you, Ben.
01:17:16 Good morning.
01:17:17 I think Professor Kobi Menter did a lot of justice
01:17:20 to some of the issues that you put forward there.
01:17:24 And most important is the legitimacy behind
01:17:29 Dr. Mahmoud Bahumia going forward.
01:17:33 He is now facing some headwinds
01:17:37 in terms of projecting himself.
01:17:40 I think that the vice president as it stands now
01:17:45 lacks the legitimacy to lead.
01:17:47 If 40% of your own party think that you do not deserve
01:17:52 to be president of this country,
01:17:54 you do not deserve to be a presidential candidate.
01:17:57 Taking that message to the wider electorate
01:17:59 is only going to spell disaster.
01:18:02 I'm in Northern Ghana here,
01:18:03 and I can tell you that the news of his election
01:18:06 is already stale.
01:18:08 There is no excitement behind the election.
01:18:11 And when you are speaking to people in the MVP,
01:18:14 there is this inward inner dissatisfaction
01:18:18 and apprehension with your choice.
01:18:21 Definitely, as Professor Kobi said,
01:18:25 you more or less saw state choreographed elections.
01:18:30 There was a certain fear--
01:18:32 - What did you just call it?
01:18:33 State choreographed elections?
01:18:36 State choreographed elections, is that what you said?
01:18:38 - Yeah, yeah, that's what I said.
01:18:40 - Why do you say that?
01:18:41 - Choreographed.
01:18:42 Everything was done to make sure that vice president,
01:18:46 Dr. Mahmoud Bahumia emerged.
01:18:48 There was certain fear that he wasn't going to emerge.
01:18:52 On weekend, I was on TV,
01:18:55 look at TV here in Tamale
01:18:57 with the counselor of Saudi Arabia.
01:19:01 I think my senior in secondary school, Kamal Dean.
01:19:06 And he said that they had felt some fear in themselves,
01:19:10 and he had to go down to his community in Nantum
01:19:13 to ensure that things went the way they were expecting
01:19:16 because he was supporting Dr. Mahmoud Bahumia.
01:19:19 So you can understand the apprehension, the fears.
01:19:22 Some people have to do something to ensure
01:19:24 that what the people wanted to project
01:19:27 doesn't come to pass.
01:19:28 So that is the problem we are confronted with here.
01:19:32 40% is no small number.
01:19:35 It now means that the machinery, state machinery,
01:19:40 the election machinery that was immersed
01:19:43 in the Bahumia campaign has to sell him,
01:19:46 resell him, rebrand, repackage him to Ghanaians.
01:19:51 And given the baggage on Dr. Mahmoud Bahumia,
01:19:56 he is not going to excite anybody.
01:20:00 I always say that,
01:20:01 I'll outline the three Ps.
01:20:05 I have my own three Ps about the ability
01:20:07 to the candidates to bring back the electorate to the party.
01:20:12 And first, you have to do with the personality
01:20:15 or the people.
01:20:16 And the vice president comes across as someone
01:20:20 who has lost credibility in terms of his ability
01:20:24 to transform his speech into action.
01:20:28 And you also have to look at the powers.
01:20:31 The MPP has naturally been a draw pulley
01:20:34 between Buzia and Dankwa factions of the party,
01:20:38 even though it's not explicitly stated.
01:20:41 It is an unwritten convention
01:20:43 that more or less supersedes their constitution.
01:20:47 That is why after 2007,
01:20:51 when Alan Jumantin was very strong, very popular,
01:20:55 many people bought his message.
01:20:57 The internal structures of the MPP ensure
01:21:01 that candidate Akufo-Addo emerged then.
01:21:06 Even in the buildup to these elections,
01:21:07 you have slogans like "Adurumiso" and all other things.
01:21:11 That "Adurumiso" was driven by the internal convention
01:21:16 of the MPP that is a draw pulley
01:21:18 between the Buzia and Dankwa tradition.
01:21:20 Also the "Dombo" that they are now trying to abstract
01:21:23 Dr. Mahmoud Babwe, which is not actually the case.
01:21:26 It's just a side dish or a dessert
01:21:27 after the meal has been eaten.
01:21:30 So you realize that the claim
01:21:34 of Justin Kodya, General Secretary,
01:21:36 to act that the MPP is not an asymptotic party
01:21:41 is probably a misunderstanding
01:21:43 of the protest of the Dankwa faction,
01:21:47 the Buzia faction.
01:21:48 They have won massively for Alan Jumantin
01:21:52 in dissatisfaction to the attempt
01:21:54 to distort the internal harmony,
01:21:59 the unwritten code that has been governing
01:22:02 the MPP internal elections for several years now.
01:22:05 And they're now getting up and trying to say
01:22:08 that they have to get, let's say, Dr. Mahmoud Babwe.
01:22:12 Many people know, Ben, I should say,
01:22:14 many people know that Dr. Mahmoud Babwe
01:22:16 is Akufo Adutete, and that the powers that he draws
01:22:21 are firmly rooted in the circles and in the structures
01:22:27 that brought President Akufo Adutete to power,
01:22:29 and that has anchored him in government so far.
01:22:33 So he's more or less another Dankwa faction
01:22:36 of the party going in the name of the Tumbo faction
01:22:40 of the MPP, which is the weakest
01:22:43 and probably the most lame structure in the party.
01:22:47 So if you look at these things going forward,
01:22:50 you have to get worried.
01:22:52 Then secondly, thirdly, the third P is the performance.
01:22:55 People don't want us to talk about it.
01:22:58 They say it is a debate for another day,
01:22:59 but it's the debate now.
01:23:01 The performance of the MPP,
01:23:05 whose economic management team has been led
01:23:07 by Dr. Mahmoud Babwe is disappointing.
01:23:11 He is on record to have said that you cannot,
01:23:16 currencies depreciate when the fundamentals are weak,
01:23:20 and that you cannot borrow in this manner.
01:23:24 That manner he was referring to was 122 billion
01:23:28 he inherited from President John Ramani Mahmoud.
01:23:33 - Right.
01:23:35 - As we speak, he took it all the way to 575 billion.
01:23:39 That is almost $50 billion.
01:23:42 If you look at it, how much has he added?
01:23:45 80% to the debt stock.
01:23:47 That record is not something you can sell.
01:23:50 He talked about inflation.
01:23:51 He took an inflation of about 13.3%.
01:23:55 And when we were talking last year,
01:23:57 it was about 54% somewhere.
01:23:59 We are talking about 38.7% as we sit now.
01:24:04 That is several multiples of what he inherited.
01:24:07 He also in that same interview,
01:24:09 talked about that you cannot print money
01:24:12 and expect the economy to be okay.
01:24:16 In 2016, there was zero financing of government budget check.
01:24:21 As part of the IMF program that the NDC has tried to,
01:24:24 there was zero financing of the central government.
01:24:28 As we speak, as of last year,
01:24:30 this government borrowed from the central bank
01:24:33 to a tune of 45 billion Ghana seeds.
01:24:36 That is the record.
01:24:38 You want to talk of employment?
01:24:39 When he left office, President John Ramani Mahmoud
01:24:42 gave him an unemployment rate of 13.3%.
01:24:46 Last year, the Ghana Statistical Survey said
01:24:49 1.7 million people were unemployed.
01:24:54 That is a very huge number.
01:24:55 I should say he got 5.1% unemployment
01:24:59 from John Ramani Mahmoud.
01:25:01 Last year, it was 13.
01:25:03 So if you look at everything that you ought to take
01:25:09 to elections, what made Dr. Mahmoud Babounia
01:25:11 an exciting candidate then, now is very abysmal.
01:25:15 He can't sell that record.
01:25:19 You look at everything from the institutions, they are weak.
01:25:23 And people like to avoid it, but I say it as it is.
01:25:26 You see, he brings on board certain consequences
01:25:31 in Northern Ghana.
01:25:32 I agree that he may keep the Northeast
01:25:37 where he comes from in play for the NDP,
01:25:41 because that was going to slip away
01:25:43 if he had not emerged a candidate.
01:25:46 I think President Akufo-Addo carried the region
01:25:48 by some 10,000 votes, which I think,
01:25:52 given that the vice president was coming from that region,
01:25:54 it was already an indictment on him.
01:25:57 But he will keep that in play.
01:25:59 But he also takes away the significant votes
01:26:04 from the stronghold of the NDP, which is the Ashanti region.
01:26:08 And the numbers coming in, if you are mean,
01:26:11 you will get worried.
01:26:12 We have always talked about the religion factor
01:26:18 from the point of inclusion,
01:26:20 that it has almost become a cliche
01:26:21 that you get a Saudi candidate,
01:26:22 you get a Muslim, not that.
01:26:25 So religion plays a central role in our election.
01:26:28 It has been the vice presidency.
01:26:31 Now it is going to go into the presidency.
01:26:34 That debate is being transported to the presidency.
01:26:38 And you have to ask yourself,
01:26:40 how is the largely Christian South going to accept him?
01:26:44 It has always been Putin, the number two as a Muslim,
01:26:47 so that the largely Muslim North will accept.
01:26:51 How is it going to play?
01:26:53 We already know that that is going to be
01:26:54 a very serious sell to many.
01:26:57 - Right.
01:26:58 - And that is why you see Dr. Mohamed Boumia
01:27:00 trying to be a Christian lamb,
01:27:02 which is a meaningless word.
01:27:03 - Let's look at this interesting bit.
01:27:07 I'll get into the Ashanti and Eastern regions,
01:27:10 pillars for the NDP in any election
01:27:14 and the voting patterns there.
01:27:15 But on that same point,
01:27:16 in terms of the baggage that Dr. Boumia comes with,
01:27:20 you look at, again, the projections.
01:27:23 So Nana Komia, for example, predicted,
01:27:27 he said Dr. Boumia would go beyond 75% on November the 4th.
01:27:32 Then there was also the projection by Samir Ruku,
01:27:36 who managed his campaign.
01:27:37 Any poll that gives Boumia less than 75% is not serious.
01:27:42 There was Ben Efson saying NDP presidential primaries,
01:27:45 Boumia would win with around 75% of votes.
01:27:49 There was also this one, NDP primaries,
01:27:52 Boumia tipped to win 80% of votes.
01:27:54 Of course, we had that UK institution also bring that in.
01:27:58 Then we had the majority leader say that Dr. Boumia
01:28:03 would win with over 75% of votes.
01:28:07 If you look at the voting pattern
01:28:11 and everything that has happened in between,
01:28:13 you spoke about reselling and rebranding the vice president.
01:28:17 Is it possible to rebrand and resell him
01:28:20 on the back of all this and with the latest showing?
01:28:23 - Yeah, exactly, that's my point.
01:28:27 And I said, as to whether you can normally bring back
01:28:30 a disenchanted electorate within your party
01:28:33 depends on these three things I outlined.
01:28:35 And the person of Boumia makes that very difficult.
01:28:38 If you look at Boumia 2016, he had no track record.
01:28:42 He had to take prophecies to predict what he was going to do.
01:28:45 So the excitement around him was the bias
01:28:47 where he was using those economic jargons
01:28:49 that we spoke of when we were in graduate school.
01:28:52 Those were the ones he was churning out in lectures
01:28:54 and getting all the media houses following him.
01:28:59 He has not been able to translate
01:29:00 every single one of them to a policy.
01:29:04 So he is not going to be able to reproject
01:29:08 and rebrand himself.
01:29:09 Anybody trying to rebrand Dr. Mahmoud Boumia
01:29:13 is just like what we saw.
01:29:15 The establishment coming up with polls,
01:29:18 the big weeks within the state machinery,
01:29:22 coming out with election numbers
01:29:25 that were going to favor Dr. Boumia,
01:29:26 trying to further silence the rest,
01:29:29 the voice of the disenchanted people.
01:29:32 And at the end of the day, what happened?
01:29:34 They still managed to come through to tell us
01:29:36 that the candidate you are trying to package for us,
01:29:39 first of all, it's a disappointment to me,
01:29:42 ourselves internally,
01:29:43 and he will not be able to bring in many Ghanaians.
01:29:47 I would like to stress categorically
01:29:50 that all the polls we are seeing
01:29:53 is what the other candidates were talking about,
01:29:55 state-managed elections,
01:29:57 establishment candidate being projected
01:30:01 at the expense of democracy,
01:30:03 at the expense of fair elections.
01:30:06 And fair voting is not the same as fair elections.
01:30:09 We need to create that distinction.
01:30:12 And if you look at all these MPs,
01:30:14 the ministers and the rest who were openly campaigning
01:30:18 for Dr. Mahmoud Boumia and doing everything
01:30:21 to silence the rest,
01:30:22 that makes the elections suspect and seriously problematic.
01:30:27 And as we sit now,
01:30:29 if you are in Northern Ghana and you don't hear anything,
01:30:34 you expect that a northerner has been selected
01:30:38 as a presidential candidate of a major party in the country,
01:30:43 the news is still,
01:30:44 people are worried and people are jittery.
01:30:48 As we sit now and the question you posed to a prov,
01:30:53 an Alan Kennedy ticket would have made the election
01:30:58 a very tough one,
01:31:00 unless something seismic happens,
01:31:02 something apocalyptic happen and we don't vote.
01:31:07 It is fair to say we'll swear in President John Rahmani
01:31:09 Mahama in January 2025, given what we are seeing.
01:31:14 - Wow, that's quite a projection.
01:31:15 You're saying that on the back of everything
01:31:17 that has happened, even without the MPP,
01:31:20 even without Dr. Boumia choosing his running mate,
01:31:23 you are saying that as of now,
01:31:24 it is fair to say that come the 7th of January 2025,
01:31:29 we'll be swearing in John Rahmani Mahama?
01:31:32 - You can hold me to my word.
01:31:34 You can ask me the question on this,
01:31:36 I'll tell you that they have no record to run against.
01:31:40 I also want to give you again,
01:31:42 the issue of us trying to run away from the record
01:31:45 that Dr. Bahamut Boumia was not in charge,
01:31:48 it's President Lakuf Adun has in charge.
01:31:50 And that is problematic.
01:31:51 If you look at one thing that people don't talk about,
01:31:56 is the legitimacy to govern.
01:31:59 Within the party, Dr. Mahamut Boumia
01:32:03 is not empowered by a very solid structure
01:32:05 that he has built, that he's controlled.
01:32:07 He's empowered by a structure controlled
01:32:12 by the Dankwa faction of the party, the Akuf Adun Masinwe.
01:32:17 So he's going to be a stooge of the Dankwa faction.
01:32:21 It's a Dumbo, looks like a Dumbo,
01:32:24 but it's actually a Dankwa.
01:32:26 And that is why we not let's hate.
01:32:27 We still have memories of what happened in the Liman regime.
01:32:32 And we think that this is just a window dressing,
01:32:35 trying to get a big northerner up there
01:32:38 and control him from the backstage.
01:32:40 And Ghanaians are already tired
01:32:42 with a very powerful president.
01:32:44 We don't want to try an extremely weak one,
01:32:46 still controlled by the various systems and structures
01:32:49 that have brought this country to its knees.
01:32:51 There is no missing words about it,
01:32:52 that this is the attempt to have an Akuf Adun third term,
01:32:56 to let what is going on continue.
01:32:58 Let me backtrace this.
01:33:00 When we were doing the e-levy,
01:33:02 president, vice president, Dr. Mahmoud Bawumia,
01:33:06 indicated that the e-levy shouldn't be taxed.
01:33:09 That was his position
01:33:11 as the chairman of the economic management team.
01:33:13 What did the finance minister do?
01:33:15 He brushed it aside and treated him with reckless abandon.
01:33:21 And he could not do anything.
01:33:24 If you are saying that this is not his record,
01:33:26 it means that the vice president has been a stooge
01:33:29 all these eight years,
01:33:30 and has not been able to assert himself
01:33:33 and insert himself in the governance
01:33:35 and policymaking in this country.
01:33:37 He has not been able to bring his policies to bear
01:33:40 in the management of the country.
01:33:44 And he's not being protected
01:33:45 by that same structure that suppressed him.
01:33:48 You want to tell me that we should expect
01:33:51 something different?
01:33:52 No.
01:33:53 So I think that apart from the tough sell
01:33:56 that the MPP has,
01:33:57 he was already going to be a very difficult candidate.
01:34:00 I would have wished that they took this opportunity
01:34:03 and brought in somebody like Alan.
01:34:05 I said, naturally, if you wanted to,
01:34:09 on a normal day,
01:34:11 look at what people normally see
01:34:12 as the factors of a presidential candidate,
01:34:14 and they had to be...
01:34:15 Kennedy didn't follow that order.
01:34:18 He came out satisfied with what was going on,
01:34:21 and was going to fix the economy, whatever it took.
01:34:25 Kennedy, I just came across as the kind of person
01:34:28 who would appoint you in the morning
01:34:29 and fire you in the evening.
01:34:30 And there are many people who think
01:34:31 that this is a need-searching leader.
01:34:33 So the MPP actually shot themselves in the foot
01:34:37 by doing everything to suppress him.
01:34:39 If you look at what happened,
01:34:41 can you imagine what would have been the outcome
01:34:44 if state machinery was not involved in this?
01:34:47 If all the ministers were not part of this?
01:34:50 If people were allowed to vote?
01:34:53 If all the ambassadors and whosoever did not come
01:34:57 from wherever they went with their constituencies
01:35:00 to threaten the people?
01:35:01 And you know, in general party elections,
01:35:03 you know who is voting, you know who is who.
01:35:05 And it's very easy to oase them.
01:35:07 - All right.
01:35:08 - It was a very, very state-choreographed elections.
01:35:13 That was when it happened.
01:35:17 - All right, state-choreographed elections, you call it.
01:35:20 Let's head to the Ashanti region now,
01:35:22 and here's why it's crucial.
01:35:24 Because the results that came in,
01:35:26 you would realize that Kennedy-Japone
01:35:30 polled over 11,000 votes.
01:35:32 We also saw Dr. Baumeer polling over 22,000 votes.
01:35:36 And that's part of why we're taking our citizens microphone
01:35:38 to Kumasi and the Ashanti region,
01:35:40 to gauge the sentiments of people in that region
01:35:44 on the back of the election of the flag bearer for the MPP.
01:35:47 Nana Bwache, my colleague is standing by.
01:35:50 Nana Bwache, what can you share with us
01:35:52 basically what is the feel in Kumasi
01:35:55 on the back of Saturday's monumentous event?
01:35:58 - All right, so Benjamin, for the very first time,
01:36:11 we would have a non-Akhan leading
01:36:13 the governing New Patriotic Party
01:36:15 into the crucial 2024 presidential election.
01:36:19 And Dr. Laj Mahmood Baumeer managed
01:36:21 to garner some 22,000, over 22,000 votes
01:36:26 against his closest contender, Kennedy Ohine-Japone,
01:36:29 the member of parliament for Assin Central,
01:36:31 who also had over 11,000 votes.
01:36:34 Although we had two candidates
01:36:37 tracing their roots into the Ashanti region,
01:36:40 i.e. Dr. Efre Akoto and then Francis Adeyemu,
01:36:43 the former member of parliament for KwaDaso and Mampong,
01:36:45 respectively, Dr. Laj Mahmood Baumeer
01:36:48 managed to win the Ashanti region.
01:36:51 Although we had these two candidates
01:36:54 coming strongly from the Ashanti region.
01:36:56 Today we'll be taking reactions
01:36:58 from some residents in the Ashanti region.
01:37:01 I'm currently in the Aswanse constituency,
01:37:03 the constituency well known to be that of the NDC,
01:37:07 specifically that of the former minority chief whip,
01:37:11 Honorable Muntaka.
01:37:13 Let's get the reaction from some residents
01:37:14 in the Ashanti region.
01:37:15 This woman here already is flanked in white and blue,
01:37:18 the colors of the New Patriotic Party already.
01:37:20 Maame, Dr. Mahmood Baumeer
01:37:23 winning the Ashanti region Saturday,
01:37:25 how do you feel after this victory for Dr. Mahmood Baumeer?
01:37:28 Because we know he's not an Ashanti.
01:37:30 (speaking in foreign language)
01:37:35 News.
01:37:37 (speaking in foreign language)
01:37:41 (speaking in foreign language)
01:37:45 (speaking in foreign language)
01:37:49 (speaking in foreign language)
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01:38:51 (speaking in foreign language)
01:39:03 (speaking in foreign language)
01:39:07 All right, so as a proud member of the New Patriotic Party,
01:39:30 she is saying that regardless of the tribe
01:39:33 of the newly elected flag bearer of the New Patriotic Party,
01:39:36 as an account, she believes that definitely
01:39:39 they are going to work towards victory come 2024.
01:39:42 She says the aspirants or the other candidates
01:39:44 who joined Dr. Al-Haj Mahmood Baumeer
01:39:46 during the just-ended MPP presidential primaries
01:39:49 should rally their support behind
01:39:51 the newly elected flag bearer for victory 2024.
01:39:54 But then I have another gentleman here with me.
01:39:57 How do you feel after the New Patriotic Party delegates
01:40:00 elected Dr. Al-Haj Mahmood Baumeer as the new flag bearer,
01:40:04 especially not tracing, somebody not tracing his roots
01:40:07 to the Ashanti region or any other Akan region?
01:40:10 - Well, as my own opinion, I'm very, very happy
01:40:15 to see Dr. Mahmood Baumeer won the election
01:40:18 as a flag bearer, but, and I'm also happy
01:40:22 because he was being, Ashanti was being tagged
01:40:25 as an MPP party, being criticized,
01:40:28 and he's been dominated by the Ashanti or Akans.
01:40:31 That's not the perception, but now MPP,
01:40:33 I expected that MPP party is not for a traditional
01:40:38 or an Akan political party.
01:40:41 So I'm very, very, very, very happy that they were able,
01:40:44 myself, I'm a delegate.
01:40:46 - Oh, really, you're a delegate?
01:40:46 - Yeah, I'm a delegate.
01:40:47 I'm a post-H.E.U. organizer at Al-Kotila in Malaga.
01:40:51 We came together and look at the person
01:40:53 that who is going to help us break in the eight,
01:40:55 and looking at Dr. Al-Haj Mahmood Baumeer,
01:40:57 he have really shown a commitment that he can do it.
01:41:00 You can't estimate his capacity of being a vice president,
01:41:03 looking at him as a vice president,
01:41:05 what he was able to contribute to the party
01:41:07 will really help us to break in the eight.
01:41:10 So I'm really, really happy.
01:41:12 - So let's look at the fact that 2024 is going to be
01:41:14 a very crucial year for the new patriotic party.
01:41:17 It's not going to be an easy run for the NDC, though.
01:41:19 But then is Dr. Mahmood Baumeer gonna garner
01:41:23 some huge votes from the Ashanti region
01:41:26 and make it a win for the new patriotic party?
01:41:28 Because looking at the previous elections,
01:41:30 in the 2020 election, you had over 1 million votes,
01:41:33 in the 20 to 16 election, yes.
01:41:35 The NDP won with some over 1 million votes.
01:41:37 Do you think that that can still happen
01:41:39 with Dr. Al-Haj Mahmood Baumeer?
01:41:41 - Looking at the good work that the NDP government have done
01:41:45 and having Dr. Mahmood Baumeer to lead the Frab
01:41:48 leadership going to election 2024,
01:41:50 I think we'll definitely make a victorious victory
01:41:54 coming 2024.
01:41:55 Dr. Mahmood Baumeer is the right candidate as now.
01:41:58 Looking at what come to the northern region,
01:42:00 you can observe it yourself,
01:42:01 this election that we just conducted two days ago.
01:42:04 Look at the massive improvement came from northern region.
01:42:07 And northern region have been the strong area for NDC
01:42:11 and the Zongo communities.
01:42:12 Even I'll tell you yesterday,
01:42:13 I have a lot of people who are NDCs who call me,
01:42:16 congratulating them because they were not expecting
01:42:18 that we would vote for Dr. Al-Haj Mahmood Baumeer
01:42:20 to be our fourth brother.
01:42:22 So this is an improvement for us.
01:42:23 We will definitely break the eight
01:42:25 because Dr. Mahmood Baumeer is going to come first.
01:42:27 A lot of votes, I'm saying,
01:42:29 is going to be more than over that 1 million vote
01:42:32 that NANAD won in 2016.
01:42:34 - All right, so reactions of some residents
01:42:37 in the Ashanti region as to the outcome
01:42:39 of the 2023 NPP presidential primaries.
01:42:43 But unless they'll get others to share their thoughts with us,
01:42:46 how do you feel after the NPP elected Dr. Al-Haj Mahmood
01:42:50 Baumeer as the new flag bearer to lead the party
01:42:53 to the 2024 elections?
01:42:54 Especially somebody who's not an AKAN for the very first time.
01:42:59 - Oh, I'm so happy for them because I'm neutral.
01:43:03 I don't have any party.
01:43:04 But right now, when I see what NPP people doing,
01:43:10 they are doing great things.
01:43:13 We have, they have free education.
01:43:15 They have more achievements.
01:43:17 So if Baumeer is in, I think say,
01:43:20 they will do better than that.
01:43:22 - Is it not something quite surprising to you,
01:43:24 looking at the fact that the NPP has elected
01:43:27 for the very first time a non-AKAN?
01:43:30 - I'm surprised because I don't think
01:43:33 that they will choose Muslim man for the president.
01:43:36 - So what was your reaction when you first heard the news
01:43:39 that Dr. Mahmood Baumeer has won the NPP primaries?
01:43:41 - I was shocked.
01:43:43 - You were shocked?
01:43:43 - Yeah.
01:43:44 - Why were you shocked?
01:43:45 - Because I even shout, say, "Hey, NPP, first time,
01:43:51 "first in history."
01:43:52 And so now, 2025, I vote for them.
01:43:55 - You vote for them?
01:43:56 - Yeah.
01:43:57 - Because they elected Dr. Baumeer?
01:43:58 - Yeah, I vote for them.
01:44:00 Because I think say, the NPP people
01:44:02 will only choose AKAN people.
01:44:04 But right now, no, I have seen say,
01:44:07 they always pick from anywhere they like.
01:44:10 - Okay, so looking at the fact that Dr. Baumeer
01:44:12 pulled over 22,000 votes in the Ashanti region alone,
01:44:16 he won the Ashanti region massively.
01:44:18 Was it surprising as well,
01:44:19 the vote he had in the Ashanti region?
01:44:20 - Yeah, I'm surprised too.
01:44:22 Because in Ashanti region, they always tell us
01:44:24 that we love our AKAN people.
01:44:27 But Ashanti region has shown Baumeer
01:44:29 that they love him more than the northern region.
01:44:32 - Oh, really?
01:44:33 Looking at the votes, Ashanti loves Baumeer
01:44:35 more than northern region?
01:44:36 - Yeah.
01:44:37 Yeah, so I would tell him, say,
01:44:39 he should turn her face into Ashanti region
01:44:42 because they have shown him more love.
01:44:46 So we are ready to vote for him, 2024.
01:44:48 We will move from our party to vote for him
01:44:51 to become a president for Ghana, 2024.
01:44:54 - Okay, so that's a thought as to the outcome
01:44:57 of the MPP presidential primaries
01:45:00 held on 4th of November.
01:45:02 Okay, I have another lady here with me.
01:45:03 Dr. Lajimah Mood Baumeer is the new flag bearer
01:45:06 for the new patriotic party.
01:45:08 Looking at the numbers he pulled in the Ashanti region,
01:45:11 over 22,000 votes against his closest contender,
01:45:14 Kennedy Ohine Japon, who had over 11,000 votes.
01:45:16 He won massively in the Ashanti region.
01:45:18 And although formula was not a good run for him,
01:45:21 do you think that not choosing a candidate for the MPP
01:45:26 can secure victory for the MPP
01:45:28 going into the 2024 general elections?
01:45:31 - Yes.
01:45:32 MPP is a national party.
01:45:34 And whoever the MPP presents,
01:45:37 the people of Ashanti region are going to vote for him.
01:45:40 Because when you want a development,
01:45:43 it is the MPP who brings the developments into the country.
01:45:47 So Dr. Mood Baumeer will win the election in 2024.
01:45:50 - Were you not surprised when you first heard
01:45:53 of the numbers he had garnered from the region?
01:45:56 22,000, that's quite huge.
01:45:58 Were you not surprised?
01:45:59 Although you believe that the MPP is a national party,
01:46:02 did it not come as a surprise to you?
01:46:04 - No, it didn't come as a surprise to me
01:46:07 because during the August 26th election,
01:46:11 they had 97 votes in Ashanti region.
01:46:14 And I knew it is going to be translated
01:46:16 into the November 4th election.
01:46:18 So I was not surprised at all
01:46:20 because MPP is a national party.
01:46:22 And then the people of Ashanti region will say,
01:46:25 "Ashanti nkai."
01:46:27 And they said that because when you come to Ashanti region
01:46:31 and then you live with them in harmony,
01:46:33 they will not even remember that you are not an Ashanti.
01:46:36 When it comes to vote, they will vote for you.
01:46:38 - All right, so let's look at 2024.
01:46:40 That's the bigger picture.
01:46:41 That's the most crucial elections ahead of us.
01:46:43 2024, two northerners, Dr. Aladji Mahmoud Bamiya,
01:46:47 John Jemima Animama from the NDC,
01:46:49 and Dr. Mahmoud Bamiya, yes, from the New Patriotic Party.
01:46:52 How is it gonna look like?
01:46:53 How have you pictured 2024?
01:46:55 - 2024 election is going to be an interesting election.
01:46:59 Why?
01:47:00 Because MPP has never presented an AKAN candidate before.
01:47:04 And when you come to Ashanti region,
01:47:08 it's an AKAN-dominated region.
01:47:11 So for us in the Ashanti region,
01:47:15 we know Dr. Mahmoud Bamiya is not going to get
01:47:18 anything less than 80% in Ashanti region.
01:47:21 And then in the northern region,
01:47:24 this is the first time MPP has presented a northerner.
01:47:28 So in the northern region,
01:47:29 they are going to compare the two candidates.
01:47:32 Who is bringing more to the table?
01:47:35 And when you look at John Mahmoud and Dr. Aladji Mahmoud Bamiya,
01:47:39 John Mahmoud is far, far behind Dr. Aladji Mahmoud Bamiya.
01:47:44 So it is the northerners who are going to decide
01:47:46 2024 election vote.
01:47:48 And Dr. Mahmoud Bamiya has done a lot for the northern region
01:47:50 than John Ramani Mahmoud.
01:47:53 - You have a very beautiful analysis and I love it.
01:47:56 But then let's look at the fact that some people say
01:47:58 without Kennedy or Hinejapone,
01:48:00 it's gonna be a difficult one for Dr. Aladji Mahmoud Bamiya.
01:48:03 Do you also believe in that?
01:48:05 - Yes, because in unity lies strength.
01:48:09 If Honorable Kennedy or Hinejapone does not support
01:48:12 Aladji Dr. Mahmoud Bamiya,
01:48:14 it will be a very difficult election in 2024.
01:48:18 But when you look at his speech on November 4th,
01:48:22 he said he's going to rally behind Aladji Dr. Mahmoud Bamiya
01:48:26 for us to secure the victory in 2024.
01:48:29 So Dr. Kennedy or Hinejapone is behind Dr. Mahmoud Bamiya
01:48:33 and we are going to win the election in 2024, Richard.
01:48:36 - Grateful for your time.
01:48:37 And that is the reactions from some other residents
01:48:40 we are getting in the Ashanti region.
01:48:41 Okay, I have some other one person here with me.
01:48:43 How did you find the MPP presidential election, the results?
01:48:47 (speaking in foreign language)
01:48:48 How did you find it?
01:48:50 - Oh, (speaking in foreign language)
01:48:53 In fact, MPP former had said in about
01:48:56 (speaking in foreign language)
01:49:00 (speaking in foreign language)
01:49:04 (speaking in foreign language)
01:49:32 - Council of Editors.
01:49:34 (speaking in foreign language)
01:49:38 (speaking in foreign language)
01:49:43 (speaking in foreign language)
01:49:47 (speaking in foreign language)
01:49:51 (speaking in foreign language)
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01:50:56 (speaking in foreign language)
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01:51:12 (speaking in foreign language)
01:51:16 (speaking in foreign language)
01:51:24 (speaking in foreign language)
01:51:32 (speaking in foreign language)
01:51:40 (speaking in foreign language)
01:51:44 (speaking in foreign language)
01:52:11 - So I feel very excited.
01:52:14 I feel very excited when I had the results
01:52:17 because I even expected more.
01:52:19 Because my analysis, I knew Dr. Mahmoud Obaomia
01:52:24 was going to get 80% of the vote.
01:52:27 - By your analysis?
01:52:28 - Yes.
01:52:29 - What analysis?
01:52:30 - You know, we are there, we are the grassroots.
01:52:33 - Oh, I see.
01:52:34 - And we know what is going on behind closed doors.
01:52:36 So all the analysis we did, me and some of my colleagues,
01:52:41 we knew he was going to get 80% of the total election count.
01:52:45 But it's not all the same.
01:52:50 We have already won it, yes, we have won it.
01:52:53 So currently we are looking at how we can break the eight.
01:52:57 And we know it is going to be possible.
01:52:59 A lot of people are thinking it is never going to be possible
01:53:01 but we are going to shock people.
01:53:04 We are really going to shock people.
01:53:05 - Let's look at the Ashanti region,
01:53:07 the votes Dr. Mahmoud Obaomia had in the Ashanti region.
01:53:10 Over 22,000 votes.
01:53:12 His closest contender, Kennedy Ohine Japon,
01:53:15 had over 11,000 votes.
01:53:17 When you had the numbers,
01:53:18 the figures from the Ashanti region,
01:53:20 what was your reaction?
01:53:21 - Oh, I...
01:53:22 - I'll bring you some of the scoop later
01:53:24 from the Ashanti region.
01:53:25 Quite a lot to talk about.
01:53:27 Some positivity from the Ashanti region
01:53:30 when it comes to the election of Dr. Mahmoud Obaomia.
01:53:33 But let's come here into Accra.
01:53:37 And Carlos Caloni is standing by
01:53:39 at the University of Ghana,
01:53:40 specifically Ayiawasa West Wogan constituency.
01:53:43 Now, you would realize that,
01:53:47 in fact, there were some 17,000 plus votes
01:53:51 for Kennedy Ohine Japon here in Accra,
01:53:55 Accra voting.
01:53:56 And just 19,002 votes for Dr. Mahmoud Obaomia.
01:54:00 That was not something that was expected.
01:54:04 We'll try and get things together
01:54:05 and come to the greater Accra region
01:54:08 to find out why this panned out in that direction,
01:54:12 as and when we can connect with Carlos Caloni.
01:54:15 But let me come back to Dr. Ayamba.
01:54:17 Listening to the reactions of some of those
01:54:20 we've interacted with in the Ashanti region,
01:54:22 what is your personal reaction on the back of that?
01:54:26 It's more positive than you would have expected, right?
01:54:35 All right, I think we've lost Dr. Ayamba on the line.
01:54:39 Carlos, if you can hear me,
01:54:40 I hear you're somewhere in the University of Ghana, Lagon.
01:54:44 Share with me what the sentiments of the people are
01:54:48 on the back of the MPP choosing the new flag bearer,
01:54:52 Dr. Mahmoud Obaomia.
01:54:53 - Discussing this, as you can see there in your shorts,
01:54:58 a number of concerns have been raised
01:55:00 whether Dr. Obaomia has what it takes
01:55:03 to actually bring the party together,
01:55:05 the passive cracks that exist in the MPP.
01:55:09 Some are also raising concerns as to whether,
01:55:14 with the popularity he's garnered so far in the MPP,
01:55:17 61 point something percent,
01:55:20 as compared to that of Dramani Mahama,
01:55:23 he'll be able to actually bring the aid for the MPP,
01:55:27 as well as concerns about vote buying
01:55:30 that allegedly characterized the MPP's
01:55:34 presidential primaries over the weekend.
01:55:36 And so students here on the campus of the University of Ghana
01:55:40 have been discussing this issue,
01:55:41 and we have a few of them here to share their thoughts with us
01:55:45 so we understand what they actually make of the process,
01:55:48 and if indeed they believe Dr. Mahmoud Obaomia
01:55:51 has what it takes to actually break the aid for the MPP.
01:55:55 So you're live on Joy News.
01:55:57 You have been following the primaries over the weekend,
01:56:01 and so share with us your thoughts
01:56:03 on what really transpired over the weekend.
01:56:06 - I think everything that happened
01:56:09 is one way or the other known,
01:56:12 because looking at the MPP,
01:56:14 the two major candidates,
01:56:18 which is Dr. Obaomia and then Kennedy Japone,
01:56:21 they were the two people we were all looking out for.
01:56:24 Looking at Obaomia won at the end,
01:56:27 but looking at the votes he put,
01:56:30 it's somehow questionable,
01:56:32 and then it's also commendable,
01:56:36 because looking at a region like the Vota region,
01:56:40 looking at the votes Obaomia was able to get
01:56:42 from the Vota region,
01:56:43 I think it has never happened in the history of MPP,
01:56:48 getting that vote.
01:56:50 So I see Obaomia to be someone coming with a new...
01:56:54 - A new vibe.
01:56:55 - Yes.
01:56:56 - Okay, so you believe that he can really break the eight
01:56:58 for the MPP?
01:57:00 - Breaking the eight is something I can't really see,
01:57:03 because Mahama on the other side
01:57:06 is also a very strong candidate,
01:57:09 and then both Mahama and Obaomia are well-known citizens,
01:57:13 because Mahama was the former president,
01:57:16 and then he's also the vice president.
01:57:18 So if I'm to vote, they've all worked,
01:57:21 and I've seen their work,
01:57:22 so I think I'll weigh both of them,
01:57:24 and I'll know who to vote for.
01:57:26 - So from the history, or just share with us,
01:57:29 if you weigh the two of them now,
01:57:31 between Dr. Obaomia as well as John Dramadi Mahama,
01:57:36 who actually do you think is gonna make it come 2024?
01:57:41 - I can't really say, because that's not...
01:57:45 I don't know someone's else option,
01:57:47 but for me, I'm looking at general figures.
01:57:51 Looking at the NDC primaries,
01:57:53 Mahama, for instance, also pulled quite a huge number of votes
01:57:56 from the Ashanti region,
01:57:58 and then it was also something,
01:58:01 so it's like Mahama pulled votes from the Ashanti region,
01:58:04 Obaomia also pulled votes from the Ghota region.
01:58:07 So I think 2024 election,
01:58:10 it's going to be something we've never seen.
01:58:13 - All right, thank you.
01:58:13 Your name again?
01:58:14 - Ezekiel.
01:58:15 - Okay, so that's Ezekiel's view.
01:58:16 We have other students here
01:58:17 who are also gonna share their thoughts with us.
01:58:20 Do you think Obaomia has what it takes
01:58:22 to break the 8 for the NPP?
01:58:24 - Well, for me personally,
01:58:26 I don't really think he would break the 8,
01:58:29 because looking at Mahama's votes,
01:58:31 he had more votes.
01:58:33 - That's in the NDC?
01:58:35 - Yeah, in the NDC.
01:58:36 And then Obaomia, the NPP, had a bit of a vote,
01:58:41 because 60% is more than 50.
01:58:43 So I think Mahama, the people of Ghana want a change.
01:58:48 So them voting for Mahama, they would want a change.
01:58:52 So I think Mahama would win the 2024 election.
01:58:56 - Is it that Ghanaians want a change,
01:58:58 or you don't think that Obaomia has what it takes
01:59:00 to actually break the 8 for the NPP?
01:59:03 Not bringing in Mahama at all.
01:59:04 I mean, let's look at Obaomia as a person for the NPP.
01:59:08 Do you think he has what it takes
01:59:09 to break the 8 for the NPP?
01:59:11 - Oh, he has what it takes.
01:59:12 Yeah, he has what it takes.
01:59:13 But I feel Ghana wants a change.
01:59:17 So they would go for Mahama.
01:59:19 But Obaomia has what it takes,
01:59:21 because he was able to get more than 50% of the votes
01:59:24 from the people here.
01:59:25 - All right, so your name again?
01:59:26 - I'm Trisha.
01:59:27 - Okay, so Trisha believes Obaomia has what it takes
01:59:30 to actually break the 8 for the NPP.
01:59:34 But the fact that Ghanaians want change,
01:59:36 she believes that it's not likely to actually make it
01:59:39 for the NPP to break the 8.
01:59:41 Let's see another person here.
01:59:43 Give us your name and tell us what you make of this,
01:59:45 whether Obaomia indeed has what it takes to break the 8.
01:59:48 - My name is Mame Kunedu.
01:59:50 And then my view on all this,
01:59:52 I mean, after the election,
01:59:53 Obaomia got 61 plus of the votes from his own people.
01:59:57 And then in a team,
01:59:58 if your people don't support you enough,
02:00:00 the outside world do not support you too.
02:00:02 I feel like he could have gotten more than 61%,
02:00:05 because it looks like part of the people in there
02:00:07 are actually not for him.
02:00:09 Because look at Mahama's votes, 90 plus,
02:00:11 among his own people.
02:00:13 And then Obaomia's votes is somehow average,
02:00:16 that's what I would say.
02:00:17 And then about what it takes,
02:00:19 I don't think he has it.
02:00:21 Because Obaomia is very popular among Ghanaians,
02:00:23 both negatively and positively.
02:00:25 But I think the negative aspect is more, it's greater.
02:00:28 So if Dr. Allan had been present,
02:00:32 I feel like he would have gotten more votes than that 68%,
02:00:35 because where are the rest of the percentages going to?
02:00:39 I'm like, it's 100%.
02:00:41 And then he got 61 point something.
02:00:42 So where is the rest going to?
02:00:44 - But we've seen Kennedy also post some significant votes.
02:00:46 So probably those votes went to Kennedy.
02:00:49 - True, but I feel like if Dr. Allan had been running,
02:00:52 Kennedy would not have gotten that particular votes he got,
02:00:56 because I feel like Allan would have gotten more
02:00:59 than Obaomia had.
02:01:01 So it would have been left with a very small percentage
02:01:03 to say between Dr. Obaomia and then Kennedy.
02:01:07 - Okay, so you don't think Obaomia has what it takes
02:01:09 to break the 840 NPP?
02:01:11 - Honestly, no, because looking at the reputation
02:01:13 of the NPP for the last eight years,
02:01:16 they are in the deep.
02:01:18 Like Ghanaians are somehow mad at the NPP right now.
02:01:21 So if they're looking for a flag bearer,
02:01:22 they should look for someone with less votes,
02:01:24 someone with less negativity.
02:01:26 And Dr. Obaomia is just not that person right now.
02:01:30 In my opinion, I feel like Dr. Obaomia
02:01:32 is not that person for the NPP right now.
02:01:33 - But you believe Allan could have been a better candidate?
02:01:35 - Yes.
02:01:36 - But he also served in this particular government.
02:01:37 - He did, but then as I said, it's an individual something.
02:01:41 We are all in Ghana, but then even though we work grouply
02:01:44 as a country, as a party, individual efforts also matter.
02:01:47 I feel like Dr. Allan's individual effort
02:01:50 didn't really bring more negativity,
02:01:52 but looking at Dr. Obaomia and then Kennedy,
02:01:55 there is too much negativity going around them,
02:01:57 too many rumors, too many wrong moves going around them.
02:02:01 So with Dr. Obaomia representing the NPP
02:02:04 for the next year's election, I don't feel good about it,
02:02:08 but then that's just my view.
02:02:11 - Okay, so what happened?
02:02:11 Your name again?
02:02:12 - Mamey Konedu.
02:02:13 - Mamey Konedu believes that Obaomia
02:02:15 does not have what it takes.
02:02:16 So now we've seen the problem.
02:02:18 What should be the way forward for Obaomia?
02:02:20 What should be his preoccupation now
02:02:22 in order to change the perception of Ghanaians
02:02:25 who believe that he does not have what it takes
02:02:27 to actually break the aid for the NPP?
02:02:30 And so I have with me, can you give us your name?
02:02:32 - My name is Modason Braima.
02:02:34 - Okay, so what do you think Obaomia should be doing now
02:02:37 that a lot of Ghanaians are thinking
02:02:39 that he does not have what it takes to break the aid
02:02:41 for the NPP?
02:02:42 - Right now he should be thinking about
02:02:43 convincing us to trust him,
02:02:45 because Obaomia has so many credibility issues
02:02:49 and so many trust issues,
02:02:51 because he has made a lot of promises from 2008
02:02:55 up until 2012, then to 2016,
02:02:59 so many promises, unfulfilled promises.
02:03:02 I mean, as a random mate, he went on to make promises
02:03:04 as if he was going to be the president.
02:03:07 And people will hold you for your words.
02:03:10 And over those years, he has made pronouncements
02:03:14 that have come now to haunt him,
02:03:17 because we've heard comments of he's saying eight years,
02:03:21 I mean, NDC in government, those in 2016,
02:03:24 yes, they've not been able to transform Ghana.
02:03:27 The question Ghanaians will ask ourselves today
02:03:29 is the eight years down the lane, NPP in government,
02:03:32 have we been able to transform Ghana?
02:03:34 I was at a cross-border stadium and I heard him say
02:03:37 they are going to save Ghana.
02:03:38 I don't know, he was speaking as if
02:03:40 he was still in opposition.
02:03:41 Save Ghana from who?
02:03:42 Currently, you've delved into, I mean,
02:03:47 digitalization all of a sudden.
02:03:49 We knew it to be the economic risk aid.
02:03:52 Today, what has happened to it?
02:03:54 He has not spoken on e-levy,
02:03:55 he has not spoken on, I mean, the road toll issues,
02:03:59 he has not spoken on the Momo,
02:04:00 because he was on, what do you call it,
02:04:02 he conducted an interview to say that Momo--
02:04:03 - You expect him to, you know,
02:04:05 trumpet some of the achievements in those areas?
02:04:08 - He's supposed to convince us why we should trust him
02:04:10 because he has said some things that have not materialized.
02:04:13 He has said some things he was against,
02:04:15 but have been implemented now,
02:04:17 because you are talking of Momo not to be taxed.
02:04:20 You spoke about it, now it has been implemented.
02:04:22 You are not saying anything about it.
02:04:23 E-levy, you are against it.
02:04:25 Road tolls, he was one of the people
02:04:26 who was advocating for road tolls.
02:04:28 Now, the road tolls have been abolished.
02:04:30 We are not hearing from him.
02:04:31 You should tell us, he has a lot of work to do
02:04:33 in convincing us to believe that, yes,
02:04:36 we should take him for his words
02:04:37 and that he will come to fulfill his promises.
02:04:39 - So, you do not think that the victory speech
02:04:42 delivered by Dr. Bormiya was convincing enough
02:04:45 to floating voters, so maybe they will not go
02:04:48 and vote for him come 2024?
02:04:50 - I mean, the only convincing message
02:04:52 in that victory speech was that
02:04:53 everything is possible in life.
02:04:55 You can make it.
02:04:56 But aside that, I don't see any other thing
02:04:58 that's convincing in the speech,
02:04:59 because you have been a random man,
02:05:00 you have been a vice president.
02:05:02 You have, I mean, had your turn
02:05:04 and this is what we get from you.
02:05:06 Why should we take you?
02:05:07 I mean, he comes to say that he has his own vision.
02:05:10 Why do you need to support your president
02:05:13 with your vision to let the country move on?
02:05:17 So, that we'll praise you for all the effort.
02:05:19 But today, price hikes, inflation, I mean,
02:05:22 and you're not even speaking on the tangible issues
02:05:24 that have happened, the things you were against.
02:05:26 So, it leaves much of doubt.
02:05:29 I mean, trust issues, we have personal.
02:05:31 - Do you think the NPP has made a wrong decision
02:05:34 or wrong choice, which actually gonna hunt them
02:05:37 going into the 2024 election, based on what you say?
02:05:39 - So, as for it being a wrong choice,
02:05:42 I think so, because they want to prove their point.
02:05:45 But you see, it is politics.
02:05:47 You are to capture power.
02:05:49 So, whatever it takes for you to capture power,
02:05:50 you have to do it.
02:05:51 And you don't bring the same faces we have seen before.
02:05:54 The same people who have, I mean,
02:05:56 led us into this, I mean, hardship
02:05:59 currently that we are experiencing.
02:06:00 At least we expected a new face,
02:06:02 but well, he's the best candidate
02:06:04 among all the other candidates that we bring on board,
02:06:07 except for the fact that Alan Tremonti broke away.
02:06:09 He would have been maybe a major contender
02:06:11 and maybe a possible candidate for the,
02:06:14 for Balmier's candidature, he was, you know,
02:06:16 trumpeting the good of the, the good policies of NPP.
02:06:20 So, you can see that people are going for him
02:06:22 because he are coming to use the vehicle of the NPP.
02:06:24 And that's what broke in that point down,
02:06:26 because you cannot say that you want to use
02:06:28 the vehicle of NPP, then you are condemning them.
02:06:30 You come and say the party are this, but you see.
02:06:33 - So that did not work for Kennedy
02:06:36 because of his criticism of the party and all that.
02:06:39 - Exactly, exactly.
02:06:40 Because you are doing anti-party,
02:06:41 you are going against the party.
02:06:42 The vehicle you want to use, you are rather destroying it.
02:06:44 So how do we sell the message?
02:06:45 And you know, Balmier is the best candidate
02:06:47 in the sense that, for them,
02:06:48 because us, but not for the nation.
02:06:50 Yes, he can represent the party,
02:06:52 maybe also come and strive, but not for the 2024 election.
02:06:54 - So you do not think that Balmier
02:06:56 will be able to pull a surprise in 2024 election at all?
02:06:58 He cannot break the aid for the NPP?
02:07:00 - Not at all, not at all.
02:07:02 He's just coming to, I mean,
02:07:04 maybe the Northern sector gets some vote,
02:07:06 but right now, the stakes are high.
02:07:08 Unless something untoward happens,
02:07:11 maybe they work hard to reduce the hardship,
02:07:13 then maybe we can have a consideration.
02:07:15 But for--
02:07:16 - Is that a feeling across this campus?
02:07:19 I mean, you live here, you school here,
02:07:21 and tell us how students are really taking this,
02:07:24 winning by Dr. Balmier.
02:07:25 - The issue is that we fill everything in our pockets,
02:07:27 our students as well.
02:07:28 We know what our parents are going through.
02:07:30 We know what they go through day and night
02:07:32 to get us our daily bread, accommodation, and all that.
02:07:36 So that, you know, transits into us.
02:07:38 We know, we feel it as well.
02:07:39 So once, I mean, someone who is a vice president
02:07:43 who has come and, you know,
02:07:45 we've not seen a major transformation as promised,
02:07:47 definitely the mood on campus is not good at it.
02:07:50 Because if you go out there and go and play NPP song,
02:07:52 you may be lynched because they--
02:07:54 - Here on the University of Ghana campus?
02:07:56 - I'm serious about it,
02:07:57 because people are not happy about, you know,
02:07:59 what's going on in the country.
02:08:00 People are not happy about governors.
02:08:01 Even here, accommodation, no one is working for us.
02:08:03 No one is speaking for us.
02:08:05 Government is doing as if they are not seeing to it.
02:08:07 And I mean, every year there's price accommodation,
02:08:10 there's increase in accommodation.
02:08:11 - Thank you.
02:08:12 Thank you, your name again?
02:08:13 - My name is Modest Mbarema.
02:08:14 - Okay, so that is his opinion.
02:08:16 He believes that Balmier has a terrible record
02:08:20 and he does not believe that he can really break the eight.
02:08:23 Let's speak more to some other people.
02:08:26 Okay, let me speak to you first and then I'll come to you.
02:08:28 So now, Balmier appears to have a major task,
02:08:32 you know, based on what we've heard so far.
02:08:34 From where you sit, briefly, what should he be doing now
02:08:37 so maybe he can win Ghanaians back,
02:08:40 so that he'll be able to break the eight for the NPP?
02:08:42 - All right, so I think Balmier should right now focus on,
02:08:45 you know, doing something to change the economy,
02:08:48 rather than focusing on coming into power.
02:08:50 Because I think automatically,
02:08:52 if he focuses on doing something to change the economy,
02:08:55 he's gonna, you know, win people's hearts,
02:08:57 you know, in the 2024 election.
02:08:59 Balmier is the best person they can present,
02:09:04 NPP can present.
02:09:06 So I think right now,
02:09:07 the party should really, really focus
02:09:09 and the current president, Adudi,
02:09:12 he should help Balmier.
02:09:14 - Can he do that in the few,
02:09:15 I mean, just a month to the election?
02:09:17 - Well, you know, you never know.
02:09:19 Last days are always dangerous.
02:09:21 They should do something
02:09:22 because Balmier has been somebody, you know,
02:09:24 and you ask everybody, majority of Ghanaians,
02:09:27 you ask them, "Who is Balmier?"
02:09:29 Then they're like, "Ah, this liar," you know?
02:09:31 So they've painted some kind of pictures in my head
02:09:33 that who Balmier is,
02:09:35 because we've been seeing him saying a lot of things,
02:09:37 but then you check out those things
02:09:39 and then they're not happening.
02:09:40 So of course he's a liar, but--
02:09:42 - So that's your opinion, actually.
02:09:44 Okay, so we cannot say he's a liar.
02:09:45 I mean, yeah, perception out there.
02:09:47 - Yeah, yeah.
02:09:48 - But he has also said things that have happened.
02:09:50 I mean, if you talk about the Free SHS, for instance,
02:09:52 he said it and the Free SHS is on.
02:09:54 So we cannot maybe base on one failure or one challenge
02:09:59 and say that he's a liar, don't you think?
02:10:00 - There's been other things, you know,
02:10:02 confusions with the media.
02:10:03 Like, I mean, Balmier's whole face was like,
02:10:06 - So you think--
02:10:08 - He destroyed his face, you know,
02:10:09 somebody who was gonna run for president,
02:10:10 they knew he was gonna run for president.
02:10:12 They should have protected him
02:10:13 instead of allowing him to make some public statements
02:10:16 and things where people will come back
02:10:17 and say that he didn't do this,
02:10:19 he didn't do that and all of that, no.
02:10:21 They should have just, you know, kept him somewhere
02:10:22 and then allowed him to work, you know?
02:10:25 So right now, Adodee should focus,
02:10:27 it's level, I know, elections are almost close,
02:10:32 but then they should do something
02:10:33 because they can't just sit
02:10:35 and expect Ghanaians to vote for them.
02:10:36 I won't vote for them if they don't do anything.
02:10:38 So they should do something about it.
02:10:40 - Thank you, your name again?
02:10:40 - Moses.
02:10:41 - Okay, that's Moses there.
02:10:43 So let me come to you, your name?
02:10:44 - My name is Gideon.
02:10:45 - Okay, Gideon, I have Gideon here.
02:10:48 And so let's look at, you know,
02:10:51 what the others have been saying.
02:10:53 The fact that they believe
02:10:55 Bamiya has really not managed the economy well.
02:10:57 And so if nothing changes drastically,
02:11:01 it means that he might not be able to break the aid
02:11:03 for the NPP.
02:11:04 Is this an opinion you share?
02:11:06 - Well, before I come back to that,
02:11:08 let me, I have something to say.
02:11:09 And that's, I think what the country needs to do is,
02:11:12 we should start thinking about four to five years
02:11:15 to 10 years, you know, in advanced planning.
02:11:17 So that some of these things will not come to us
02:11:20 as a shock, you understand?
02:11:21 As to what happens in the individual party groups,
02:11:25 I will say, yeah,
02:11:26 and we all witnessed what happened on Saturday.
02:11:28 When the weight that, you know,
02:11:32 is actually Bamiya pulled, you know,
02:11:35 it wasn't anything which is quite shaky,
02:11:37 you understand?
02:11:38 I mean, that can cut people's hearts.
02:11:40 So what I see is there's a lot of work
02:11:43 that needs to be done if they really need to,
02:11:45 you know, break the aid.
02:11:47 So first, you know, looking at the fashionism
02:11:50 that exists within the party.
02:11:52 That's what I can say for now.
02:11:53 - Bamiya has what it takes to bring that fashionism,
02:11:56 I mean, the cracks in the party, to mend those cracks.
02:11:59 - Well, basically, I mean, this is an adult issue.
02:12:02 So basically, I think the stakeholders involved
02:12:04 need to sit down to crack their heads.
02:12:07 I mean, knowing what they want,
02:12:09 then, you know, they can think about it.
02:12:11 I don't, I hope you understand.
02:12:14 - So some of your colleagues are also raising concern
02:12:16 of the vote buying, alleged vote buying that went on,
02:12:18 and they believe that money played a pivotal role
02:12:20 in this particular election,
02:12:22 which could have maybe swayed the vote
02:12:24 or the winning candidate to a certain path.
02:12:27 Is it something you think is a concern
02:12:29 as a young democracy in Ghana
02:12:31 that we're seeing these pictures
02:12:33 where delegates are confirming,
02:12:35 receiving money from us parents and all that?
02:12:37 - Well, I think it's becoming a growing trend,
02:12:39 and over the years, we've seen this behavior
02:12:43 have been surfaced.
02:12:44 And I think it's about time we try to do away
02:12:47 with this monocracy thing,
02:12:49 so that they will take our democracy very seriously.
02:12:52 Because, I mean, it will give room for other people,
02:12:55 I mean, to vote purely on their conscience,
02:13:00 but not as being bought.
02:13:03 You know, they will not have this perception
02:13:04 that I'm being bought to vote, you understand,
02:13:06 in order to protect our young democracies.
02:13:08 That's what I think we have to do.
02:13:09 So we have to invest more in the people
02:13:12 and have good governors, you understand?
02:13:14 Because that's the way forward.
02:13:16 You know, money issue, we can't even put the whole money,
02:13:19 dollar into this country.
02:13:21 So as long as we don't have proper use for,
02:13:23 I mean, where it's going and other things,
02:13:25 I think we may not, it will not yield the result.
02:13:29 - Towards Ghanaians.
02:13:30 - Yeah, towards Ghanaians.
02:13:32 So we should endeavor, we should strive
02:13:36 to grow our young democracy, you understand?
02:13:39 In whatever way, shape, or form it will take.
02:13:42 You know, Rome was not built in a day.
02:13:43 You know, sometimes you could see some people
02:13:45 taking hard blocks and other things
02:13:47 just to build their architecture
02:13:49 or the fiber of the country.
02:13:50 So I think, you know, we know times are hard,
02:13:52 but yes, it's only when we believe in nationalism.
02:13:55 You understand?
02:13:55 So the way forward is nationalism.
02:13:56 What about we can bring everybody on board?
02:13:59 You know, give them their leeway.
02:14:01 - All right.
02:14:02 - Whatever they have, so that they can give to the nation.
02:14:04 You understand?
02:14:08 So two contrasting, very different schools of thought.
02:14:12 We went to the Ashanti region,
02:14:14 and it was more of, oh, Dr. Baumea
02:14:16 is the next president and all of that.
02:14:17 Then we came to Accra, and of course, you know,
02:14:21 no candidate without winning the greater Accra region
02:14:24 has won an election, the presidential election.
02:14:27 We come to Accra to the font of knowledge,
02:14:29 tertiary education, the University of Ghana,
02:14:31 and that is what some students are saying.
02:14:33 In fact, Mami Kunodu, one of those who spoke,
02:14:35 interestingly, had some attention diverted to her
02:14:39 on our social media page,
02:14:41 because a lot of people were saluting her,
02:14:42 saying her submissions are brilliant,
02:14:45 and that she summarized the entire state of the nation.
02:14:48 Then there was that gentleman that followed.
02:14:50 So some, you know, comments that came in.
02:14:52 I'll just take a look at some of them
02:14:54 before I wrap the conversation with Dr. Ayamga.
02:14:57 Nmabia Damba says, "As a northerner,
02:15:00 "I will vote based on competence,
02:15:02 "not because I am a Muslim or a northerner."
02:15:05 This one says, okay, so Simon Birch Kaja says,
02:15:11 "It's funny listening to our brothers in Kumasi."
02:15:13 Well, that's their point of view,
02:15:14 not the real fact or analysis.
02:15:15 Well, everyone is entitled to their point of view.
02:15:18 What you think is not necessarily what others will think.
02:15:23 Then there's this one that says,
02:15:25 "Ken Baumya Allen, they are the same.
02:15:27 "None of them can be president for Ghana.
02:15:30 "They have failed us for years."
02:15:33 More people saluting Mame Kunedu.
02:15:35 And this one says, "You people," that is the students,
02:15:40 "are failing to tell the students
02:15:41 "that Mahama went unopposed."
02:15:43 So he didn't go unopposed, by the way.
02:15:46 Kojo Bonsu contested him.
02:15:47 So definitely he has no one to compete with.
02:15:49 His vote was more than 60%.
02:15:52 Ken contested Baumya.
02:15:54 That's the point you make.
02:15:56 And Florence Zinay sells, or Zinayel says,
02:15:59 "How is Nanado going to help Baumya
02:16:03 "when he couldn't help himself?"
02:16:05 Okay, so those are some of the comments
02:16:08 that have come through.
02:16:09 Dr. Ayamda, you've listened, I believe,
02:16:11 those from the Ashanti region
02:16:12 and those from the University of Ghana campus.
02:16:15 I think the conversation at the University of Ghana campus
02:16:19 was in depth because issues came up.
02:16:21 But what do you make of all of this
02:16:23 and what does it mean going forward for the MPP?
02:16:28 - Yeah, it's just as I expected.
02:16:33 We still think that the Ashanti region
02:16:36 will remain a stronghold of the MPP.
02:16:38 People on the street will still feel
02:16:43 they have a certain obligation
02:16:45 to protect the ideals of the MPP.
02:16:47 That doesn't mean they're going to vote for the MPP.
02:16:50 All we are saying is that by the time elections are done,
02:16:56 campaigning is done,
02:16:57 and they pick Baumya to his performance,
02:17:01 there's going to be a significantly higher number of people
02:17:04 who will drift towards number one, Mahama number two.
02:17:07 There'll be a significantly higher number
02:17:08 of people who will go to vote.
02:17:11 And that is the problem in the Ashanti region.
02:17:14 There's going to be issues of apathy
02:17:16 and discontent with the status quo,
02:17:18 especially given that Dr. Mahama Baumya
02:17:21 have been driven in the establishment express,
02:17:25 a competency express to the flag bearership.
02:17:29 That is going to deflate people.
02:17:32 If you look at what is happening in Accra
02:17:33 and particularly in the University of Ghana,
02:17:36 it boils down to unemployment.
02:17:38 And as I said here, the youth are disenchanted
02:17:41 because they virtually have nothing to do.
02:17:44 They have education, they get degrees,
02:17:46 they have the zeal to start businesses.
02:17:48 Today, you cannot start a business in Ghana.
02:17:51 We are talking about, as I said,
02:17:52 you took unemployment around 5.1%.
02:17:55 Today, we're talking about 13.3.
02:17:57 That is about 273% or so.
02:18:02 Worsening of employment.
02:18:03 You've worsened employment by 270%, that number.
02:18:07 About 1.7 million young people don't have jobs.
02:18:10 And this number is increasing.
02:18:12 You don't expect them to be singing
02:18:14 Hallelujah, Dr. Mahama Baumya.
02:18:18 So those two contrasting issues we see there
02:18:21 is an issue of a stronghold loyalty
02:18:24 to a party and a political system
02:18:26 versus reality in the economy.
02:18:28 And if you not only Accra,
02:18:30 if you take other places in the constitution
02:18:32 where they are not connected to the party
02:18:35 via any other system, but by just how they perform,
02:18:40 you realize that nobody wants to see Baumya again.
02:18:45 And they already face the daunting task.
02:18:48 They are made out of task even harder
02:18:50 by the selection of Mahama Baumya.
02:18:52 And secondly, by the manner in which he was elected.
02:18:56 That is the problem they are confronted.
02:18:57 And that is what is going to be their undoing.
02:19:00 I don't see anything happening between now and elections
02:19:05 because definitely we are at the IMF.
02:19:10 So I think justification to use the IMF
02:19:14 will cease at other things,
02:19:15 except maybe that money has been stashed
02:19:18 under the post banks.
02:19:19 That money can not be spread across the nation.
02:19:22 We saw it in Assen North.
02:19:24 It was testament to the fact that people
02:19:28 can only be influenced monetarily to a certain level.
02:19:31 When it comes to their livelihood
02:19:32 and their life and death issue,
02:19:34 they'll make the right choices.
02:19:35 And I don't think that the MPP has the resources
02:19:39 to do what they did in Assen North across the whole nation,
02:19:42 let alone in way back areas that they have been losing.
02:19:46 So it is going to be a very, very difficult task to them.
02:19:50 They needed a candidate that would bring back energy,
02:19:54 that will bring back joy,
02:19:56 that will harness nostalgia and go on.
02:20:00 The candidate we have now is flat.
02:20:03 The victory is still,
02:20:05 and people are actually not feeling like,
02:20:07 okay, there's hope in the horizon.
02:20:09 But Oumya doesn't reject hope.
02:20:12 He reject hopelessness and despair based on his record.
02:20:16 And yes, he's trying to run away
02:20:17 from the economy to digitization.
02:20:20 And that is like failing the prerequisite of a program
02:20:24 and wanting to get a degree in it.
02:20:26 When you digitize something, it makes it easier.
02:20:29 If you digitize, let's say, your presentation,
02:20:32 it means you can stay in the house
02:20:34 and still on all this program.
02:20:35 If you digitize failure, you're going to magnify failure.
02:20:38 So what is the president going to digitize?
02:20:41 The framework, the input,
02:20:43 the data he's going to put in his digitization framework
02:20:47 is massive failure across all sectors of the economy.
02:20:51 Let me say it without any evocation,
02:20:54 that there is no data, economic data, in 2016.
02:20:59 That was not better than 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023.
02:21:04 You can check it.
02:21:07 So the 2016 that we ran out for
02:21:11 is something we are yearning to have back.
02:21:14 People would rather be in 2016 than this 2023.
02:21:18 And that is the record of Dr. Mahmoud Abawia.
02:21:21 There is no means, no way.
02:21:23 That is the task he has to confront.
02:21:27 He has his work cut out for him.
02:21:30 And I don't think it's a possible task.
02:21:33 - I'll have to thank you, Dr. Ayemga,
02:21:35 though my last ruminations on this.
02:21:39 I've just been taking a look.
02:21:40 I find it curious.
02:21:41 Looking at, of course, the strongholds of the MPP,
02:21:44 Ashanti and Eastern,
02:21:46 you would realize that Kennedy and Yapong,
02:21:48 from the votes cast, secured over 30% of the votes.
02:21:52 So it's like one is to two, thereabouts, the ratio.
02:21:57 And then interestingly, in the greater Accra region,
02:21:59 the difference was less than 2,000.
02:22:03 17,282 versus 19,002.
02:22:06 And then on that basis, you look at the popularity
02:22:09 of the candidate that the MPP has fielded.
02:22:11 But only time will tell.
02:22:13 Come next year, we'll see when the NDC
02:22:16 and the MPP lock horns on the issues.
02:22:19 That's what we are looking for.
02:22:20 Like at the University of Ghana,
02:22:21 it's the issues, the crucial issues, and performance.
02:22:24 What have you done vis-a-vis what you said?
02:22:27 I think that is where the real cookie will crumble.
02:22:30 But Dr. Ayemga, we're grateful for your time this morning,
02:22:32 and we wish you the very best.
02:22:34 - Thank you for having me.
02:22:36 - Dr. Michael Ayemga is a development economist
02:22:38 and senior lecturer at the University
02:22:39 for Development Studies in Tamale.
02:22:41 We also had joining the conversation Professor Kobi Mensah
02:22:45 of the University of Ghana Business School.
02:22:48 That is the first leg of our conversation.
02:22:50 Well, coming up next, after the break,
02:22:53 we're going to bring you updates
02:22:55 on the flooding in communities along the Volta River.
02:22:58 We know of what has happened,
02:23:00 but what is the latest situation there?
02:23:02 We'll be bringing you the scoop after the break.
02:23:07 (upbeat music)
02:23:10 Welcome to the Rawlings Park,
02:23:29 where scores of models graced the runway
02:23:32 with elegance and style.
02:23:36 (upbeat music)
02:23:38 Well, the Brony Waywood 2023 Festival
02:23:48 has brought to life clothes that hitherto
02:23:52 would have been dammed in Ghana's drainage system,
02:23:55 choking, and perhaps causing flooding.
02:23:59 But here, the talented young ones here
02:24:02 have brought life to these clothes.
02:24:04 And now, they are on the runway.
02:24:07 (upbeat music)
02:24:10 What makes this event truly captivating
02:24:14 is the fact that these models are adorned
02:24:17 in unique designs crafted from Sikahan clothes,
02:24:22 popularly known as Obuniweel.
02:24:24 These extraordinary creations are the brainchild
02:24:27 of five talented emerging designers
02:24:30 from the vibrant Kantebantu market.
02:24:32 Amidst the glamour, lead organizer,
02:24:35 Samuel Teng passionately urged industry players
02:24:38 and policy makers to acknowledge
02:24:40 the invaluable contribution of Kantebantu
02:24:43 to Ghana's fashion landscape.
02:24:45 - So Obuniweel October is an urban upcycle
02:24:48 and thrift festival that was initiated last year.
02:24:51 And the whole idea is to celebrate Kantebantu
02:24:53 and Ghana's culture of reuse and repair.
02:24:55 So we are here to celebrate Kantebantu
02:24:57 and Ghana's reuse and repair culture.
02:24:59 What is most significant is that we have designers
02:25:01 from Kantebantu who are very, very talented
02:25:04 and creative individuals who have gone
02:25:06 under two months intensive training.
02:25:09 And today, they're going to reveal to us
02:25:10 their collection that they've been working on
02:25:12 over the last two months.
02:25:13 We also have a pop-up shop where most of the vendors
02:25:18 from Kantebantu are selling their goods here as well.
02:25:21 Most people see what we are doing here
02:25:23 as just, you know, partying and having fun
02:25:25 and just fashion, but beneath the surface,
02:25:28 there's so much that is being done
02:25:29 in terms of environmental activism.
02:25:32 As in, most of these people here,
02:25:33 the clothes that you are seeing here,
02:25:35 the ones you see on the runway,
02:25:36 will most likely have ended up in some dump
02:25:38 or some gutter or a beach somewhere.
02:25:40 But these individuals are talented enough
02:25:42 that these ways that people would not use,
02:25:44 they are finding innovative ways to reuse them
02:25:46 and make them wearable.
02:25:47 Yeah, so we have vendors from Kantebantu,
02:25:50 their aunts and uncles, they are ADAS here
02:25:53 who are ready to mend their clothes for you.
02:25:55 So even if you buy something that is too big,
02:25:57 they'll be there to reduce the size for you.
02:25:59 We also have the upcyclers here
02:26:01 who are doing live demonstrations.
02:26:04 So if you have a T-shirt that needs screen printing,
02:26:06 there's someone for you.
02:26:07 If you have denim that needs some fashion,
02:26:09 there's someone for you.
02:26:09 So all of these creative talents are here
02:26:11 to give you a great experience.
02:26:14 Yeah.
02:26:14 - Finally, what motivated you to start this?
02:26:17 - So for me, it was really about the fact
02:26:20 that Kantebantu has been doing this work
02:26:22 for a very, very long time,
02:26:23 but it has been recognized for what it does.
02:26:25 So that was really what inspired us,
02:26:27 to give them the space and the platform
02:26:29 to show what they can do.
02:26:30 - Fashion entrepreneur, stylist,
02:26:33 and member of the Brony Wewu School, Neil Davis,
02:26:35 says there's no reason why the creations
02:26:38 from Kantebantu's talented designers
02:26:40 can't shine on the global runway.
02:26:43 - Yeah, I came on as a mentor and a trainer
02:26:45 for the young kids that are emerging from Kantebantu.
02:26:48 I'm an upcycler myself.
02:26:49 I do it as a brand.
02:26:50 I've been running my brand ship for the past four years.
02:26:53 So I come in as one of the pioneer people
02:26:55 who started this, from Kantebantu,
02:26:57 using dead stock materials and waste to make clothing.
02:27:00 And I think it's something that a lot of people
02:27:02 do not understand.
02:27:03 So that's why this is happening now.
02:27:06 We want to educate people.
02:27:07 We want to encourage people to reuse, to recycle,
02:27:11 and to reinvent pieces of waste that they have.
02:27:15 I think everything starts with a mindset.
02:27:17 It has to be a cultural mindset for everybody.
02:27:19 I believe one man standing to start
02:27:23 makes other people want to start.
02:27:24 Just like how I started,
02:27:26 it's like I encourage the next generation
02:27:28 to pick up this, and that's what is happening.
02:27:30 So I feel like even if you don't have to thrift from Kante,
02:27:34 even your stuff that you use at home,
02:27:36 you can hand embroider it in a certain way.
02:27:39 You can remove the sleeves of a shirt
02:27:40 and make it sleeveless,
02:27:41 and it's a whole new style altogether.
02:27:43 You can rejoin the sleeves to another shirt,
02:27:46 and it's a new shirt altogether.
02:27:47 It's just very, it's being artistic
02:27:49 in putting together a style silhouette for yourself.
02:27:53 - Designer Charles Pippra expressed gratitude
02:27:55 for the platform provided by the Orr Foundation,
02:27:58 emphasizing the importance of showcasing their creativity
02:28:02 to a wider audience.
02:28:03 - I learned it when I was a little age.
02:28:07 And I was in fashion, like I love fashion.
02:28:11 So I had Obonuwewu, that was last year,
02:28:16 and they told us that we should contest and stuff.
02:28:19 So we were working with the Orr Foundation,
02:28:23 and they said we should do fashion, this thing and that.
02:28:26 So we started it, that was last year.
02:28:29 It's helping me a lot, because through this thing,
02:28:31 I've met a whole lot of artists.
02:28:34 It has opened ways for me, and a lot, a lot, yes, a lot.
02:28:39 And it's helping, and it's helping the YouTube.
02:28:42 Yes, it's helping us very, very, very, very, very well.
02:28:45 Because it is bringing what I knew,
02:28:47 then what I can do, then what even my aim, yes.
02:28:51 Because I love fashion, yes.
02:28:54 So as they came, yes, we were like, okay, then let's join.
02:28:59 And I've been in Kantamontu over 15 years now.
02:29:02 Yes, so as they came, I was like, okay,
02:29:04 because since I've been there,
02:29:05 no one have been telling us that maybe we should do this,
02:29:09 or we should do that, yes.
02:29:11 So as they started it last year, yes, it was cool.
02:29:14 So this year, they told us that, yeah,
02:29:16 it was going to be large, and it's true too.
02:29:18 You can't even see it yourself.
02:29:20 - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:29:21 Even what I was wearing, it's very, very, very, very hard.
02:29:25 And it will be hardly for you to get it somewhere.
02:29:28 - Yeah. - Yes.
02:29:29 It will be hardly for you to get it somewhere,
02:29:31 only in Kantamontu.
02:29:33 Yes, we are proud of ourselves, yes,
02:29:35 because at Kantamontu, we can do a whole lot of things.
02:29:39 Yes, but it seems like no one is doing that,
02:29:41 like no one is paying attention to us,
02:29:43 until they came to us, you see.
02:29:45 Yes.
02:29:46 - Richard Asante is also a designer
02:29:48 and beneficiary of the Obroniwewu October Project.
02:29:51 He shared his excitement about the overwhelming patronage
02:29:54 the event has received,
02:29:56 underscoring the growing appeal of sustainable fashion.
02:29:59 - This event is helping us a lot.
02:30:01 It's actually putting our works out there,
02:30:03 letting new people to see what we are doing.
02:30:05 Like, we have been in the dark for long,
02:30:07 so since Obroniwewu October came last year and this year,
02:30:10 it has actually helped us to see more people,
02:30:13 and people from my brother looking out,
02:30:15 I started seeing, I started taking pictures,
02:30:17 making this go viral so that we can earn some,
02:30:20 earning from it, yeah.
02:30:21 Yeah, this, I actually made this,
02:30:25 it's called Opium Style.
02:30:27 Yeah, this style is called Opium Style, yeah, that's it.
02:30:29 So I actually planned this to make it like this,
02:30:31 to wear it myself.
02:30:33 I just did this, this morning.
02:30:35 - Renowned musician Manlove The Kupolo
02:30:41 raised the event's edge to the government
02:30:43 to play a more active role in supporting initiatives
02:30:46 like the Obroniwewu Festival,
02:30:48 emphasizing the cultural and economic significance
02:30:51 of such endeavors.
02:30:53 - Super excited.
02:31:02 This initiative by the ORS President,
02:31:05 this Obroniwewu October,
02:31:08 has given opportunity to designers
02:31:11 to create the most amazing things they can think of.
02:31:14 They facilitate, they support them with funds
02:31:17 to go out there and to countermantle
02:31:19 and pick the materials they need
02:31:21 to create whatever they are dreaming about.
02:31:24 And I think it's really amazing.
02:31:25 It's somehow a pity that it's not something initiated
02:31:28 by the government, but we all know our government
02:31:31 is focused on other things.
02:31:33 And so, here we are, we are come to enjoy
02:31:37 over months of hard work by designers, tailors,
02:31:42 and different logistical people at the ORS President.
02:31:44 You know, yeah, so we're here to see a show.
02:31:47 Yeah.
02:31:49 First of all, they are raising awareness
02:31:50 that almost 80% of the bills that come,
02:31:53 the full Obroniwewu, are not resellable.
02:31:57 And because of the high taxes on the traders
02:32:00 that countermantle, it's hard to dispose of these things
02:32:03 'cause you have to pay for the boiler.
02:32:05 You're not making that much money in this economy.
02:32:07 So people often leave the bills anyhow,
02:32:10 and the rain pushes it into the drains,
02:32:12 and it ends up in the ocean, choking the ocean,
02:32:15 choking the life there, spoiling things for fishermen,
02:32:17 polluting the toxins that come out of these dyed fabrics
02:32:20 and so on, also polluting the water.
02:32:22 And so, Obroniwewu Oktober, the ORS President,
02:32:26 and all the designers, and everybody that comes
02:32:28 around this collective, are concerned about the environment
02:32:32 and want us to stop what they call waste colonialism,
02:32:36 which is just dumping their boiler on us.
02:32:40 They should make sure there's quality control at that side
02:32:43 before materials come, so that we can be selling
02:32:45 90, 100% of everything that comes.
02:32:48 - Additionally, the event provided a golden opportunity
02:32:51 for some sellers to make good sales.
02:32:54 - So I'm Saudi, and this barbecue stand is called Aboki,
02:32:58 a subsidiary of Suya Republic.
02:33:00 Yeah, so the OR Foundation has always been family.
02:33:04 We called to partner on this, so we are on board,
02:33:07 and the patronage has been good.
02:33:09 Everybody's here showing us plenty love.
02:33:12 The patronage has been good.
02:33:13 You can see people coming, everyone here showing us love.
02:33:16 They've seen the stand, and everyone wants to get a taste.
02:33:20 Yeah.
02:33:21 - In the heart of Rawlings Park, a celebration
02:33:23 of creativity and sustainability unfolded,
02:33:27 proving that fashion knows no boundaries
02:33:29 when passion and innovation come together.
02:33:33 Max Olagbaba for JOYNEWS.
02:33:35 (upbeat music)
02:33:37 (upbeat music)
02:33:47 (upbeat music)
02:33:50 (upbeat music)
02:33:52 (upbeat music)
02:33:55 (upbeat music)
02:33:57 (upbeat music)
02:34:00 (upbeat music)
02:34:03 - Receiving of relief items by communities
02:34:06 affected by the Kusumbo Dam spillage
02:34:09 has almost become a normal phenomenon.
02:34:12 Almost every day, people in the South Zone District
02:34:15 and communities along the Volta Lake receive relief items
02:34:20 due to the Kusumbo Dam spillage.
02:34:23 Companies, individuals, and kind-hearted people
02:34:26 have been helping the affected communities.
02:34:29 But it's not about these relief supplies.
02:34:33 It's about a community and its people
02:34:36 who have lost their livelihood, homes, and jobs.
02:34:41 The Manklalu of Batu Traditional Area,
02:34:44 Oman Klalu Boboji, is calling for an immediate plan
02:34:47 to resettle the affected communities.
02:34:50 - Minister of Finance, he says that this issue,
02:34:54 because it rained too much, that caused it.
02:34:57 It means that another day, another rain will come.
02:35:00 How long Daniels will continue and be giving us food
02:35:03 if another rain have come again?
02:35:06 So we have the land, we have a space.
02:35:09 Ghana government should do something about it
02:35:12 to resettle our people.
02:35:13 We are appealing to the government
02:35:15 as a good leader for us, father for all,
02:35:18 should come out so that we can hear something from him,
02:35:22 so that our hearts can be rest.
02:35:24 - Togwe Boboji went ahead to appeal for small factories
02:35:28 to be set up for the people to enable them
02:35:30 find something to live on,
02:35:32 as their main source of livelihood
02:35:34 has been cut off by the spillage.
02:35:37 An opinion leader in the Batu Traditional Area
02:35:40 also shares some details about the affected communities.
02:35:44 (people shouting)
02:36:09 Companies like the Central Group,
02:36:11 Goodness Energy and Wilma Ghana
02:36:13 are among the latest to show love
02:36:16 to the affected communities.
02:36:17 The Central Group donated assorted items
02:36:24 and 1,000 bags of cement
02:36:27 and a cash amount of 40,000 CDs
02:36:30 to the displaced communities in the South Tongue District.
02:36:35 Goodness Energy on its part provided assorted food items,
02:36:39 including sugar, rice, gary, maize, beans,
02:36:42 amounting to 300,000 CDs
02:36:45 to the affected communities in the Angola District.
02:36:49 Meanwhile, Wilma Ghana also donated various items,
02:36:53 including rice, oil, margarine, some detergent,
02:36:57 among some assorted items
02:36:59 to the Aflawu and Mbembe communities.
02:37:01 For Joy News, my name is Elvis Washington
02:37:05 reporting from the Volta region.
02:37:09 Mbembe.
02:37:10 - And the aftermath of saying, what is the latest?
02:37:20 Well, we are joined now by Mr. Seji Saji-Amedonu,
02:37:25 and he is Deputy Director General
02:37:28 of Technical Reforms at Natmo.
02:37:32 A very good morning to you, sir.
02:37:38 All right, so we'll try to work the lines
02:37:39 to get Mr. Seji Saji-Amedonu connecting with us.
02:37:43 Of course, we would like to know
02:37:44 what the latest is on that situation.
02:37:46 We've seen the work that the VRA has commenced,
02:37:49 among others, but what is Natmo up to?
02:37:52 Mr. Amedonu, a very good morning to you.
02:37:54 - Good morning.
02:37:57 - It's really good to have you join the conversation.
02:37:59 I'll just go straight to it.
02:38:02 What is the latest as far as Natmo's work
02:38:06 along the Volta Lake is concerned
02:38:09 in respect of these affected communities?
02:38:11 What updates can you give us?
02:38:13 - Thank you very much,
02:38:16 and good morning to your cherished viewers, too, as well.
02:38:20 We are at the recovery stage now.
02:38:24 As you are well aware,
02:38:25 spillage has stopped about a week ago,
02:38:28 and we are trying as much as possible
02:38:31 to bring back to normal the state
02:38:35 in which the people were before the incident happened.
02:38:38 And in our line of work, that's the recovery stage.
02:38:42 We have some issues to deal with,
02:38:44 issues with education,
02:38:46 and issues with some stagnant water
02:38:49 still in the communities.
02:38:51 We are still working on that.
02:38:53 You are aware that most of our safe havens
02:38:55 are classroom blocks,
02:38:56 so educational activities had come to a halt
02:39:01 in quite a number of those schools.
02:39:04 We have succeeded to a large estate in Central Tongue
02:39:07 to restore back education activities.
02:39:12 The only thing left is that we have some few tents now.
02:39:15 As soon as that is erected,
02:39:17 maybe by close of day tomorrow,
02:39:19 all schools in Central Tongue will be in session.
02:39:22 The challenge is in North Tongue.
02:39:24 We may be able to start something maybe next week.
02:39:30 We are hoping that we have some few tents
02:39:34 to erect that can be used
02:39:36 as temporary classroom blocks for now.
02:39:38 For the issue of the water,
02:39:42 we've been able to create some channels
02:39:44 for those stagnant water
02:39:46 to start going, receding back into the river.
02:39:50 Apart from that, there is a team coming in tomorrow
02:39:57 to start some assessment,
02:39:59 is EPA and structural assessment.
02:40:02 It's a team from the UN Interagency Working Group
02:40:05 that include the Ghana Institute of Engineers,
02:40:07 EPA, VRA, NADMO itself.
02:40:10 They'll be doing some assessment
02:40:12 to ascertain what exactly are we dealing with
02:40:16 when it comes to the issue of decontamination,
02:40:18 the disinfection and fumigation.
02:40:22 And we'll be looking at the structural integrity
02:40:24 of some of the structures.
02:40:26 When this is completed,
02:40:28 some fumigation had gone on already.
02:40:31 And how to move the people back to their houses
02:40:36 so that the classroom blocks will be free
02:40:41 for learning and teaching to begin.
02:40:43 So in a summary, this is what we are looking at
02:40:48 in most of the districts that we recorded affected persons.
02:40:51 We don't have too much challenge in Lowa Manya,
02:40:54 too much challenge in Sujaman.
02:40:56 Our challenges are where we have the safe havens,
02:40:59 which are four districts.
02:41:01 That is North Town, Central Town,
02:41:03 Shire-Usuduku, the esoteric side of the Shire-Usuduku.
02:41:08 Then Adan itself.
02:41:09 - Now you've spoken about disinfection, fumigation.
02:41:14 The VRA had already started something on that level,
02:41:18 as well as the structural integrity
02:41:21 of some of the edifices there.
02:41:23 As of now, is there anything you can report on that,
02:41:26 even in anticipating what will be done?
02:41:31 - Oh no, what has happened is the fumigation.
02:41:35 It's only the fumigation that has happened.
02:41:37 It started even when the situation was unfolding.
02:41:41 Zumiya Lion came in to fumigate all the safe havens.
02:41:45 But after that, when the water started receding,
02:41:47 the places that the water had completely receded,
02:41:52 some fumigation has gone on.
02:41:53 And that is what you just referred to.
02:41:56 But if you know the situation very well,
02:42:00 this is flooding that flooded the whole community.
02:42:04 And the kind of facilities in those communities,
02:42:08 including some places, even a whole cemetery was flooded.
02:42:13 The people around here use a lot of pit latrines.
02:42:18 That is also flooded.
02:42:20 We need to actually ascertain what kind of hazards
02:42:24 can be posed to the people if they return.
02:42:29 And that can only be ascertained through an assessment.
02:42:32 And that is what is going to happen now from tomorrow.
02:42:36 - Now, you spoke about bringing to normal
02:42:40 how the people were living, restoring normalcy
02:42:42 in terms of how they were before this flooding
02:42:46 or the spillage happened.
02:42:48 How long do you project that would take,
02:42:51 looking at how bad the situation is?
02:42:54 You've already mentioned the structural integrity
02:42:57 of the buildings and also the health hazards
02:43:00 that could be posed.
02:43:02 Are there any timelines?
02:43:03 Do you have any idea as of now,
02:43:05 how much longer this is going to take?
02:43:08 - Well, that will be a bit difficult, but it is a process.
02:43:14 As I mentioned to you, for a place like Central Tongue
02:43:20 in the aspect of education, to a large extent,
02:43:25 things are becoming a bit normal.
02:43:28 And so that is how it is going to go
02:43:29 in all the other sectors, that it will take some time,
02:43:33 but we are working very hard to make sure
02:43:36 that as soon as possible, things will return to normal.
02:43:41 - As people of goodwill, as government organizations,
02:43:48 corporate organizations and others have donated massively
02:43:52 because government has not been able as well
02:43:54 to foot the entirety of the bill,
02:43:57 one thing that has come to bear,
02:43:58 people are donating food and drink and other items,
02:44:01 but sanitary towels, sanitary pads for our young girls.
02:44:06 The monthly cycle doesn't stop
02:44:08 because a disaster has happened.
02:44:10 So a lot of the young girls, school going age,
02:44:12 among others, are going through this process.
02:44:15 And a lot of them were complaining
02:44:17 that they didn't have the right,
02:44:18 they had to improvise and for some of them,
02:44:23 it wasn't working.
02:44:25 Have you, as an admiral, looked at that angle?
02:44:28 Have you received any supplies you've been able to share
02:44:30 to the young girls in these communities?
02:44:33 - Yeah, thank you.
02:44:36 That complaint you just mentioned came up
02:44:40 when the situation started and was unfolding.
02:44:44 You know, in our line of work, as we assess the situation,
02:44:48 when the needs come up,
02:44:50 we quickly mobilize to address those needs.
02:44:52 As we speak, there's a lot of those items in the system
02:44:56 provided by both government and private individuals
02:45:01 and philanthropies who are donating.
02:45:04 Because what happens is that as you put out the needs,
02:45:08 the individuals, organizations and companies
02:45:11 or philanthropies who want to donate,
02:45:13 some of them get in touch to find out what are the needs.
02:45:16 And as you get them the needs, they try to provide.
02:45:20 - Mr. Sajid, so, okay.
02:45:28 We lost you briefly, but please go ahead.
02:45:31 We lost you briefly, please go ahead.
02:45:33 - Yeah, so just this weekend,
02:45:35 an organization like Child Rights International
02:45:39 went through all the safe havens
02:45:42 and provided sanitary towels, pads,
02:45:46 and all those things to young girls.
02:45:48 So it's very much a need in all the safe havens.
02:45:52 But I mean, before even the situation ended,
02:45:56 the spillage ended, we have started addressing those needs.
02:45:59 And that is also continuing until such a time
02:46:02 that we get them back to their houses.
02:46:05 - In terms of logistics resources,
02:46:08 is NADMO faring any better now
02:46:10 in terms of the deliverables to the people?
02:46:13 - Yes, to a large extent, to a large extent, yes.
02:46:17 You know, we started our response effort
02:46:20 in collaboration with VRA.
02:46:22 And this has continued up to the point
02:46:27 when other organizations and individuals
02:46:30 came in to support.
02:46:31 But as we even speak, agencies of government,
02:46:34 ministries of government are also coming in
02:46:38 with supplies to assist the relief administration.
02:46:42 So that is quite going on well in general.
02:46:44 - Right before we have you take a leave of us,
02:46:50 so what next as far as NADMO is concerned?
02:46:52 What can we expect in the coming days,
02:46:55 in the course of this week,
02:46:56 as far as your activity in these communities?
02:46:59 You mentioned some of them,
02:47:00 the Shio Sudoku area among others.
02:47:02 What can we expect?
02:47:04 - Well, there's a lot of some projects
02:47:09 going on by some individuals to also assist.
02:47:13 We took delivery of some tents,
02:47:16 quite sizable tents yesterday.
02:47:20 What we'll be doing is to try and get those tents
02:47:24 to some of the schools and use them
02:47:26 as temporarily classroom blocks
02:47:31 where the kids can start their education,
02:47:36 can continue whilst the classrooms
02:47:38 are still used as safe havens.
02:47:41 That is mostly for North Town.
02:47:44 But as I said, there are two teams.
02:47:46 We are having a household registry too.
02:47:48 IOM is also leading a team this week
02:47:51 to do a household registration of every person affected.
02:47:56 In planning, you need a lot of data and accurate data.
02:48:01 So we are now working towards getting accurate data
02:48:05 in terms of putting names and other information.
02:48:08 As for the total general statuses
02:48:10 that we already put out of 39,333
02:48:14 as the affected persons still remains the same.
02:48:16 North Town has the hardest hit, Central Town,
02:48:20 to Lower Manya, which is the least hit.
02:48:22 We have that data, even in a disaggregated manner,
02:48:25 we have that of male, female,
02:48:27 the physically disabled children, we have all that.
02:48:32 The education sector too, we have data on those
02:48:36 who as a result of the incident are not in classrooms
02:48:39 as they should be now.
02:48:41 So this week, we are trying hard,
02:48:44 as I said, we are at the recovering stage.
02:48:46 And for the recovery stage is bringing back all facilities,
02:48:49 some road networks too have issues.
02:48:52 We are also looking at that too.
02:48:54 And the stagnant water in some of the community,
02:48:57 how we can get it out.
02:48:58 We got quite a lot of them out last week.
02:49:01 We still have some more to work on getting out.
02:49:05 And we are hopeful that getting into next week,
02:49:08 we should be able to bring back to a large extent
02:49:11 some normalcy in these areas.
02:49:14 - Well, thank you so much, sir,
02:49:17 for joining the conversation, Mr. Seji Saji-Amedonu,
02:49:21 the Deputy Director General of Technical and Reforms
02:49:24 at NADMO.
02:49:25 We're grateful, sir, for your time.
02:49:27 - Thank you.
02:49:28 - So as we get ready to cap off the show,
02:49:30 I would like to read some comments to you.
02:49:32 We put this up on social media on Facebook.
02:49:34 "Let's work together to break the AIDS,"
02:49:36 that's Baumea telling the MPP.
02:49:39 But we asked, "Can Dr. Baumea lead the MPP
02:49:42 "to break the AIDS?"
02:49:42 Some of you shared your thoughts.
02:49:44 Let's take a quick look at them.
02:49:46 Koduma Muniru says, "His promises will let him fall."
02:49:49 J.M. Afa.
02:49:50 Elvis says, "Surely he will win."
02:49:53 Asamuakweku says, "Fala victory against John Dramani-Mahama."
02:49:57 Joseph La says, "Opposition leader."
02:49:59 But let me go to some others that break it down a bit.
02:50:03 Nanopua Asante says, "The top party officials
02:50:07 "are satisfied financially,
02:50:08 "but secretly to all the party members,
02:50:12 "to keep it a secret, make sure Baumea wins.
02:50:16 "But that's not what will serve the people."
02:50:18 Okay, then Semabia Emmanuel says,
02:50:21 "The most lazy vice president Ghana has ever had."
02:50:24 Okay, so your opinion.
02:50:25 Kweku Jemfi Kumanini says, "The question is,
02:50:30 "are we ready to give President Okufuadu another four years?
02:50:33 "If no, then Baumea can't."
02:50:35 Because if Baumea comes,
02:50:36 it's Okufuadu who's still ruling.
02:50:39 This one, Pachin Nawabala says, "Breaking the A.E."
02:50:43 That's what he says.
02:50:44 And he has a heartbreak emoji there.
02:50:47 I see Joe Frimpong comparing and contrasting Mahama
02:50:51 versus Dr. Baumea in terms of their performance.
02:50:55 And the caption is, "Vote wisely on December the 7th, 2024."
02:51:00 This is the final one I'll look at.
02:51:01 There are so many, and thank you all for your responses.
02:51:03 But I'll take this final one.
02:51:05 Warisu Abdulsalam says, "Which eight are they even breaking?
02:51:09 "They will not even get 40% in 2024 come December."
02:51:14 Okay, so the verdict is out.
02:51:17 In the end, it's not one person.
02:51:19 I can't sit here and say who will win.
02:51:20 It's not the other person.
02:51:21 It's all of us put together
02:51:23 who will decide who wins election 2024.
02:51:28 Before I celebrate one person whose birthday I got,
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02:54:11 Well, we are at the point where we are capping off the show.
02:54:14 It is my hope that you've enjoyed the show today.
02:54:17 Let's celebrate Damien Ekufu.
02:54:22 Now Damien Ekufu, Asante of Happy Royal International School
02:54:27 in Oyarifa, today happens to be your birthday.
02:54:31 It's from your parents, Victor and Vincentia Asante
02:54:36 and your siblings, Tiffany and Kelvin.
02:54:39 And so to you, Damien Ekufu Asante,
02:54:42 I don't know your age today,
02:54:43 but happy birthday to you.
02:54:46 God keep you, God bless you.
02:54:48 My prayer at the start of the day
02:54:50 was from 1 Chronicles 4, verse 10.
02:54:53 May the Lord enlarge your territory.
02:54:55 May he hold you with his arm
02:54:57 and may he make you prosper in everything you do.
02:55:01 And that's from us to you as well,
02:55:03 if you're celebrating your birthday
02:55:04 or any special anniversary today.
02:55:07 My name is Benjamin Akaku
02:55:09 and I hope you've enjoyed your time with me this morning.
02:55:11 Let's do it again, same time tomorrow morning.
02:55:13 But for now, we'll leave you in the hands of Aisha Ibrahim,
02:55:17 who comes your way next with Joy News Desk.
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