Musa tv n. 44 del 31 ottobre 2023

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Si chiude la Festa del Cinema di Roma e Paola Cortellesi è già regina del box office

L’attrice romana è prima al botteghino con ‘C’è Ancora Domani’

Cibo, vino e teatro tornano a far parlare di loro con la II Edizione di “EaT - Enogastronomia a Teatro”

Un format capace di legare arte culinaria e spettacolo


00:00 We are not talking about the fact that we are not allowed to speak about the rights of women, but about the fact that we are not allowed to speak about the rights of men.
00:05 We are not talking about the fact that we are not allowed to speak about the rights of men, but about the fact that we are not allowed to speak about the rights of women.
00:15 It is not a very original choice. It is about us, about our rights, the rights of women, the rights that have always been denied,
00:27 when this was a fact, and now that we are lucky enough to have other opportunities and we can ask ourselves questions,
00:35 it is good to remember that the roots of that kind of mentality are unfortunately well rooted in our culture and must be erased.
00:49 I have been working for more than two years, but it has been a very meticulous job, partly because it is me and partly because I was asked to do this story.
01:01 I must say that I had the help of the troupe, the cast, my screenwriters, the production that relied on me,
01:13 because I did not propose a very simple thing to them, and so I had the trust of many people.
01:23 Together with them I managed to build this story, to put this very demanding machine on top of it.
01:32 Everything happened as I wrote it, as I wanted it to, so I am very happy. I must be honest.
01:41 It is a very courageous and ambitious work, because to use those tones to deal with a theme like this,
01:49 it takes a healthy conscience, but also a great determination and confidence in what you want to tell,
01:57 how and to whom everything that is contrary to the film must arrive.
02:01 So it was very good, I say it as a spectator, not as a friend or a colleague.
02:07 [Music]
02:23 My name is Anna Setteposte and together with Andrea Castellani we organize IT, Eno Gastronomia Teatro.
02:30 We are in Umbria for a different format than usual, which brings to theater,
02:37 inside one of the oldest theaters in the city of Spoleto,
02:41 a review of four days of shows dedicated to Eno Gastronomia.
02:46 [Music]
02:59 The ingredients of this unique format in its kind are food, wine, music, prose and the audience,
03:07 which enters directly into the scene.
03:10 The audience of the theater is undressed from the usual armchairs and tables are set up,
03:16 where the audience, the audience members, become active spectators of absolutely engaging and different shows.
03:26 The news of this second edition of IT.
03:29 Meanwhile, we are four days in Spoleto, the shows alternate from morning to evening.
03:36 We have a new location, the small Teatrino delle Sei, which hosts the selection Play IT,
03:44 the band dedicated to the emerging companies always dedicated to the world of new astronomy.
03:51 So, special shows of young companies and this year the particularity is that the two shows
04:00 that have been selected for Play IT are completely feminine.
04:05 So we bring to the scene both young actresses and stories of young women.
04:10 [Music]
04:34 [Music]
04:44 [Music]
