Louisville C Dennis Evans at 2023 Media Day

  • last year
00:00 >> What are your teammates that maybe is gonna have a bigger impact this year than
00:04 maybe most expect?
00:05 I know that you're paying attention to what's being said, but
00:07 maybe somebody that you feel like will be a more impactful player than most realize?
00:11 >> It's really hard to say, cuz I know a lot of us are gonna have a big impact,
00:14 and not many people will expect it from us.
00:17 >> So who would you say is the leader of this team?
00:19 >> Well, it's really hard to say who's the leader, but
00:22 right now we have a few dudes stepping up.
00:24 Mike, you know, got Mike, Trey, and Sky stepping up in the leader role right now,
00:28 all showing their voice and helping us develop.
00:31 >> I got a couple more questions for you.
00:33 So I've talked to a lot of your teammates, and
00:34 two of them have said that you are the funniest guy on the team.
00:38 Does that surprise you?
00:39 >> Yes, I don't really do too much.
00:40 I'm just in and out, speak to them every now and then, but they find that funny.
00:44 >> I think as somebody that's very short, you're very tall,
00:47 I would imagine that there are things you do that are just funny because you're a guy.
00:52 >> Yeah, I think so, being able to fix the foot from really high places.
00:55 >> Like Curtis told me that if you trip over your shoes,
00:57 I'm like, what if I tripped over my shoe?
00:59 It wouldn't be funny, right?
01:01 >> Yeah, when I trip over my shoe, it takes a lot longer for
01:03 me to start to stumble over the floor.
01:06 >> Makes sense, makes sense.
01:07 All right, one more, how competitive have things been for you guys in practice?
01:12 Obviously, a lot of new key seeded some guys back from a year ago, but
01:16 a lot of guys fighting for reps.
01:18 How competitive have things been?
01:20 >> It's been really competitive.
01:21 We're making sure we're, we're trying to make sure we're ready for the season and
01:24 pushing each other to be at the right spot at the right time.
01:27 >> Can you stand up real quick and show everybody how short I am?
01:31 >> Yeah.
01:31 >> This is crazy, 7'2", I believe it.
01:39 Appreciate the conversation, man.
01:40 >> Of course.
01:42 >> And getting better.
01:42 >> You're doing good.
01:43 >> [LAUGH] >> I don't know how to follow that up.
01:46 But anyways, I'll try to.
01:48 Kenny has talked a lot about how your work ethic amongst most of the guys is
01:53 probably one of the highest on the team, how you're one of the first ones in here.
01:57 How you're one of the hardest workers here.
01:58 Where does that work ethic come from?
02:01 Where does that drive come from?
02:02 >> It comes from growing up.
02:03 At first, I didn't really know how to work, but I had some people come into my life
02:07 that really showed me how I'm supposed to work and how hard I need to work to be able
02:10 to show that, be able to see the progress that I'm willing to get.
02:15 >> Obviously, the recruitment process for you ended a long time ago.
02:18 But what was it that sold you on coming here for
02:22 Kenny Payne and for Louisville after you decommitted from Minnesota?
02:24 >> No, Kenny was definitely gonna push me,
02:26 push me to be the best player that I possibly can be.
02:28 And he definitely knows how to push someone of my size in the right direction.
02:32 >> How much did his reputation as a big man developer kind of play into that?
02:36 >> His reputation played a good part cuz, well, it's not the fact that he was just
02:40 a big man developer, but it's the fact that everyone he's been with has been
02:44 pushed to be in the best spot that they can be.
02:47 >> And Kenny's mentioned multiple times since he was hired here that he wants this
02:51 to be a defensive minded program.
02:53 Obviously, you're a pretty big defensive asset.
02:55 So how do you fit in the overall mold and
02:58 the identity of the scene with what you bring to the table?
03:00 >> I feel like I fit well bringing in, being really vocal on the defensive side,
03:05 being able to move my feet and defending the rim.
03:08 >> How do you think your offensive game has evolved up to this point?
03:13 What was your first impression seeing in-game college reps on the offensive side?
03:17 >> Offensive side, it's definitely been really quick for me, but
03:20 I've developed as a better screen and roll person.
03:24 And I definitely developed better in being able to catch and
03:26 more solid within the post.
03:28 >> Where do you think you need to develop more on that side of the court?
03:31 >> Definitely continue to get stronger in the post and
03:34 being quicker within my actions.
03:36 >> And Kenny has mentioned multiple times this preseason that he wants this team to
03:40 not to forget what happened last season, but to remember it, embrace it, and
03:43 use it as motivation.
03:45 Obviously, you weren't here last season, you were still in high school.
03:47 But how do you take that and use last season as motivation,
03:53 as fuel, despite having not played here last season?
03:55 >> Well, we're gonna be using last season as an example of what we need to do
04:01 to avoid the repeat.
04:03 >> Yeah, it is.
04:04 >> Definitely continue to push, play as hard as we can,
04:06 continue to develop so we don't repeat what happened last year.
04:09 >> And a lot of the guys, both the players and Kenny and the coaches say that the
04:13 chemistry for this unit is light years better than what it was last season.
04:17 What have you seen with this team's chemistry both on the court and
04:20 off the court?
04:21 >> Well, both on and off the court, we get along really well.
04:24 We will hang out with each other off the court, and
04:27 we talk a lot better while we're on the court.
04:30 >> How many blocks do you think you'll get this season per game?
04:32 What do you think?
04:32 >> Me, I can't really put a prediction.
04:34 I just know I'm just gonna try to challenge everything that comes near me.
