Did the 49ers Become Overconfident After Blowing Out the Cowboys?

  • last year
Analyzing whether the San Francisco 49ers became overconfident after blowing out the Dallas Cowboys.
00:00 >> Did this team get overconfident after beating Dallas by 32?
00:03 >> No, I don't think it's a confidence thing.
00:04 You look at the, we go into Cleveland.
00:06 And no, I wouldn't say overconfident.
00:09 We should be confident because of the players and staff that we have.
00:11 Like, I'm not worried about that.
00:12 I think it's a, you look at Cleveland, what do we have, 15 penalties?
00:16 You can't win a football game with 15 penalties and multiple turnovers.
00:19 Like, I mean, you can, it's just really, and
00:20 then we had an opportunity to win at the end, we didn't.
00:22 And I don't think it's an overconfidence thing.
00:25 I think it's a- >> [INAUDIBLE]
00:29 >> Grant, I can't give you an answer on
00:31 why we're losing besides turnovers.
00:33 I don't think we're running the ball enough.
00:35 And situationally, I don't think we can run the ball because of the situation we're
00:38 putting ourselves in.
00:39 And no, I mean, also I think we have an offense with explosive players all over
00:43 the football field.
00:44 And we can win these games.
00:45 And we had an opportunity down there, we're at 17 to 10.
00:47 And hey, we have a turnover.
00:49 Turnovers really hurt you.
00:51 And I'm not gonna, there's no point of fingers like that.
00:53 Like, there's players, the plays that can be made all over the football field.
00:56 But it's hard to win football games when you have three turnovers.
01:00 >> Thank you, Mark.
01:01 >> Usually, this is, when this team is rolling, keep it going.
01:06 Is it weird to start so well and then have this as opposed to maybe start slow and
01:11 finish strong?
01:11 >> I mean, losing is weird in general.
01:15 I hate it, it sucks.
01:17 I'd much rather win.
01:19 But years past, we backed ourselves into a corner,
01:24 backs against the wall, whatever it was.
01:26 And we dug down and we went on runs and
01:29 we're able to put ourselves in positions to get into the playoffs.
01:31 And what's football without a little adversity?
01:35 And you don't want it to be easy all the time.
01:37 You wanna go through these grimy games, these crappy games, I guess.
01:41 You'd prefer to win them, but I think we have the team.
01:45 We have the men on this team that are gonna respond well to adversity.
01:49 And we're gonna do our best.
01:50 And we're gonna go out there and we're gonna play at a higher level.
01:51 We're gonna play better.
01:52 >> You mentioned the outside zone.
01:57 Are defenses selling out to stop that more so than maybe they have in the past?
02:02 >> I don't know, I mean, first play of the game was outside zone, went for
02:04 eight yards.
02:05 You can sell out against it.
02:06 There's certain plays that we run, we run them better than anybody else.
02:09 It's a copycat league.
02:10 You see people run them all over the league and
02:12 they don't run them nearly as well as us.
02:14 You don't have the offensive line, the tight ends, the fullback,
02:16 the running back that runs like we do.
02:18 Wide receivers that block downfield like we do.
02:20 Like I said, I love running outside zone because when you have outside zone,
02:24 you get to run play action, bootlegs, keepers, all that off of it.
02:27 And when you have turnovers and you have penalties, and you're playing behind sticks,
02:31 and you're playing down, it's hard to run the football and
02:33 get access to all those plays.
02:35 And so we need to be cleaner up front early on so
02:38 that we can continue to run the football, run outside zone, run some gap scheme, and
02:43 be the physical 49ers offense that we know and love.
02:45 >> Brock had several of those turnovers.
02:47 What did you see from Brock today?
02:50 >> I mean, Brock's the reason we're in every single game.
02:53 Brock's the reason we win football games.
02:54 He's our quarterback.
02:55 He's a very skilled football player.
02:56 I think Kyle probably said it.
03:00 His first interception, that's a shovel play, so he'll either pitch it to me or
03:03 hand it off.
03:04 And I think he might have predetermined it and
03:07 tried to give me a shot at the shovel, but it wasn't there.
03:10 And then he tried to make a play, and hey, they made a better play.
03:12 I mean, I don't sit back there.
03:15 Quarterbacks, there's two positions of football I would never wanna play, and
03:18 that's quarterback and cornerback.
03:20 So those are two tough positions.
03:23 And the only thing I'd ask Brock to do is, hey, man,
03:26 try not to throw interceptions, I don't know.
03:31 Turnovers are hard.
03:31 I'm not gonna put myself back in his shoes and say, I wouldn't have made that throw.
03:36 I don't know what it takes to play quarterback.
03:37 I don't play that position.
03:38 All I know is that it's hard to win football games when you lose a turnover
03:41 battle, which we've done two weeks in a row.
03:42 And we obviously just have to play better.
03:46 And we have to put ourselves in situations where we can run the football more, and
03:49 we don't have to throw the ball so many times.
03:50 >> How is Brock after the game?
03:55 >> One thing I love about Brock is he's very hard on himself.
03:58 And he can look in the mirror and say, hey, I need to play better.
04:03 I'm not gonna say that he needs to play better.
04:05 We need to turn the ball over less.
04:07 And he's gonna be fine.
04:10 I'm not worried about Brock.
04:12 He's the reason that we win football games as an offense.
04:14 You see the 30 points a game in the first five weeks, that's Brock Purdy.
04:18 And it's Kyle Shanahan scheming us up and doing a bunch of stuff.
04:21 But that's Brock making plays.
04:22 I mean, you see Brock, was that the drive to get us, get it kind of close?
04:28 It was, he makes all these awesome rollout plays.
04:30 He's throwing it back across his body, giving us an opportunity to win.
04:34 That's what Brock does.
04:36 And he's gonna get better from this.
04:39 I think we're gonna get better from this.
04:40 I know we're gonna get better from it.
04:42 And you look back, hey, last year, I think we were sitting at three and four.
04:45 We had Chris McCaffrey, added that.
04:47 We still lost and we're like, what do we need to fix?
04:50 We just need to play better.
04:51 And that's the overall theme.
04:52 We just need to play better.
04:54 And I also, losing your third game going into a bye week,
04:59 God, that's not really fun.
05:00 But the good news is, is it kind of, you sit on that and it's kind of faster and
05:03 it's gonna be really annoying.
05:05 And am I gonna be able to enjoy my bye week?
05:07 I will, but back of my head is just gonna be like, let's stop, stop losing.
05:13 And how am I gonna be better?
05:14 What can I do better?
05:15 And there's like three or four plays that I probably could have been better in that
05:17 football game.
05:18 And we'll come back and we'll look at the film and I'm gonna play better.
