Wystawa dotycząca historii rodziny Ulmów w Szamocinie

  • last year


00:00 [music]
00:02 We are in the public library of the city and municipality of Szamocin,
00:08 where we can watch an exhibition about the Ulm family from Markowa for a week.
00:15 The exhibition was prepared by Monika Rybarczyk and Dominika Marcinkowska,
00:22 who are teachers at the primary school in Szamocin.
00:26 We are collaborating with the library,
00:30 because the exhibition was first shown at school,
00:34 but there is a smaller community there.
00:37 We decided that it would be worth showing the exhibition to a wider audience.
00:47 We have already exhibited local paintings of our creators here,
00:53 and the residents of Szamocin who come here for research and various meetings
01:01 have inspired us to organize such exhibitions.
01:07 Sometimes people who are not interested in something
01:11 just look and think about it, get to know something.
01:15 The inspiration was, above all, the beatification on September 10.
01:21 It was a reason to stop and to look deeper at the subject.
01:27 This exhibition is also the end of a show of what disagreement in small communities
01:37 can lead to, where hatred grows and then leads to tragedy.
01:43 I think that's what it was about.
01:46 We can watch the exhibition from Monday to Friday,
01:51 from 8 to 8.20 and on Saturday from 9 to 13,
01:56 until the 15th of November.
01:58 you
