Tuputala on Defending USC

  • last year
00:00 >> I think it's really just, well, really cuz we're LBs,
00:03 we're always hanging together, so I haven't really heard from anybody else.
00:08 But I know for him, for sure, he's gonna be a big part of it.
00:11 And just as anyone, if he was to come from the old school and
00:14 just playing with all his old friends, I know he's gonna be happy about it.
00:18 >> It seems like obviously the main storyline for
00:21 you guys I would imagine would be, how do you contain a Heisman Trophy?
00:25 How do you figure out a way to bottle up Caleb Williams?
00:28 What you've seen on film, is there anything that immediately stands out that
00:32 just what he does really, really well that stresses defenses?
00:36 >> I think just keeping the play alive.
00:38 If he doesn't, football is never gonna go the way that you planned out.
00:41 So I think him as a player, just respect to him, just keeping the play alive,
00:45 keeping guys open, finding ways to score.
00:48 So I think as a defense, we just continue what we do,
00:50 stay true to our fundamentals, stay true to our values and how we play as a defense.
00:54 Which is also playing as a team, you know what I'm saying?
00:57 Just making sure containing them, guys on the back end doing what they have to do,
01:01 and it'll be fine.