Ghana Police Service insists they'll deal with personnel who extort from the public - AM Newspaper

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00:00 Well, thank you for staying with us.
00:02 It's time now for us to delve into the newspapers
00:05 and guess what?
00:06 Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic is always helping us
00:09 to bring you this segment.
00:10 Now, here's what they are offering you.
00:12 This month, today for example,
00:13 we're going to be talking about breast screening,
00:16 breast cancer and everything related.
00:18 Next month is Prostate Awareness Month.
00:22 So, have you checked yourself out in recent times
00:25 when it comes to your prostate?
00:26 If you're a man, you're just walking about
00:27 thinking everything is A-okay.
00:29 You could be surprised negatively someday.
00:32 How about you as a woman, your fertility?
00:34 Do you know what the status is?
00:36 And that's why you ought to go
00:37 to Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic
00:39 because they are offering you free services.
00:41 Just come, get screened for free.
00:43 Here's where you can locate them.
00:45 Here in the crowd, they are at Spintex
00:46 opposite the Shell signboard.
00:48 In Kumasi, if that's where you are,
00:49 Kronuma, we're here behind the Angel Educational Complex.
00:52 There's Anaji Estate in Takradi,
00:54 Community 22 in Thema,
00:56 Techiman Hanzwe and Esiamanzima.
00:57 If you'd like to call them,
00:59 these are the numbers you can reach them on.
01:00 0244-867-068
01:04 or 0274-234-321.
01:09 Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic,
01:11 the end to chronic disease.
01:13 But just to start, we're warming up for you this morning.
01:16 And guess who's joining me for the warmup?
01:18 The very affable, strong man.
01:22 Should I tell them the other ones?
01:24 - My fantastic brother,
01:25 in whom I'm always pleased to be with.
01:27 - Oh, oh, oh, that's nice, that's nice.
01:28 - Good morning.
01:29 - You're looking all Holy Spirit,
01:31 Pentecost Sunday this morning.
01:34 - Remember the last time I told you that
01:35 in the next 15 years, I should become a semonizer.
01:38 - A what?
01:39 - I should be semonizing.
01:40 - Hey.
01:41 - Yeah.
01:42 - I didn't pay attention to that.
01:45 - I'm not reminding you.
01:47 At least 15 years time,
01:48 I should consider something like that.
01:50 - I see.
01:51 - I think I have the calling, so one day I'll do it.
01:52 - I was just about to ask, is it a calling or is it,
01:55 because there are people who call themselves
01:56 and there are people who got called.
01:58 - It is manifesting gradually.
02:00 - Okay.
02:01 - Gradually, so 15 years, I hope.
02:02 - No, but that's brilliant.
02:03 That's very good to hear.
02:04 Wait, did you attend any of those Catholic schools?
02:07 - No, I never.
02:08 - Never?
02:09 - Yeah, I never.
02:09 - Okay, because I know up north,
02:10 there are a lot of them.
02:11 - Yeah, yeah.
02:12 - Related across just as in different parts of the country.
02:14 Well, we'll be praying for that call.
02:16 - Amen.
02:17 - We'll pray that God will.
02:18 - Definitely, I'll invite you for some.
02:21 - No wahala, in whichever way you can support.
02:26 - Everyone pray and say,
02:27 (speaking in foreign language)
02:29 - Sure.
02:30 (laughing)
02:32 - Anyway, so many pertinent issues
02:34 that the papers talk about, but before we get in there,
02:37 I don't know, power.
02:40 - Yeah.
02:41 - You know, electricity.
02:42 In recent times, I had my issues that I think I shared
02:46 with you as well. - The last time, yeah.
02:47 - For about four days, I didn't have light.
02:51 Though I had given my money to ECG,
02:53 it took much later before the money was credited
02:56 to me, people couldn't recharge.
02:58 Now, it is something going on, and yesterday I got home.
03:03 - Okay. - Okay?
03:04 You know, I leave very early, come pretty late.
03:07 So I think I've missed out on a few days of power outages.
03:11 But I get home and everyone is talking about,
03:13 oh, the light is off, because I noticed,
03:15 I went to a shop, and then people started.
03:17 So I went towards my apartment block as well,
03:20 and the rhetoric was the same, and I was like, oh, okay.
03:22 And they told me, oh, even right before noon,
03:24 it went off, and it hadn't been on.
03:26 And this was after six o'clock.
03:28 - I see. - Eventually, though,
03:30 after about 30 minutes, close to an hour,
03:32 power was restored, and people were telling me,
03:35 oh, this is how it has been for a number of days.
03:37 Only for me to hear that this power outage went as far as
03:41 Domme Fafraha, someone in Kukumlemle here,
03:45 said she had got home, the light was on,
03:48 and then it went off.
03:49 - Yeah, as far as-- - And speaking to--
03:51 - Adina, I understand, one of our colleagues
03:53 indicated that he has been off for the past two days,
03:58 but they are not communicating.
03:59 Fortunately, we have a release from Gridco.
04:01 - A Gridco release. - Yeah, that suggests that
04:04 Ghana Grid Company Limited, that's Gridco,
04:07 the operators of the International Interconnected
04:09 Transition System, informs the general public
04:12 that due to limited gas supply to Thema,
04:15 there'll be a supply gap of 550 megawatts at peak time.
04:20 So when we say peak time,
04:22 peak time is in the morning, morning is a peak time,
04:26 evening is a peak time.
04:28 - Exactly, and people have been complaining--
04:30 - Are we now heading towards power rationing,
04:32 the season of power rationing?
04:34 Because I got home, mostly I leave the house by six o'clock,
04:38 then return, latest by 8.30 to 9.00 p.m.
04:42 Yesterday, I got home, 8.30, there was no light.
04:46 I asked my neighbors, so it went off about five hours ago,
04:49 and that's the Achemata area.
04:51 Then I slept, woke up around 2.00 a.m.,
04:55 that's where I realized our power was restored.
04:57 So in my area, hardly would they put the lights off,
05:00 even though other areas may be affected
05:02 with any technical challenge,
05:03 but hardly would you see them putting the lights off.
05:06 So I was actually worried, so I called a friend with ECG,
05:10 said, "Oh, there's no cause for alarm,
05:12 "I mean, they are working out some few issues,"
05:14 until the Gridco statement came out.
05:17 So I'm really scared, they've not given us a timeline
05:20 as to when they'll get a full supply,
05:23 or they would--
05:23 - I know people who say they called,
05:26 they called, and they were told there was no ETA,
05:30 no estimated time, well, not of arrival,
05:32 but of restoration of power.
05:36 And that becomes a bit problematic.
05:39 Right here in our workplace, within the studio,
05:41 some of the camera people you can't see,
05:43 and others, spoke to me this morning and said,
05:46 "Our lights have also been off."
05:47 I hear it goes as far as Kaswa and beyond,
05:50 and I'm like, "Wow."
05:51 - Then that's interesting, that's interesting.
05:53 I don't know what is occasioning this lack of gas supply.
05:58 Is it a case that it is a purchasing challenge?
06:02 What is the problem?
06:03 We need to know, let us know,
06:04 so we can start planning our lives,
06:05 because as far back in 2014,
06:09 Doom Saw nearly, I mean, pushed me into depression.
06:12 I go to work in the morning as early as five o'clock,
06:15 then return home like 10 p.m., there is no light.
06:18 So one full month, I never saw light,
06:20 but I was paying light bills.
06:22 And it continued for a very long time,
06:24 until it was later, the situation was later dealt with,
06:27 and all that.
06:28 So I hope that we don't get there.
06:30 One thing I always fear is sleeping in heat
06:33 and sleeping in darkness, even if not at all, not that.
06:36 I hope that we don't get there.
06:38 - Well, in recent times,
06:40 if you look at some of the challenges we've faced,
06:42 it's very, it's not comforting at all.
06:47 And I'll just say that those in the supply chain,
06:50 you want more money, you've been talking about increments
06:53 with the PURC and all of that, give us better service.
06:55 That's all we're asking you.
06:56 You're taking more money, give us better service.
06:59 That's it.
07:00 I mean, no one should.
07:01 You know there are places where if there's any fault,
07:04 major fault that creates a power outage,
07:07 that is like, some people have never seen it
07:10 in their lives before.
07:12 Like, "Oh, no, we don't sell light."
07:14 - Yeah.
07:15 - It's, even the kids know.
07:17 - You know, every time they put the lights off
07:21 and they switch it on, you hear the noise,
07:25 but it doesn't happen any longer
07:27 because like a normal thing now.
07:29 During those days, the late 90s, early 2000,
07:33 realize that whenever power, there's power outage,
07:35 the whole community will go, "Oh."
07:37 When the power comes on, yay,
07:39 they will start jubilating and all that.
07:41 But we've now come to accept it as a norm
07:45 that power can go off at any time.
07:47 So prepare yourself ahead of that.
07:49 - Chimu, you're a kind of a kukwawa.
07:52 You've seen your level, you're becoming newer to it.
07:54 Anyway, I have the Daily Guide this morning.
07:56 What do you have?
07:56 - I have the Ghanaian Times and the Finder newspapers.
07:59 - Okay, so let's get into your stack of things.
08:00 - All right, so the big story here
08:02 comes with a picture of the president, Nana Kufadu,
08:04 on the Ghanaian Times, speaking with Mr. Pierre Laporte.
08:09 You are a Frenchman, so you'll be able to pronounce that.
08:12 World Bank country director.
08:14 And then he's asking partners to support the second phase
08:18 of the planting for food and jobs.
08:20 You know, the first phase has ended.
08:22 The last time the president met the youth
08:24 at the University of Ghana, explaining to them,
08:26 the youth in agriculture,
08:27 to the presidential conference with the youth,
08:30 how the agri-community intends to turn around
08:33 the economy with agriculture,
08:34 and then bringing the youth in as part of the process
08:38 in ensuring that we saw up our,
08:42 I mean, food basket in the country.
08:44 So that is just basically what the president
08:47 is telling the international communities
08:49 and the development communities to come in
08:52 and support this all-important,
08:56 I mean, planting for food and jobs
08:57 is actually an important thing.
08:59 However, the challenge had to do with the fertilizer subsidy
09:04 that the farmers were raising concerns about, and all that.
09:08 We only hope that the development partners
09:11 also do their own research and see how feasible
09:13 this project is, and also come in with further support
09:17 to expand it further, especially targeting the youth
09:20 to drive the agriculture sector,
09:23 because we know that it provides over 65%
09:26 of our workforce and all that.
09:29 And then it needs massive investment.
09:33 I don't know what your take is on the agri-sector,
09:36 how we are dealing with it,
09:37 how we are, whether we are actually paying attention.
09:39 I think the last time we spoke about it,
09:42 pertaining the, I mean, the cocoa sector and the cash crops,
09:46 how we are, I mean, treating it and all that.
09:49 If you go to the Asian tigers,
09:52 you see how they are deliberately fashioning our policies
09:56 to ensure that the agriculture sector
09:58 is the main pivot of development in their countries.
10:02 But it's like, we are not seeing much.
10:04 It's like we are much interested in importing the tomatoes
10:08 and the onion, cereals, grains from other countries
10:11 rather than concentrating on our own food production.
10:14 If you go to Northern part of the country,
10:16 we have so many dams that have been left unused,
10:19 tunnel dam in the Upper East region,
10:21 Navongo to be specific, Via Dam,
10:23 and other very important places that have, I mean, large,
10:27 I mean, farm size that you can leverage on.
10:31 Get the people that need the support
10:33 to work during the dry season,
10:35 because if you look at the Northern sector,
10:37 they provide most of the grains and cereals.
10:39 And because they have the unimodal form of rainfall,
10:41 meaning rain comes only once in a year,
10:44 we don't depend on agriculture to survive,
10:46 I mean, rain fed to survive.
10:48 What you need is a support from government
10:51 to at least expand the existing dams
10:54 or create additional ones to collect water
10:56 during the rainy season like this.
10:57 Or when there's a spillage of dams,
11:00 like we have seen in the Akosombo Dam,
11:03 it can be redirected to these areas.
11:05 Then we'll know that the food basket is secure
11:09 towards a sustainable future.
11:12 But if all these things are left in abeyance,
11:14 then it cause for worry for us as a country.
11:17 And that's why I've always maintained
11:19 that the Planning for Food and Jobs
11:21 is a good initiative that the government has taken.
11:23 The One Village, One Dam was a good initiative.
11:26 However, the implementation was problematic
11:29 and they have to identify all these loopholes and seal them
11:33 so that we can head towards the right direction.
11:36 If not, we'll continue to lament
11:37 over the same challenges year on, year on.
11:40 - Is that not what we're expert at?
11:43 That's our expertise.
11:44 - The book of lamentation,
11:46 we'll open and lament and then apply.
11:49 - So you can call us the COL, the country of lamentations.
11:54 Oh, and it's so sad.
11:55 And this has happened now.
11:57 And leadership, or better still, misleadership,
11:59 and we'll do this and we'll do that, plenty talk.
12:02 Then everything goes to sleep.
12:04 Sometimes people blame us that we discuss the issues
12:08 and then we let go.
12:09 No, it's not that we let go.
12:10 There are many issues that keep happening.
12:12 We'll keep re-echoing some of them.
12:14 But the point remains, if after all the talk,
12:17 those who are supposed to walk the walk don't do it.
12:20 Are we the media, the ones who are going
12:21 to construct the roads?
12:23 Are we going to put up the airports?
12:25 Are we the ones who are going to build
12:26 the Pualugu multi-purpose dam?
12:28 Are we the ones going to do it?
12:30 No.
12:31 So if the powers that be don't do it,
12:32 they sit on their rears and don't do--
12:35 Our role is to influence policy making.
12:37 If we try our best, those who are responsible,
12:40 like you said, are not doing what they are supposed to do,
12:43 what can we do?
12:44 We can continuously report, and we have been doing that.
12:47 I mean, look at seeking accountability.
12:49 For example, from the Ghana Airport Company.
12:52 And recently, as far as Frontiers Healthcare is concerned,
12:55 and the RTI Commission suing that institution
12:58 for 200,000 plus Ghana cities.
13:00 Why must they come to that?
13:01 Give us the information, because we want
13:03 to do right by the people.
13:04 We want the people to know what went into those contracts.
13:06 If there's anything shady in there,
13:08 and they have reason to believe, let us know.
13:10 Why are they--
13:11 That is how things are done in this country.
13:13 - No accountability. - No accountability.
13:16 - All right, the second big story there,
13:18 we'll deal with personnel who extort from public.
13:21 This is coming from the IGP doctor, George Akufo-Danpare.
13:25 In the past days, what he has done is to make
13:27 a frantic effort to meet with influential leaders
13:31 in society.
13:32 The last time he made a Madea Muslim mission in Ghana,
13:36 they talked about security and public safety.
13:38 He also met with the chief imam and his people
13:41 at the headquarters.
13:43 He extended it to the GPRTU.
13:45 He met the creative industry.
13:47 Yesterday, he met the election committee of the MPP,
13:50 ahead of the November Congress.
13:51 And then he ended the day by meeting members
13:54 of the National Peace Council
13:56 and the Pentecostal Church of Ghana.
13:58 So the main agenda is to bring policing to the doorstep
14:01 of all these stakeholders ahead of the festive season.
14:04 So in that conversation, the issues about professional
14:08 conduct of officers came out,
14:09 because it was premised on the sermon
14:12 that Dr. Danpare gave, talking about accepting
14:15 or having the attributes of guilt and shame.
14:18 He said that, his point is that as a human being,
14:21 you have that room to accept guilt,
14:26 to accept shame, so that it will prevent you
14:29 from being offensive or defensive when issues came up.
14:32 So the clergyman also put it to him that,
14:36 we admire the way you do your work.
14:37 However, some of your boys, especially those on the roads,
14:41 are extorting money.
14:42 They think it is embarrassing.
14:44 And they want the IGP to step in
14:47 to bring sanity into the system.
14:48 Because if you look at the top hierarchy
14:50 of the Ghana police service,
14:51 they appear to be doing well,
14:55 or they are doing well in terms of the image
14:57 of the Ghana police service,
14:59 living by his slogan, service with integrity.
15:03 However, the lower ranks, are they really doing that?
15:05 And that's where Dr. Danpare responded and indicated
15:08 that they will deal with them.
15:10 Anyone who has an issue should report
15:12 to the Professional Standards Bureau,
15:15 and then they will deal with it.
15:17 I think they have dealt with other issues subsequently,
15:19 reported cases of misconduct of officers.
15:22 Even with the public, it's not even that way.
15:23 - This whole thing about the PPSB.
15:26 Listen, there are two matters I've taken there.
15:29 One, a personal matter.
15:31 My director on board today is aware of that.
15:34 (laughing)
15:34 What the police did.
15:35 Totally out of line.
15:39 Pushed it, came through, and that is when,
15:42 I'm sorry to say this, but some of our officers
15:45 can lie through their teeth.
15:47 It was clear, we're even pushing for CCTV,
15:53 because on the stretch we were, there was a CCTV camera.
15:56 Let us go, rewind, play it on that day.
16:00 Oh, cobra, da da da da.
16:02 After a long while, you get frustrated and leave it.
16:06 You remember that issue with the gentleman
16:09 somewhere around Kanishi, a reckless police officer.
16:13 The claim was that he was reeking of alcohol,
16:17 and he shot, he could have shot the guy's leg.
16:20 I went and covered that story.
16:21 We pursued it from PPSB.
16:24 Oh, now it's at headquarters, this and that.
16:26 So, I mean, while the system may be working,
16:31 there are also instances, and some of us have--
16:33 - They need to improve.
16:34 - Ample.
16:35 Recently, I just don't want to mention,
16:36 but one of our media colleagues,
16:39 there was a certain figure, okay, in a vehicle,
16:44 and even the use of sirens by some of these individuals
16:47 is questionable.
16:48 And me, though it's a religious subject,
16:50 so I don't want to delve into the details.
16:52 It's touchy.
16:53 But this person moving, and give way, give way,
16:56 and then you get down and assault someone
16:59 because you think they should give you way.
17:01 I mean, all of this, but it all boils down
17:05 to the misrepresentation.
17:06 - The bad nuts will have to be fished out,
17:07 and that's what the Peace Council--
17:08 - And why I'm mentioning that is
17:10 there was a police officer on board.
17:11 - On board.
17:13 Unfortunate.
17:13 The other big story has to do with the Frontiers
17:16 Healthcare Service debunking allegations of corruption.
17:18 We are talking about the operations at the airport,
17:21 and then they are saying that all those,
17:23 you mean, allegations going around,
17:26 or information going around that they are engaging
17:28 in fishy deals are not true.
17:30 They are palpable and should not be seen as the truth.
17:33 So that's why they are debunking there.
17:35 The next story there has to do with Kandapa
17:38 filing order for substituted service on Baka Vomawo.
17:41 You know, prior to their demonstration,
17:43 or in the course of their demonstration,
17:45 they claim that there were attempts for them
17:48 to give them $1 million to stop the demonstration,
17:50 and then they mentioned the National Security Minister.
17:52 The National Security Minister filed a suit
17:54 of 10 million Ghana cities against him.
17:57 However, it has been difficult to serve him, the notice.
18:01 Serve Baka Vomawo.
18:02 So the lawyer for the National Security Minister
18:05 is asking for a substituted service
18:07 to deal with him so far as this case is concerned.
18:11 I think these are some of the serious stories.
18:14 And then there was one,
18:17 you know, the Takra, the Agonam Kwantar Road,
18:18 there was serious traffic there.
18:19 And I mean, people are also raising concerns
18:21 about the poor nature of that road network there.
18:24 As it's on the back page of the Ghanian Times,
18:26 the residents are actually calling on the roads
18:29 and highways minister, MTTD, to move in quickly
18:32 to ensure that that stretch of road is safe for them.
18:36 - All right, let me take this message from my mumsy.
18:39 That's what I call her.
18:41 Good morning, Susanna Manua, Ankara.
18:44 And she says, "Good morning, son.
18:46 "I see you're looking very dapper in your pink,
18:47 "supporting Women's Cancer Day or breast cancer.
18:50 "I heard you were talking about ECG and power cuts.
18:55 "Other headaches are buying the credits and loading."
18:58 Like I said, sometimes you have the money, you pay,
19:01 but it will tell you it is pending.
19:04 "Wait five hours, it will tell you this and that.
19:06 "Nothing seems to work from their app
19:08 "and any products they offer.
19:09 "It's a complete mess.
19:11 "I bought electricity three days ago
19:13 "and still can't load to top up.
19:15 "The device doesn't work, so I'll have to go to ECG
19:18 "for someone to come and do it.
19:20 "It's crazy, please say something."
19:22 And that's exactly what we've been talking about.
19:24 I've been through it.
19:25 Four days I was without light.
19:27 I had to call Samuel Dubik-Mahama
19:30 and now he was telling me something
19:31 about something coming from South Africa.
19:33 Jeez.
19:35 - It has finally been resolved.
19:36 - So until it comes from South Africa,
19:37 I have to remain in darkness.
19:39 - Then they should give you a flat rate, or?
19:42 - I am paying you money, my hard-earned money.
19:46 And you're telling me, "Oh wait, you've paid us,
19:48 "we've taken your money, all right."
19:50 But where in the world does this happen?
19:52 - Yeah.
19:53 - Anyway, Susan, I'm sorry you have to go through this.
19:57 You are not alone, many people are.
19:59 And I keep saying, "Look, if your app will not work,
20:02 "just take it off and let us know
20:03 "that I have to go to a vendor
20:05 "or I have to go to the ECG."
20:07 Rather than maybe hazard it,
20:08 maybe someday I come late, I realize it's low,
20:11 I top up, and then--
20:13 - You take my money.
20:14 - You take my money, you don't give me the light.
20:16 Anyway, the Daily Guide newspaper,
20:21 Atiforsen drops three witnesses,
20:23 court sets a side injunction against a Gamanya funeral,
20:27 so it's happening, it's going to happen according to schedule.
20:30 NPP chairman deny cash and cars a bribe.
20:34 Ay-yo.
20:36 Government focused on commercial agriculture.
20:38 - Why did you say ay-yo?
20:39 No, I wonder why--
20:40 - No, no, no, no, no, no.
20:41 - Why?
20:42 - Why did I--
20:43 - So the allegation is that the over 270,
20:45 I mean, the about 275 constituency chairman
20:48 were giving 100,000 galaxies and pickups
20:51 by the camp of the vice president.
20:54 So they are asking for every,
20:55 how are you able to establish that?
20:56 If your chairman was given a pickup,
20:58 definitely you see him using it in the constituency.
21:03 And you even had the vice president himself
21:04 coming to the bank that claimed
21:05 that he gave out the pickup.
21:08 So they are asking those who are making those allegations
21:11 to come with further and better particulars to back this.
21:13 - Ah, okay, okay.
21:15 - You don't believe that?
21:16 - Oh, me?
21:17 I don't know.
21:19 It's up to them.
21:20 - It's up to them.
21:21 Anything can happen in politics.
21:22 - Ibi dama mata.
21:23 - Yeah.
21:24 - You know, there's something, sometimes we forget
21:27 there's God.
21:28 I think sometimes our leaders forget that
21:32 in all of this, in the cosmos and everything,
21:34 there is God.
21:35 Whether you've taken something or not, God sees it.
21:38 - Okay.
21:38 - Whether you've done X or Y, God sees it.
21:41 I'm not the one to come in.
21:42 Whatever you do, it's you and your conscience.
21:44 - Yeah, so guilt and shame.
21:45 - And moving forward.
21:46 - Yeah.
21:46 - That's not my problem.
21:47 - The guilt and shame.
21:48 - Yeah, yeah.
21:49 There's also government focused on commercial agriculture.
21:51 I just want to find out, you brought up part of the story
21:54 in phase two of planting for food and jobs.
21:56 If I asked you, even in the Northern Belt,
22:00 where you know you go, you visit a lot of the time,
22:04 how much has planting for food and jobs yielded?
22:06 Because I know that in the Northern region,
22:08 things like groundnuts, even in some places,
22:11 a bit of rice, the sorghums, then there's yam
22:14 and other things are pretty.
22:16 Has planting for food and jobs yielded the sort of results
22:21 you think it could have in your part of the country?
22:23 - I think the first phase of it targeted on grains
22:26 and cereals, and then the concern was that
22:29 it was for the peasant farmers.
22:31 So the large scale farmers were not benefiting as expected.
22:35 At the moment, we don't have estimated,
22:38 I don't have figures to actually strike that balance.
22:42 But initially when it started,
22:43 we realized that the costs or the subsidy for the fertilizer
22:46 was, I mean, yielded results for the farmers.
22:50 Speaking to them, engaging them, they were happy about it.
22:52 But moving on subsequently, there were challenges
22:56 in the supply of the fertilizer, unavailability,
22:58 and the price gradually moving up,
23:01 and then the subsidy finally taking off and all that.
23:03 I realized that when they started implementing it,
23:06 people wanted to go more into farming,
23:08 people who were teachers added farming to their jobs
23:12 and all that, but it's like that motivation
23:14 has been taken off because the expected results
23:18 have not been achieved.
23:19 Yes, it was meant to solve the problem,
23:21 to an extent it has solved the problem, but not entirely.
23:24 We can still do more to improve it, that's what I think.
23:30 - Hmm, anyway, let's get into that story though.
23:33 The new patriotic party deans of constituency chairman
23:38 have expressed shock at claims
23:40 that vice president Dr. Baumeier
23:41 gave them 100,000 Ghana CDs and pickup vehicles each
23:44 as an inducement to vote in his favor
23:46 during the party's special delegate polls
23:49 held on August 26th, 2023.
23:51 According to them, the claims are not only false,
23:53 but also baseless and calculated
23:55 at tarnishing their image as constituency chairman.
23:59 The MPP chairman stated that the false claims
24:02 came up at a time when they were working tirelessly
24:04 across the country to ensure
24:05 that a suitable presidential candidate was elected
24:08 from among the four qualified candidates
24:10 to lead the party to break the eight year power alternation
24:13 and to quote, "Continue with our unmatched
24:16 and enviable record in the history of our country
24:19 as a party in government."
24:21 Again, I will say, ayoo.
24:23 (laughing)
24:24 - Ghana Shatawali.
24:26 (laughing)
24:26 - Ayoo.
24:27 (laughing)
24:28 - I see.
24:29 - I actually love that song.
24:30 - You like that song?
24:31 - Yeah.
24:32 (singing)
24:32 - I used not to like his songs and his personality,
24:36 but it got to a point that I understood him better
24:38 and I started enjoying him.
24:40 - Did you follow him from when he was Bandana?
24:42 - Bandana from Ghana.
24:44 - Yeah.
24:45 Not really, not really.
24:47 But now I've come to like his personality.
24:49 He's controversial though,
24:50 but I think the guy has something that Ghana has.
24:53 I don't like everything about him.
24:55 I like some things about him.
24:56 I don't like all of his music.
24:57 I like some of his music.
24:59 I'm more of a stone boy person,
25:01 but I also feel that it mustn't be mutually exclusive.
25:03 You can like different artists for what they stand for.
25:07 Burna Boy, I like him for his creativity.
25:09 I don't like him for his arrogance in certain instances.
25:13 Davido, I like him for some things.
25:14 I don't like him for--
25:15 - I like him for other stuff, yeah.
25:17 But if you--
25:17 - Especially with the girls, you know.
25:19 Davido be sharp.
25:21 (laughing)
25:22 But when it comes to dance hall,
25:24 in the day, any time I go for stone boy.
25:27 - Oh, I will do stone boy.
25:28 Stone boy over Sangini.
25:29 - I've always liked him, I've always loved him.
25:31 His lyrical content, too much.
25:34 - Anyway, so let's get into this one.
25:37 Atiforsen drops three witnesses,
25:39 minority leader in parliament
25:40 and former deputy minister of finance, Dr. Kassio.
25:42 Atiforsen has withdrawn three names
25:44 from the list of witnesses to testify for him
25:46 in his trial for causing financial loss to the state.
25:49 They include Seydou Kotoma,
25:50 a former comptroller and accountant general,
25:53 Patrick Njimo, chief director of the Ministry of Health
25:55 and Dr. Henry Kofi Wampa, remember him,
25:58 a former governor of the bank.
26:00 - So the lawyer has not given any reason.
26:02 He only communicated to the court
26:04 that the witnesses are no longer going to testify
26:07 for his client.
26:08 We don't know why, though.
26:10 - Back in agriculture, Ghana to reach
26:12 food self-sufficiency by 2028.
26:15 You know there are certain regions in this country,
26:18 just one region, take the Bonobos.
26:21 They can in fact feed not just Ghana.
26:23 - Oh yeah, feed and export.
26:24 - West Africa.
26:26 But here we are talking about 2028.
26:28 You know what, seriously.
26:30 - What's the minister saying?
26:31 - Seriously, we are not thinking.
26:33 - Ben, so if he's saying that
26:34 we are reaching food self-sufficiency,
26:38 what exactly does he mean?
26:39 That he's privy to the data from the agric ministry.
26:44 The maize, the rice, the gap that we have to fill,
26:48 at the moment, have we even moved an inch
26:51 towards filling that gap?
26:53 The grains and cereals, the legumes, and all that.
26:56 Then we now talk about the tomatoes that we import
26:59 from Burkina Faso.
27:01 I only see the frack loads of tomatoes
27:04 passing through the Paga border into Ghana.
27:07 What are we doing exactly about it?
27:09 That we are making these projections,
27:11 are we just making the projections?
27:12 Are we putting in place the right food measures?
27:15 I'm looking at sustainability.
27:17 Because I belong to the school of thought of sustainability,
27:20 a sustainable future.
27:22 If we don't look at pragmatic measures
27:25 towards a sustainable future,
27:27 and then it is all about talk show projections,
27:31 not meeting our target, or setting unrealistic targets,
27:34 without actualizing it on the grounds,
27:37 then it comes to nuts.
27:38 And I think that they should continuously engage the,
27:42 I mean, I know the extension office,
27:44 agric extension offices are doing so well
27:46 with the education and all that.
27:48 But we have to whip up that interest in agriculture.
27:51 Look at the Galamsey farmlands.
27:53 I mean, most of the farmlands have not been given out
27:56 for Galamsey activities.
27:58 Because there are no incentives for these farmers
28:00 to continue farming.
28:01 So if you have Galamsey as a threat to the country,
28:04 it is threatening climate change.
28:06 Your projection is that we'll attain food sufficiency
28:09 by what, is it 2030?
28:11 - 2028.
28:11 - 2028, how many years to go?
28:14 Five years more to go?
28:15 And you have Galamsey, you have not dealt with Galamsey?
28:18 You think that we can achieve this?
28:20 Let's start dealing with,
28:21 we have seen the horrific videos, pictures,
28:24 destruction to the environment that Erastos,
28:27 my own brother, has shown to us.
28:30 So if we don't deal with it,
28:32 your full security projection that you are giving,
28:34 we cannot attain it.
28:36 - And that is why I am saying,
28:37 we're not thinking. - Chemicals are destroying
28:39 our vegetative cover.
28:41 And we think that by 2028,
28:44 we can deal with when we are not making
28:46 the rightful decisions to deal with Galamsey.
28:49 I had, I mean, the former Chief Justice,
28:52 Justice of the Supreme Court,
28:54 Mr. Raymond Atuba talking about the fact that
28:56 even when he saw the Galamsey sites,
28:58 came to rally, get support from his colleagues
29:01 to deliberately invite those who matter
29:03 in dealing with the menace,
29:04 he wasn't getting the support.
29:06 So you see how multifaceted the challenge is.
29:08 If we don't make deliberate effort,
29:10 rally those who matter,
29:12 I think that Otufu, I believe he has been doing so well,
29:14 dealing with chiefs and then uprooting them
29:16 from their seats for endorsing Galamsey.
29:20 We can never attain this target
29:22 that we are giving ourselves. - I'll tell you,
29:22 the three arms of government,
29:24 executive, legislature, judiciary,
29:27 they've left us in the lurch
29:28 when it comes to this fight against Galamsey.
29:30 Which is why today, you ought to join me
29:33 as I get into the Trafigura issue
29:35 and Kokobud and the rot across the board.
29:40 I'll be talking on bloodletting the state.
29:43 Back then, they would bloodlet as a form of cure.
29:45 Bloodletting the state for individual gain.
29:47 How our misleaders have left us in the lurch.
29:52 Stay with me for that one.
29:54 Elisha Benin says, "Good morning, Mr. Akaku.
29:56 "We don't have control over the so-called system of power
29:58 "because it's now in the hands of the ones
30:00 "who made the meters.
30:01 "Mostly getting in the beginning of the month,
30:04 "the meter takes 15 CDs of your remaining power
30:07 "and renders you powerless
30:08 "until the system is in the hands of Ghana.
30:11 "Can we say we have a system?
30:13 "Worse is yet to come.
30:15 "God help us."
30:15 I hope not.
30:16 I hope the worst is not yet to come.
30:18 I'd be a great US president.
30:20 Arnold Schwarzenegger says so.
30:23 You know, his name is interesting.
30:25 Schwarz.
30:26 So it's Schwarz.
30:29 The Germans pronounce that.
30:31 In German, Schwarz is black and negger.
30:36 I don't want to mention that.
30:40 That's the meaning of his name.
30:42 Well, Samuel, thank you so much for joining the conversation.
30:46 Is there a story you want to--
30:47 - Yeah, I think--
30:48 - 20 seconds.
30:49 - As the flasks are receding more than three feet at Mepha
30:51 in the Volta region,
30:53 O2 region is recording 3,257 displays by flask.
30:57 And I think that we have to still do a lot
31:00 beyond the inter-ministerial committee that we have set up.
31:03 - I'll tell you something--
31:04 - That is the practical.
31:05 - I'll tell you something we'll do for sure.
31:07 Do you know what?
31:08 We'll talk.
31:09 - Sure.
31:10 - Yeah, we'll talk.
31:11 And as for walking the walk,
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31:37 Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic.
31:39 The end to chronic disease.
31:40 Up next, we have Mufti Nabila Abdullahi with Prime Take.
31:45 His guest today is a man who's dedicated his life to boxing
31:48 over 30 years in the game.
31:51 I'm talking about Yofi Boham.
31:53 He features on Prime Take with Mufti Nabila Abdullahi.
31:56 Up next.
31:57 (dramatic music)
32:00 (dramatic music)
32:03 (dramatic music)
32:05 (dramatic music)
32:08 (dramatic music)
32:11 (dramatic music)
32:14 (dramatic music)
