Jax Taylor Talks Vanderpump Rules REGRETS & How Fatherhood Changed Him _ E! News

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Jax Taylor Talks Vanderpump Rules REGRETS & How Fatherhood Changed Him _ E! News


00:00 for the first time in a long, long time,
00:02 I just feel really good about myself.
00:04 'Cause on "Banner Pump," I gotta say,
00:06 yeah, the show was amazing,
00:07 and I did do a lot on that show,
00:08 but I did not like myself for a long time on that show.
00:11 I was doing things that I was just kinda,
00:12 that's not how my parents raised me.
00:14 - Do you regret doing it?
00:15 - I don't regret, I mean, I regret certain things,
00:17 of course, at the end of the day, it is a reality show.
00:19 We're there to entertain, okay?
00:21 But there was just times where I did stuff,
00:23 I'm like, oof, we live in Hollywood,
00:26 I was on a television show--
00:27 - Young. - I was young.
00:29 I just, I didn't really care too much about whatever.
00:32 I was just caring about ratings
00:33 and hoping the show was gonna keep going,
00:35 and making good TV, and I didn't really care who I hurt
00:39 or what the cost was.
00:40 I just kind of was a runaway locomotive, self-destructive,
00:44 didn't really care about myself, let alone other people.
00:47 I didn't really know who I was at the time.
00:48 I kinda was just, I feel like I was just
00:50 going through the motion.
00:51 And I felt like meeting Brittany,
00:52 and after I got married, I kinda was like,
00:54 okay, now I know who I am, I met the woman of my dreams,
00:58 and I wanna marry her,
00:59 and we're gonna have children together.
01:00 Now I can look back and be like, wow,
01:01 that was a very special, unique individual,
01:04 and I'm so glad that I got out of it alive,
01:06 'cause there was times where it was scary, it was scary.
01:09 And I'm just glad that I can look back now
01:11 and be like, okay, I knew what I was,
01:13 but now I know who I am.
01:15 And I just, I feel so confident,
01:16 and I feel really good about myself
01:17 for this first time in a long time.
01:20 - That gave me chills.
01:21 I love your transparency, A,
01:22 and then B, I love how you basically just said,
01:25 I now officially feel whole.
01:27 - Yeah, yeah.
01:28 - And then you found your better half.
01:30 - Right, right.
01:31 Obviously living in Hollywood and kind of trying to,
01:33 you know, make it here, as you say,
01:35 quote unquote make it and be successful here,
01:38 you gotta be a chameleon.
01:39 And you know, there's a lot of times
01:40 I went about it the wrong way,
01:42 trying to be somebody that I wasn't,
01:43 or living out of my means or whatever,
01:45 and I just didn't really know,
01:46 just because it's a tough town.
01:47 You know, it's a very tough town.
01:49 It's cutthroat.
01:50 So I finally got to a point where I'm just gonna be like,
01:52 you know what, I'm just tired of living
01:54 the way everybody else wants me to live.
01:56 I'm just gonna be me.
01:57 And after that, I just felt like everything
01:58 kind of came into place.
02:00 Everything kind of started connecting, you know?
02:01 So I wasn't worried about what show I was gonna get next
02:04 or where I was gonna go next.
02:06 I was just worried about me and just forgot about all that.
02:08 And then everything started coming.
02:10 So it was just a way of thinking, I guess.
02:12 - A grown man, ladies and gentlemen.
02:14 - Better late than never.
02:16 But it, yeah, it took for a while for me to grow up.
02:18 - That's okay.
02:19 But now you are.
02:20 - I am, and I feel good about myself
02:22 for the first time in a long time.
02:23 I feel really, really good.
02:24 I'm responsible for a human being now.
02:26 You know, nothing else matters anymore.
02:27 And like the little things, that's why I say I'm reformed,
02:30 is because nothing else, all that stuff that I usually do,
02:32 nothing matters.
02:33 That little boy is my pride and joy.
02:35 Like, he's all that matters in my life.
02:37 And I just, I love being a dad more than anything.
02:40 I didn't know how I was gonna be a dad,
02:41 but I just knew when the time comes,
02:43 I knew I would be a good father.
02:44 I always knew my wife was gonna be an amazing mother.
02:46 She was born to be a mother.
02:48 And when the time came, I was just like,
02:50 it just hit me, it just hit me.
02:51 And I just, I'm just so happy.
02:53 And I, you know, my dad was an amazing father to me.
02:56 And I just, I think he's instilling it in me.
02:58 He's no longer with us anymore,
02:59 but I think I just kind of took his handbook,
03:03 his playbook.
03:04 - You speak about your father,
03:06 and you getting his handbook.
03:08 One day, there's gonna be a little boy named Cruz
03:10 who has his father's handbook as well.
03:13 What is one of the main characteristics
03:14 that you're hoping two-year-old Cruz
03:17 will carry on in his lifetime from you?
03:19 - Just being a strong individual,
03:21 you know, a confident, strong individual,
03:23 do whatever he wants, making sure that he's happy,
03:26 doesn't listen to others,
03:27 kind of follows his own truth,
03:29 his own whatever he wants to do in life.
03:32 I just want him to be a happy kid.
03:33 And I want him to know that his dad was always there for him
03:36 no matter whatever he wants to do in life.
03:38 I will be there to support it.
03:39 I'm just kind of helping him through life, you know?
03:42 So.
03:43 - In the same breath, Jax, I wanna ask you,
03:45 and the reason why I feel like I can ask this
03:47 with such confidence and just like,
03:49 'cause I know you're gonna be transparent
03:50 with this next answer.
03:51 It's the opposite of what I just asked you.
03:53 You've gone through a lot in your life.
03:55 44 years old, you've accomplished a lot in your life,
03:57 but you've gone through a lot in your life
03:59 as a reformed villain, as you call it.
04:01 What is the one characteristic or thing about you
04:04 that you hope that Cruz never endures or has about him?
04:08 - How much time do we have?
04:08 There's a lot.
04:10 Selfishness, sometimes just being a little bit too cocky
04:14 at times, you know, not being faithful to women.
04:17 You know, I've had my tendencies where I've been,
04:20 I've had other affairs with other women,
04:22 and I hope he's just not that kind of person.
04:24 There's a lot, actually.
04:25 You know, I hope he learns a lot from me.
04:26 Obviously, the internet never goes away,
04:28 so he's gonna be able to watch this show one day,
04:30 Vanderpump one day, and see how I acted.
04:33 But yeah, I just hope he's just a really good,
04:34 honest person at all times, you know,
04:36 and lives his true self and just, you know,
04:41 just becomes a good person, does good by people,
04:44 makes good choices.
04:45 You know, I just want him to make good choices.
04:47 (upbeat music)
04:50 (upbeat music)
