Secrets behind skincare - Fola David

  • last year
00:00 The skin is the largest organ of the body that requires care because it is an outer organ.
00:05 The skin is the first thing people see.
00:07 You know, your skin is like your identity.
00:10 In a bid to take care of our skin, we sometimes go above and beyond what is necessary,
00:15 thereby causing damage to it with all manner of products and treatments.
00:19 There's this video that was circulating about some women that were in a place with some bare coverings
00:26 and there was this mud-like cream on their body and the water was poured on it.
00:33 But why do a lot of people prefer to take skin care advice from people for their dream skin instead of a dermatologist?
00:40 I'm scared when I see it. Why would I have my skin, you know, I don't know how long it takes.
00:46 But let's say maybe in a day you have something put on your skin and you wash it off and I'm seeing white or yellow.
00:52 Ah, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:54 Today we had Dr. Fola David, a cosmetic dermatologist, answer some of our questions about skin care.
01:00 Using very hot water to have their bath, not using their sunscreens, using coconut oil.
01:14 Genetics do have a large role to play.
01:22 What are the most common acne-related skin problems?
01:27 We can have comedonal acne, so most people have a presentation of blackheads, whiteheads.
01:33 We can have pustular acne, so those acne that you see that someone says, "Oh, this acne is very sweet."
01:39 The one you want to pop, it has this very, very clear gold or yellow fluid.
01:45 We can have cystic acne, the ones that are so big and feel like they're deep inside the skin.
01:53 So we have nodules and cysts, so those ones are a bit more severe compared to the other ones.
01:59 A lot of these products can dry out your skin. A lot of these products can irritate your skin.
02:12 What is the most common acne-related skin problem?
02:15 Always use your sunscreen.
02:17 Acne that is coming from hormonal imbalance, most of the time you try to notice them.
02:27 Either most other symptoms of hormonal imbalance follows the acne.
02:33 You also look at the particular direction and presentation of the acne.
02:37 What are the treatment modalities for acne scars?
02:42 There are a lot of treatment modalities for acne scars.
02:45 We have microneedling, we have subcision, we have pills that can also help, TCA pills that can help with collagen production
02:57 and help fill up all the scars that you have from acne.
03:02 But more importantly also to prevent those scars from happening, don't pick your acne.
03:08 What is the most common acne-related skin problem?
03:15 You need to have trained hands to help extract.
03:20 Now it's not every acne that we extract. Like the first level that I told you about, we don't even touch them at all.
03:26 What is the most common acne-related skin problem?
03:31 No, at all. Just coming out in the sun alone, I told you that you need.
03:38 I'm not just coming out, just because the sun exists.
03:41 What is the most common acne-related skin problem?
03:46 Sometimes less is more, especially with skincare.
03:49 What is the most common acne-related skin problem?
03:56 Now, I'm not going to rule out organic creams completely.
04:01 I will not rule out organic creams completely.
04:03 Are organic creams harmful? Yes, they are.
04:06 There are many harmful organic products out there.
04:09 I would just rather say we stick to the medical grade products, the ones that you can actually see the ingredients.
04:15 What is the most common acne-related skin problem?
04:23 If there's something that you see in the mirror that you don't like, it's going to wear down on you and how you feel.
04:31 You're going to always think about it.
04:32 And then you see some people have a particular flair for white skin, for fair-colored skin.
04:40 And their skincare products are white in color, so they go ahead and just buy and start using it.
04:46 It damages the skin.
04:47 It can make your skin so thin that when you need proper help, you won't be able to get it,
04:53 especially when you go to the hospital and have maybe other health issues.
04:57 There is a constant struggle for a perfect skin, knowing that skin issues are multifactorial.
05:02 From the choice of skincare products to food and basic hygiene, the struggle is endless.
05:08 But it is important to ensure that we take a careful approach in how we treat and manage our skin,
05:13 because as the outer layer and protector of the body, we must ensure that we do not do damage to it,
05:18 even when seeking to protect it.
05:20 Thank you very much for having me.
05:23 It was a very wonderful session.
05:25 I had a lot of fun.
05:27 And I hope people out there get to pick one or two things, at least, that would help them in their skincare journey.
05:33 Do you also struggle with skin issues?
05:35 How do you handle it?
05:36 Let's know in the comments section.
05:38 Ife and I are watching you for Guardian TV.
05:41 [Music]
